horse cart drivers in xizhou by peyton w. click here to continue

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Horse Cart Drivers in XizhouBy Peyton W.

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Each question will have 3 answers, click which one you think is correct.

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You play the role of becoming a Horse Cart Driver.

Have fun!

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All Right! So you decided to run a Horse Cart Business, lets get started with start up costs!

How much should you spend on a horse?

1000-4000 RMB

4000-8000 RMB

8000-12000 RMB


A horse from 1000 to 4000 RMB would most likely be a very bad horse. It most likely wouldn’t be able to pull the cart, and or would have a very bad attitude. Try Again.

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A horse from 4000 to 8000 rmb would be ok, but wouldn’t be enough for a horse Cart business. The horse’s attitude could vary, but it would most likely be pretty bad. Try Again.

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Correct! Moving on to are next question, what are the two most important traits of the horse?

Color & Strength

Strength & Obedience

Obedience & Color


A horse’s Color Doesn’t matter, unless for some reason you only want to ride on a horse cart pulled by a white horse. Try Again.

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Correct! A horse’s obedience and strength is very important to keep your Horse Cart

Business going without many troubles. How much should you spend on a Horse Cart?

500-1500 RMB

1500-4000 RMB

4000-7500 RMB


Spending between 500 to 1500 probably isn’t even enough to buy a cart. If it is, either someone is giving you a great deal or its going to fall apart. Try Again.

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Spending 4000 to 7500 is to much, you’re probably getting overcharged. Try Again.

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Correct! Spending around 1500 to 4000 RMB is a decent price and your getting a fair deal. How

much should you pay for a harness that connects the horse to the cart?

100-250 RMB

250-500 RMB

500-1000 RMB


Spending 250 to 500 RMB is to much. The harness doesn’t use a lot of materials so its fairly cheap. Try Again.

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Spending 500 to 1000 rmb is way to much. Your getting majorly ripped off. Try Again.

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Correct! When you buy a Harness, it should be pretty cheap. Now that you have all the start up costs covered, we’ll move on to repeating costs.

How much should you spend on food a day?

5-20 RMB

25- 40 RMB

45-60 RMB


It used to be this cheap, but farmers stopped growing the right plants. Horse food is made out of corn and the stalks/leaves of plants. Everyone that was growing beanstalks converted to onions for more profit, which have much less leftover bits. Try Again.

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Prices have never been this high! Unless you want to buy very high quality horse food, Try Again.

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Correct! Horse Food costs around 25-40 RMB a day. Next question, how often should you

replace Horse Shoes?

Every 15 Days

Once Every 3 Months

Once a Year


That is to long to wait, your could grow its hooves to out and loosen the horse shoe, or crack its hooves. Try Again.

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This is WAY to long. By then the horse shoe would have loosened and fallen off. Its hooves would be damaged to. Try Again.

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Correct! To keep your horse’s hooves in good condition, you should replace the hooves every

15 days. How much should the set cost?

15-20 RMB

50-60 RMB

100-120 RMB


That’s 3-4 times as expensive as it should be! Even a full set is pretty cheap in Xizhou. Try Again.

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That’s super expensive! Remember that Xizhou is a small Chinese village, things are very cheap compared to their usual prices. Try Again.

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Correct! Horse Shoes only cost about 15-20 RMB for a full set. How much should you spend

on bedding for your horse?


50 RMB a Day

100 RMB a Day

Trick Question! Based on the information I collected from the horse Cart Drivers in Xizhou, some don’t spend any while others spend a lot. Anyways, how often will you have to repair your


Once a Month

Once Every 4 Months

Once a Year


Your cart should be strong enough to hold up longer than this time period. Try Again.

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If your cart holds up this well, you didn’t buy it in Xizhou. Either that or your just a really good Horse Cart Driver. Try Again.

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Correct! A decent cart should only need repairs every 3 to 4 months. How much should each

repair cost?

15-20 RMB

40-60 RMB

90-100 RMB


40-60 RMB is to much for a repair that happens every few months. Try Again.

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Spending around 100 RMB is way to much! Repairs are very cheap, the quality doesn’t really change depending on how much you pay. Try Again.

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Correct! Repairs don’t happen often and are very cheap. How often should you replace the

wheels on your cart?

Every 6 Months

Once a Year

Once every 2 Years


The wheels on your cart will last much longer than this! It takes them a while to wear down. Try again.

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Getting Close, but your wheels will still last longer than this! They might be worn down a little, but you can still use them for another good year. Try Again.

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Correct! Wheels should be replaced every 2 years. How much should a pair cost?

250 RMB

500 RMB

1000 RMB


They cost more than 250 RMB. A pair of wheels is going to cost a decent amount if people are only buying them once every 2 years. Try Again.

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1000 RMB is very expensive for a pair of wheels. Rubber isn’t that expensive. Try Again.

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Correct! A pair of wheels should cost about 500 RMB. How often should you replace the cloth

hood covering you cart?

Every 4 Months

Twice a Year

Once a Year

Another trick question! The various Horse Cart Drivers all had different habits on replacing the

cloth hood. So you can decide! The price is about 100 RMB for a full replacement. How often should

you re-paint your cart?

Twice a Year

Once a Year

Once every 3 Years


Your horse Cart will look scratched up and a little old if you don’t paint it more often. Try Again.

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You’ll have the oldest, most scratched up horse cart in all of Xizhou! Try Again.

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Correct! To keep you cart in good condition, paint it twice a year. What should the price for

painting per session be?

5-30 RMB

35–60 RMB

65-90 RMB


That’s to much money! The paint prices vary a lot, but not this high. Try Again.

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You are spending way to much! Reconsider that your buying paint from a small town in China. Try Again.

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Correct! Paint costs around 5 to 30 RMB for a new layer. How often should you replace the

cushions inside the cart?

Once a Year

Once Every Two Years

Once Every Three Years


Replacing them this often is just wasting money. They should be good for another year. Try Again.

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If you only replace them once every three years, the cushions may have deteriorated or been damaged. Try Again.

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Correct! Replacing them every two years will keep them fairly new and good looking. Your

almost ready to start your horse cart business! How much does replacing the cushions cost?

50-150 RMB

200-300 RMB

350-450 RMB


Your spending to much! Cushions aren’t that expensive. Their made of cloth and padding, Try Again.

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Are you buying premium real leather cushions? No way their this expensive! Try Again.

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Correct! A full cushion replacement for a horse cart costs around 100 RMB. Last question, I

promise. How much should you charge for a 1 hour ride per person?

Minimum 100 RMB, 50 RMB Per Person

Minimum 200 RMB, 100 RMB Per Person

Minimum 300 RMB, 150 RMB Per Person


Your slightly overcharging. People won’t be happy about that. You can easily afford less. Try Again.

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You are majorly overcharging! People won’t come back to your horse cart again. You can afford to charge much less. Try Again.

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You are now ready to start your Horse Cart Business! Lets review the information.

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Spend 8000 to 12000 RMB on a horse

The two most important traits are Strength and Obedience

1500 to 4000 RMB for a horse cart

100 to 250 RMB on a harness

25 to 40 RMB a day for horse food

Replace horse shoes every 15 days, cost 15-20 RMB a set

Your choice to spend money on Horse Bedding

Repair cart around every 4 months, 15-20 RMB per repair

Wheel replacement once every two years, cost 500 RMB for a pair

Your Choice when to replace cloth hoods on carts, 100 RMB per replacement

Paint Cart Twice a year, 5-30 RMB per session

Replace Cushions every 2 years, 50-150 RMB per replacement

Charge people minimum of 100 RMB, 50 RMB per person.

Continue To Sources


Mr. Yang The Horse Cart Driver, Interview Feb. 2014

Mr. Shi The Horse Cart Driver, Interview Feb. 2014

Mr. Duan The Horse Cart Driver, Interview Feb. 2014

A special thanks to Mr. Tafel and Ms. Mai for helping me throughout my Inquiry Project and much more.

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