how to harness the positive power of a negative review

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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How to Harness the Positive Power of a Negative Review

We’re here to take away the bad reputation of bad reviewsand show you how to turn review

lemons into lemonade.

I’m going to tell you a harsh truth that a lot of people don’t want to hear:

You’re not always going to get great reviews

In fact,there will be times you’re not even

going to get accurate reviews, and it’s

quite probable that sometimes you’re

going to get a few of completely

awful reviews.

It’s impossibleto live in a world of five-star

experiences, so why are we

pretending that negative

reviews shouldn’t exist?

When you put power in the hands of your user, you’re exchanging transparency for the chance that you won’t make everyone happy.

Many brands mistakenly associate bad reviews with bad publicity

and fear that displaying negative feedback will give consumers an unfavorable view

of the brand.

Learn how to use reviews & other UGC in your marketing.

In reality,the opposite is true.

Authentic reviews build credibility, and bad reviews can actually have

a really great effect.

Why are negative reviews good for you?

Negative reviews make positive reviews

look good. Displaying authentic reviews shows you

are transparent and have nothing to hide.

Learn how to use reviews & other UGC to build customer trust.

Negative reviews build customer trust to help you sell more.

Shoppers can see the reason behind negative feedback and then can use this knowledge to make smarter purchase decisions.

Negative reviews can put you back on customers’ radars...

in a good way.

Remember the saying negative attention is better than no attention?

Negative feedback can remind consumers who haven’t interacted with you in awhile who you are.

Learn how to get the full benefit of reviews & other UGC.

Negative reviews are far from bad news.

By handling them strategically, you can effectively use them to your

advantage. It’s time to harness the positive power of negative reviews.

What should you do when you get a negative review?

FIRST, don’t panic. No matter how terrible the review is, you’ve got this.

Take a moment to understand your customer’s complaint. Reviews help you see what customers like - and don’t like - so you know how to better your company.

Learn how to use your customers’ feedback in your marketing

After assessing your customers’ feedback, decide whether you want to display the

review publicly or hide it from product pages.

Reviews that inaccurately display your store are best hidden, but viable complaints

should be displayed to increase the authority of positive reviews.

Responding to reviews is the most powerful way to impact your public image.

Offer solutions publicly to negative feedback to demonstrate your commitment

to your customers.

Thank customers who love you to show them you appreciate

positive feedback and encourage them to leave future reviews.

Are you doing everything to maximize your

social media marketing?

Learn how you can use reviews to power up your social marketing today.

Download Free eBook Now

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