how to boost metabolism

Post on 09-Feb-2016






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Boost Your metabolism for Weight Loss and Overall Health is a simple, straightforward program to increase metabolism safely and naturally. Boosting metabolism can effect weight loss and improved overall health.



Boost Your Metabolism For Weight Loss and Overall Health

A Special Report


Presented by

Alan Stransman

A safe, natural program to increase metabolism for weight loss and improved overall health.


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The information presented within this digital publication solely and

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This publication is not intended in any way as a substitute for

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should always consult with your doctor or other qualified professionals

regarding any known or suspected medical or mental conditions or

illnesses, as well as before engaging in any form of exercise or making

any changes to your dietary practices. Always consult with a doctor prior

to beginning any new medical regimen, including changing or

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As this digital book is not intended as a substitute for professional

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This publication is intended for informational purposes only and the

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Table of Contents

Foreword ................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 1: What Is Metabolism? .......................................................... 6

Chapter Two: The Benefits of Boosting Your Metabolism .............. 11

Chapter Three: The Right Mindset to Boost Your Metabolism ...... 13

Chapter Four: The Metabolism-Boosting Program Overview ....... 15

Chapter Five: Exercise “Smart” Not Hard ........................................ 17

Chapter Six: Eating Right.................................................................... 37

Chapter 7: Reducing Stress ................................................................. 52

Chapter 8: Recap of the Metabolism-Boosting Program .................. 61


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This ebook is entitled, “Boost Your Metabolism for

Weight Loss and Overall Health”, but it could just have easily

been entitled, “Lose Weight and Improve Your Overall Health

by Boosting Your Metabolism”. The point of this statement is

to acknowledge that any discussion of increasing your

metabolism is invariably linked to the concept of weight loss.

Very simply, most people who are interested in increasing

their metabolism have the goal of losing weight, and see

boosting their metabolism as a means of achieving that goal.

There is a very logical reason for this: metabolism is the

process by which your body converts calories into energy. If

your metabolic rate increases, you burn calories more

efficiently. Hence, you can either consume more calories than

normal without gaining weight or you can consume the same

number of calories as normal and lose weight. There are many

strategies for weight loss, and increasing the rate at which

your body burns calories is certainly one of them. However,

weight loss is only one of the benefits of boosting your

metabolism. There are a number of other important benefits,

as well, which will be discussed in this report. But, as we

stated at the outset, in all likelihood, if you are reading this

report, it is because you have the goal of losing weight and

you recognize that boosting your metabolism safely and

naturally is a much better way to achieve that goal than by

some form of self-deprivation and/or fad dieting.

This report presents a program for increasing metabolism

safely and naturally based upon four pillars: 1) strength and

resistance training 2) interval training 3) “eating right” and 4)

reducing stress. While the program is simple in terms of its


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component parts, it requires effort, discipline and commitment

if the desired results are to be achieved. This program is about

changing the way your body processes fuel for the long term.

It is not about achieving results quickly and then seeing those

results reverse as soon as you stop following the program. In

fact, you will have the best chance of success if you think of

this report as laying out a strategy for weight loss and

improved overall health through permanent changes in the

way you exercise, eat and deal with stress, as opposed to a

program which has a beginning, middle and end. Ideally, the

lifestyle changes you make should last a lifetime.

As stated above, the pillars of a safe and natural approach

to boosting your metabolism are to add muscle mass, interval

train, eat the “right” foods at the “right” time (and to eliminate

the wrong foods) and to reduce stress. Within each of those

categories, there are many options, and whenever possible,

this report will recommend resources that can assist you in

your journey.

If you have tried other means of increasing your

metabolism – and of losing weight – and have not achieved

the desired results, you will likely find the information in this

report unlike anything you have encountered before. If you

have never tried to boost your metabolism before, you should

find this report simple and straightforward, which, as we have

suggested earlier, is not to be construed as requiring little

effort. Follow the recommendations in this report and you

should begin to see results within a couple of weeks.

Incorporate the recommendations in this report into your

lifestyle, and you will be well on your way to a new and

improved you.


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Chapter 1: What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism, in its most basic sense, is the process

whereby your body converts calories from the food you eat

into energy. It is a series of chemical reactions that give your

body the energy to do what it needs to do to keep functioning

– and, consequently, for you to continue living. Without

metabolism – which is to say, without converting the calories

you consume into energy - you would not be able to move or

think. Metabolism provides energy for your body, and for your

individual organs, to function efficiently.

To better understand the vital importance of metabolism,

think of it this way: if your heart stops beating, you die.

Likewise, if your metabolism stops, you die – because without

metabolism, you would not have the energy to breathe, or for

your heart to beat!

How Metabolism Works

Let‟s start with the process of eating. As you chew and

swallow your food, it goes down to your digestive tract.

Digestive enzymes then break down your food – carbohydrate

into glucose, fats into fatty acids, and protein into amino acids.

After the nutrients are effectively broken down, they are

absorbed by the bloodstream and are carried over to the cells.

Other enzymes, along with hormones, then work to either

convert these nutrients into cells or building blocks for tissues

or release them as an energy supply for the body‟s immediate



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Metabolism Types and Components

There are two basic metabolic processes – one is

constructive, and is responsible for building and storing

energy for the body. The other is destructive, though not in the

sense of doing damage, as it breaks down nutrient molecules

in order to release energy.

The constructive metabolic process is called anabolism,

while the destructive metabolic process is called catabolism.

Anabolism promotes the growth of new cells, the

maintenance and repair of tissues, and the storage of energy –

usually through body fat – for future use. Small nutrient

molecules are converted into larger molecules of protein,

carbohydrates and fat.

Catabolism, meanwhile, is responsible for immediately

providing the body with energy to use. Instead of building up,

it breaks down the nutrient molecules in order to release

energy. These two processes do not occur simultaneously but

are kept in balance by the body.

Catabolism – that is, the process of breaking down food

into energy that the body can use immediately - has three


1. Basal metabolism: Sometimes called resting

metabolism, this is the component of metabolism

that is responsible for keeping you alive by ensuring

normal body functions. Even if you were bedridden

for the entire day, your basal metabolism would still

be at work.

Basal metabolism is metabolism‟s main component,

as 60 to 70 percent of the calories from the food you


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eat are used for this. People who want to lose weight

usually aim for a higher basal metabolic rate (BMR).

2. Physical movement: This can range from a simple

moving of your fingers all the way to very strenuous

exercise. Usually 25 percent of the calories you

consume are used to support physical movement.

3. Thermic effect of food: This relates to the digestion

and processing of the food you ingest into your

body. Normally, ten percent of the calories from the

food you eat are burned through this component of

catabolic metabolism.

Factors that Affect Metabolism

Your metabolic rate, or how fast or slow your

metabolism works, is influenced by a number of factors:

1. Genetics: Metabolic rate is partially hereditary.

This can sometimes account for the difference

between a person who can eat almost anything

and not gain an ounce and a person whose weight

increases after a single indulgence.

2. Age: The younger you are, the faster your

metabolism is. Metabolism slows down as you

age. Women‟s metabolic rate starts to decrease at

the age of 30; for men, the decline in metabolic

rate begins later, at the age of 40.

3. Gender: Men, generally, have a higher metabolic

rate – usually 10-15 percent higher – than women

because their bodies have more muscle mass.

Muscle is a key factor in metabolic rate, and


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building muscle an important factor in boosting

metabolism, as will be discussed in the chapter on


4. Amount of lean body mass: As noted mentioned

above, more muscle means faster metabolism as

muscle burns more calories than fat.

5. Diet: Some foods will help you increase your

metabolism while others will slow down your

metabolic rate. While timing may not be

everything with respect to diet, when you eat

significantly impacts upon your metabolism, in

addition to what you eat. This will be discussed in

greater detail in the section of this report dealing

with “eating right”.

6. Stress level: Stress is inversely proportional to

metabolism, which means that the more stress

you are subjected to, the lower your metabolism.

While that may seem counterintuitive at this

point, you will have a better understanding of it

when we move on to the chapter on stress.

7. Hormones: Specific hormones metabolize

specific nutrients. How well those hormones

work, then, directly affects metabolism. To a

certain extent, diet and stress levels affect the

hormones that are involved in metabolism, as you

will discover in a later chapter. Hormonal

disorders or imbalances can have a negative

effect upon metabolism, as well.

Looking at all the various factors that influence

metabolism, you may now have a general idea of what you


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need to do to increase your metabolism – which is to accept

the factors (including heredity) that you cannot change, and

work on changing the one that you can!

However, before we delve into the detailed program for

firing up your metabolism, let‟s explore the benefits that are in

store for you when you do! And, since there will be some

work and commitment required, let‟s also explore the kind of

resolve that you will need to achieve the level of metabolism

that you desire.


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Chapter Two: The Benefits of Boosting Your


As we stated at the outset of this report, metabolism, and,

specifically, increasing metabolic rate, is not only about

weight loss, although most discussions about metabolism

seem to focus almost exclusively on this aspect. In fact, even

if you are perfectly happy with your weight, there are a lot of

benefits to increasing your metabolism. The following is a list

of some of the benefits that you stand to gain by applying the

strategies for boosting metabolism that are presented in this


1. Weight loss: Let‟s start with the most obvious,

and, certainly, the most highly-sought-after

benefit. By increasing your metabolism,

particularly your BMR, (basal metabolic rate)

you will burn more calories simply by doing the

activities you normally do. Even while you are

asleep, your body is working to burn the calories

you consume. With an increase in metabolism,

you can actually shed one to two pounds per

week. Best of all, the results are long-term, unlike

a quick-fix diet! The kinds of weight loss results

that can be achieved by boosting your

metabolism are more gratifying and more long-

lasting than those that can be achieved through a

fad diet – if, in fact, any results can be achieved

through fad dieting, at all.

2. The ability to eat more without having to

worry about gaining weight: One of the side

benefits, if you will, of increasing your


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metabolism is that, as you are now burning

calories at a higher rate, you can consume more

calories without feeling guilty. This does not

mean having carte blanche to overindulge or load

up on junk food on a daily basis. It is to say,

rather, that for people who tend to worry about

gaining weight, an increase in metabolism can

have the effect of reducing that concern.

3. Feeling more energized: People with faster

metabolism report having more energy. With a

faster metabolism, your body is performing more

efficiently to release the energy you need to get

going and keep going.

4. Looking better: The skin of people with a fast

metabolism is brighter and more radiant. Their

faces are pinkish, more alive with color. With a

faster metabolism, you will not only feel good but

also look good!

5. Being healthier overall: Your body functions

more efficiently with a faster metabolism.

Digestion, absorption of nutrients and blood

circulation are improved. And you won‟t require

as much sleep as you did before to feel refreshed

the next day.

To recap, increasing your metabolism will confer a

number of benefits, including long-term weight loss, more

energy and an enhanced sense of well-being.


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Chapter Three: The Right Mindset to Boost

Your Metabolism

What does “mindset” have to do with increasing your

metabolism? Can‟t you just boost your metabolism without

having to develop the right mindset?

Perhaps you can, but as in virtually every other area of

human endeavor for which discipline, effort and commitment

are required, having the right mental attitude will certainly

increase your chances of successfully boosting your

metabolism. And, there is a good reason for that – boosting

your metabolism is a rather serious enterprise. That is not to

say that it needs to be a tortuous process – it can be fun and

exciting. But it is not a “quick-fix” for which you only need to

exert an effort or make sacrifices for a couple weeks – or, as in

the case of some of the more extreme diet fads, a couple of


Boosting your metabolism for long-term benefits is about

changing your lifestyle and habits. Though you may choose to

focus, initially, on making small changes, you will still be

changing the way of life that you have become accustomed to

– and it may feel uncomfortable at first. Increasing your

metabolism requires day-to-day consistency in your actions

and lifestyle choices, and since you are seeking long-term

results, you will need to make a long-term investment. How

else would you expect to achieve long-term benefits?

From this point on, consider the ideas and strategies

presented in this report as constituting a complete package or

program. By doing so, you will more easily appreciate that

you cannot just follow some of the recommendations and still


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get all of the desired results. The program presented in this

report illustrates the “gestalt” principle – which is that the

whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Trust that the

components of the program all work together harmoniously to

deliver the results you are seeking, so by committing to any of

the recommendations, you are committing to all of them.

With that in mind, close your eyes and imagine exactly

what your life will be like after this program has begun to take

effect. How will you look? How will you feel? Using the same

process of casting your mind into the future, try to picture

yourself after three months, then six months – and even a year,

if you can. What differences do see when you look at

yourself? If you are new to this kind of “imagery” exercise, it

may seem a bit strange, but consider this – many of the top

athletes in the world, including Olympic gold medalists, use

this exact type of imaginative process to envision their success

before they achieve it.

Once you have imagined it, and you have “seen yourself”

achieving it, write down your expected results. Doing this will

help you persevere through the program, especially on those

occasions when you are fighting the urge to go back to some

of your old lifestyle habits – and eating habits! When that

happens – and it will – pull out the piece of paper on which

you wrote down the benefits that you hope to enjoy by

increasing your metabolism.

If you can do that – resist the temptation to revert to your

old ways by focusing on the “future you” that you can see in

your mind‟s eye – you will be well on your way to achieving

your goal of increasing your metabolism.


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Chapter Four: The Metabolism-Boosting

Program Overview

As stated in the previous chapter, to achieve the results

you desire, you will need to this report as a self-contained

program for which you will need to comply with all of the

recommendations in order to boost your metabolism, not just a

few of them.

We will begin with the exercise component, as this is,

perhaps, the most crucial element in the entire program.

Exercise, if it is “done right”, can significantly impact your

BMR. The goal, however, is to “exercise smart, and not

always “hard”, as many other fitness programs would have

you do. We will be talking about the importance of building

muscle mass and applying the right intensity to exercise a bit

later in the report.

The second component of the program deals with “eating

right”. As with the exercise component, we are not prescribing

hardship or deprivation. “Eating right” is not necessarily about

eating less, as most traditional weight loss programs would

have you do – but “eating smart”. As you will discover in that

section of the report, the results you desire will not only come

from the foods you eat, but from how and when you eat them,

as well.

The third component of the program is about reducing

stress. Here again, you may, initially, express some surprise at

the inclusion of a section on stress reduction in a program

whose goal is to boost metabolism. Rest assured, however,

that stress is a very real and a very powerful obstacle to


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boosting your metabolism, which is why it is a vital

component of this metabolism-boosting program.

Take time to absorb each component of the program

before moving on to the next one. You can start by applying

the recommendations presented in this report “little by little”,

if you will, as long as you have the intention of putting it all

together once your body has adjusted to the changes that you

are making.


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Chapter Five: Exercise “Smart” Not Hard

As stated in the previous chapter, we will recommending

in this report that you exercise smart, not necessarily exercise

hard. That said, some of the components of the exercise

program are of high-intensity and may, indeed, be “hard” to

do in the initial stages. But the guiding principle is efficiency

of time and energy. Remember, the goal is to boost your

metabolism, not to prepare for a grueling endurance test such

as a marathon or triathlon. Hence, you will likely not need to

work as long or as hard as you may think. The goal is to “fire

up” your metabolism with an exercise program that requires

the least amount of time and the least amount of effort without

sacrificing results.

The two major components of the exercise program are

strength and resistance training for building lean muscle mass

and interval training for speeding up the metabolic process in


Strength and Resistance Training

The exercises in this section of the training program are

designed, as the name of this section suggests, to build

strength. To achieve this goal, tension is applied to directly to

the muscles. The end result is increased muscle mass in your

body. Building muscle is a very important component of the

metabolism-boosting program as the more muscle you have in

your body the more calories you will burn. A good way of

thinking of this is to imagine the muscles in your body as

small furnaces that burn fuel – the fuel in this analogy being

calories. The more furnaces that you have, the more fuel you

will burn. A numerical way of framing this concept is to


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understand that for every pound of muscle that you add to

your body, you will burn an additional 40-50 additional

calories per day.

That means that if you were to add ten pounds of muscle

mass to your body through the exercises in the program, you

would burn an additional 500 calories per day and 3500

calories per week. You can see now how adding muscle mass

leads to weight loss, as we are not talking about burning 3500

calories per week through exercise – we are talking about your

additional muscle mass consuming those calories without any

exertion, whatsoever.

While building muscles is usually associated with weight

training, this is not, necessarily, always the case. There are, in

fact, many strength and resistance training exercises that do

not require weights at all. If you are on a tight budget, you can

still do all of the strength and resistance training you need to

do to increase your metabolism without investing any money

in weights or in a gym membership. Having said that, if you

are committed to achieving the best results possible, a

combination of strength exercises with equipment and without

equipment is best, and at the end of this chapter we will make

some recommendations as to some of the best fitness

equipment out there, if you want to set up a mini-gym in your

own home.

Since we are on the subject, let‟s begin with a discussion

of weight-lifting exercises.

Weight-lifting is a very effective muscle-building strategy

as by using weights you can apply tension directly to your

muscles. Compare this to an activity like swimming, which

provides a total body workout, but one in which it is difficult


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to isolate individual muscles or even muscle groups to

develop. Another advantage of weight training is that you can

easily track your progress as the number of pounds or grams is

clearly indicated on each weight. As your muscles adapt to the

added demands being placed on them and strengthen, you can

add more weight, whether you are using barbells, free weights

or resistance rods.

The best way to determine how many grams or pounds

your weights should be when you start out is by simply giving

them a try .This may not seem terribly scientific but the truth

is that the best weights for you are the ones that put tension on

your muscles but do not make you feel fatigued. This will vary

from one individual to another so there is no “one size fits all”

approach. If you are lifting free weights in the gym, it is easy

enough to start with the lightest weights available and see

which ones provide tension that you can actually feel in your

muscles when you do a few “reps”, but do not cause a strain.

Your goal is going to be three sets of eight repetitions of each

strength-training exercise - that is where you will strive to end

up, but where you begin will depend upon your individual

abilities at the outset.

The best exercises for achieving faster results for

boosting metabolism are those that work several muscles in

your body at the same time. However, if you want to focus on

a particular muscle, or group of muscles, to tone or sculpt a

specific body part, that can work, as well. There are many

weight-lifting exercises you can choose from to include in

your routine, but here are some of the basics:

1. Bench press – This is a multi-joint exercise,

working the major muscles of the shoulders, chest

and triceps. To do this, lie on a bench and hold


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the weight over your chest with your elbows bent

at 90 degrees. “Press” the weight up until your

arms straighten, then lower it slowly back to your

starting position.

2. Chest fly – This works the muscles of the chest,

and requires two weights, one in each hand. Lie

on a bench with your weights held overhead,

palms facing inward. Lower the weights to your

sides up to shoulder level, with your elbows

slightly bent. Slowly bring the weights up, back

to starting position.

3. Bicep curl – This is one of the most basic

weight-lifting exercises, and one which puts

tension on the biceps, as the name suggests. To

perform this exercise, hold the weights with your

palms facing out. Bend your elbows to bring the

weights to your shoulders without touching them.

Slowly lower the weights down, but do not

straighten your arm out totally, so as to maintain

a level of tension.

4. Concentration curl – This also works the biceps.

Kneel on one leg using the leg opposite the hand

you are working with. Hold one weight with your

working hand and put the other hand on your

waist. Place the back of the upper arm of your

working hand on the inner thigh of the other leg.

You can lean into that leg to raise your elbow a

little. Raise the weight to the front of your

shoulder and then slowly lower the arm until

almost straight.


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5. Overhead press – This works the shoulder

muscles. Stand or sit straight and hold your

weights with your elbows bent and your hands in

front of your eyes. Bring the weights over your

head while keeping your back straight. Slowly

bring the weights down to starting position.

As we have described, the exercises above utilize weights

– either barbells or free weights. Strength exercises without

weights can be combined with these weight-lifting exercises to

add diversity to your routine, or, if you do not have access to

weights, can be used on their own as a strength-and-

resistance-training regimen.

Here are some examples:

1. Squat – A squat is a multi-joint exercise

working the hamstrings, quadriceps, “glutes”

and the lower back. In fact, this is one of the

most effective strength exercises without

weights. From a standing position, slowly

lower your body until your knees bend at a 90-

degree angle. Keep your feet flat on the floor

while doing this. Slowly return to a standing


2. Pushup – This is a very common and a very

effective strength-and resistance –training

exercise – and one which most of us had to do

in elementary school physical education

classes. While the basic pushup works well,

adding variations to the basic model can work

more muscles.


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For example, you can do pushups between two chairs.

These work the chest and the triceps. Place both feet on a

stable chair and then place both hands on separate chairs. The

two chairs your hands are resting on can be separated by a gap

of 60 centimeters. The chair with your feet should align with

the midpoint of the gap between the other two chairs. Your

body should be extended comfortably from the chair your feet

are on to the two chairs on which you have placed your hands.

Slowly lower your chest – below the level of the chairs if you

can – and then “push up” until your arms are fully extended,

keeping your back straight.

3. Crunch – The basic “crunch” – another of the

exercises we all did as children - is a strength

exercise, although it works, mostly, on the

“abs”. Although the crunch is well-known by

just about everyone, not everyone knows how

to do it properly. To do this exercise correctly,

lie on the floor or on a mat with your knees

bent and your feet flat on the floor. You may

put your hands behind your head. Raise your

upper body – but leading with your chest –

upwards until you feel your abs contract. To

maintain proper tension, do not raise your

body all the way up to a 90-degree angle.

Again, to maintain tension, when you lower

your body back down, do not rest on the floor.

Instead, keep yourself a bit elevated from the


To add variety to your exercise regimen and in order to

work different sets of muscles, you can also try working out

with different equipment like exercise balls.


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In planning your routine for strength exercises, refer to the

body‟s muscle groups below and determine which ones you

want to work on. Keep in mind, though, that multi-joint

exercises are still best to achieve faster metabolism.

1. Biceps – These are found at the front of your

upper arm.

2. Triceps – These are at the back of your upper


3. Deltoids – These are the caps of your


4. The Pectoralis Major – This is the large, fan-

shaped muscle on the front of your upper


5. Rhomboids – These are muscles in the middle

of your upper back and located between the

shoulder blades.

6. Trapezius – This is on your upper back,

sometimes called „traps.‟ The upper trapezius

muscle, in particular, runs from the back of

your neck to your shoulder.

7. Latisimus Dorsi – These are large muscles

that go down the middle of your back. When

developed well, they give your back an

attractive V-shape, creating the appearance of

a smaller waist.

8. Lower Back – This comprises the erector

spine muscles that enable back extension. This

also helps in maintaining good posture.


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9. Abdominals –This is where the belly fat

usually goes, forming the flab you want to

banish forever. The abdominals are composed

of the external obliques, which run down the

sides and the front of the abdomen, and the

rectus abdominus, a flat muscle running across

the abdomen.

10. Gluteals – Also called “glutes,” the main

muscle here is the gluteus maximus, the

muscle on your buttocks.

11. Quadriceps – These muscles go up the front

of your thigh.

12. Hamstrings – These are on the back of your


13. Hip Abductors and Adductors – These are

located at your inner and outer thigh.

Abductors are on the outside, moving the leg

away from your body. On the other hand,

adductors are on the inside, pulling the leg to

the center of your body.

14. Calf Muscles– The calf muscles are on the

back of the lower leg. The two calf muscles

are the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The

former gives the calf a stable, round shape

while the soleus is a flat muscle below the


After choosing your exercises, you must think about the

level of intensity and the duration of your exercises. The

number of repetitions and sets actually depends on your level


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of tolerance – fatigue is a sign that you have overtaxed

yourself. Let yourself feel the “burn” in your muscles or the

soreness but do not push beyond a tolerable level of strain –

which is to say, strain but not pain. As a general guideline, the

American College of Sports Medicine recommends three sets

or more of strength exercises with six to eight repetitions for

each set for building muscle. If you are a beginner, though, it

may take some time before you reach this level. Do not take

more than a 45-second rest between sets for best results in

increasing metabolism.

Your exercise routine does not have to take longer than 30

minutes for you to achieve optimum results.

At this point, it should be reiterated that strength and

resistance exercises are the best and healthiest way to build

muscles. Looking for shortcuts, like performance-enhancing

drugs or steroids with growth hormones is neither effective, in

the long-term, nor healthy. While they may help increase your

muscle mass in the short term, they can have extremely

dangerous side effects, such as heart attack, liver damage, and

even premature death – making their long-term use

exceedingly hazardous and, simply put, not worth the risk.

The best course of action is to stick to the healthy and proven

ways of building muscles discussed earlier in this section of

the report.

The benefits of strength exercises are many and extend

beyond boosting metabolism – although boosting metabolism

would be reason enough to do them!. Strength training also

lowers blood pressure, improves balance and flexibility,

increases your stamina for other activities, and reduces your

risk of injury


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It should come as no surprise that strength-training-

exercises actually do strengthen your muscles and bones!

Interval Training

Once again, the name says it all - these exercises are all

about “intervals,” specifically, creating “intervals” of high-

intensity exercise and rest. In this section of the metabolism-

boosting program, you will be doing some form of

cardiovascular exercise at the highest level of intensity that

you can, then shift to a moderate level of intensity, back to

high intensity again, then back to moderate intensity, and so

on. This type of exercise, alternating between intervals of high

and moderate levels of intensity, is also referred to as

“metabolic burst” training, as the sudden burst required for the

high-intensity activity is accompanied by a sudden burst of

calorie-burning. Because of the sudden “burst” that you are

giving to your body, it responds by suddenly releasing energy.

The “rest” period in which moderate exercise is performed, is

essential to allow the body to get rid of the waste products in

the muscles that you are using in the exercise. It is important,

however, to remember to maintain a significant level of effort

during the moderate stage, as opposed to going into a period

of total rest. This is to ensure that continuous release of energy

in your body is maintained.

Interval training can be done for almost any type of

cardiovascular exercise – running, biking, swimming, and

others. For running, the “rest” period (again, something of a

misnomer here, as you will not actually be resting) can be

brisk walking. For biking and swimming, again, the idea is to

alternate between performing the activity at a high level of

intensity – the highest that you can without becoming out of


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breath – and performing the activity at a slower or more

moderate pace. The “high-intensity” and the “moderate-

intensity” exercise can also be somewhat different. For

example, a high-intensity exercise could consist of briskly

walking up the stairs while the low-intensity exercise might be

briskly walking on a flat surface – the moderate phase of the

activity is not rendered less strenuous by being performed

more slowly, necessarily, but by being performed on a flat

surface as opposed to a vertical set of stairs. The goal is to

alternate between sudden bursts of activity which put an

intense strain on your system and require a corresponding

burst of energy to perform, and a less demanding phase or

“interval” of physical exercise which allows your body to

eliminate waste products that have accumulated in the

muscles, and yet maintain a continuous burning of calories.

That‟s the theory of “interval training” in a nutshell.

Each “interval” should last between one to four minutes.

The “rest” period can be shorter or longer than your high-

intensity exercise, depending on your level of conditioning.

Thirty minutes of interval training is sufficient to achieve

optimal results. Just ensure that your moderate-intensity

exercise still requires a significant level of intensity –we‟re

talking about different degrees of intensity, here – while, at the

same time, still allowing your body to prepare for the next

burst of very high-intensity exercise. As we stated earlier, a

good indicator of whether or not you are performing your

high-intensity exercises at a sufficiently high exercise is being

out of breath – being almost but not completely out of breath

is a the level you want to aim for.

There is a way to calculate what your optimal level of

intensity should during the “high-intensity” intervals of your


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 28

interval training, rather than relying on the “out-of-breath”

test, which is based upon your heart rate. To get your

maximum heart rate, simply subtract your age from 220.

Hence, if you are a 40-year-old, your “max heart rate” would

be 180. An interesting way to calculate your optimal level of

intensity is to increase your intensity until you are almost out

of breath. Then, take your pulse by placing your hand on your

wrist and counting the number of beats within 10 seconds and

multiplying by 6. That will tell you what your heart rate is at

the point at which you start to feel out of breath – which is the

point beyond which you should not push yourself. Your heart

rate should be about 75-85% of your max heart rate – which

you calculated by subtracting your age from 200. Hence, if

you are a 40-year-old, your heart rate during your high-

intensity intervals should be between 135 and 145. Again,

depending upon your level of conditioning, you may feel out

of breath at at a heart rate that is less than 75-85% of your max

heart rate. As you become fitter, you will be able to extend

yourself closer to the 75-85% level, although you should not

exceed that.

Now, you may wonder, what good is it to know what your

optimal heart rate zone should be while you are doing your

interval training. You certainly don‟t want to stop to take your

pulse during while you are in the middle of your high-intensity

interval. This is where a heart-rate monitor comes in. You

don‟t need a heart rate monitor to achieve results from interval

training. You can rely on the “breath test” to determine how

much effort you are exerting and then calculate your heart rate

during that period as soon as you have finished your interval.

But, if you really want to be scientific about it, a heart-rate

monitor is a fantastic tool. Worn like a simple wrist watch, a

heart-rate monitor will tell you exactly what your heart rate is


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 29

while you are in the process of exercising, allowing you to

measure your intensity level “on the fly”.

For those whose main reason for wanting to boost their

metabolism is weight loss, here‟s the good news: after a few

weeks of interval training, you can expect even your normal

exercise with moderate intensity to burn more calories than


A study by exercise scientist Jason Talanian, Ph.D.,

supports this claim. After seven interval workouts spread out

over a two week period, subjects increased their fat burning by

a whopping 36 percent through normal cycling exercises only.

And the good news doesn‟t stop there. Even after your

interval training session has ended, your body continues to

burn calories in the “metabolic afterburn” phase, which can

lasts for up to 46 hours after your workout.

You can see that interval training has benefits that normal

cardiovascular exercise cannot offer. Furthermore, normal

cardiovascular exercise usually takes longer to complete, as

the primary objective is to develop endurance, not to boost

metabolic rate. As we have seen, significant metabolism-

boosting results can be achieved through interval training

sessions of 30 minutes in duration spread out over a period of

just a few weeks.

The Schedule

While you are free to choose the specific exercises

components that will comprise both the strength and resistance

training and the interval training elements of your personal

metabolism-boosting program, to achieve optimal results, it is


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 30

recommended that you follow a schedule that is designed

along the lines of the one below:

Day 1: Strength and resistance exercises

Day 2: Interval training exercises

Day 3: Strength and resistance exercises

Day 4: Interval training exercises

Day 5: Strength and resistance exercises

Day 6: Interval training exercises

Day 7: Rest

As you can see, in this simple regimen, strength training

and interval training are scheduled on alternate days, to allow

for the muscles that you work in each of the two exercise

components to have a day to recover before being worked

again. It is best not to do your strength training exercises after

your interval training workout – as tempting as this seem from

the standpoint of time management – as this will slow down

the process of muscle-building.

Scheduling one day per week without any exercise is also

a crucial component of the program for your body needs a rest

day to recover from the workouts you are doing.

Again, it is important to reiterate that it not necessary to

push your body to the point of exhaustion. Doing so will

trigger a stress response in your body, which may have serious

effects on your metabolism. (The link between stress and

metabolism will be discussed in a later section). Also, make

sure that you are able to breathe normally throughout the

exercises so that your body is not subjected to undue stress.


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 31

Always perform warm-up exercises before your exercise

routine and cool-down exercises after. For a warm-up

exercise, any type of “cardio” activity at a moderate level of

intensity will serve you well. For a cool-down, try a total

“body stretch” to relax your muscles. Breathing exercises will

also help you to relax following an exercise routine.

Do not hesitate to inject variety into your exercise routines

not only to work different muscle groups, but for your own

enjoyment, as well, especially if you find yourself getting

bored with the same exercise routines. The key to success is

consistency, but what is meant by that is sticking to a regular

exercise schedule, as opposed to exercising very vigorously

for a couple of days in a row and then being idle for a few

days at a time. However, within a program of regular exercise,

individual exercise sessions can be varied and diverse. As long

as strength training and interval training sessions are

alternated to allow the body to work and recover, how you

“change up” your workouts to keep yourself interested and

motivated is up to you.

Some Additional Information Regarding Your

Metabolism-Boosting Program

Here are a few more things to keep in mind as you

develop the exercise program that you will be following to fire

up your metabolism:

1. Age does not matter. Whether you are 20 or 60,

you can trust that the exercise program which we

have presented in this report will work for you.

For older people, your interval training may not

be as intense as that of someone younger at first.

After doing it for some time, however, you just


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 32

might be surprised at how far your body is able to

go. With respect to strength and resistance

training, specifically, a study conducted at Tufts

University in Boston found that muscle mass can

be added through strength training at virtually

any age. In the study, women between the ages of

87 and 96 who underwent an 8-week strength

training program tripled their strength and

increased their muscle mass by ten percent.

2. Other forms of physical activity are good

but….While it is true that any kind of physical

activity burns calories, some forms of physical

activity burn more calories than others and are of

greater value from a cardiovascular perspective.

If you bowl, curl or “figure skate”, by all means

continue to engage in those activities. However,

they should not take the place of strength training

and interval training, if your goal is to boost your


3. More exercise does not mean faster

metabolism. Generally speaking, the more you

exercise the more calories you will burn. That

said, there is the phenomenon known as

“diminishing returns”. Your goal is to achieve a

long-term increase in your metabolic rate. Rather

than focusing on how much exercise you do,

focus instead on how consistently you exercise. If

you extend yourself beyond your limits, not only

will you risk an injury which could set your

program back weeks or even months, but you

could also push your body into a stress reaction.


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 33

Stress, as we shall soon see, has a negative effect

on metabolism.

As we have seen, the most effective exercise program to

boost your metabolism not only includes but alternates, on a

day-to-day basis, strength and resistance training and interval

training. But exercise is only one component of your

metabolism-boosting program. In the next section of the

report, we will consider the role that “eating right” plays in the


Recommended Resources

While it is not necessary to join a fitness club or

community center which has free weights and resistance-

training equipment for the strength-training component of the

metabolism-boosting program, you will achieve better results

in less time with professional equipment. The alternative to a

membership at a club or fitness center is to set up a gym in

your own home. This is a very convenient option for many

people as it affords the opportunity to work out any time, day

or night, without needing to travel to and from the fitness

facility, a key benefit for people who are already pressed for


Home fitness equipment is very sophisticated these days

and there are many fantastic products on the market that can

be used for strength-training and interval training. In the

section below, a few of the top products on the market are


For information on each of the recommended products,

click on the hyperlink below the product name:


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 34

Bowflex 3000 HomeGym




Bowflex PR1000 Home Gym




Bowflex SelectTech 532 Adjustable Dumbbells




Universal 445-Pound Dumbbells and Stand Combo




Fitnex E70 Elliptical Trainer





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Fitnex Light Commercial Elliptical Trainer




Polar FT7 Women’s Heart Rate Monitor




Polar FT7 Men’s Heart Rate Monitor




Lifespan TR4000i Fitness Folding Treadmill




Lifespan TR1200i Fitness Folding Treadmill 2013






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Note: There are many other models available in each

category, which may better suit your needs and budget. If you

wish to make the commitment to and investment in home gym

equipment, you will find a product to fit virtually any budget.


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Chapter Six: Eating Right

Food is your main fuel for energy – it gives your body the

calories it processes to burn or to store energy. Eating the right

food, the right amount of food, and at the right time will

produce the best results possible for your metabolism-boosting


For those whose primary objective for increasing their

metabolism is to lose weight – and that likely means for the

majority of the readers of this report - it needs to be stated

that eating to boost metabolism is radically different from

traditional weight loss diets. In traditional diets, calories are,

in a sense, your “enemy”, as the goal is to monitor caloric

intake, and, in most weight loss diest, reduce it. The opposite

is actually true for a metabolism-boosting diet. Calories are

now your friends – the good calories, that is.

Recall that in the previous section of this report dealing

with exercise, it was stated that the more muscles you build,

the more calories you will burn, as muscle burns more calories

than fat. It was also stated that after a period of interval

training - and recall the study that demonstrated that that

period is only a couple of weeks - your body also burns more

calories. Hence, to keep pace with the increased calorie

burning, you actually have to eat more. This will become

clearer as we proceed.

The Right Nutrients To Include in Your Metabolism-

Boosting Program

Carbohydrates are among the most important nutrients

for firing up your metabolism, as they are provide basic fuel

for the physical activity you will be doing in the program. If


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 38

you exercise regularly – and remember, consistent physical

exercise in the form of strength training and interval training

is the first building block of the metabolism-boosting program

- carbohydrates are crucial. As you progress in your muscle-

building and interval training, you will need to increase your

carbohydrate intake. As your body burns more energy, it will

need more energy from carbohydrates. If the carbohydrates

you consume are not enough, your body will turn to your

muscle mass to get its energy. By not consuming sufficient

quantities of carbohydrates, you could actually begin to break

down the muscles you are working so hard to build.

Consequently, more than 50 percent of your calorie

requirements should come from carbohydrates.

That said, it is important to understand that not all

carbohydrates are created equal.

There are two types of carbohydrates – simple and

complex. Simple carbohydrates are easier to digest and to

absorb than complex carbohydrates. If we consider the thermic

effect of food consumption, which, as we noted in Chapter 1,

is a component of metabolism, complex carbohydrates are the

way to go. And, as a general rule, complex carbohydrates are

“healthier” types of food while simple carbohydrates are

usually the processed foods which are loaded with

preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

Having said that, simple carbohydrates should not be

neglected entirely. Healthy examples of simple carbohydrates

include honey, milk and fresh fruit juices.

With respect to complex carbohydrates, there is a wide

range of options. The table below presents a number of



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Grains and


Root Crops Vegetables

Oatmeal Potato Broccoli

Whole Wheat Bread Sweet Potato Cauliflower

Whole Wheat Pasta Taro/Yam Cabbage

Brown Rice Manioc Eggplant

Bran Cucumber

Corn Green Peppers


Bean Sprouts





As we can see from this chart, not all carbohydrates fall

into the category of grains and root crops – there are fibrous

carbohydrates as well in the vegetables category. The fiber in

these vegetables, while not absorbed by the digestive system,

contributes to the thermic effect. Fiber also cleanses the body,

aiding its smooth functioning.

Protein is another essential nutrient in the metabolism-

boosting diet. Protein is broken down by the body into amino

acids, which are the building blocks of cells – and,


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 40

consequently, of muscles. In addition, like complex

carbohydrates, protein is an important factor in the thermic

effect of food consumption, as it takes the body a long time to

break protein down into usable components.

Some excellent sources of protein are listed below:

1. Chicken – Chicken breast has the highest degree

of protein. Drumsticks are also good, though as

high in protein as breast. Be sure to remove the

skin to eliminate saturated fat and cholesterol.

2. Fish – An excellent source of protein without the

negative elements of red meat. In addition to high

protein content, coldwater fish like salmon and

tuna contain valuable omega oils that promote

heart health.

3. Eggs – A rich source of protein and an affordable

one, too, when compared to other protein sources

such as steak or salmon. Eggs contain all the

essential amino acids needed for growth.

Contrary to what many people think, the high

protein content in eggs comes mostly from the

egg white and not the egg yolk. To avoid over-

consumption of egg yolks, high in cholesterol, try

using egg white for omelettes and other egg-

based dishes.

4. Milk – This is another key source of protein for

anyone who wants to build muscle. It is not by

accident that infants and toddlers are given milk

for growth.


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5. Whey – Though not a natural whole food, whey

is a very good source of protein and a very

healthy one. Whey protein is a staple among body

builders, which, speaks volumes about its role in

muscle-building. Whey protein comes in many

forms, including powder. But not all whey

protein is of equal value as processing varies. For

more information on the best choice of whey

protein, see the note below.

Fats are also essential for boosting metabolism. This may

raise a few eyebrows, especially among those who have tried

conventional weight loss diets. This is where the fast

metabolism diet, again, sets itself apart. While too much fat –

especially unhealthy fat – is bad, a small amount of healthy

fats consumed daily helps the hormones responsible for

metabolism to continue performing well. Diets that are

extremely low in fat tend to lead to poor hormone production,

and thus, actually have the effect of slowing metabolism.

When adding fats to your diet remember to keep them in

their proper place: at the top of the food pyramid. Healthy

sources of fat include olive oil, avocados, sunflower seeds,

and nuts.

As with fats, calcium helps release hormones that boost

metabolism. Milk, of course, is the best source of calcium.

Yogurt is also high in calcium and has other health benefits as


“Foods” to Avoid

There are a number of foods to avoid, as well know, and a

number of them shouldn‟t really be considered to be foods, at


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 42

all, as there nutritional value is so low. As a general rule,

avoid consuming “empty” calories – the ones that come from

refined, highly processed foods. They are called “empty

calories” because they fill you up while providing very little

nutritional value, as stated a moment ago. To make matters

worse, these foods usually contain a lot of sugar – and

consuming too much sugar has an adverse effect on


While most of us are well aware of the types of “foods”

that contain empty calories, a number are listed in the chart




Chocolate bars




Soft drinks

Fast food

Flavored drinks

White bread, rice and pasta

One further note regarding items to avoid: too much

caffeine is not a positive factor in boosting metabolism as it

can trigger a stress response. While you may not wish to


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 43

eliminate coffee from your diet entirely, it is advisable to “go

easy on it”.

Other Recommended Foods to Boost Metabolism

1. Spices – Cayenne pepper and red hot pepper, in

particular, contain capsaicin which is said to

increase metabolism by as much as 25 percent for

a period of three hours.

2. Green Tea – While green tea is valued by many

as an antioxidant, taken regularly, green tea can

also increase the thermic effect of food. Research

from the University of Geneva shows that green

tea speeds up fat oxidation in addition to boosting

metabolism. Green tea also has less caffeine than

coffee, which, as noted earlier, can affect

metabolism negatively. For those who do not find

the taste of green tea to their liking – or, who

may, perhaps, not enjoy hot beverages in general,

green tea extract is available in capsule form.

3. Soy – A study conducted by the University of

Illinois shows that ingesting soy protein increases

metabolism. The soy protein was injected,

though, and not fed to the subjects. While the

study is not 100 percent conclusive, eating soy,

with its healthy protein content and immunity-

building properties, is certainly not a bad idea and

could well have the effect of boosting



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Water: A Key Component of Your Metabolism-Boosting


When it comes to boosting metabolism, the age-old adage

applies: drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Dehydration slows metabolism by causing a drop in body

temperature. This drop in temperature triggers a response in

your body whereby fat is stored to help increase or maintain

body temperature.

In addition, as you will be doing more exercise, you will

need more water to stay hydrated. If you have a tendency to

sweat a lot during exercise, you may need to consume even

more than the eight glasses of water. While it is possible to

consume too much water – and there have been cases of

people actually dying performing endurance activities such as

running marathons, those instances are exceedingly rare, and

the chances of becoming dehydrated are greater, though,

perhaps, less severe in the extreme. Let your body be your

guide – that‟s what thirst is for – if you are sweating during

exercise, have a bottle of water handy and sip on it regularly.

Water cleanses the body of toxins and thus enables all of

the processes in the body to proceed smoothly, including


Eating At the Right Time

Even though you are consuming the right foods, your

results will be compromised if the timing of your food

consumption is less than ideal. For optimal results, incorporate

the suggestions below into your daily routine:


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 45

1. Eat several meals a day, every two and a half hours to three hours. To really maximize the

thermic effect of food, it is advisable to eat more

often than the traditional “three square meals per

day” would have you do. By eating smaller meals

every three hours will allow you to enjoy the

thermic effect throughout the day, as it takes the

body between two and a half to three hours to

digest food. As far as the “optimal” number of

meals is concerned, the “magic” number for men

is six, while for women it is five. This means that

men who wish to boost their metabolism should

eat six small meals per day, and women should

eat five. On average, men require 600-900 more

calories per day than women do, based upon

higher amounts of muscle mass.

2. While several smaller meals are better than fewer

larger ones, that does not mean that exceeding the

optimal number of meals is even better -

especially those consumed before bed or, even

worse, during the night. When you are asleep,

your bodily functions slow down, and digestion is

more difficult. Calories from meals eaten late in

the evening are often stored as fat. Keeping your

last meal of the day light – and having it as early

as possible – is not only a key strategy in your

metabolism-boosting program but a healthy

lifestyle habit to develop, as well.

3. Don’t skip breakfast. One of the biggest

mistakes that many people make who are trying

to lose weight is to skip breakfast, thinking that


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 46

they will be cutting down on calories by doing so.

Remember - your body has been in starvation

mode while you have been asleep – and your

metabolism, while not completely shut down, has

been significantly slowed. To get your

metabolism “up and running” again, start the day

with a hearty breakfast. The later in the day that

you eat your first meal, the later your metabolism

will kick in.

4. Do not skip meals. As a general rule, you skip

should not skip meals - especially if you are still

keeping to the “three basic meals” routine. If you

have a busy schedule and have a hard time

snacking, keep healthy “emergency” foods within

your reach, such as whole wheat crackers and

bananas. During particularly hectic days, just a

few crackers or one banana would be a sufficient

snack to keep your metabolism running. A fresh

fruit shake or a protein shake can also make for a

very powerful metabolism-boosting snack.

5. Have a snack or light meal after your workout. A snack or light meal which includes protein and

carbohydrates, eaten within one hour after your

daily workout helps your muscles to recover and

also promotes the building of new ones.

6. Do not eat less than two and a half hours

before bedtime. As noted above, while you are

sleeping, your bodily functions slow down.

Although metabolism still occurs, as it does at

every moment during life, actual digestion is

more difficult during sleep and the calories that


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 47

you consume before sleep will most likely be

stored as fat in your body.

Sample Meal Plans

Below are two sample meal plans for a day. The key in

each meal, particularly the main ones, is to combine protein

and carbohydrates. Portions depend on your personal daily

calorie requirements. Remember, though, that carbohydrates

should make up the biggest percentage of calories consumed -

and that means hefty servings of vegetables! – followed by

protein. Calcium is also essential. Fats are the lowest priority,

though not to be ignored. Include green tea with your meals –

six cups throughout the day for best results.


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 48


6 A.M. - Meal 1

Oatmeal with banana slivers

Poached egg

9 A.M. - Meal 2

Protein Shake

1 P.M. - Meal 3

Skinless chicken breast drizzled with olive oil

Brown rice

Steamed broccoli

4 P.M. - Meal 4

Green beans


7 P.M. - Meal 5

Salmon fillet

Sweet potato



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6 A.M. - Meal 1

Egg white pancakes (only one or two yolks can be


Choice of fruit/s – banana, blueberry and/or


9 A.M. - Meal 2


Choice of fruit

1 P.M. - Meal 3

Vegetable curry

Brown rice

4 P.M. - Meal 4

Fruit salad with greens and grilled chicken

(Note: dressing should ideally be vinaigrette, with

olive oil)

7 P.M. - Meal 5

Chili (made of turkey, kidney beans and salsa)

Steamed vegetables


© 2013 Point Form Books, All Rights Reserved | 50

The daily meal plans presented above are intended to you

give an idea of daily food consumption looks like when you

replace the traditional three meals per day model with one that

includes more frequent, smaller meals. It is a very different

model, but one which is much more effective in keeping your

metabolism furnaces “stoked” throughout the day. Feel free to

create your own meal plans while, but incorporating the

fundamental principles of the program. The timing of meals

can also be tailored to accommodate your personal schedule

and responsibilities, while, once again, remembering not to eat

too late at night.

Additional Points To Consider

Listed below are several additional points to bear in mind

with respect to boosting metabolism through proper eating and


1. “Over-reliance on certain foods is not

beneficial: While spicy foods and green tea do

have an effect in boosting metabolism, they

should be seen only as an addition to a diet that is

already rich in protein and carbohydrates. Do not

rely on these food items alone to boost your

metabolism more to the levels required to achieve

your objectives.

2. Some foods thought to boost metabolism don’t. Grapefruit is especially popular among dieters as

its high acidity is believed by many to burn fats.

However, there is no scientific proof to support



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3. Supplements will not boost your metabolism. While many people believe that they can take

supplements to boost their metabolism, and there

are many products on the market that make that

claim, there is no scientifically-proven link

between supplements and increased metabolism,

and much evidence to suggest that attempting to

do so can be dangerous.

4. Diet pills are also to be avoided. For those who

want to lose weight, some diet pills may have the

effect of burning fat and curbing appetite.

However, that does not mean that they boost

metabolism. One of the many downsides of diet

pills is that once your body becomes accustomed

to a certain dose, you need to increase the dosage

in order to achieve the same effect as before.

While some of the diet pills on the market may,

in fact, boost metabolism, they do not do so in a

healthy, natural way, and can, therefore, have

serious – and occasionally fatal - side effects.

While it may be possible to ferret out some of

less harmful of the diet pills on the market by

reading labels by assiduously reading lists of

ingredients, the objective of this report is to

provide a healthy, natural program for boosting

metabolism. While there may other means of

boosting metabolism that require less effort and

rely on artificial stimulants, this report does not

endorse them.


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Chapter 7: Reducing Stress

Once again, this is a section of the report that may cause a

few raised eyebrows. Why, you may be wondering, is there a

section on stress in a report on boosting metabolism? Isn‟t

stress an unavoidable part of daily life? It is, and that is

precisely the point of including a section on reducing stress in

this report.

Most of us live in a fast-paced culture driven by a sense of

urgency and deadlines. The more that you can get done in a

shorter period of time, the better. Balancing work, family and

recreation has become a delicate art for some, and an

impossibility for others. Tension, worry, anxiety and fear are

constant companions – and not welcome ones, either.

Emotional stresses like failed marriages, the death of loved

ones and financial hardships all have to managed

simultaneously by many. We all know that prolonged stress

can have a deleterious effect on health, but many people do

not realize that stress also has a negative effect on metabolism.

In fact, this may be counterintuitive for some. If the system is

exposed to higher levels of stress, wouldn‟t that cause it to

burn calories more quickly?

The Link Between Stress and Metabolism

There is a hormone in our body called cortisol, which

plays a key role in a number of bodily functions. It helps to

regulate blood pressure, aids in the release of insulin to

stabilize blood sugar levels, bolsters the immune system and

promotes proper metabolism of glucose. While small

increases of cortisol can be beneficial, resulting in a quick,

healthy jolt of energy, heightened memory, and a higher pain


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threshold, too much cortisol in the bloodstream can have a

host of negative consequences, including:

Blood sugar imbalances

Higher blood pressure

Decreased immunity

Lower cognitive performance

Decrease in bone density

Decrease in muscle tissue

Cortisol stimulates the release of amino acids from your

muscles which is converted into glucose and used as a source

of energy by which your body copes with stress. While that

may sound overly technical, the key takeaway is that the

muscles in your body are directly affected by cortisol levels.

Hence, the need to maintain healthy levels of cortisol in the


The release of cortisol is mainly triggered by stress,

whether physical or emotional in nature. Recall that in an

earlier section of this report dealing with exercise, it was

recommended that you not overtax your system during your

exercise routines so as not to risk triggering the body‟s stress

response. It is not only exercise done at excessive levels, of

course, that can trigger the body‟s stress response. Stress can

also trigger the body‟s stress response, and often does.

Too much stress is harmful to the body as it leads to the

production of more acid than the body needs. Our bodies


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usually have an 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acid

balance. Pouring more acid into the bloodstream during

periods of stress will upset that balance. Too much acid in the

bloodstream also compromises your immune system and

renders you more vulnerable to illness. Excess acidity in the

system also undermines bodily functions such as metabolism.

You can, however, develop strategies to effectively cope

with stress and to thereby stabilize cortisol levels. When your

body goes into “stress response” mode, it is important that you

have developed ways to help shift it into “relaxation” mode.

Ways of Reducing Stress

Just as there are many causes of stress, there are many

ways to relive stress, as well. As with exercise, personal

preference comes into play because the more enjoyment you

derive from a particular form of relaxation technique, the more

effective that technique is liable to be for you.

1. Aromatherapy – This is an effective and readily

accessible technique for reducing stress.

Aromatherapy oils can be kept close at hand at

home and at work, and brought out whenever the

need arises. Lavender and mint are two popular

essential oils known to have relaxing properties.

A few drops mixed with water on your

aromatherapy oil burner, or sprinkled on a tissue,

are all you need. Aromatherapy can also be

combined with meditation. As the soothing aroma

begins to envelop you, you can feel it slowly

drawing out feelings of fatigue and anxiety. As

the aroma dissipates, some people like to imagine

their cares and worries drifting off with it. This


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kind of mental “imaging” can be an effective


2. Massage Therapy – This relaxation strategy is

also referred to as “touch therapy” or “healing

touch”. In addition to promoting an overall sense

of relaxation, massage also has the benefit of

relieving localized muscle soreness and fatigue

caused by chronic stress. Back, neck and facial

muscles are particularly susceptible to this.

Massage can also be combined with

aromatherapy, as it is in many day, resort and

destination spa services. Peppermint is one of the

more popular scents used in massage therapy

treatments. In addition to a fresh, pleasing aroma,

peppermint has a cooling effect on the body when

used as massage oil.

3. Music or “Sound” Therapy – Many people use

music as a strategy – one might even say

“instrument” - of relaxation. They like to put on a

piece of soothing, gentle music, lie in a

comfortable position with their eyes closed, and

enjoy the sensation of the music washing over

them. They imagine it washing away their

worries, fears, and anxieties. A good alternative

to soothing music is the soothing sounds that can

be found in nature - like the sound of wind, or

waves lapping against the shore. Natural

rhythmic sounds have a special relaxing quality.

Recordings of nature sounds are available in most

music stores and are generally used to promote



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4. Imagery – As noted in the section above on

aromatherapy, “imagery therapy” can be an

effective form of relation. It works like this:

imagine, for example, that you are a kite slowly

rising and floating through the air. You float in

the bright blue sky in perfect balance and

harmony with the wind. After a few minutes, feel

yourself slowly gliding downwards and then

softly touching the ground. This kind of imagery,

once again, incorporating the soothing sounds

and rhythms found in nature – wind, water - is

particularly powerful. Another “imagery”

technique is to imagine a beautiful scene from

nature, such as a mountain range, a secluded

island, or a tropical rainforest. Never

underestimate the power of thoughts and mental

images to transport you to a place – and a state –

of peace and tranquility, even during periods of

extreme stress. You can vary the places you

“visit” whenever you utilize this technique, or

you can settle on one and make it your own

personal sanctuary – the place you escape to

during times of stress.

Long-Term Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Stress

1. Think positive! – As we have seen, thoughts

exert a very powerful influence on your health

and well-being. It has long been known that what

you think can actually manifest into reality, for

good or ill. Hence, since you are going to be

thinking anyway, you might as well think positive

thoughts. One is tempted to say that positive


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thoughts and negative ones are the same price,

but that would be wrong. Negative thoughts exact

a much higher cost than do positive thoughts.

That said, the habit – because that is what it is –

of thinking negative thoughts is a difficult one to

break. However, with consistent effort the

tendency to think negative thoughts can be

reversed. Few, if any, lifestyle changes will have

as profound an impact on your day-to-day

happiness than transforming yourself from a

negative person into a positive one.

2. Let go of negative feelings. While this long-term

strategy for reducing stress is related to the one

discussed a moment ago, it is also different in

some key aspects. Some people, while not

necessarily predisposed to negative thoughts,

when they do have a negative thought or emotion,

cannot readily put it behind them and move on.

That is, they wallow and wallowing in negative

feelings results in more acid being released into

the system. It is no wonder that feelings of anger,

fear and resentment are associated with heartburn

and indigestion, while chronic worry and anxiety

can make you more susceptible to high blood

pressure. That said, suppression of these emotions

is also harmful. The key is to experience the

emotions – or, as it is commonly stated, “honor

the emotions” and then to let go of them. It is not

the feelings themselves that are harmful, it is the

wallowing in them. Do not dwell on negative

feelings. Let them out and move on.


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3. Meditate daily – Make meditation a habit. In the

long term, meditation brings you peace of mind

and makes you more able to cope with stress. It

need not be a complex meditation – stillness and

emptiness of mind is the key. Sit in a comfortable

position and breathe slowly and deeply. Focus on

each part of your body and feel it release its

tension. After you feel sufficiently relaxed, you

can silently repeat a simple word with no

particular emotional attachment for you. For

example, you can say the word “tree.”, or you can

say a letter, like “a” or a sound, such as “ahh”.

Repeat this word, letter or sound over and over

again in your mind for about a minute, then sit

still and let thoughts come into your mind.

Observe your thoughts closely as if you were

detached from them – you may even wish to

imagine that they are someone else’s thoughts.

Rather than actively producing thoughts,

passively allow thoughts to enter your mind and

then leave. The end game, ironically, is not to

gain but to “empty”. If you reach a state of

emptiness, in which you feel that you are really

thinking about nothing, congratulations! You

have made it. Keep in mind that it takes a long

time to get to this level of meditation.

4. Take up yoga. Not only is this an excellent

stress-buster, it also directly fires up your

metabolism. The endocrine system and the

thyroid help regulate metabolism. Yoga includes

a number of poses which provide healthy

stimulation to your endocrine organs, thereby


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boosting metabolism. Meditation, music and

sound therapy, even aromatherapy can all be

incorporated into the practice of yoga, whether at

home or in a professional yoga studio.

5. Anticipate stressful situations – While it may

not be possible to avoid stressful situations in life,

it is possible to anticipate a number of them and

take steps in advance to avoid or deal with them.

For example, a very common source of stress for

many people is the feeling of being rushed in the

morning, compounded by morning rush-hour

traffic. While it may not be possible to avoid

these circumstances entirely, a bit or pre-planning

can alleviate much of the stress. Getting up

earlier, leaving the house earlier – or even later –

can reduce the amount of stress and anxiety

associated with the hectic morning routine. There

is also the strategy of going to bed earlier –

whatever the circumstance is that causes stress,

examining it from a number of angles before it

actually occurs can often yield new, more

effective ways of doing it that may not only

reduce stress levels but offer other benefits as

well. Give it some thought!

Don’t Ignore Nature’s Stress-Buster – Sleep!

While there is much that is still not known about the

activity – or, perhaps “state” is a more appropriate term – that

consumes almost one third of our life, it is commonly

understood that sleep is one of our most powerful natural

antidotes for stress.


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And, just as there are many benefits to making sure that

your body gets the sleep it needs for recovery and growth,

there is a litany of negative effects that are associated with a

lack of sleep. Which is to say that, getting sufficient sleep is

highly beneficial, and not getting sufficient sleep is harmful in

a number of ways. For example, studies show that a lack of

sleep affects carbohydrate metabolism. With insufficient

sleep, glucose is not metabolized as efficently, resulting in

increased hunger and an overall decrease in metabolic rate.

While individual needs vary, you should aim to get at least

eight hours of sleep every night for your body to fully re-

charge for the next day. Once again, while circadian rhythms

may vary from one person to another, the normal circadian

rhythm is 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.. This is the best period for muscles

to grow. So, get to sleep early if you want to increase your



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Chapter 8: Recap of the Metabolism-Boosting


You have now learned all that you need to learn to boost

your metabolism for weight loss and a better you. All that

remains for you to do is to put your plan into action.

Before you do, let‟s recap the key components and

concepts of the program:

You have learned that metabolism is the process of

converting calories into energy for storage or immediate

use. You now know that metabolism is an essential

body function, working every second of your life – even

while you are sleeping. And you also know the overall

metabolism formula : Basal metabolism + physical

activity + the thermic effect of food + the individual

factors which influence your metabolism= your

metabolic rate.

Some of the elements in the above equation can be

changed, while others can‟t. Your goal is to focus on the

factors influencing your metabolism that you can

change. You will achieve those changes by:

Exercising Smart

Build muscle through a combination of strength

and resistance exercises with weights and

without weights. Use exercises that work the

most muscle groups possible. (2-3 sets, with 6-8

reps each)


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Increase calorie-burning through interval

training with cardiovascular exercise. Alternate

high-intensity exercise with moderate-intensity

exercise. (30 minutes, with one to four minutes

per interval)

Do the two exercises on alternate days

throughout the week. Allot one day for total rest

with no exercise.

Eating Right

If consuming less food is the goal of traditional

weight loss diets, which is, by the way, why

they so rarely work, consuming more of the

right food and eliminating the wrong food is the

objective of the metabolism-boosting diet.

Stock up on carbohydrates and protein, as these

are the driving forces of metabolism.

Include calcium and healthy fats in your diet.

Timing is important.

Always eat breakfast to kick off your

metabolism for the day.

Eat five to six meals in a day, every two and a

half to three hours.

Never skip meals.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.


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Take one snack or meal within one hour after

your workout for the day.

Reducing Stress

Re-charge through “sensation therapy”

(aromatherapy, massage and music) and


For long-term improvement, meditate daily,

take up yoga, and think positively. Do not dwell

on negative feelings. Plan ahead to avoid

stressful situations.

So there you have it. Now it is up to you to take action.

If you do, you will most likely notice the results in just

three or four weeks – or even two weeks.

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