
Post on 07-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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What is horror?

Horror films are unsettling movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, disgust and horror from viewers....

Components of horror films?

The components of horror films are pretty clear. The writers and directors desire to elicit the viewers deepest fears and show them in a way that creates an alterior (and hopefully

believable) reality.

What scares you?!

● Supernatural: ghosts, satanism, demons, etc.

● Vampires

● Werewolves

● Zombies

● Cannibals

● Serial killers 

● Gore

● Torture

● Monsters 

● Death

● The unknown...

Why is this genre unique?

This genre is so unique in comparison to others, because the main goal is different than any other genre out there. The creators aim

to get your heart beat pumping, make something so scary and realistic to you that you can actually relate it to your own life. In a way, horror films can be related to old greek tragedies. They aim to move the viewer in a way other than comedy. I like horror the

most because I enjoy how the creators of the genre can intertwine the action of a thriller with the macabre of a good horror movie.

Macabre: the quality of being grim or ghastly, often involves symbols of death.

The Devil Inside (2012)

● Isabella Rossi is trying to get to the bottom of her mother's actions. Her mom killed 3 people, pleads insanity and is sent to a mental institution in Italy. Isabella travels to Italy, and meets father Ben Rawlings and Father David Keane. Is her mother possessed?

● Director: William Brent Bell

● Writers: William Brent Bell, Mathew Peterman

● Starring: Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman and Evan Helmuth

● Runtime: 83 minutes

Dahmer (2002)

● Jeffery Dahmer was one of the most horrifying serial killers. This film follows him through some of his killings and brutality.

● Director: David Jacobson

● Producer: Larry Ratner

● Written by: David Jacobson

● Starring:

● Jeremy Renner

● Bruce Davison

● Artel Kayàru

● Matt Newton

● Runtime: 102 minutes

The Exorcist (1973)

● A young girl has been changing. She is brought to the doctors, but something is definitely very off...in this 1970's demonic movie, a young girl is possessed by an entity. Her mother's last resort is to seek the help of two priests to save her daughter.

● Director: William Friedkin

● Writers: William Peter Blatty (written for the screen by), William Peter Blatty (novel)

● Starring: Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow and Linda Blair | See full cast and crew

What techniques are similar? ● All three films encompass scare factors. Dahmer exhibits

cannibalism and a serial killer, while The Exorcist and The Devil Inside both pertain to satanism and demons. They use similar techniques to bring the supernatural AND killings together. One thing horror movies often have is situational irony. This is when the viewer knows what is happening (or going to) before the victim, which pushing us to the edge of our seats dying to know what happens next.... ● Each film is unique in its own way. Dahmer, for example, is a true story. This may frighten viewers more than anything, because although some portions are fictional, it is based off of a horrifyingly true story. Secondly, the movie flashes between clips of his flashbacks to present day. This means the viewer has to pay close attention to the connections the creators were putting for viewers, often his flashbacks are more scary then the present day.

● What sets the exorcist apart from the rest? It has an old type feel, which actually makes the film scarier. Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield is the theme song which has become increasingly popular since the films release in 1973.

● The look that the creators gave Regan is pretty scary. Her eyes really do look possessed, and just about anyone would be freaked out with that look.

Which film was my favorite? ● The Devil Inside was my favorite because of the

filming technique the creators used. The movie has a Paranormal Activity feel to it. Isabella has a film crew follow her to Italy to tape the mysterious events that follow while she uncovers the secrets of her mother. The camera shots are mainly just in and out basic angles that enhance the documentary feel. Because The Devil Inside is made like a documentary, with interviews and basic shots, it makes the film appear to be so very real which is what I find freaky about it.

Why do people enjoy horror? ● When a person is genuinely afraid, they go into fight or flight

mode. Their adrenaline begins pumping to their muscles and they experience increased blood flow. When in this mode, instincts tell the person to avoid death. This causes them to be more alert and could make a movie much more entertaining because they are in such a mode of focus. Often, people like to be afraid and be comforted by others around them, this is another factor. Horror excites the viewer in a way no other movie really can.

Works Cited

● "The Exorcist." IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070047/>.

● "Dahmer." IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013.● http://www.google.com/imgres?


● "The Devil Inside." IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013.

● Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013.

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