how green technology is being used chris b, chris t, kenny, vera, and dimitri

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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How Green Technology is Being Used

Chris B, Chris T, Kenny, Vera, and Dimitri.

Ways to Produce Green Energy

• Solar energy• Wind energy• hydroelectric power

Solar energy

• Solar panels extract energy out of the sun’s rays.

• Converts the suns rays into electricity that can be used in a house or business.

• Usually placed a roof tops for most sunlight.

Wind Energy

• A wind turbine works the exact opposite of a fan.

• Wind turns the rotors, that are connected to a shaft, that turns a generator and it creates electricity.

• Can produce great amounts of energy.

Off Shore Wind Farm• The most wind is found in the

ocean.• Off shore wind farms are areas

in the ocean were many wind turbines are built to produce energy.

• There is a big project called the Cape wind. This is a proposal to build many large wind turbines off the coast of Cape Cod. This project will produce enough electricity to supply ¾ of cape and islands electricity.

Green Technology in the Architectural Field

• Design• Products


• The amount of cubic space in a building has a lot to do with how much energy is used to heat or cool it.

• This also determines the size of the equipment for heating and cooling.

• Think of how long the equipment is running to get your home to the desired temp.


• What makes building materials green is what they are made of, how they are manufactured and where the building site is compared to where they come from. Another factor is if the product is recycled or made from recycled products. Location is important.

HYBRID VEHIVLES• Regenerative Braking. Every time you use

your breaks you create kinetic energy. Engineers have discovered a way to use this energy to create a more efficient, lower emissions vehicle. when you use your breaks an electric motor gets charged and that energy is used to drive your vehicle.

• Electric Motor Drive/Assist. The electric motor provides additional power to assist the engine in accelerating, passing, or hill climbing. This allows a smaller, more efficient engine to be used. In some vehicles, the motor alone provides power for low-speed driving conditions where internal combustion engines are least efficient.

• Automatic Start/Shutoff. Automatically shuts off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restarts it when the accelerator is pressed. This prevents wasted energy from idling.

PUBLIC TRSANSPORTATION• A 2002 study by the Brookings Institution

and the American Enterprise Institute found that public transportation in the U.S uses approximately half the fuel required by cars, SUV's and light trucks.

• Riding a bus is 79 times safer than riding in an automobile, and riding a train or subway is even safer.

• If just one in 10 Americans used public transportation daily, U.S. reliance on foreign oil would decrease 40 percent.

EMISSION CONTROL• Hydrocarbons: this class is made up of

unburned or partially burned fuel, and is a major contributor to urban smog, as well as being toxic. They can cause liver damage and even cancer.

• Carbon monoxide (CO): a product of incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen; overexposure may be fatal.

• Nitrogen oxides (Nox)These are generated when nitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen at the high temperature and pressure inside the engine. NOx is a precursor to smog and acid rain.

• Particulates – soot or smoke made up of particles cause respiratory health effects in humans and animals.

OZONE LAYER• The ozone layer consists of 03

molecules, just like oxygen, only oxygen consists of only 2 molecules.

• When the sun shines through the O3 molecules in the ozone layer the suns rays are divided up and shine through in different directions

• Emissions such as hydrocarbons disrupt the O3 molecules and force them to come apart, now when the sun shines through the ozone layer its rays are not divided up in different directions the rays shine directly through the molecules, making more concentrated UV rays, leading to skin cancer and other hazards

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