how to choose the right channel for your video marketing strategy

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Sales is not a purpose it’s only an effect of your action.

Step 1: Set the purpose

Think ahead:Should video increase your website traffic, builds awareness or boost conversion?

What story should the video tell?

What feelings should it generate?

How can video correspond with your brand?

Repurpose your content – give it a new form and surprise the audience.

Step 2: Content repurposing

Analyse all video content you created so far - what went well and what didn’t:

Did it grab your customer’s attention?

Was it relevant? Did it add value? How?

Which channels did you use to promote it?

Build a strong relationship with your audience by being relevant.

Step 3: Understand your audience

Knowing your audience is key:Who are they?

What do they like?

What is relevant to them?

What do they need?

The more appropriate your channel, the better results you get.

Step 4: Choose the right disribution channel

Identify channel popularity, capabilities, and user profile:

• YouTube

• Facebook

• Other social media

• Company website and landing pages

On YouTube you can:

• build your own video content as a brand

• use influencers and their community

• use paid ads: Pre-roll (“skip the video” ads)

YouTube best brand channel example:

brand channel: GoPro

most popular video: 42,025,444 views

YouTube best influencers example:

influencers: Swedish video gamer PewDiePie:

46,060,890 YouTube subscribers, partnered with Disney’s Maker Studios

YouTube best pre-roll ads example:

pre-roll ads: Geico


On Facebook you can:

• create tailored content and target more precisely the right audience: 1.65 billion monthly active users

• use video aids to boost a post.

• use different ways to share your video content: Video Feed, 360 Videos, Live Video etc.

When choosing other social media, be aware of their characteristics:

Twitter - 30 seconds max, hig quality video 1080p, vlogs and “how to” videos are the most popular

Periscope - live streaming video from the mobile device, connect to Twitter, broadcast expires after 24 hours

When choosing other social media, be aware of their characteristics:

Vine from Twitter - 6 seconds max, you need to have a paid subscription if you want to post more then 5OOMB per week or upload more then 1 HD video weekly

Instagram from Facebook - 15 seconds max, images are still very engaging

Snapchat - 15 seconds max, mostly for funny videos and images

Twitter best examples :

#ThereWillBeHaters – Adidas football

a campaign that actively encourages “hate” – a film that strengthen brand message

45 million views, 616 thousand hashtag uses

Using video on your company website and landing pages you can:

• engage visitors and provide them with an impression of your business

• tell your brand story

• build trust

• increase conversions

Company website best examples:

Dollar Shave Club

storytelling video, uses first 15 seconds to get to the main message

Premedia Solutions

employees as brand ambassadors, strong storyline

Mesure all your action and track your marketing ROI

Step 5: Analyse

Collect, organize your data and get to know your audience:

Which channel was the most effective and why?

Is your video campaign well targeted?

Are viewers continuing to engage with your brand?

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