horary astrology

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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How to analyse questions


Horary is the branch of astrology which deals with answering questions. The astrologer can make predictions from these questions by judging a horoscope for the moment the question is asked. The horoscope is set up in exactly the same manner as any other form of astrology. One of the differences between horary and other branches is its reliance on a simple set of rules. These rules are important in the judgment of the horoscope. No other branch of astrology relies on rules to the same extent as horary. It is the rules that usually decide the outcome to questions.

Most questions can be answered with a simple yes or no. Applying major aspects, or their absence, between the ruler of the ascendant and the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house asked about or, the Moon and the planet ruling the sign on the cusp of the house asked about, can decide the answer to the question. The art of horary is in knowing the rules by which these major aspects will give a positive or negative result, and how to apply them.

Receiving the Question

The QuerentThe person asking the question is referred to as the querent.

The QuesitedThe person or thing asked about is referred to as the quesited.

The SignificatorsThe significators are the planets ruling the querent and the quesited.

Usually the outer planets are not used as main significators, only the traditional rulers. So, Mars ruling Scorpio, Saturn ruling Aquarius and Jupiter ruling Pisces.

Sometimes a third person will ask a question in which they have no direct role to play. For instance when someone asks about a friend who is about to have a baby. In such cases the querent would be ruled by the planet ruling the ascendant. The astrologer nevertheless should ignore their ruling planet and concentrate only on the significators for the friend and her expected baby.

How to Locate the Question?Most astrologers use the latitude and longitude of the person asking the question since the question was born in their mind at their location and not at that of the astrologer's. It is their question and only they fully understand it.

Example 1: If the querent is in New York and the astrologer is in London, use the latitude and longitude of New York which is 40N45, 73W57.

Example 2: If the querent who is in Dublin telephones the astrologer in London, use the latitude and longitude of Dublin which is 53N20, 6W15.

Example 3: If the querent in Copenhagen writes a letter, sends a fax or uses the electronic mail on their computer, to the astrologer in London, use the latitude and longitude of Copenhagen which is 55N40, 12E35.

How to Time the Question?The moment the question is asked either face to face or by telephone is the time to use for drawing the horoscope, whether it is fully understood or not. If the question is included in a letter, fax or on electronic mail, it should be timed for the moment the astrologer reads the question. If the question is not fully understood by the astrologer at that moment, it can be clarified later in discussion with the querent.

The instant the astrologer first asks their own question is the correct time to use for drawing the

horoscope. If, because of their knowledge of the planetary movements or for any other reason such as waiting for the emotional impact to be strong enough after they have already thought of the question, the astrologer decides to postpone the moment and ask again at a later time, they will only succeed in deceiving themselves. There should be no reason whatsoever for delaying or postponing the time of their own question or that of their client's and they should not expect a successful outcome to the question.

Understanding the QuestionSometimes it may be necessary to seek further clarification from the querent as they may not always reveal the full meaning behind their question or express themselves clearly enough. There may be personal reasons for this, or it may be that they have difficulty in clarifying their question, or it may be that the astrologer simply does not understand. This point is very important as the astrologer is at the mercy of the querent in the sense that the question posed, which may appear to be simple enough, has deeper meanings for the querent. The astrologer will be unaware of these deeper meanings unless they interrogate the querent until they understand the question fully. It is best to be certain of the question before delineating the horoscope.

Asking the same question twiceIt is pointless asking the same question twice as it will only produce an invalid horoscope on the second occasion. It is the horoscope that was drawn for the moment when the question was first asked that is the valid one. It is essential to keep a record of questions in order to avoid asking the same question or one very similar to it, twice, perhaps in a diary especially kept for horary.

House System"In my experience the Regiomontanus house system has proven to be the most successful system in horary. This is due to the fact that in over 14 years of horary experience any mistakes that I have made have been attributed to other factors and not to this house system. Nevertheless, other house systems may be used if preferred. Each astrologer must test the accuracy of their own favourite house system for themselves".

(Maurice McCann) Using the houses in horary astrology:

The First HouseRepresents the person asking the question.

The Second HouseThis house deals with the querent's movable possessions and anything they own. It concerns their money and whether they will become rich or not.

The Third HouseAll forms of communication, whether by letter, by postal delivery, telephone or fax, or the Internet. It was believed to be the house that dealt with rumours and gossip. It has rulership over brothers and sisters and all siblings.

The Fourth HouseProperty, buildings, houses and homes and the land. It governs the father and family background.

The Fifth HouseCreativity and the talents of the querent, children, lovers, casual affairs, sports and competition.

The Sixth HouseSickness and ill health, medicines, employees, people who render a service or do work for you. The police and army. It is believed to describe working condition and part time work.

The Seventh HouseMarriage and committed relationships, business partnerships, contracts with another, open

enemies, the other.

The Eighth HouseDebts, other peoples' money, sex, death.

The Ninth HouseForeign travel and foreigners, visas and legal documents dealing with foreign countries. Higher education, studying at university or some other kind of college. Exams. Astrology. Religion and philosophy.

The Tenth HouseProfession or career, one's public standing or reputation. The Judge in a court, Kings queens and monarchs. Success and winning a game of court battle.

The Eleventh HouseFriends and acquaintances, large groups of people, associations.

The T welfth House All secret hidden matters, secret enemies, prisons, hospitals and institutions.

The Orbs of the PlanetsIn 1029 AD the Arab astrologer known as Al Biruni wrote "The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology" which was first published in English in 1934. It is believed to be the first time in written form that each planet was allocated a certain number of degrees for its orbs.

The Orbs of Planets according to Al Biruni:

Sun 15°Moon 12°Mercury 7°Venus 7°Mars 8°Jupiter 9°Saturn 9°

Each planet had its own number of degrees of orb and when two planets were aspecting each other their degrees were added together then divided by two. This was later called the moiety of the orbs, from the French word for half, moitiй.

Although most astrologers agreed more or less unknowingly with Al Biruni's orbs there were a number of others who either widened or narrowed the orbs according to their own opinion or experience. The famous English astrologer William Lilly gave the following list as his preferred set of orbs.

The Orbs of Planets according to William Lilly:

Sun 17°Moon 12°30'Mercury 7°Venus 8°Mars 7°30'Jupiter 12°Saturn 10°

Since the exact orbs of the outer planets are still unknown with any degree of certainty, it would be reasonable to allow 8 degrees each for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto until proven otherwise.

Consideration before Judgment

A condition in a horary chart that cautions against reading the chart because it might not be radical or fit to judge. Traditional astrologers sometimes refused to read a chart if a consideration before judgment appeared. Modern astrologers sometimes call them "strictures" and regard them as warnings to proceed cautiously. Sometimes the considerations before judgment give relevant information about the question. A fundamental consideration is are that sincere questions produce valid charts. Some classical considerations before judgment are: • Less than 3 degrees rising: a premature question. • More than 27 degrees rising: a post-mature question. • Moon in Via Combusta: not safe to judge unless it conjoins Spica. • Moon in a late degree, especially in Gemini, Scorpio, or Capricorn: it may not be safe to judge. • Moon Void of Course. Lilly wrote: "All manner of matters go hardly on, unless the principal significators are very strong, when the Moon is void of course. Yet the Moon performs somewhat when void of course in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces." The presence of the Moon in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces somewhat mitigates the effect of being Void of Course. • Saturn retrograde in 1st house: Matters will generally not work out well. • Saturn in the 7th house: Astrologer's judgment may be impaired. Jonathan Clarks adds "unless the question is about a seventh house subject".• 7th house ruler afflicted: Astrologer will have difficulty answering the question. • Moon Void of Course: Nothing will come of the matter. The Moon may function when Void of Course in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces. • The Ascendant ruler is combust the Sun: The querent is quite worried, and the astrologer may be working with inadequate information. Lilly comments that a combust ruler of the Ascendant means that the question will not take nor will the querent be regulated by the chart.

Collection of light

DEFINITIONWhen the two main significators each applies by major aspect to a third planet, this third planet can act as a transmittor and collect their lights bringing them back into aspect again. Whether the planets apply by direct or retrograde motion to the transmitting planet is of no importance. Furthermore, the transmitting planet is able to collect more than one pair of significators provided they are within the moiety of orbs. Although the outer planets are not used as main significators they can act as collectors of light.

Formula s1 & b3 in applying aspect and s2 & b3 in applying aspect.

(b3 is a third body; always means s1 is faster)

Example: The Moon at 2°51' Cancer applies by trine to Saturn at 6°04' Pisces. Mercury at 2°19' Pisces applies by conjunction to Saturn. Saturn therefore collects both their lights and brings them back into trine once again.

Collection of light by parallel of declination

Example: Mercury at 24°15'N applies by contraparallel to Jupiter at 15°12'S. Venus at 21°08'N applies by contraparallel to Jupiter. Jupiter therefore collects both their lights and brings them back into parallel again.

Collection of light by the antiscia

Example: Mercury at 1°33' Virgo and Venus at 5°40' Virgo both apply by conjunction to Saturn's antiscion point at 9°40' Virgo. Saturn therefore collects both their lights. Mercury having separated from Venus' antiscion at 24°20' Aries.


DefinitionWhen the Moon or a planet moving faster of both significators, separates from one of them and applies to the other by major aspect, it can act as a transmittor and reunite the two significators and bring perfection. The transmitting planet can translate more than one separating significator to more than one applying significator as long as they are within the moiety of orbs. Although the three outer planets are not used as main significators, they can be involved in translations of light.

Formula b3 & s1 in sep.aspect and b3 & s2 in appl.aspect or b3 & s2 in sep.aspect and b3 & s1 in appl.aspect

The power of translationsThe translation involving the three planets can prevent a fourth planet from aspecting any one of them, even if that 4th planet is a significator.

Also, any one of the three planets involved in the translation can be prevented from aspecting a fourth planet which may or may not be a significator.

Example: Venus ruler of the ascendant at 25 Sagittarius has separated from a trine to Mars ruler of the 7th house at 22 Leo but the Moon at 24 Libra separates from a sextile to Mars and applies by sextile to Venus reuniting both planets by trine.

Translations of light by parallel of declination

Example: The Moon at 13°49'N separates by parallel from Saturn at 5°23'N and applies by contraparallel to Jupiter at 15°12'. The Moon translates the light of Saturn to Jupiter bringing them back into contraparallel once again.

Translations of light by antiscia

Example: The Moon at 13°46' Leo separates by square from Jupiter's antiscion at 9°13' Scorpio and applies by sextile to the Sun's antiscion at 14°49' Gemini. therefore translates the light of Jupiter to the Sun by the antiscia. The Sun at 15°11' Cancer having separated by trine from Jupiter's antiscion.


DefinitionWhen two significators apply by major aspect to each other but before perfecting the slower of the two, the planet doing the frustrating, aspects a third planet therefore frustrating the faster significator and leading to a "no" or negative answer to the question. Although the three outer planets are not used as main significators, they can be involved in frustration.

Formula s1 & s2 in applying aspect and s2 aspecting b3 before s1 & s2 aspect.

This is the first of two rules where inhibiting planets have the power to prevent major aspects from

perfecting between significators even though they are within the moiety of their orbs at the time of the question.

Example: Mercury ruler of the ascendant at 8° Sagittarius is applying by conjunction to Venus ruler of the 2nd house of the quesited at 12° Sagittarius, but before the aspect is completed, Venus trines Mars at 13° Leo. Mercury is therefore the frustrated planet.

Frustration by parallel of declination

Example: Mercury at 20°32'N applies by parallel to Venus at 17°51'N but before the perfection takes place Venus contraparallel Jupiter at 15°30'S. Jupiter therefore frustrates the Mercury parallel Venus.

Frustration by antiscia

Example: The Moon at 24°45' Capricorn applies by square to the Sun's antiscion at 6°28' Taurus but before the perfection takes place the Sun at 23°32' Leo applies by square to Uranus' antiscion at 24°00' Scorpio therefore frustrates the Moon trine Sun's antiscion.


DefinitionA "no" or negative answer will result when two significators are applying by major aspect to each other but before perfecting, the first receives a major aspect from a third faster planet such as Mercury or Venus which then in turn applies by major aspect to the second significator. This is the traditional description of prohibition. Nevertheless, if any planet applies to one of the significators before they perfect their aspect, this will also function as a prohibition and will produce a negative answer to the question. This rule is the second example of an inhibiting planet in action.

Although the three outer planets are not used as main significators, they can be involved in prohibition. These kind of prohibitions can in no way effect aspects or other rules involving the Moon and main significators. Prohibition involving the outer planets does not necessarily mean a "no" or negative answer.

Formula s1 & s2 in applying aspect and b3 aspecting s1 before s1 & s2 aspect and b3 is not the Moon.

Example: Venus at 7° Aries applies to Mars at 10° Aries, but Mercury at 6° Aries first conjunct Venus then Mars before Venus and Mars perfect their conjunction. This is the traditional method of prohibition.

Prohibition by parallel of declination

Example: Mercury at 19°17'N applies by parallel to Venus at 24°19'N but is prohibited by the Sun at 23°02'N which perfects with Venus before Mercury perfects with Venus.

Prohibition by antiscia

Example: The Sun at 15°11' Cancer applies by trine to Mars' antiscion point at 21°32' Pisces but before perfecting Venus at 10°19' Leo will sextile the Sun's antiscion point at 14°49' Gemini therefore prohibiting the Sun Mars perfection.


DefinitionPerfection is denied when one significator applying by major aspect to the other significator turns either stationary retrograde or direct before completing the aspect.

Although the three outer planets are not used as main significators, they can be involved in refranation. This does not necessarily mean a "no" or negative answer.

Example: Mercury the ascendant ruler at 29° Aries is applying by conjunction with Venus ruling the 2nd house of the quesited at 3° Taurus, but Mercury turns stationary retrograde at 1° Taurus therefore the aspect is never completed.

Refranation by parallel of declination

Example: Mars at 7°04'N is applying by contraparallel to Jupiter at 16°24'S but Mars will turn stationary retrograde when it reaches 7°22'N therefore failing to perfect the contraparallel with Jupiter.

Refranation by antiscia

Example: Mercury at 16°08' Virgo applies by opposition to the ascendant's antiscion degree at 18°55' Pisces. Mercury will turn stationary retrograde at 16°13' Virgo and fail to complete the perfection.

COMBUSTIONWhen the Sun is within 8°30' of a planet, especially when it is not a significator, either applying or separating, it combusts that planet and renders it powerless. Combustion can occur either in or out of sign as it is the Sun's moiety of orbs that is the deciding factor. Combustion has always been regarded as highly malefic in horary.

When the Sun is conjunct the ruler of the ascendant it will result in negative answers. Combustion may occur as a result of collection or translation of light where planets are either separating or applying to combustion.

When the Sun is conjunct the ascendant degree either separating or applying it can render the horary invalid. In other words, there is no way of telling the outcome to the question.___________________


Significators = two bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury...Pluto) considered to be significant in the horoscope (s1, s2).

Objects = bodies + Asc, MC, True Lunar Node, Part of Fortune.

Antiscium of longitude position: X = 180 X

Contra-Antiscium: X = X

AspectsTwo objects are said to be in longitudinal aspect when the angle between them is equal to some specific value, within the average ("moiety") of their orbs.

The fastest object is written first (houses are considered "immobile" and hence written last).The aspects used in this program are the classic major aspects:

• conjunction - 0° • sextile - 60° • square - 90° • trine - 120° • opposition - 180°

There are also declination aspects: • parallel: planets have the same declination, • contraparallel: planets have the opposite declination.

House systems

The "houses" are a division of the sky in 12 sectors, numbered anticlockwise, starting from the ascendant (rising sign). The starting point of each house is called its "cusp". The ascendant is the cusp of house 1, the descendant: cusp 7, the midheaven or Medium Coeli (MC) cusp 10, and cusp 4 is called Immum Coeli (IC).

You can choose between the systems named after Regiomontanus, Campanus, Koch, Placidus, and the Equal house system.

Beware that the choice of your house system will influence the choice of the significators and hence the answers to your questions! Regiomontanus is recommended by most astrologers.

Remark: the Koch and Placidus systems don't work in the polar circle. Choose the Equal MC, Morinus, or Meridian system.

Attention:In horary astrology, house cusps are considered like "fixed" points, so for example, if the Sun is 2 degrees before the ascendant at the moment of the horoscope, the time of perfection of this conjunction will be about 2 days instead of about 8 minutes ago (the actual moment of the sun rising).

P art of F ortune

The Part of Fortune is calculated as follows:

› = Asc + _ - ]

For a nocturnal chart:

› = Asc + ] - _

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