how axpert(tm) really simplifies it !

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Building a Process Structure

This slideshow explains how you can add a new screen very easily and quickly

Begin by launching the AXPERT ™ STEM

This is how the blank STEM looks like

A new row is added when you press TAB in the last cell

Define properties here

Set field properties, validation scripts etc for every field(refer AXPERT ™ Help section – ‘Details’)

Press the spacebar inside the first cell to open the menu

If you try to view the FORM in the middle of design, you are alerted to SAVE the TStruct

The Tstruct needs a unique NAME and CAPTION. The caption is the ‘common name’ of the Tstruct that will be shown in menus etc.

SAVE confirmation with further instructions

You can choose to make the Application Page for the Tstruct. However, you can also use the Page Maker to place the TStruct

The default alignments of fields and labels may need re-arranging

The menu is built when the page is created

Let us learn how to make a multiline text box for ADDRESS

Rightclick the address box to open the menus. Choose ‘Memo’ type for the field

Pull the box grippies to enlarge it

Save the form changes

The address box now can take multiline text

Font formatting is easy

Font Management Screen

Toggle to Production mode to enter data

Click ‘List View’ to list the saved record

Click the link to view the record on screen

You can adjust the column width easily

SAVE the adjustments to column width

A unique field named SUPL1ID (Tstruct name + ID) is created in which a UNIQUE IDENTIFIER will be generated & stored. This will be used to relate to other tables in the database where ever a relationship with Supplier Master has to be established. This field is set as the primary key for the table.


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