how to…….. employer engagement. session objectives by the end of the session you will be able...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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How to……..

Employer Engagement

Session Objectives

By the end of the session you will be able to:

• Name the Five Protocol stages of initial Employer Engagement• Describe how to create an effective working relationship with employers• Explain why Employer Engagement is vital to your role within Protocol Skills


In your groups discuss the key factors of effective Employer Engagement.

List the main points that must be covered from initial contact with a placement and continued throughout the relationship.

Flipchart your responses and nominate one person to feedback

The Protocol Five Stages







• Shop window displays

• Poster campaigns

• TV ads

• Word of mouth

• Telesales

• Mail-shots

• Call centres

• Foot-marketing


• What does it do?

• What will it do for me?

• Is it cool?

• Is it exciting?

• Cost?

• What’s the benefit?

• What are the possible barriers?


• I could use this

• I want this

• I need this

• It sounds great

• I must have it

• This will improve things for me

Price (cost)

• Time

• Commitment (employer)

• Commitment (learner)

• Government Funded (opportunity)

• 1-2 visits per month


• The close

• Paperwork

• Employer agrees

• Learner agrees

• Hand over

How it fits

• Interest = prospecting + telesales + foot-marketing

• Information = sales visit

• Desire = sales visit

• Price = sales visit

• Decision = validation & sign up

Visit Best Practice

In your groups consider what protocols and procedures you should adhere to when attending a visit at a placement.

Include: Preparation, Presentation and


Flipchart your responses and nominate one person to feed back

Visit Best Practice


• Understanding of the company’s business and location / parking

• Correct contact details

• Confirmation of visit details / visit type / facilities

• Is identification required

• Quality documentation for the visit

Visit Best Practice


• Appearance

• Timekeeping

• Mobile phone switched off

• Correction communication – Say hello and introduce yourself (manager and learner)

• Conduct

Visit Best Practice


• Health and Safety

• Signing in requirements

• Specific placement procedures

Why Employer Engagement?

Why is it so important to continue the relationship?

What are the consequences of getting this wrong?

Employer Engagement

Q – Who are your priority customers?

A – Learner & manager

Q – Who is more important?

A – Both are of equal importance – but for different reasons

Q – So why do we put the majority of our time & energy into the learner?

Is it any wonder we currently deliver in some sites where the manger has never heard of

Protocol Skills, even National Accounts!

Employer Engagement

• Managers will talk to their colleagues both in their company and surrounding sites

• Managers are decision makers within the company, or can certainly assist decisions being made

• Managers network to promote ‘Best Practice’

Are you all on first name terms with every manager within every account you look


Employer Engagement

• Everyone in this room is responsible for managing their own placements

• Everyone in this room is responsible for creating and maintaining effective relationships with employers

You are the most important account manager within Protocol Skills

The Employer Engagement Cycle

RelationshipManager, SE & TA

Experience Shows Us………..

Companies who invest their time into a structured Work Based Learning Programme with Protocol Skills witness:

• Improved employer & employee relations, employees ultimately feel more valued

This ultimately leads to:• A more dedicated and motivated workforce• More direct referrals for Protocol Skills

Is every manager, mentor & person involved with development at your sites aware of this?


In your groups revisit your Employer Engagement flipcharts from the icebreaker activity

Explain how the Five Stages fit into your key points?

Is there anything you now would like to add or change with regard to the key factors of Employer


Be prepared to feedback

Session Objectives

By the end of the session you will be able to:

• Name the Five Protocol Stages of initial Employer Engagement• Describe how to create an effective working relationship with employers• Explain why Employer Engagement is vital to your role within Protocol Skills

Employer Engagement

Positives & Improvements

How to……..

Employer Engagement

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