how the law of attraction can ruin your

Post on 22-Jan-2018



Health & Medicine



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By Matt Kendall

I am not your guru/mentor/coach

If you have questions or arguments, please wait until the second half.

Tonight’s talk may cause offence. I am not trying to change anyone’s belief systems.

What is the Law of Attraction

Science vs pseudoscience

Lifestyle porn, unattainable living

How cults and faith works

Some other techniques to take home

People who believe in the LoA or any faith/Religion

People who want to better themselves and/or their situation

Those who have lost a lot money to self development companies

Companies and individuals who take advantage of people

Fake doctors/quackery/non-scientists using scientific sounding words and explanations which are taken out of context, cherry picked or simply just fabricated.

Those offering false hope and denying people of proper medical treatment

Wikipedia defines the Law of Attraction as

"The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy."

Think of something you want (car, perfect partner, money, to be cured of cancer)

Set your intention and let the universe know what you want. Visualise it.

Receive. Creates a positive feedback loop for the Law of Attraction

Or die waiting

Observation. What we observe we notice. Does the universe exist beyond our own head?

History. The LoA was talked about in Think and Grow Rich, and even references back to the biblical times have been apparently been found.

Faith. Pascal's famous rationale for believing in God: if there is any chance that God is real, I have much more to gain by believing in him than I have to lose by not believing. Similarly with the Law of Attraction.



Work ethic

On demand society

Many people in the LoA community use baffling science without having any actual training.

If you overwhelm people with scientific jargon, those who know even less assume you are right.

The most popular things to quote to explain the LoA is Quantum Physics & Metaphysics

Dr. Masaru Emoto, Japanese “scientist”

He could control the growth of rice and the structure of ice crystals by labelling jars and saying different things to them

Apparently you are able to effect the water through your emotions.

We are made mostly of water, therefore he suggests this is how we are effected on a quantum level.

This is used for a lot of reference material in the Self Help industry, especially What the Bleep

The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space.

Abstract theory with no basis in reality.


He declined the offer and died instead

His experiments have been widely tested under scientific conditions. It of course doesn’t work

The $1,000,000 has yet to be claimed

People say things like this can’t be tested by science. Then stop saying it is science!

A scientific law is a statement based on repeated experimental observations that describes some aspects of the universe. A scientific law always applies under the same conditions, and implies that there is a causal relationship involving its elements.

The LoA community states it similar to gravity.

Scientifically speaking, it isn’t a law, but it doesn’t really matter

So far there isn’t any conclusive evidence to prove the LoA

Most “experiments” fall under confirmation bias (the user confirms what they thought and knowingly or unknowingly effects the outcome)

It isn’t science, yet it is reported as science. This leaves it open to exploitation

The LoA promotes overly optimistic views of our future, fortune and acquisition of material possessions and partners.

The over amplification of positive emotions ignores suffering in our lives and gets us to see the positive in everything.

Denial of our negative experiences can lead to delusion and the inability to deal with life's challenges.

As infants, we relied on our parents and guardians to meet all of our needs.

In no case, though, can a caregiver read an infant's mind and give an infant everything he or she wants.

In virtually no case are the infant's desires the only causes of the events in his or her life

The Secret promises that if we can learn to ask and receive, then the Universe can be the idealised parent we never had

A parent who can read our minds and provide us with everything we want.

This can also develop into learned helplessness

First experience with the LoA was at NLP group in Manchester.

We were taught that we were able to attract money to ourselves

We had to be a “money magnet”

We had to take a course that cost £1500 to get to the right “money frequency”

We were guaranteed to make money. However, I my offer to pay afterwards was declined

Several people signed up, including a young mum using her child’s university fund and a guy who was recently made redundant

The decline of organised religions

To seek control over our lives

Greed and laziness

Makes people feel powerful

We have an on demand society

To be connected to a higher power and to ultimately seek salvation

You will not be satisfied with your career or have job security

No pension, life insurance or income protection

You are less likely to have a long term relationship or get married

Much less likely to be able to get on the property ladder

You are less likely to have children

You are much more likely to end up homeless

Highly likely you won't be able to retire

Increasingly likely you will die at an earlier age than your grandparents and parents

Most likely you will die of cancer/dementia/heart disease

You have virtually no control over your life and the only thing that is certain is that you are going to die.

We crave for some form of control and some existence beyond the grave. We turn to things like Religion, consumerism, drugs, alcohol, conspiracy theories, social media and The Law of Attraction to help us distract ourselves from our own mortality.

We have a very short time on this planet, and when you are dead, you are dead.

Thinking that there is a divine power guiding you or for some reason "The Universe" somehow cares for you and is going to send you money, a house or a car, is simply a comforting method to distract us from the horrible reality that we call life.

infection :: surgical risks :: anesthesia risks ::

chronic breast pain :: breast or nipple numbness

:: capsular contracture :: scar tissue :: hardened

and misshapen breasts ::breakage and leakage

:: necrosis (skin death) :: need for additional

surgery to deal with problems :: dissatisfaction

with how the breast looks :: disfigurement ::

arthritis and joint pain :: fatigue :: memory loss ::

cognitive impairment: poor concentration : ::

metal poisoning due to platinum exposure (in

silicone implants) :: silicone migration into lymph

nodes and other organs :: debilitating

autoimmne disease such as fibromyalgia :: dermatomyositis :: polymyositis :: Hashimoto’s

thyroiditis :: mixed connective-tissue disease ::

pulmonary fibrosis :: eosinophilic fasciitis ::

polymyalgia. :: And last but not least, death

These people are NOT scientists

These people are NOT doctors

They all have influence

They have no regulatory bodies

Financially motivated. Including dangerous and unregulated supplements

From my research I believe The Law of Attraction is like a gateway drug

By not understanding empirical evidence, the scientific method and commercial interest, it can cause more hard than good

It’s all about the money

The LoA goes directly after emotion. Security, greed, making you feel worthy

This type of advertising is aimed at selling you a lifestyle, rather than anything tangible

It feeds off positivity and MINDSET

A large part of the LoA is developing an “abundance mindset”

The opposite of an abundance mindset is a scarcity or poverty mindset (this is often used when you say you can’t afford a course or product)

People who promote abundance mindset seems like religious salvation

Mindset without skill set makes for a happy idiot

Tai Lopez is some sort of business guru, that no one really understands or cares about

He had massive investment to dominate YouTube with his armature style lifestyle advice videos about business, health, wealth, property and other stuff.

He appeals to a certain demograpghic

He is apparently very appealing to;

Men aged 22 – 35 with low levels of education and/or university dropouts (young, dumb and full of)

His professes that material things are not really important to him

He constantly talks about the amount of books he reads (this is shown to impress people who are not regarded as academic)

His lifestyle is girls, cars, houses, helicopters, private jets and BOOKS

Do what you want. Do what feels good.

Be authentic and true to yourself.

You are entitled to everything and wishing for it rather than working hard

That mindset is more important than education

That supplements are better than medicine

People paying thousands for “mindset” training

Unscrupulous sales techniques including plants in the audience

Praying on people’s insecurities

Get them in debt, make them buy more

Celebrate failure!

The group displays unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

The teachings/scripture are often regarded as secret knowledge “The Secret”

Mind-altering and exhausting practices such as chanting, energetic and highly emotionally charged routines

Use of metaphysical explanations to "prove" the groups belief system/s

The group is elitist status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah or guru).

The leader is not accountable to any authorities

The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

The group is preoccupied with making money.

Members are encouraged to socialize with other group members.

Members are often in financial debt to the group and is required to recruit new members as payment

The Law of Attraction is not science, but it doesn’t matter

Having faith in something is probably better than nothing

Invest in skills training and don’t just wish for things

Is something sounds to good to be true, it is!

This concept was brought to light in the 1950's by Julian Rotter.

A person with an internal locus of control believes that he or she can influence events and their outcomes

Someone with an external locus of control credits or blames outside forces for everything.

This is taught in martial arts. First you must be able to master where you are before you go and attack

What is in your control and what is out of your control?

Focus on what is in your control. Learn the skills or get the help to work on the issues.

Disregard when you can’t control

Take out a bunch on money and use cash.

Also track spending, use something like Monzoor Barclays finance manager.

Work out budgets, when bills are due and keep on top of everything



Hypnotherapy and NLP


Specific coaching

The New Scientist magazine

Don’t get your science from The Daily Mail

Sceptic podcasts such as “The Infinite Monkey Cage” and “The Sceptics' Guide to the Universe”

Attend science lectures





Think about what you want

Ask yourself why you want it?

By having it, how will it allow you to feel?

What will it allow you to avoid feeling?

Work hard for it

Choose a direction not a destination

Make weekly goals, not massive ones

Stop telling people about your intentions

Instead show people your results

Stop dreaming, start doing!

Help tourists

Carry prams at the tube

Volunteer your time

Let people win arguments

Smile at people

Cook for others


Instead of this crazy ego trip of trying to be great for the sake of it

Get great at things instead

Stop trying to find your passion in life

Instead, be passionate about life itself

Try new things

Go to new places

Be accepting of others

Be nice to people

Remain fabulous at all times

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