how to develop for a distracted audience and keep them engaged

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Playing games is part of everyday life. Many consumers, however, engage in short session gaming – on the way to work, whilst waiting for a friend, in between TV programmes. Short session gaming accounts for an increasing part of the 55 million hours of gaming taking place in the UK every single day. How do you develop for a mainstream audience who are only after a distraction between ad breaks rather than being fully engaged with your game? Emerging from the late-Blitz Games, new studio Lumo Developments argues that we don’t have the player’s complete attention and that developers need to understand how this impacts gameplay. This notion has been at the forefront during the development of the company’s first title, Lumo Deliveries Inc., which will be shown to the public for the first time. Using Lumo Deliveries Inc. the developer will explain the key drivers for success in developing short session gaming.


True Second Screen In the early days of second screen content creators thought people wanted apps to enhance the experience of the content they were consuming on their televisions. However, in reality, second screen means people checking email, engaging with social media, and playing games while the tv is on. Consuming multiple feeds of information, dipping in and out of threads, some related to the TV show (engaging on twitter about a particular program) others are not. We do not have the players full attention, so need to consider this in creating games for these consumers.

Player check their social/work feeds (text, email, Facebook, twitter), then look for their next activity if they have time left. For your game to succeed you must fill their third slot. So you must remove barriers, the reasons a player might not open your app and do something else instead.

`The design puts the players needs and requirements ahead of our own!!

Example: Lumo Deliveries was initial conceived to be played in landscape (As shown in the following concept art). However, we decided quickly to design the game in portrait not landscape so players can move between their email and social apps freely while playing.

Players can make meaningful p rogress in seconds, not minutes. We will always take players to the most useful screen in the game as fast a possible - even on boot.!!

We ensure our game always take the player into the game loop (without menus) and to the point where the player can make meaningful progress FAST.

Lumo Del iver ies does not require the players full attention & players can look away from the screen and nothing bad will happen.!

The game should adapt to how the player wants to play it.!!

For example, in Lumo Deliveries a player can choose how frequently they want to interact with the game depending on the duration of deliveries they choose to undertake.


Every game session starts with a completion - not an beginning.!!

Rather than tasking the player with complex puzzles or decisions at the start of the game session, the micro-session game should strive to present the player with the success or rewards of previous decisions. The decisions and plans are launched towards the end of the session.!!

In Lumo Deliveries you start most sessions by collecting money for completing your deliveries.

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