how to get started slides 4 2011

Post on 24-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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  • 1. How to Get StartedCooking & Eatingthe Weston Price Way...

2. ...without breakingthe bank orspending allyour time in thekitchen 3. Disclaimers

  • The information in this talk is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. The nutritional and other information presented here are not intended to be and do not constitute health care or medical advice.

4. I am not a nutritionist, nor am I trained in healthcare.I just like to cook and eat good food, and it's my favorite topic of conversation. 5. Food Costs

  • Our monthly food budget for a family of four adults plus guests is $650-$700 a month. This includes:

6. 5 gallons raw milk a week 7. About 6 months of veggies & fruits from our garden 8. Home-baked breads and goodies 9. Locally raised meat in the freezer 10. Most paper & cleaning & personal care products 11. This budget does NOT include: 12. Cod liver oil & any other supplements 13. Eating out, but we only do that about once a month 14. When figuring your costs, don't forget what you spend on health insurance, doctor's visits, prescriptions, and alternative healthcare. Cheap food may not be as cheap as you think it is. 15. Time Considerations

  • I definitely spend more time in the kitchen (and garden) thanthe average American homemaker. Finding and preparing nutrient-dense food takes more time than buying convenience foods from the store.

16. Time Savers: 17. - Get help from your family; teach your children how to cook 18. - Use a crockpot and rice cooker 19. - Make large batches for leftovers or the freezer 20. - Eat simply 21. - Plan menus for the week and get things started in the morning 22. - View food preparation as a hobby & an expression of love rather than a chore 23. - Don't try to be a perfectionist; make improvements where you can, when you can. It has taken me years to get to where we are now; Shoot for 80/20. 24.

  • Step 1: Start eating good fats Nutrition: High Time: Minimal Cost: Medium-High
    • Butter is better; no more Crisco or margarine

Buy the best butter you can afford

  • Always eat carbohydrates and vegetables with butter or another good fat


  • Good vegetable oils: olive, flax, nut oils

26. Bad vegetable oils: corn, soy, canola, sunflower, or othervegetable oils 27. Make your own salad dressing: 28. Assemble the salad.Toss with olive oil or alternative. Then toss with vinegar orlemon juice. Add fresh garlic or herbs if you have them.You're done! 29. If you eat mayonnaise, you should make your own from scratch 30. Has anyone found a brand that is made from good oil? 31. Cook with animal fats such as lard and tallow 32. This is one of the reasons I love to buy whole animals for our meat 33. Use coconut oil 34. We love popcorn popped in coconut oil 35. Great for stir fries and curries 36. Good for baking, too 37. Step 2: Make & Serve Homemade Bone Broth Nutrition: HighTime: MinimalCost: Low

  • Sip on stock with a meal

38. Make your stock into yummy, inexpensive soups 39. Make nourishing sauces for meat, fish and veggies from your stock 40. Cook grains in stock to increase nutritive value & digestibility 41. Freeze extra for use later 42. How to Make Bone Broth

  • Making your own broth is not hard: Save any meat or fish bones in a bag in the freezer. If using raw bones, brownbefore using to make stock in a 400 degree oven. Save all scraps including fatand meatbits from gnawed bones.Place bones in crockpot (or stovetop pot), cover with water, add 2 4 T vinegar. Bring to a boil and let simmer 12 to 24 hours or more (less for fish & chicken, more for beef and lamb.) Strain and refrigerate. Now you can get rid of the bones. Fat is easily removed from the top after it chills and can be used in cooking. Really good broth will gel. That's it!Nutritious, cheap, and easy.Let your crockpot do the work overnight or while you're at work.See Stocks chapter in NT for more tips.

43. Step 3: Eat the best eggs you can afford Nutrition: High Time: Medium - High Cost: Medium

  • Get your eggs fresh directly from a farmer or raise your own Takes more time than going to a grocery store, but worth it! Look for a farmer who uses soy-free feed and lets his chickens roam.

44. The ever versatile egg....

  • Ways to eat eggs regularly: In a smoothie, raw, preferably just the yolks For breakfast, cooked any way you like: poached, fried, baked, scrambled, soft or hard boiled In quiche, omelets or frittata Egg salad or deviled eggs In custards and souffles Huevos rancheros Fried rice Egg drop soup, Oriental or Mediterranean style

45. Step 4: Eat the best meat & seafood you can afford Nutrition: High Time: Medium/low Cost: High

  • Buy your meat once or twice a year directly from a farmer

46. Go to Local Resources on our website for names of farmers and ranchers 47. Get yourself a freezer 48. Once you have the meat, the time investment is less than going to the store.Just remember to take it out of the freezer early. 49.

  • Get all the bones, fat, organs, and roe (fish eggs) you can and eat them regularly.

50. This is easy to do if you buy your meat in bulk.Be sure to tell the butcher you want everything. 51. Quality is important here. Good fat, bones, and organs come from animals raised on pasture outdoors in uncrowded conditions. 52. Liver is so important. Eat it regularly even if you can't afford the best quality. Toxins are stored in the fat, not the liver. 53. How to eat liver:Make it into a pate, try liverwurst, or slice, dredge in flour, then fry in lard or bacon fat for about 5 minutes a side.The liver should still be soft and pink in the middle. Serve with sauteed onions, apples, and bacon. 54. How to render fat:Heat the fat on low or in a crockpot.After it has all melted, strain off the liquid fat into glass mason jars. Fry up any leftover bits to make cracklings really good with eggs and in Mexican food and fried rice. Store rendered fat in fridge or freezer.Try making French fries with it! More Meat Tips 55. Step 5: Get enough Vitamin D Nutrition: High Time: Low Cost: Low - High

  • Get out in the sun

56. During the summer, get outside daily in the sunshine without sunscreen.The amount of time depends on how dark your skin is.Darker skinned people need more time outside than fair people. Of course, avoid sunburn. 57. Take a cod liver oil supplement. 58. Preferably with high vitamin butter oil. Whole food supplements are vastly superior to synthetic supplements.

  • Green Pasture products are now locally available.

59. You can get them at the Old Feed Store in Laporte, across from the schools. The prices are similar to the group buying price. 60. Step 6: Eliminate or reduce white sugar, HFCS, and artificial sweeteners from your diet Nutrition: High Time: Minimal Cost: Medium/High

  • No more soda (More on beverages later)

61. Replace sugar with rapidura, honey, date sugar, maple syrup, palm sugar 62. Bake your own goodies 63. Eat fruit when you need a sweet 64. Have a square or two of high quality dark chocolate when you need a treat 65. Step 7: Switch to raw milk and dairy products Nutrition: High Time: Low/Med Cost: Medium/High

  • Raw milk is available in Colorado through the herdshare law: you own a part of a cow or goat and are therefore entitled to a portion of milk that comes from the animal.

66. Raw Milk Tips

  • See our Local Resources listing for dairy farmers who offer shares in the herdshare program. Look for cows and goats on pasture with shiny coats.

67. Other raw milk products such as butter, cream, kefir, or yogurt are not currently allowed, but you can learn how to make these foods.Home Cheese Making by Rikki Carroll of New England Cheesemaking is a great resource. 68. Some raw milk cheeses can be found at Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, and similar stores as well as through Windsor Dairy and other local producers. 69. If you can't afford raw milk, try to get most of your milk through yogurt or kefir or cheese because they include bacteria that make them more digestible and nourishing. 70. Step 8: Stop eating store-bought breakfast cereals Nutrition: High Time: Medium Cost: Low

  • Here's a case where you are going to save money. Boxed cereals can cost $3, $4, $5 or more a pound and theyare not good for you, even the so-called healthy brands.

71. Breakfast Ideas

  • - Oatmeal or other grains soaked overnight (p. 455 NT)- Baked oatmeal (I will put this recipe on the website) - Eggs, bacon, sausage, ham - Whole grain pancakes or waffles (p.478 - 480 NT) - Dinner leftovers - Crispy nuts, fruit, and yogurt - Toast with cheese and/or nut butter - Breakfast burrito - Smoothie

72. Step 9: Replace white flour products with properly prepared whole grain flours Nutrition: Medium Time: Medium/High Cost: Medium

  • Even so-called health food products and gluten-free products are not usually prepared properly

73. Grains must be soaked before they are cooked for digestibility 74. Start with pancakes (p. 478 NT) 75. Grains Tips

  • For bread, buy or learn to make sourdough bread (Cresset Farms makes wonderful sourdough rye bread.)

76. Or try making yeasted bread using the recipes fromHealthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day 77. Make desserts fromNourishing Traditions 78. Note: Only organic corn is non-GMO in America 79. Step 10: Buy or grow organic fruits and vegetables, local if possible Nutrition: Medium Time: Medium Cost: Med/High

  • Join a CSA or visit Farmer's Markets regularly and/or grow your own produce

80. Buy organic produce at the grocery store 81. Buy organic canned and frozen products 82. Some of the least expensive veggies are the most nourishing:cabbage, potatoes, carrots, chard, onions, kale, broccoli, garlic 83. Always serve veggies with cream or butter or similar fat for best assimilation of vitamins and minerals 84. Step 11: Add fermented vegetables and beverages to your diet Nutrition: High Time: Medium/HighCost: Low/Med

  • Make or buy lacto-fermented sauerkraut and other veggies

85. - Bubbies sauerkraut is available in stores 86. - Cresset Farms offers a number of wonderful fermented veggies 87. - Use the recipes in NT to make your own 88. - Team up with a friend who has a crock to make a large batch together 89. - UsePickl-it to make your own: 90. Add fermented drinks to your diet

  • Make or buy kombucha, soda substitutes, kvass, kefir, and other fermented drinks

91. - My husband has been making ginger beer for us regularly. It helps our digestion and tastes wonderful! We will try to have a class or put a video on our website. 92. - Watch my mailings for classes on how to make these drinks 93. - Try making fruit or beet kvass 94. - Bring your extra scobies to our meetings 95. Step 12: Prepare beans, nuts, and seeds properly Nutrition: Medium Time: Medium Cost: Low/High

  • Snack on homemade crispy nuts and seeds that you soaked and dried (pp. 513-516 NT)

96. Sprouting is another good way to prepare seeds 97. Always start with raw nuts and seeds 98. Of course, dry beans have to be soaked before cooking 99. Tips on Beans

  • Make your own refried beans:

100. Wash and soak 5 c. pinto beans in warm filtered water with 4 T whey for 12 24 hours. Drain and rinse. Place in crock pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil.Simmer until beans are soft, 4 hours or so. Saute chopped onion and garlic with seasonings of your choice in c or so of lard, tallow, or other animal fat.Drain off most of the liquid in the bean pot, add fat with veggies, then blend with a handheld blender.Yum! 101. If money is tight, incorporate beans with rice, tortillas, or other whole grains into your diet.Add a small amount of meat and/or cheese to increase the flavor and nutritional value.Remember those pork cracklings?They taste great with beans. 102. Lentils only need to soak 7 hours 103. Start in the morning, cook in the evening.: Roman Lentil Soup p. 215 NT, Dal p. 508 NT, and Egyptian Kusherie (recipe to be on website) 104. Step 13: Eliminate soy from your diet except for traditionally fermented products such as tamari, miso, and tempeh Nutrition: High Time: Low Coat: Low

  • Soy is really hard to digest unless properly fermented and appears to have hormonal and other effects on the body

105. Soy is Everywhere

  • Soy is in most processed foods as lecithin, soy oil, textured protein, and other additives, even so-called health foods

106. Most soy in America is GMO 107. Rather than spending time reading labels, start making more of your foods from scratch without soy.You can do it!One recipe at a time. 108. Step 14: Become an informed shopper & cook Nutrition: Medium/High Time: Medium Cost: Low-High

  • Get a copy of the 2011 WAPF Shopper's Guide only $1.00 or free when you become a member

109. Check out the Local Resources section of our website, 110. Join Weston A. Price Foundation for $40 a year and receive Wise Traditions four times a year to keep informed on thelatest research and food prep ideas. 111. Take an online cooking class see Local Resources for links 112. Buy a copy ofHealthy 4 Lifefor $10. This is the WAPF reaction to the new USDA Food Guidelines, and it's a concise introduction to WAPF principles along with some easy recipes. 113. If you have a copy ofNourishing Traditions , use it! 114. Step 15: Relax!Health: High Time: Low Cost: Zero

  • Good health is not a matter of food alone. Cultivate contentment and happiness

115. Try not to make this new way of eating a project 116. - Delight in the new things you are learning and the new tastes you are trying 117. - Unless you or a loved one is ill, work your way into this new way of eating onestep at a time 118. - Food prep and consumption is a wonderful hobby you can do it all your life 119. - Eating should be pleasurable; make time to savor and enjoy it 120. - Be patient with your loved ones who are reluctant to try new things or give up old favorites. Just do it for yourself to start.Few people object to butter, home baked goods, and cream.Start where you can and add in new foods when you can. 121. Fear is not the best motivator; Do this for the love of good food!

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