how to become healthy- experienced by manmohan rathi

Post on 23-Jan-2017



Health & Medicine



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पहला सुख निरोगी काया।दूसरा सुख घर में माया।तीसरा सुख सुत आज्ञाकारी।चौथा सुख मृदुभानि�णी ारी।पाँचवा सुख सद हो घर का।छट्ठा सुख कर्जाा' हो पर का।सातवाँ सुख चले व्यापार।आठवाँ सुख सबको प्यार।ौवाँ सुख निराकुलता हो म में।दसवाँ सुख बैर निवरोध स्वर्जा में।ग्यारहवाँ सुख म लागे धरम में।बारहवाँ सुख फंसे कुकम' में।तेरहवाँ सुख हो साधु समागम।

Step 1 Title

Step 3 Title

ऐसा हो तो धन्य हो जीवन


I am not a doctor. I am not a expert of this area. I am a simple person like you adopting normal life style till 6 months before which is followed by most of the person. but one fine morning I started experimenting on healthy life style for which I was reading from long time. Fortunately result are very dramatic as my mind, body and soul were on same wave length . As I got excellent result this motivated me to share my experience to all of you so that every one can get benefit of it

Your health and your family’s health are top


IMPORTANT - The information, techniques and suggestions mentioned in this presentation are not a substitute of the medical advice of physician. In a particular case that you may require diagnosis or medical attention, consult your health care provider.


1. Why people are sick2. How people can be healthy & How to leave

disease free3. Dharma of Air4. Dharma of Food5. Dharma of Water6. Dharma of Exercise7. Dharma of Rest8. Dharma of Exertion9. Self test 10.My experiments11.Other best practices adopted by me12.Results achieved by me13.Prescription for Healthy Life


Food we eat convert to juices which can be absorbed by body, these juices are in the form of glucose goes in the Blood (In our Body we are having 6 liter of Blood), From Blood it goes to cells where these are converted in energy via insulin. This energy is required for performing the day today activity of body and mind.

This is the standard way how Energy reaches to millions and millions of Cells existing in our Body.

Cell to perform its duty properly require Pran Vayu , Water , Energy and removal of waste like carbon di oxide and toxic substances time to time

All animals leave natural life- they take air naturally , They take food whenever hunger is their and not getting bore from same food, they drink water whenever required, They walk and walk for getting food, water etc.. as they are not worried for next day, they do extraction whenever needed without hesitation or postponement

Opposite to this Human being are more knowledgeable animal. They take food for taste not for health, they manipulate body requirement . They avoid natural food like fruits , vegetables, nuts etc.. They cook food at higher temperature to make tasty even by adding different chemicals in it again to make it more tasty. Concentrate it, Deep fry which further reduces good part.

This process Pranic energy lost, When such food go to stomach it is having not only less good energy but also carrying lot of toxic substance .

As we take such food it require less water hence body is deprived for water which is needed for cleaning of our food track, Cleaning of blood vessels, Cleaning of Cells etc..

We are working and working hence do not have time for exercise. So our Nadi system is also getting blockages which is affecting functioning of body.

Due to above waste material accumulation happens in body slowly.

All Above are creating conditions in which Body cell are starved for energy and same time waste material accumulated their

Which creates different disease like Diabetes, Obese, High Blood Pressure, Skin Problem etc..

Disease comes in cluster like it will start 1st in form of obesity, then it will help in getting High Blood pressure, Obese also invite Diabetes, Diabetes will invite Eye problem, Heart problem, Kidney problem etc..

For above disease we blame heredity, environment etc.. which is not in our control. This way we enjoy our life with all royal disease .

Some people think that these disease can happens to others only will not happens to me but once you are crossing 40 years then you are getting lot od surprise gifts in the form of disease which you are finding part of your life now.

Further to it Once person are sick from above they change their life style For example if a person is having diabetic they will follow following steps for some years

Tablet or insulin regularly

Do sugar test and happy if it is in control and very unhappy if it is out of control

Avoid Sweat eating

Avoid Potato

Avoid Rice

No fruits like banana, mango, grapes etc..

Take sugar less tea

Many more precautions

But In spite of this slowly slowly dose of medicine increases and also many parts of body are affected. So it goes like slow poison and ultimately we are

more and more sick.



Healthy Body require following 6 things

Pran Vayu Water Food Exercise Rest Excretion

We blame for less life of human being to air pollution, Poor quality of food, water pollution, too much pesticides use, All day work, but this contributes 10% reduction only.

Major 90% increase in life is in our hand by adopting natural life style. By adopting Following Dharma

So if we can ensure 6 no's body requirements, We can avoid all disease. By following natural life Style this is possible. Let us call them Dharma of 6 requirement

Dharma of Air – A person cannot leave without Air more than 6 minutes, By properly inhaling Pran vayu and exhaling impure air we can follow this.

Dharma of Water - By taking clean water, required quantity of water and taking water when it is really required. Also not taking water when it is not required. we can follow this dharma

Dharma of Food- By taking natural Food which is suitable for body , in Proper Quantity , Proper quality and at proper time are important aspect in following this dharma.

Dharma of Exercise – By doing regular exercise we can ensure flow of energy and body requirement to each and every part of body . This is best possible by Pranayama and Yoga as these also help in mental and spiritual well being.

Dharma of Rest – Body require rest to repair damaged cell and growth of new cells, Hence by taking proper amount of rest and proper quality rest as per body need we can easily follow this dharma.

Dharma of Excretion- Our body is designed to remove unwanted material by itself but as we are not giving attention on body needs waste is accumulates in the body and creates many many disease .Proper control on breathing , taking sufficient water, Proper motion, 2-3 liter urination,1-2 liter sweating, 1 hours pranayama and yoga helps in adopting this dharma.


• Fresh air is good for digestionFresh air helps you to digest food more effectively. That is why it’s great to take a small walk outside after you eat. • Improves your blood pressure and heart rateIf you have a problem with blood pressure, you should avoid polluted environments and try to stay in surroundings that have a good supply of fresh air. Dirty environment forces the body to work harder, to get the amount of oxygen it needs.• Fresh air makes you happierThe amount of serotonin is affected by the amount of oxygen you inhale. Serotonin can significantly lighten your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being. Fresh air will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed.• Strengthens your immune systemWhite blood cells kill and fight bacteria and germs. They need enough oxygen to work and function properly.• Fresh air cleans your lungsFresh air helps the airways of your lungs to dilate more fully and improves the cleansing action of your lungs. When you exhale and breathe out through your lungs, you release airborne toxins from your body.You will have more energy and sharper mindFresh air helps you to think better and increases your energy level. Your brain needs twenty percent of your body’s oxygen. More oxygen brings greater clarity to the brain, improves your concentration, helps you to think more clearly and has a positive effect on your energy level.

There is a lot more to benefits from being in the environments that are not polluted. Find some time and spend it outside of the city.

Pure air is essential for life and health

This is not only fulfilling requirement of oxygen but also need of pran

Quality of air we breath affect energy level directly

Freshness, happiness and vitality experienced near waterfall or high on mountains is because of pran in the air is significantly higher at that location.

Other side when one is exposed to recycled air, air pollutions energy level goes down quickly

When air is charges by negative ions it increases level of pran

We should take fresh air, Morning time

Proper inhalation , retention and Exhalation

We should not use any type of smoking

We should frequently visit gardens, trees, mountain's, rivers, water falls etc. as they are reach source of clean air.


Breathe for your joy

to be steady and calm.

Breathe for your sorrow

to flow away.

Breathe to renew

every cell in your blood.

Breathe to renew

the depths of consciousness

Breathe and you dwell

in the here and now.

Breathe and all you touch

is new and real.

Whatever you encounter,Day and night, Is your life;You should therefore give yourselfTo each situation as it arisesFrom moment to moment

Use your life energy towards that purpose, so that from

the circumstances that Be fall you, you may create a

harmonious lifewith all things in their

rightful place.

Everything is Your Life


Body require seven type of nutrients carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fibrous material.

Cell design of our body is proved that they can withstand up to 800 years if treated naturally.

One research conducted in France by Andrew Simonton for measuring pranic value of food , He divided all food in 4 category and measured pranic value on scale of 0 to 10000,

1st category food -Food between 6000 to 10000 , This was best food and in this he found that fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, ocean fish and shellfish are in this category.

2nd category food- from 3000 to 6500 angstrom are eggs, peanut oil, wine, cane sugar and cooked food.

3rd category was less than 3000 angstroms is comprised of cooked meat, sausages, coffee, tea Chocolates, jam, processed cheese, pasteurized milk, overcooked food and white bread

4th category was having no life force includes alcoholic spirits, refined white sugar and bleached floor

Food can be divided in Four types based on their importance-1st type of Food- Natural available food fruits, raw vegetables, sprouts, and grains only. Body will release complete waste material daily, Cell will be pure and healthy2nd type of Food- 60% natural food and 40% cooked food . Cooked food will have salt, spices, oil. 90% waste material will be removed 10% will remain their3rd type of Food- 100% cooked food. We eat oil, salt and spices. 50% waste material only disposed off 4th Type of Food- Preserved food, soda, liquor, Meat pork, etc.. It contain lot of oil, salt, spices etc.. Only 30% waste is disposed off

Salt and Health Requirement of body is met by salt present in the vegetables we eat. Any additional salt will disturb the

concentration of cell fluid. As body is made of 70%water , Salt once go in body make blood vessels hard and generates high blood pressure Salt with other material also reaches to cell via blood, they enter inside the cell via o2,energy,water. and if

concentration is more it hampers further entry of O2,Energy and same time affect removal of waste material badly Salt outside the cell also hampers exchange of good and bad transaction. Once we take more water density of salt

goes down and its negative impact reduces

Natural Food --


The seeds have the highest nutritional value when they are seedlings. The sprouts contain a greater concentration of nutrients like Vitamin E, potassium, iron, phytochemicals, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, chemo protectants and protein. They also contain other nutrients like folic acid, zinc, niacin, riboflavin, copper and magnesium which are very good for hair.

Types of Sprouts:

There are numerous varieties of sprouts available, which include seeds of soybean, gram, peas, wheat, moong and fenugreek. Black beans, kidney beans, split peas, garbanzo beans and pinto beans can also be used as sprouted seeds.

Moong bean: Moong bean is the easiest bean to sprout. It has a distinct flavor and adds taste to the other foods.

Fenugreek: Fenugreek sprouts have a spicy and slightly bitter taste. These sprouts are known for their curative properties.

Gram: Gram sprouts are well known for enhancing vigor and vitality.

Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts are the best sprouts for improving the health of hair.

Sprouts are wonder food due to its high nutritional value. sprouts are good for a healthy body and mind development. It ensures blood purification and strengthens the immune system.

Easiest way to go full Break fast with sprouts

Green Moong sprout Nutritional Information• High in Protein, High in Fiber, Low in Fat, Low in Calories, 100 grams of dried Green Moong Beans: contain 400 Calories ,0g Fat,20g Fiber, 28g Protein

Green Moong Sprout are Nutritional Powerhouses• Good source of protein• Good source of dietary fiber (helps to lower cholesterol, prevents constipation and keeps you feeling full)• Low in sodium & low in cholesterol• Vitamins: A, B Vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin K ).• Minerals: Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Copper and Manganese.• Sprouted Green Moong produce live enzymes• Moong Sprouts are low on the glycemic index at 25 and have a low glycemic load of 4 making them a smart food choice for diabetics. Diabetics can safely eat Green Moong Beans. The low glycemic index, fiber and protein help to regulate blood sugar.• They also contain skin anti-aging properties that stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin, all essential to younger healthier skin.

Eating Green Moong sprouts is Ideal for those with Digestive Issues and Sensitive Stomachs

Health is directly proportional to quantity of natural food consumed.

▪ Green Moong sprouts Are:•Easily digestible•Anti-inflammatory (can reduce inflammation)•Containing oligosaccharides to prevent gas and bloating, unlike other beans•Containing high amounts of fiber, thereby preventing constipation•One of the few tridoshic foods in Ayurvedic diets that can be eaten to balance all three dosha’s (energetic forces) in the body

▪ Green Moong sprouts Exhibit Powerful Antioxidant Properties that can Help Fight Disease as well as Protect the Body.

▪ Green Moong sprouts Contain Phytoestrogens Contributing to Anti-Aging BenefitsBenefits of Phytoestrogens:•Produce Collagen, Elastin, and Hyaluronic acid, All Three of which are Essential to Acquiring Younger and Healthier skin, Can Regulate Hormones after Menopause, Relieve Hot Flashes, and Prevent Osteoporosis

▪ Consuming Green moong sprouts Have Been Studied to Treat the Following Medical Conditions:•Diabetes•Heart Disease•Cancer•Celiac Disease/Gluten Free Diets•Anemia•Osteoporosis•Digestion•Inflammation

SOME IMPORTANT FACTS Salt - King of taste and Diseases also

Miss Chili --Tongue teaser

Sour taste- Friend of Salt and Chili Powder

Ghee- A royal Way to diseases

Oil and Ghee - The one that spoils you

White sugar- Sweat Poison

Spicy Spices- The unnatural taste- spices are intended for medicine, God has not created spices as a food for man

Mr.. Tongue- The mighty monarch, Mr. tongue enjoys the taste and pleasure of everything it eats and body faces the consequences

Fridge – Enemy of Fresh Food

Use more and more natural food like fruits, vegetables, nuts , seeds, and most important sprouts,


Water purifies the body Truth purifies the mind

Righteous knowledge (vidya) & penance (tap) purify the soul

Eternal knowledge (gyan) purifies the intellect

• The average adult body is made up of 50%-75% water

Muscles are about 75% water by weight

Fat tissues are about 25%

Bones are about 20%

Brain is about 90%

Water is required to remove waste from body

Exercise generates sweating which helps in keeping body temp under control.

Water is required for the same.6-8oz every 15minutes

It moves nutrients, hormones, antibodies and oxygen through the blood


Water is the bodies lubricant keeps eyeballs moist and “oils” joints

Water is bodies shock absorber brain and spinal cord is protected by it

Plenty of water prevents storage of fat in blood vessel

Water is life, Water is medicine, Water removes diseases- Atharva Ved



Water is bodies coolant regulating body temp by perspiration

Must drink as much water in winter as in summer

3% water loss can result in health problems

Key part of weight loss program

Helps body remove fat & overall health

Suppresses appetite by filling up stomach some experts say that it is hard to distinguish between hunger and thirst so drink water and wait 20-30 minutes to see if still hungry

helps reduce fat deposits

drinking more water reduces water retention by stimulating the kidneys

Urine becomes concentrated when not enough water

Water cannot be stored in the body so body sets up a priority system

When body becomes dehydrated it rations and recycle water

All water losing functions are reduced

Toxic waste is dumped into tissues, fat, joints, and muscles instead of being eliminated by urination and perspiration

▪ Water is ranked 2nd as essential for life

▪ Water is fat free, cholesterol free, low in sodium and no calories

▪ There is no such thing as too much water

▪ There is an abundance of water to drink

▪ 15% water loss can result in death

▪ Water is more than just a thirst quencher

▪ Water plays an important part in our body

▪ We cannot live without water

▪ There is no substitute for water

▪ Everyone need to drink around 5 liter of water a day minimum

▪ Water is essential for overall health

Lung tissue are moistened by water as they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide

Allergies and asthmatic symptoms may be a sign of not enough water

Brain 90% water

When body is well hydrated one will notice an increase clarity in thinking

Less water decreases energy generation in the brain

Dehydration can result in headaches, depression, memory loss, chronic fatigue syndromes

YOUR HEART AND WATER Heart 75% water

Blood 85% water

Hydration increases cardiovascular system

Dehydration can result in: hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and cholesterol

Kidneys filters blood, concentrating waste and sends it out in urine

Dehydration causes kidneys to recycles dirty water to remove waste

Prolonged dehydration can do damage to kidneys


▪ Food needs water to properly digest

▪ Hydration can reduce: heartburn, acid stomach, gas, and constipation

▪ Dehydration can cause: weight gain, poor muscle tone, water retention

▪ Water lubricates joints and lets you move freely

▪ Water maintains elasticity and easy movement for connective tissue of joints

▪ Water relives arthritic pain

• Facilitates removal of waste products (through the kidneys)

• Regulates body temperature (through perspiration)• Serves as lubricant; gives cushioning to joints• Removes constipation (by moving food through

intestines & eliminating waste products)• Helps the body in absorbing nutrients in the

intestines• Plays a role in regulating metabolism

•Forms the base for saliva (necessary for consuming & digesting food)• Carries nutrients & oxygen to all cells in the body• Prevents diseases72 wt% of human body is water•Eyes – 98.7 wt%• Brain – 90.0 wt%• Blood – 80.0 wt%• Heart – 79.5 wt%• Lungs – 79.0 wt%• Bones – 25.0 wt%

Reduction of water will generate • Cramped body• Stiffness of nerves• Skeletal framework• Thickening of blood• Burning sensation• Dryness, Dehydration• dehydration daytime fatigue excess thirst•fuzzy memory difficulty in focusing light headedness nausea•Reduction of water 4-5% in body's water 20-30% reduction in work & exercise performance•10% reduction in body's water significant health risks•A week without water surely result in death

Good way to drink water is USHA PAAN - Benefits of Usha Paan• Strengthens the kidneys• Strengthens the urinary bladder/intestines

and helps them in removing toxins from the body

• Reduces the internal heat of the body/blood and promotes sweating removal of toxins

• Renders intestines more effective in absorbing nutrients leading to the formation of fresh/clean blood

• Purifies the blood, which in turn cures several ailments and restores health

• Improves immunity of body• Beneficial in gastric problems:


• Beneficial in Epistaxis (bleeding nose) & Heat Stroke

• Improves stamina• Sharpens the intellect

Regular practice has shown promising results in:• kidney stone &urinary bladder stone• obesity & diabetes• addictions headache, depression• weak stamina Morning Time water• Minimum 8-10 glasses daily (2 – 2.5 liter)• If you exercise, especially in hot weather, increase this to 12-15


When you should not drink water?• During meal (dilutes gastric juices)

• Immediately after meal (dilutes gastric juices)

• Immediately before meal (reduces hunger)

When you should drink

• Any time other then above (when ever your body require)

• Immediately after you leave the bed in the morning

• Before brushing your teeth , Take about 2-2.5 liter of normal tap water (neither cold nor hot) (preferably kept in copper jug) (during winters lukewarm water can be taken).


TYPES OF EXERCISEOutdoor Activities

– Walking– Jogging/running– Bicycling– Swimming– Basketball– Soccer– Jumping Rope

Indoor Activities– Treadmill machine– Stair climbing machine– Stationary bike– Elliptical trainer– Rowing machine– Aerobics, boxing...– YOGA


Choose an exercise that you enjoy and that fits your personality

PHYSICAL BENEFITS OF EXERCISE Creates a toned, flexible, and strong body

Improves posture

Improves energy level

Enhances functioning of respiratory, digestive, endocrine, reproductive and elimination systems

Can reduce blood pressure

Improves efficiency of lungs

Enhances sleep

Promotes cardiovascular and circulatory health

Relieves pain

Improves athletic performance

Improves balance

Helps maintain a balanced metabolism


Attunes us to the Environment

Concentration and Mental Clarity are Enhanced

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Encourages positive thoughts and self-acceptance

Promotes Flexibility


Builds healthy spiritual awareness

Promotes interdependence between mind, body, and spirit.

Enhances the concept of Oneness of all things

Personal energy connects to divine energy

Increases muscle and bone strength

Increases lean muscle and decreases body fat

Helps control weight

Enhances your psychological well-being, reduces depression

Reduces symptoms of anxiety and improves your general mood

Stretching for flexibility

Improved Strength

Improved Balance



Wrists Loose

Back, neck and head in alignment

Arms and torso moving at the same speed

Elbows close to your body

Sinking down before each movement

Upper body held light as if hollow

Head straight, not bobbing

Gaze soft, focused ahead

Knees flexed (soft) throughout moves

Total weight shift onto each leg

Concentration in soles of the feet

Softness and continuity



▪ Make it as enjoyable as you can

▪ Doing a little is better than doing nothing

▪ join a group if possible

▪ Exercise daily to get used to it

▪ Start slowly

Sweet Success



▪ I don’t have the time

▪ I don’t like to sweat

▪ I’ll look silly

▪ It hurts

▪ I don’t know what to do

▪ It’s not important

“union” of


– Spirit


Yoga means union. Yoga aims to bring this union of the body and mind , next stage through the union of the individual self with the Higher Self.

This union is achieved through the eight limbs of Yoga called ashtanga Yoga. Yama consists of observation of five rules: ahimsa (non violence), satya (truth), asteya (non stealing), brahmacharya (celibacy) and aparigraha (disowning of possessions). Niyama also consists of observation of five rules: saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (austeirty), svadhyaya (self study) and isvara-pranidhana (divine worship). Asana consists of practicing different yogic postures for disciplining the body and making it as a fit instrument of the divine. Pranayama is about breath control. In yoga the practitioner consciously practices the breathing in and breathing out in different patterns, Pratyahara means withdrawal of the senses from their sense objects through a process of detachment and turning the attention inward into oneself. Dharana By means of dharana we hold the mind to a particular stream of thought Dhayna is to be able to direct the flow of thought to a specific subject without getting distracted. Samadhi is the transcendental state achieved at the end of all yogic practices.

Imagine a human being like an onion consisting of five layers. The outer ring or sheath the physical body, the second ring inside the bio energy sheath, the third ring or body the mental body, the fourth ring the psychic body or sheath, and the last ring the innermost essence being the spiritual essence and experience.Yoga views health as essential and an outcome of having found a balance between our total personality and the world around us.

Aaccording to Yoga when there is a free flow of Prana within the Nadis or Meridians, which permeate our bodies there, is health, a bit like the bodies ability to maintain a physiological and Psychological homeostatic balance.

Yoga uses techniques that help boost, harmonise and refine the flow of Prana, thereby helping to maintain or enhance health.

When there is an imbalance or blockage to the flow of consciousness or energy that moves within these channels, then illness and or disease can manifest and impact on our health.

Yoga Postures - Asanas: are postures that stimulate the flow of Prana throughout the body , they can include forward bending postures, backward bending postures, sideways bending postures, twisting postures, inverted, balancing and meditational postures.

Breathing Techniques – Pranayama :A repertoire of breathing exercises to revitalise the physiological components of respiration (breathing). Techniques to help balance the nervous system and provide the doorway to productive meditation.

Meditation: A vast array of techniques exist for every level of aspirant, beginning with deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra) students can then progress to more advanced meditation techniques depending on their needs and experience.

Through Meditation you realize how important a balanced mind is through experiencing deeper aspects of your own personality and then you begin to balance your essential needs and desires and develop insight



योगासनों के गुण और लाभ योगासों का सबसे बड़ा गुण यह हैं निक वे सहर्जा साध्य और सव'सुलभ हैं। योगास ऐसी व्यायाम पद्धनित है जिर्जासमें तो कुछ निवशे� व्यय होता है और इती साध-सामग्री की आवश्यकता होती है। योगास अमीर-गरीब, बूढे़-र्जावा, सबल-निब'ल सभी स्त्री-पुरु� कर सकते हैं। आसों में र्जाहां मांसपेशिशयों को ताे, शिसकोड़े और ऐंठे वाली निGयायें करी पड़ती हैं, वहीं दूसरी ओर साथ-साथ ताव-खिखंचाव दूर करेवाली निGयायें भी होती रहती हैं, जिर्जाससे शरीर की थका मिमट र्जााती है और आसों से व्यय शशिN वानिपस मिमल र्जााती है। शरीर और म को तरोतार्जाा करे, उकी खोई हुई शशिN की पूर्तितं कर देे और आध्यात्मिTमक लाभ की दृमिV से भी योगासों का अपा अलग महत्त्व है। आइये र्जााते हैं योगास के गुण और लाभ के बारे में। क् या हैं 

योगासनों के लाभ-

(1) योगासों से भीतरी गं्रशिथयां अपा काम अच्छी तरह कर सकती हैं और युवावस्था बाए रखे एवं वीय' रक्षा में सहायक होती है।

 (2) योगासों द्वारा पेट की भली-भांनित सुचारु रूप से सफाई होती है और पाच अंग पुV होते हैं। पाच-संस्था में गड़बनिड़यां उTपन्न हीं होतीं। 

(3) योगास मेरुदण्ड-रीढ़ की हड्डी को लचीला बाते हैं और व्यय हुई ाड़ी शशिN की पूर्तितं करते हैं। 

(4) योगास पेशिशयों को शशिN प्रदा करते हैं। इससे मोटापा घटता है और दुब'ल-पतला व्यशिN तंदरुस्त होता है।

(5) योगास त्मिस्त्रयों की शरीर रचा के शिलए निवशे� अुकूल हैं। वे उमें सुन्दरता, सम्यक-निवकास, सुघड़ता और गनित, सौन्दय' आदिद के गुण उTपन्न करते हैं। 

(6) योगासों से बुजिद्ध की वृजिद्ध होती है और धारणा शशिN को ई सू्फर्तितं एवं तार्जागी मिमलती है। ऊपर उठे वाली प्रवृत्तिlयां र्जाागृत होती हैं और आTमा-सुधार के प्रयT बढ़ र्जााते हैं।

(7) योगास त्मिस्त्रयों और पुरु�ों को संयमी एवं आहार-निवहार में मध्यम माग' का अुकरण करे वाला बाते हैं, अत: म और शरीर को स्थाई तथा समू्पण' स्वास्थ्य, मिमलता है। 

(8) योगास श्वास- निGया का नियम करते हैं, हृदय और फेफड़ों को बल देते हैं, रN को शुद्ध करते हैं और म में स्थिस्थरता पैदा कर संकल्प शशिN को बढ़ाते हैं। 

(9) योगास शारीरिरक स्वास्थ्य के शिलए वरदा स्वरूप हैं क्योंनिक इमें शरीर के समस्त भागों पर प्रभाव पड़ता है, और वह अपे काय' सुचारु रूप से करते हैं। 

(10) आस रोग निवकारों को V करते हैं, रोगों से रक्षा करते हैं, शरीर को निरोग, स्वस्थ एवं बशिलष्ठ बाए रखते हैं। 

(11) आसों से ेत्रों की ज्योनित बढ़ती है। आसों का निरन्तर अभ्यास करे वाले को चश्में की आवश्यकता समाप्त हो र्जााती है। 

(12) योगास से शरीर के प्रTयेक अंग का व्यायाम होता है, जिर्जाससे शरीर पुV, स्वस्थ एवं सुदृढ़ बता है। आस शरीर के पांच मुख्यांगों, स्ायु तंत्र, रNात्तिभगम तंत्र, श्वासोच्छवास तंत्र की निGयाओं का व्यवस्थिस्थत रूप से संचाल करते हैं जिर्जाससे शरीर पूण'त: स्वस्थ बा रहता है और कोई रोग हीं होे पाता। शारीरिरक, माशिसक, बौजिद्धक और आत्मिTमक सभी क्षेत्रों के निवकास में आसों का अमिधकार है। अन्य व्यायाम पद्धनितयां केवल वाह्य शरीर को ही प्रभानिवत करे की क्षमता रखती हैं, र्जाब निक योगस माव का चहुँमुखी निवकास करते हैं।


▪ Be sensible

▪ No overstrain

▪ Yoga should be regular

▪ Room should be airy

Do in relax and comfortable manner

Do the asana on the floor as far as possible; with a floor covering like mat, blanket, and rug or on a hard bed.

Do the asana at least 2 hours after the meals You may divide your yoga practice into certain groups doing them at certain times e.g. relaxation postures could be practiced in the middle of the day after the meal, meditative postures early in the morning and the morning and active postures whenever possible during the day.

Do each asana correctly but do not be discouraged if it is not perfect.

Do the stretching asana while inhaling, do them gently

Inhale while bending backward or when you begin with any asana& exhale while you bend forward or when you twist

Where the hand goes, there should follow the eyesWhere the eyes go, there should go the mind.Where the mind goes Bhawa is created.When the Bhawa is created, Rasa will be Born

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IMPORTANT After performing Asana if at the end of it, if you feel Stressed, Overworked, Unhappy ,Drained our, Lack of Energy , Tired /lazy to resume your daily routine and not at Peace, Happy / Pleasant from within, Energetic, Ready to live your day ahead, Enthusiastic for resuming your routine, You need to pay attention “Where are you going wrong” or something going wrong

It may happen sometime after doing some difficult asana from which your body is not accustom to perform, you experience pains and aches in that part, but you will never feel stressed out / lack of energy from with in.

Know the difference between-

Physical aches And Inner stressed out / drained out

Listen to your body-be Aware: observe your self while you are doing Asana

Listen to your body, what is it trying to say

Pay attention to your inner voice-see what is it trying to convey that you are not able to pay attention to

See where are you going wrong not able to follow inner instructions.

Sometimes, your body may be too tired, or unwell to do any strenuous exercise of any form [including asana], it requires relaxation more /meditation more first

If, you will learn to pay attention to what your body tries to convey to you through inner voice, you will never go wrong in performing asana.

So, if You can’t feel Pleasant, energetic from within What you did is not Asana / Yoga But Mere a body exercise.


Why Is Sleep Important? Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and

safety. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. Ongoing sleep deficiency can raise your risk for some chronic health problems. It also can affect how well you think,

react, work, learn, and get along with others. While you're sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It's forming new pathways to help you learn and

remember information. Studies show that a good night's sleep improves learning. Whether you're learning math, how to play the piano, how to

perfect your golf swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills. Sleep also helps you pay attention, make decisions, and be creative.

If you're sleep deficient, you may have trouble making decisions, solving problems, controlling your emotions and behavior, and coping with change. Sleep deficiency also has been linked to depression, suicide, and risk-taking behavior.

Physical Health Sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased

risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Sleep deficiency also increases the risk of obesity. Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you

don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well-rested.

Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Sleep deficiency results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes.Sleep also supports healthy growth and development. Deep sleep triggers the body to release the hormone that promotes normal growth. This hormone also boosts muscle mass and helps repair cells and tissues in children, teens, and adults.

Your immune system relies on sleep to stay healthy. This system defends your body against foreign or harmful substances. Ongoing sleep deficiency can change the way in which your immune system responds. For example, if you're sleep deficient, you may have trouble fighting common infections.

Daytime Performance and SafetyGetting enough quality sleep at the right times helps you function well throughout the day. People who are sleep deficient are less productive at work. They take longer to finish tasks, have a slower reaction time, and make more mistakes.After several nights of losing sleep—even a loss of just 1–2 hours per night—your ability to function suffers as if you haven't slept at all for a day or two.Lack of sleep also may lead to micro sleep. Micro sleep refers to brief moments of sleep that occur when you're normally awake.If you're listening to a lecture, for example, you might miss some of the information or feel like you don't understand the point. In reality, though, you may have slept through part of the lecture and not been aware of it.Tip 1: Support your body's natural rhythms

Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. Avoid sleeping in—even on weekends or nights you’ve stayed up late.Be smart about napping.

Tip 2: Control your exposure to lightExpose yourself to bright sunlight in the morning. Spend more time outside during daylight. Let as much natural light into your home or workspace as possible. Avoid bright screens within 2 hours of your bedtime. Say no to late-night television. Be smart about nighttime reading. When it’s time to sleep, make sure the room is dark. Keep the lights down if you get up during the night.

Tip 3: Get regular exerciseStudies show that regular exercisers sleep better and feel less sleepy during the day. Regular exercise also improves the symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnea and increases the amount of time you spend in the deep, restorative stages of sleep.The more vigorously you exercise, the more powerful the sleep benefits. But even light exercise—such as walking for just 10 minutes a day—improves sleep quality.Just keep in mind that exercise is not a quick fix. It can take several months of regular activity before you experience the full sleep-promoting effects. So be patient. Focus on building an exercise habit that sticks. Better sleep will follow.

Tip 4: Be smart about what you eat and drinkCut down on caffeine. Stay away from big meals at night. Avoid alcohol before bed. Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening.

Tip 5: Wind down and clear your headIf you can’t stop yourself from worrying, especially about things outside your control, you need to learn how to manage your thoughts. For example, you can learn to evaluate your worries to see if they’re truly realistic and replace irrational fears with more productive thoughts. Even counting sheep is more productive than worrying at bedtime.

Relaxation techniques for better sleepDeep breathing. Close your eyes, and try taking deep, slow breaths, making each breath even deeper than the last.Progressive muscle relaxation. Starting with your toes, tense all the muscles as tightly as you can, then completely relax. Work your way up from your feet to the top of your head.Visualizing a peaceful, restful place. Close your eyes and imagine a place or activity that is calming and peaceful for you. Concentrate on how relaxed this place or activity makes you feel.

Tip 6: Improve your sleep environmentKeep your room dark, cool, and quietKeep noise down. Keep your room cool. Make sure your bed is comfortable

Tip 7: Ways to get back to sleepStay out of your head. Make relaxation your goal, not sleep. Do a quiet, non-stimulating activity. Postpone worrying and brainstorming



Body Waste Your body uses food to keep it growing, learning and healthy. But what happens to the food and other materials you take in when your body is finished with it? Your body has a way of getting rid of excess food matter, extra oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, salts and waste. It is all taken care of by your body systems. This is a complex set of glands, organs, and processes that help to remove the waste materials from your body that are used up, created as a by-product, are no longer needed or are extra. Your body systems include the kidneys, sweat glands, lungs and rectum. Your nose and eyes also excrete invading dust and foreign materials. Let's find out more...

Body waste: urineYour body is 60% water. This water needs to be flushed out and replaced all of the time. In your body, the excretory system helps to keep salts and urea from building up to dangerous levels. The kidneys produce urine by removing toxins from your blood.Drinking lots of water will help this system of your body to stay healthy and to work properly. The kidneys of a healthy adult can process fifteen liters of water a day.

Body waste: carbon dioxideBreathing is the job of the lungs. We take air into our body when we inhale. But air is made of a variety of gases. We need oxygen, but we can not use the other gases in our air. Dust and pollutants are also a part of the air we breathe. Our nose and throat help to filter out some of these particles so that they never make it to our lungs.Our cells make carbon dioxide as a waste product from our bodies. When we breathe, that carbon dioxide and water vapor are removed by the lungs which we exhale back into the atmosphere.

When we eat, our body begins to digest the food matter in our mouth. First we grind the food with our teeth, and then our saliva helps to dissolve certain parts of our food. When we swallow, the food moves into our stomach where additional chemicals are added and the food is turned into a sort of liquid like a milk shake called chyme (pronounced kime). This liquid passes into the small intestine where the body adds special juices to digest fats and neutralize some of the acids that were created in the stomach. In the small intestine, a special hair-like lining known as villi absorb the liquid parts. Those liquid parts pass directly into the blood and are taken to all your cells throughout your body.This feeds your cells the food they need. This was the same food you ate several hours earlier. The left over solid parts of the food move into the large intestine. These solid parts of your food are the parts that you have no use for and are passed from your body when you go to the bathroom The entire trip from mouth to rectum can take about 24 hours in the average person.


Breath test- Healthy person will not have bad breath even if you don't brush your teeth

Body odor test -You should be able to bath without bath soap and body should not give smell

Sweat test - Cloth should not smell even if you wear them continuously for some time

Urine test- You urinate and urine should not smell, Urine should be colorless

Motion- Your motion should not smell

Person who is clear in above test is a sign of healthiness only follow natural life style which is described and you will be healthy.


▪ Regular check of weight if obese

▪ Regular check up of Blood pressure if high blood pressure or low blood pressure

▪ Regular check of Blood sugar if diabetic

▪ Check up of 3 months test of sugar if diabetic

▪ Blood and urine test for check up of cholesterol, triglyceride, kidney function etc..


Wake up- 5.30 AM

Water- 9 glass of water/ 2.5 liter just after wake up

Walk – 15000 Steps per day or 12 KM per day in two steps, 8 KM in morning and 4 KM in evening ( Increased step by step )

Yoga- 30 Minutes ( as per list given in next pages )

Breakfast - Moong and moth Sprout only

Food - Fix quantity of Food at fix time– no overeating no under eating, Evening food before 8 PM.

Sleep – latest by 10.30 PM

Other good practices kept continue which were in practice earlier also ( List is given )


Udgeeth pranayam- 3 times

Bhamari pranayam- 3 times

Kapal Bhati – 30 times

Anulom and Vilom – 10 times

Bahya pranayam- 3 times

Bhastrika pranayama- 3 times

Micro movement of hands

Movement of hands separately from shoulder joint 4times clockwise and 4 times anti clockwise

Neck rotation clockwise and anti clock wise- 3 times

Pushing Head on hands front, back, left and right

Rotation of neck left and right


Eye rotation clockwise and anticlockwise

Focus on distance and then on hand nail

Butterfly movement of legs

Vjrasan and mandukasan bending by putting close hands on stomach

Vajrasan and mandukasan with hands on stomach

Vajrasan and mandukasan with hands back



Left and right mandukasan

Ardha matsyendrasana


Mandukasan with sitting

Clockwise and anticlockwise rotation like chakki rotation by hands

Separation of leg and 100 times rotation from left hand to right thumb with neck rotation

Micro rotation of foot

Lay down and making zero with left leg clockwise and antoclock wise

Lay down and making zero with right leg clockwise and anticlockwise

Lay down and making zero with both the leg clockwise and anti clock wise

Lifting of both leg at 60o and 90o

Lifting one alternate leg by 10 times

Cycling with hands an leg- 10 times

Leg spread and mandikasan- 3 times

Ardha Nokasan

Reverse slip – Makarasan





Tarasan- mountain pose



Trikonasan – 70 times

Balance on one leg left and right

Warier asan

Natraj asan

Movement of complete body






Herbal Tea / Cinnamon Tea in MorningRubbing of Bottom of Foot for 2-3 minutes during bathRubbing of Oil/body lotion on Body after bath for 3-5 minutesRegular Puja and meditationGreen Tea in 1st Half and 2nd HalfTaking watery vegetable along with Lunch and DinnerOil massage on SundaySun Bath on Sun dayGo to bed at 10.00 to 10.30 PM dailyWake up at 5.30 AMWalk after 1 hour of dinner No TV after 9.30 PM

Sweat eating one or two bite onlyLess quantity of fried item All activity continue even if out of station.More green vegetables in lunch and dinnerEat Fruits like apple, Citrus Fruit, Lemon water etc.. regularlyExercise in Open airHead bath with cold waterLunch at fix time periodLunch and dinner should have plenty of curry, curdsTake lunch and dinner on sitting on groundEat lot of fruits and vegetable rawEasily digestible food in evening

Plenty of water in evening also Evening reading of good books, which will fill our mind with piece and

happiness Eat pleasantlyA crime is crime whether it is done knowingly or unknowingly. Punishment is more if crime is committed knowingly,

When we do not care our own body how can any outsider or a doctor can help you



Age- 47 year

Diabetic - from last 7 years taking tablet

BMI -31 ( Weight 78 kg with 5 feet 4inch height)

West - 38

Acidity – Many times problem was severe

lot of other problem like low stamina, pain in body etc..

Good Cholesterol level- low

Trglycirene level- High


▪ No more diabetic

▪ No more obese

▪ No more acidity

▪ Body looks better

▪ More energetic

▪ More stamina

▪ More positivity about life

▪ Looks more happy

FINAL OUTCOME -▪ Body is more flexible

▪ No pain in body

▪ Very Good slip

▪ Able to enjoy morning with nature,

▪ Watching daily sun rise

▪ Listening lot of sound of birds

▪ Daily meeting with morning walk friends

▪ Able to spent more time with wife

▪ Age- 47.5 year

▪ Diabetes- tablet stopped, Sugar level PP than 110

▪ BMI -24 ( Weight 65 kg )

▪ West - 32

▪ Acidity – No problem now

▪ lot of other problem like low stamina, pain in body etc. gone away

▪ Good Colestral- Increased to desire level


▪ Now most of the cloths are required to be changed▪ Some Persons are asking is anything wrong with you▪ You will miss all colorful tablets, capsules, injections▪ You will miss all royal disease




▪ Early wake up may be at 5.30 AM

▪ Start USHA PAN ( Empty stomach Morning water) increase it from 1 glass to 9 glass depending on comfort level

▪ Slow walk at your house till motion is clear and then outside in clean air.

▪ Walk in Pollution free area, you can plan visit of garden, temple or any other area.

▪ Walk can be increased slowly slowly from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.

▪ Walk approx. 5-6 KM per Hr or 7000 steps to 8000 steps per hour speed

▪ Herbal tea with tulsi, cinnamon, green tea which ever you like

▪ Bath with water which is having normal temperature.

▪ Rub the bottom of foot by stone or scrubber to generate impact of acupressure

▪ Pray or meditation if you are regularly doing the same for spiritual benefit

▪ Yoga for 20-30 minutes


Suggestions for the person who want to be disease free ( Typical only) Break Fast of sprout.

Sprout to be eaten very slowly may take 20 minutes otherwise it will create gas

You can add khira, tomatoes, lemon but no to salt, chilly etc..

Take water as per requirement of body

Do not drink water 1 hr before and after of lunch and dinner

Lunch and dinner with Indian curry and take fixed amount of food

Take small bite during lunch and dinner

Take lemon water with mint and salt whenever you feel comfortable.

Avoid sweats, fried items or take 1-2 bite only

Take one Green tea in pre lunch and one Post lunch time.

Dinner should be up to 8 PM

Go for evening walk from 9.30 PM which you can do comfortable

Daily walk approx. 8-10 KM or 10000 to 12000 steps

Suggestions for the person who want to be disease free ( Typical only) ▪ Go slow in all aspect

▪ You can start with one aspect and then go for another. This is not necessary to follow each and everything

▪ Do not expect quick result, It is natural hence will take time, Keep patience

▪ Volume of above activity is directly proportional to results

▪ Check your parameter like weight, blood pressure frequently

▪ Also go for check up of liquid profile to see the changes, Take doctors advise

▪ Sprout should be neat and clean and should be fresh only

▪ Do not over control yourself , take what ever you were taking but in small bite only

▪ Read good literature

Go for sleep not later then 10.30 PM

You can change speed of above suggestions as per your convenience and your body requirements


ॐ सव� भवन्तु सुखि�नःसव� सन्तु निनरामयाः ।सव� भद्राणिण पश्यन्तुमा कणि&द्दःु�भाग्भवेत् ।ॐ शान्तिन्तः शान्तिन्तः शान्तिन्तः ॥

Om, May All become Happy,May All be Free from Illness.May All See what is Auspicious,May no one Suffer.Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

With a Expectation that you will share above information to all your family members ,

relatives and friends .

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