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Post on 30-May-2020






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How I CAN Remember

A Vocabulary Report


You will write about your understanding

of the vocabulary words. Tell me how you

make meaning of the words.

Quizlets and “busy work” assignments

only encourage you to memorize, quiz,

and forget. I want you to THINK about

the words on a deeper level.

These reports replace quizzes. There will

be no vocabulary quizzes. There will be a

test at the end of the chapter, but it will

focus on a reduced list of words.


A VIRUS is a noun referring

to a tiny disease-causing

substance. It can also refer

to a corruptive force.

VIRAL is an adjective

referring to a disease or

illness caused by a virus.

VIRULENT is also an

adjective that describes

effect of the substance,

meaning it is extremely

poisonous or deadly.

Another meaning means

something is very bitter, and

this does not always mean

as in taste!

Perhaps you connect ALL of this to how a video goes

VIRAL on social media…

OPPOSITES in meaning (antonyms)

◦ BENIGN is an adjective that describes

something gentle, kind, and not dangerous.

◦ For example, when I had a biopsy, I was

HAPPY to learn that the tumor was benign.

◦ MALIGNANT means quite the opposite. This

adjective refers to something threatening to

cause death. We also often use this adjective

to describe something very evil. People like

Palpatine, Voldemort, and The Joker are

malignant characters.

◦ When it comes to tumors, mallignant is very,

very bad. It means the tumor is cancer!


You follow a doctor’s

regimen to help you

convalesce after surgery.

You might apply an

astringent to a lesion to

prevent it from festering.


All the words on 64-65 are

associated with animals but

do not really refer to the

animal itself.

Apiary, aviary and menagerie

refer to places where

animals are kept.

Badger, parrot, and

scavenger refer to behaviors

associated with the animal

but applied to humans or

other animals.

Do NOT do:

◦ Calumnious = defamatory

◦ Slander = defamatory

◦ Libelous = defamatory

How is that helpful?

Instead DO:

◦ Libel is a noun referring

to printed/written

defamation. Libelous is

the adjective used to

describe the written

statement itself.

◦ Slander is verbalized,

spoken defamation.

Slanderous is the

adjective used to describe

the spoken statement.

Consider Connotations All the words on page 71 have something to do with speaking or acting in a joking manner. However, the words can be divided into groups based on their connotation. For example:

Jest as in FUN, PLAYFUL

◦ Jocose

◦ Parody

◦ Banter

◦ Harlequin

◦ Hilarious

Jest as in slightly edgy, bitter, um…salty

◦ Sardonic

◦ Sarcasm

◦ Irony

◦ Caricature

Jest as in not being serious

◦ Flippant

◦ Facetious

◦ Caricature



For example:

I saw Sam Asghari on a TV

talk show over the holiday

break. He revealed that he

calls his girlfriend, Brittany

Spears, lioness. He explained

that in the wild, the lion

does everything for the

lioness thus showing his

appreciation for her.

So, Sam has lionized his

girlfriend, and all women in

general he says.



A VIRUS is a noun referring to a tiny disease-causing substance. It can also refer to a corruptive

force. VIRAL is an adjective referring to a disease or illness caused by a virus. VIRULENT is also

an adjective that describes effect of the substance, meaning it is extremely poisonous or deadly.

Another meaning means something is very bitter, and this does not always mean as in taste!

Libel is a noun referring to printed/written defamation. Libelous is the adjective used to

describe the written statement itself.

Slander is verbalized, spoken defamation. Slanderous is the adjective used to describe the

spoken statement.

BENIGN is an adjective that describes something gentle, kind, and not dangerous.

For example, when I had a biopsy, I was HAPPY to learn that the tumor was benign. However,

MALIGNANT means quite the opposite. This adjective refers to something threatening to

cause death. We also often use this adjective to describe something very evil. People like

Palpatine, Voldemort, and The Joker are malignant characters. When it comes to tumors,

mallignant is very, very bad. It means the tumor is cancer!

All the words on page 71 have something to do with speaking or acting in a joking manner, JEST.

However, the words can be divided into groups based on connotation. For example:

Jest as in FUN, PLAYFUL:

• Jocose

• Parody

• Banter

• Harlequin

• Hilarious

Jest as in slightly EDGY, BITTER, um…SALTY

• Sardonic

• Sarcasm

• Irony

• Caricature

MLA heading;Include your classperiod, please!

Font should be about 11 or 12 point. Adjust to fit on page, if needed.

One-inch margins and include page number in the upper-right corner.

Include a title that identifies which group of words within the chapter are included in this assignment.

Skip a line between each entry in your report.

BOLD the actual vocabulary word. You may highlight instead, if you wish.

You may use bullets, sparingly, when appropriate.

You MAY use graphics, pictures, etc., if appropriate. Do not include them just to be cute.

Questions? (let’s see if I can predict them all!)

How many pages does it need to be?

You know my standard answer: as long as it needs to be to fully communicate your knowledge and understanding.

Do I need to include EVERY word?

Nope. In fact, I encourage you to include a list of words you feel comfortable that you already know. Now, don’t put ALL of the words on this list! Even if you think you know a word, make sure you fully understand it. Forexample, how many of you understand the difference between libel and slander?

You can include this list at the beginning or the very end of your report. That’s up to you.

Do I have to include one of every type of association?

Nope. Not all word groups will fit all types of associations. In fact, you may actually make more types ofassociations than I included here!

Do I have to include pictures or graphics?

No. Use images or graphics only if it totally fits the word. Just know you have freedom to include if you want.

Do I have to use complete sentences?

Complete sentences must you use, yes. Do you want me to teach using incomplete sentences again?


To earn an A (90-100%) the report:

Demonstrates a strong understanding of the word meanings, their associations, and uses

Includes associations that demonstrate depth of knowledge

Is comprehensive and includes most if not all unknown words

Includes evidence of understanding across word groups and/or across school classes and/or topics

Uses complete sentences and complete thoughts

Is neat and adheres to all guidelines as outlined in this presentation.

Is completed and turned in on time


To earn a B (80-89%) the report:

Demonstrates understanding of the word meanings, their associations, and/or uses

Includes associations that mostly demonstrate depth of knowledge

Includes a few associations that are approaching depth of knowledge and/or may be somewhat faulty

Is somewhat comprehensive and includes most unknown words

Uses complete sentences and complete thoughts

Is neat and adheres to all guidelines as outlined in this presentation.

Is completed and turned in on time


To earn a C (70-79%) the report:

Demonstrates minimal or basic understanding of the word meanings, their associations, and/or uses

Includes numerous associations that may not fully demonstrate depth of knowledge

May include associations that are somewhat faulty

Does not cover most of unknown words

Uses complete sentences, but may not fully express the thought

May include excessive bullets, graphics, etc.

*If the assignment is not turned in on time, the highest possible score will be 70%.

RubricTo earn a D (60-69%) the report:

Includes entries that demonstrate minimal effort and/or below average understanding of the words.

Includes numerous entries with faulty understanding of the words.

Does not use complete sentences and/or complete ideas.

Does not meet the guidelines set forth in this presentation.

Is not typed or neatly handwritten.

To earn an F the report:

Is incomplete; product does not include enough entries to fully evaluate understanding.

Does not meet the guidelines set forth in this presentation.

Is not typed or neatly handwritten.

RubricTo earn a 0:

Do not complete the assignment.

Do not turn in a missed assignment in a timely manner. (see school policy on make-up work)

Copy the assignment from a classmate.

Turn in the same product as a classmate, even if you worked on the assignment together. Your

understanding/association should slightly differ from your BFF’s association.

Split the assignment with a friend – Use the divide and conquer technique.

Copy and/or copy/paste from the internet or other source.

Do I need to keep listing ALL the ways a person might cheat?????

Assignment Due Dates

Chapter/Group Exercises Due (Work on in class) Report Due

Ch 3 – 2 January 19 (Jan. 8) January 14

Ch 3 – 3 January 23 (Jan. 21) January 24

Ch 3 – 4 February 11 (Feb 10) February 14

Ch 3 – 5 February 19 (Feb. 18) February 21

Test Sometime the week of February 24

More questions…Do I have to print it?

Please do! Now, if you cannot print, then email it to me. Please do not bombard Mrs. Palmer for printing

assistance. If you legit cannot print, then email. Likewise, if you have super-awesomely-amazingly neat handwriting,

you may handwrite the report. If your writing is sloppy, tiny, or otherwise challenging, you must type!

How many points is each report worth?

50. Rubric to follow on the next slide.

What if I turn it in late?

Then the highest score you could possibly earn is 35 points, or 70%. You get ONE day only turn it in late,

though. IF you KNOW you’re going to be absent, like for a family trip, dentist, MUN, etc., then you should turn it

in before you leave for your trip. You have all the due dates NOW (slide later…).

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