how to handle regulatory inspections in a food retail store

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How To Handle Regulatory Inspections In A Food Retail Store


How to handle regulatory authorities inspections

in a food retail store

By Vasilis Theodossiou Food Safety Specialist

February 2012

The target audience of this presentation is the managers / employees of a food retail


Food Inspectors

•Who are they? •What is their role?•What they can do (and what the can not!)

There are inspectors…

…and inspectors.

Independently of the kind of inspector in front of you, you should always have in your mind these things:

• NO panic!• Maintain eye contact• Cooperate• They are trying to do their job as you. • Act with integrity and professionalism.

Internal Inspector External Inspector

Is there any difference?

Is there any difference?

Do we have to distinguish between these two?

Is there any difference?

Do we have to distinguish between these two?

Is there any difference?

Do we have to distinguish between these two?


Because if we believe they are different then

we will not act the SAME way!


We need to have a CONSISTENT approach on how to manage the inspection from both,

the SAME way.

Walk with me!

In the beginning everything seems hard…like climbing a mountain.

In reality if you follow these simple steps …

…you will become winners!

Here’s how!

1st Step :

Eye contact, smile

2nd step:

Greetings , proper introductions, call the area manager or spokesperson

Eye contact, smile

3rd step:

Paper, pen, cooperate during tour of the store

Eye contact, smile

Greetings , proper introductions, call the area manager or spokesperson

4th step:

Sum up!

Eye contact, smile

Greetings , proper introductions, call the area manager or spokesperson

Paper, pen, cooperate during tour of the store

5th step:

Proper greetings, goodbye!

Eye contact, smile

Greetings , proper introductions, call the area manager or spokesperson

Paper, pen, cooperate during tour of the store

Sum up!

6th step:

Inform Company

Eye contact, smile

Greetings , proper introductions, call the area manager or spokesperson

Paper, pen, cooperate during tour of the store

Sum up!

Proper greetings, goodbye!

Anybody wondered what was that triangle in the right side that was becoming gradually SMALLER while “climbing the mountain”;

Yes, it’s the STRESS you should have in your mind to manage BEFORE any inspection!

And the best person to exercise yourself with for any inspection from the authorities is…

…take a wild guess…

…yes you guessed it right! It’s the internal auditor!

Tip: the internal auditor is NOT your pal!

Treat him as you would treat the external one.

It’s the only way to exercise your self for an inspection from the authorities!


Want to know some people who EXERCISED A LOT?

Read “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell!!

By far the best advice: No Panic! Keep Calm and professional!

The better food safety system you have established, the quicker the inspection will take place.

The time to prepare for regulatory inspections is BEFORE the investigator arrives, not after! A restaurant will sooner or later be inspected. Develop a well-defined procedure to follow during regulatory inspections. Inspectors do not have a meeting with you! Most of the times come at the wrong time! If the company you work for has a spokesperson then call him/her to inform of the arrival of the inspectors after explaining to them that this is part of your system’s internal procedure. Cooperate during the inspection, with the inspectors. Always keep a calm, cooperative, professional attitude. Be honest and respectful. Write down every observation, they say in order to transfer it immediately to your supervisor. Answer ONLY to what the inspectors ask you. In case regulatory authorities find non-conformances ALWAYS communicate back to them your action plan with corrective actions. File the regulatory authorities’ comments for your restaurant.

Practical Advices!

Vasilis Theodossiou Food Technologist

Food Safety SpecialistProfessional Member of IFT

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