homoeopathy for industrial workers by dr. kabita mishra, bhms, mba (hospital)

Post on 02-Jun-2015






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Homoeopathy for Industrial Workers. Contact Author: drkabitamishra@gmail.com





Industrial Workers

Dr. Kabita Mishra BHMS, MBA (Hospital Mgt.)

S.R.F. (Homoeopathy)

Central Research Institute for Homoeopathy, INDIA


Today's industrial worker is exposed to very highly complicate environmental threats. He is forced to interact with social, domestic, psychological and occupational environments and there 'by falling prey for various mental and physical disorders. Keeping in view the rate at which Industries are polluting the environment and the health of an industrial worker, the Nation has seriously focused its attention and raised an alarm to protect the environment and the health of industrial work force. An attempt is made by the author to improve audience awareness on the homoeopathic system of medicine which is in a position to render much needed help in taking care of industrial work force and their families under the current environment impact. Homoeopathy considers the aetiology and totality of the symptoms in diagnosing and treating the diseases. Aetiology and symptoms are interrelated. Wherever clear cut aetiological factor could be identified and established the treatment will be



focused on that. At times it so happens that a specific cause cannot be identified and in such cases the totality of the symptoms guide in treating the diseases. If cause is treated there exists no totality of the symptoms, and if the totalities of the symptoms are treated cause will disappear. Homoeopathic aetiological factors are classified as under.


The external man is but an outward expression of the internal; so the results of the disease (symptoms) are but the outward expression of internal sickness -Kent. The Constitutional approach is generally based on mental and physical built up of an individual. It is a natural `gift' to every living organism which is endowed with an animating force- Vital force- to protect and preserve the health from diseases. On the other hand there is also a natural `curse' in the circumstances-i.e disease force or miasm- and its effects on the health. The impact of such tussle between the vital force and the circumstances results in good health or disease. There are umpteen evidences that the `circumstances' has caused worry to the health of an individual and a light is thrown on all salient aetilogical features as classified earlier. The present Industrial environment calls for competitive spirit, advanced skills and other major achievements which provokes psychological disorders such as dejections, anxiety, depression,






grief, anger, jealousy, insecurity, fatigue, emotion, fright, poor human relationships, mental exhaustion etc., besides this our constitution is also seriously affected by electromagnetic waves (Radio, T.V) ultra sound waves and cosmic rays. All these things disturb mental and physical health to a great extent. Man must be studied as he is, as he was, everything of man and human race in general in order to understand the diseases. In Homoeopathy there are several medicines where psychological, impact plays a major role in causing physical ailments. Homoeopathy does miracles there. Some of them are given below to have an idea of the action of Homoeopathic medicines.


1. CHAMOMILLA ANGER: Acidity, Asthma, Convulsions, Gastralgia, Vomiting VEXATION: Gastralgia 2. ACONITE ANGER: Palpitation, Pain in the chest, Fever, Congestion of the Brain. EMOTIONS: Asthma FRIGHT: Amenenohoea, Apoplexy, Gastritis, Fainting, pain. VEXATION: Apoplexy. 3. IGNATIA ANGER: Grief depression ANXIETY: Stiffness of back EMOTIONS: Neuralgia, Paraplegia FRIGHT: Any physical complaint, Nervous colic, Hemicrania GRIEF: Any physical complaint, Abortion, Amenorrhoea, Chorea, Convulsions, Epilepsy, Gastralagia, Insomnia Indigestions, nervous , palpitation, paralysis etc



DISAPPOINTMENTS: All effects from disappointments and Bad news leads to Vomiting 4. GELSEMIUM FEAR & FRIGHT: Nervousness, Diarrhoea EMOTIONS: Abortion, Diarrhoea, Micturition, Paralysis FATIGUE: Diarrhoea GRIEF: Indignitions, Palpilation 5. STAPHYSAGRIA ANGER: Amenorrhoea, Cough, Hemiplegia VEXATION: Cough DISAPPOINTMENT: Ovarian problems 6. COLOCYNTH ANGER: Colic, hemiplegic. VEXATION: Amenorrhoea, diarrhoea, 7. OPIUM


ANXIETY: Faintness FRIGHT: Abortion, Amenorrhoea, All bad effects, Fainting, insomnia, Palpitation, vertigo. SHAME: Bad effects from shame results as various complaints. 8. NUX VOM ANGER: Joint pain, Fever, Vomiting MENTAL EXERTION: All effects of mental exertion, chills, sleeplessness WEEPING: Anger 9. HYOSCYAMUS JEALOUSY: All bad effects, Catalepsy, Epilepsy DISAPPOINTMENT LOVE & PROMOTION: Convulsion, Epilepsy 10. LACHESIS JEALOUSY: Catalepsy, Epilepsy etc There are other medicines, which may useful in different psychological causes.


As the nature of work calls for serious involvement of industrial work force it is likely to cause various occupational disorders as detailed in the classification. 1. MECHANICAL It is needless to say that the industrial work forces are liable to come in contact with machine and tools and there is every chance that they may get seriously injured. Usually falls, cuts, lacerations, punctured wounds, blunt wounds, fractures, haemorrhages, shocks are seen in the hospitals of industries. They need to be attended skillfully. There is a wider choice of homoeopathic medicines for various injuries. For example, Arnica for blunt and bruised, Aconite in haemorrhages after injuries, Hypericum and Ruta for nerve injuries, Hypericum and calendula for lacerated, ledumpal in punctured wounds, cantharis for burns. Rhustox for tendors, muscles and joints, ruta & Synphytum for bones and




periosteum, cicuta, Nat. sulpha & Arnica shocks after injuries. With a little first aid and surgical interference homoeopathic treatment will definitely yield the desired results. These practices are usually seen in private homoeopathic establishments, where in satisfactory results are recorded than in the industrial hospitals. 2. PHYSICAL Industrial work force invariably is exposed to physical environment as mentioned in the classification and often they cause disorders. Apart from routine first aid & conventional methods of treatment the following homoeopathic treatment is also recommended. 3. CHEMICAL Normally chemical substance is known for causing allergies to an individual in its own way. As such no chemical is absolutely harmlers. Hardly there exists any industry which does not make use of chemicals. Depending upon the seriousness of the action


of the chemical homoeopaths decide the plan of their treatment. First aid and conventional methods are initially tried before the commencement of homoeopathic treatment. All superficial allergic manifestations can be well looked after by the homoeopathy alone. The treatment involves merely the removal of cause, and, in some cases, anti-doting the poisons chemically, and dynamically. + Primarily homoeopathy induces immunological therapy as it not only cures the current disease. Yet, it also helps the body to develop its immunological mechanism with which the native can gain or restore its health in long run. + The chemicals produce local and systematic disorders some times to the extent of death. Fumes, gases, dusts, metals and metallic compounds, acids, alkalis etc., are the main reaction found in industrial workers. Homoeopathic treatments for some of them are available with effective results. 4. BIOLOGICAL AGENTS


Homoeopaths usually do not consider the microbes as causes of the diseases. The man was already diseased even prior to the entrance of the microbes and provides favorable conditions to grow bacterium. The diseases like tetanus, encephalitis, brucellosis fungal infection, leptosporosis are to be handled by taking symptomatology into consideration, ledmapal, hypericum, calendula medicines have been found to be more useful to prevent tetanus in injuries.


Since it becomes difficult to find out specific cause for all the numerous varieties of disease, so, the totality of the symptoms are only resources to diagnose the case. These symptoms are nothing but the reflections or effects caused as result. Homoeopathy has its credential to analyze, characterize and provide strong remedial approach to the patient towards required balanced treatment.




Constitutional Occupational Internal psychological External Electromagnetic Mechanical Physical Chemical Biological Accidents Injuries Dusts Gases Metals Acids & Alkalis Heat Cold Light Noise Radiology Physical Electricity extortion Lightening Tetanus Encephalitis Brucellosis Fungal infection Leptosporosis .





Homoeopathy exists as law and doctrine and operates in the world of its causes, if this were not so it could not exist in the world of ‘ultimate’. In a given situation in addition to first aid and Conventional methods homoeopathic system of medicine renders quite useful and vital services to the industrial work force at a very nominal cost, thus saving very valuable lives and money.


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