how to decide between a gas or charcoal grill

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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How to Decide Between a Gas or Charcoal Grill

When choosing a grill, it’s important to consider the amount and types of grilling that you’re aiming to do. Both gas and charcoal have their benefits and shortcomings, but you can make life easier by choosing the correct option that match your preferences.

Gas grills will typically have the following benefits:• More control over the cooking process• Convenience and ease• Overall lower cost

Charcoal will hold these benefits over a gas grill:• Cheaper for the initial bag of coals• More authentic “grilled” flavor• No “dead zones”

While there will be higher short-term costs associated with the purchase of a fuel tank, propane will outlast many bags of charcoal, making it the much more economical option over the long run.The convenience of being able to immediately activate the grill and determine how hot you want the surface may also be a determining factor in the purchase of a propane grill. The main danger of propane grills is the possibility for “dead zones” to be present, where heat may not be distributed evenly among the surface. If you’re intent on achieving a flavor that is truly characterized by grilling, charcoal might be the better option.

If convenience is your priority, the ease and speed of heating a propane grill will be much more efficient for cooking.If flavor and authenticity are the predominant factor, charcoal may be your best bet.

Whichever grill you decide to buy, cooking outdoors can unlock a world of new flavors for meals and you should relish in the delights of your new purchase!

For more information on outdoor grills in San Diego, visit this website

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