how to improve the overall wellness of your family-1 ·...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

How to Improve the Overall Wellness of Your Family

You would have heard the saying “we are what we eat”. It’s true, what we eat and drink will give our bodies the nutrients it needs and our health will reflect this. The other saying you would have heard of is “garbage in, garbage out”, this is a computer terminology but this is also reflective in the foods and drinks we consume. If we consume garbage (ie. foods filled with preservatives, additives, sugar etc.) consequently, how we look, how we feel and even our moods will be reflective of these foods and drinks that are consumed. So what are healthy eating basics? Firstly you cannot outrun a bad diet. Which means if you are not eating right and are eating too much, no amount of exercise will compensate for the overindulgence. Within this Ebook on wellness and your family, we are going to cover simple and yet effective things you can do to obtain the results you are looking for, also at the end of this book will be our recommendations of products that we believe every individual needs to be using. Many people ask “Do I have to take supplements?” and our response is a resounding yes. The World Health Organization even says today that every person today needs to eat at least 10 – 12 serves of fruit and vegetables each and every day. Three questions have to be asked on this:

1. What has happened to our food that we have to eat so much?

2. Who can afford that? 3. How big do our stomachs have to be to eat that amount?

We hope to answer a lot of questions and put you on the road to making the right choices.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

What Has Happened To Our Food? It is undeniable that food plays a major role in every aspect of our body. It impacts the way we feel, the level of our wellness and also our energy levels. But as one video outlines, finding and creating a healthy meal these days is almost impossible. The level of nutrients in our foods today compared to our parents is tiny, so much so that the World Healthy Organisation says we need to eat 10 -12 servings of fresh fruit and vegetiables every single day. It is easy to know that something has happened to our food, just by the taste. Demand has been placed on the Super Markets to deliver Fresh Fruit and Vege that looks great and can handle the transport, this means that it is picked green while it is still firm and has missed that all important last 48 hours on the vine or tree where it is infused with those phyto-nutrients that make it taste so good and give it all of its nutrients. Our soils contain less nutrients as well, the old farming practice of letting your land settle and regenerate every 7 years has been done away with and now synthetic chemicals are spread back through the soil in a hope that the soil will be healthy enough for another crop. So “Green Harvesting” and “un sustainable farming practices” have led to our foods containing very little nutritional value.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Balance & Moderation Adopt a balanced approach to a new healthy eating lifestyle. Healthy eating is not a “diet” but a lifestyle practice that you want to have in place everyday, not just for 1 week or 1 month. This should include ‘everyday foods’ like fresh fruit and vegetables, proteins, nuts and seeds, mostly adding in a small amount grains and cereals and dairy foods. Then to ensure you don’t feel like you are missing out, you could include 1 ‘sometimes foods’ meal once per week only. The reason behind having ‘sometimes foods’ is so that you don’t feel like you are missing out. These foods however tend to be high in kilojoules and very low in nutrition and nutrients, which cannot support your bodies ability to thrive, heal and give you energy. You will find that the more ‘everyday foods’ you consume the better you will feel and the less you will want to eat the ‘sometimes foods’. Variety for Your Family Including a variety of foods in your family’s diet is essential for good health. The more fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, wholegrain foods, nuts and seeds along with a small amount of unsweetened dairy foods, the better. Think about your dinner plate at night as an example. Divide your plate into 3 segments. ½ of your plate will want to be non-starchy vegetables (ie. not potatoes). The other ½ of your plate will be divided in 2, one of these segments will be protein ie. lean meats, and the other can be a carbohydrate ie. rice/pasta/potato/sweet potato. If you are looking to lose weight it is recommended to only include one carbohydrate in one of your meals per day. Home cooking is always best for the overall wellness for your family, and this does not mean pulling a frozen meal out of the freezer and heating it up in the microwave. There are some simple meals to be made and everyone CAN cook if wellness is important to you and your family.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

A Whole Food Approach to Moods & Tiredness When we have tired and grumpy kids (ie. they are simply emotional and tired) the first thing we can tend to forget is to pay attention to their internal nourishment. Our children may be too young to realize it but a “whole foods approach” is the way to go. Good, nourishing food is what brings the bounce back to tired and grumpy kids and puts a smile back on their face. Frequent illness, anxiety, and tiredness or simply feeling sad can all deplete energy as well. Sometimes we can simply react to our tired and grumpy kids with discipline if they are rude or disrespectful, but it is best to take a breath yourself and try these simple steps:

• Ask your child to have a large glass of water to drink. (you will be amazed at the almost instant result in your child’s mood if you do this)

• Ask your child to go and have a rest in their room doing something quiet like reading. You will find most of the time they will go to sleep. Once they are ready to come out ask them to have another glass of water.

• Ask your child when did they have a last bowel movement. Sometimes this is the answer to a lot of tired and grumpy kids problems. If they are not eating a lot of raw, in cooked fresh fruit and veggies plus drinking a lot of water, you may find they are constipated.

• Give your child some of the following foods to nurture them back to health:

• Kiwifruit - Full of fibre, a kiwi aids digestion and can soothe a sore tummy.

• Super greens - Good ways to include super greens in your kid’s diet are by adding the powder to smoothies, mixing into energy bars or stirring into yoghurt.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

• Bananas - Bananas are an instant source of energy to

power muscles but at the same time they can calm anxiety due to the high levels of B6 that help the brain produce the relaxing hormone serotonin. Full of fibre, the energy they provide is released slowly plus nature’s energy snack comes in its own wrapping. Kids go crazy over banana smoothies mixed with wheat germ, honey, cinnamon and low-fat milk, or simply banana with yoghurt dip.

• Avocados - Most kids get too much of the wrong fats but avocados contain the type of fats that are perfect for growing bodies. Spread on bread or crackers instead of butter, use as a dip or cut up in salads.

• Raw nuts and seeds - Nuts and seeds make convenient, healthy snack foods that can take the edge off hunger without the added carbohydrates and sugar of most other snack foods. Great nut choices include almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios, macadamias and walnuts. Seeds include sunflower, sesame, flax and pumpkin (all unsalted). These delicious, natural foods are high in protein and healthy unsaturated fats. Mix them into anything and everything from bakes, smoothies and salads or enjoy them on their own.

• Dates - The sweet, caramel-like taste of dates make them a hit with kids, satisfying their sweet tooth while providing energy and vitamins. Dates also contain small amounts of almost every essential mineral: nutrients that play a role in red blood cell production, energy metabolism, growth and development and skin health, the nervous system and the digestive system.

• Oranges - Just a sniff of a fresh orange can give an uplifting feeling. If you have tired and grumpy kids in the mornings, try including an orange in their day to offer vitality and improve their concentration at school.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Generally, citrus fruits have the highest antioxidant activity of all fruits, helping to boost the immune system. Serve as fresh or frozen portions and try to eat whole instead of juicing so you maintain the fibre content.

These are just some of many nurturing foods that (when combined with plenty of water to drink) will energize your kids’ hardworking little bodies.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Your Energy

It's 3 p.m., and you're definitely dragging. Your body feels like a car that's run out of gas. And while your official workday may soon be over, your day probably isn't.

If you're like most parents, your “to do list” probably still includes some or all of the following tasks: pick up the kids, cook dinner, get in some exercise, supervise homework, tend to aging parents, walk and feed the dog, feed the cat, catch up on bills, and take care of housework.

Whew. Reading the list alone can make you feel exhausted.

But here are a few fatigue-fighting strategies to help out. Some of these strategies offer an instant energy boost, just in time to shine for the 4 o'clock meeting. Other strategies are longer-term remedies. They require a bit more patience, but they'll pay off big-time in the long run. Once you've mastered these energy-boosting strategies, any one of them can make you feel like you've just had a tune-up.

#1: Reach for energy food

You may be thinking "candy bar!" but a sugar boost will just leave you lagging again in an hour. For a nearly instant energy boost that lasts, eat a healthy snack containing protein and a complex carbohydrate, says Christine Gerbstadt, MD, MPH, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and a weight control researcher at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

One place to find complex carbs is in whole-grain products. "Try a whole-grain cracker with low-fat cheese," Gerbstadt says. "Or a peanut butter sandwich on whole-wheat bread."

The secret? "That combination of protein and a complex carbohydrate (digested more slowly than simple carbs) increases your blood glucose in a sustained way," she says. "It boosts energy longer than if you eat gumdrops, for instance."

#2: Eat a high-fiber breakfast

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

For short-term and long-term energy boosts, make a habit of eating a high-fiber, carbohydrate-rich breakfast, says Jaimie Davis, PhD, RD, research associate at the Institute for Prevention Research at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

As proof it works, Davis points to a study that compared the effects of two carbohydrate-rich breakfasts -- one high-fiber, one low-fiber -- with two high-fat breakfasts. The high-fiber, high-carb meal was associated with the highest level of alertness between breakfastand lunch. The study was published in the International Journal of Food Sciences andNutrition.

To boost the fiber and carbs in your first meal of the day, select such foods as whole-wheat toast or high-fiber cereal. A half cup of high-fiber cereal can contain as much as 14 grams of fiber, and some high-fiber breads have 6 grams per slice. Aim for 25 to 30 grams of total fiber daily, Davis says, noting that most Americans get perhaps 10 to 15 grams.

#3: Take breaks

Multitasking is viewed as the way to get a lot done quickly. But taking a short break and doing absolutely nothing for a few minutes can help you overcome fatigue and actually get more done in the course of a day, says Jon Gordon, a Florida-based consultant who advises corporations and athletes on how to stay energized. One short break of 5 or 10 minutes or even less can boost your energy immediately, and making break time a habit can keep your energy up long-term, he says.

"If you take short breaks throughout the day, you will have more overall accomplishments," says Gordon, author of The Energy Bus.

Human performance studies show he's right. In one conducted at Louisiana State University and published in Computers and Industrial Engineering, researchers compared three different work-rest schedules for workers who used the computer. The schedule that allowed for briefer, more frequent breaks was best in terms of fighting fatigue and increasing productivity.

The researchers found that workers who took four breaks per hour,

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

usually just 30 seconds each, followed by a 14-minute break after two hours of sitting at the computer, reported higher performance and worked faster and more accurately than their co-workers.

#4: Get moving

For an instant energy boost, drop out of your busy life for 10 minutes and hit the road, or the hallways of your office. "Walking is an energizer," says Gordon. Even a 10-minute walk can help you overcome feelings of fatigue.

And yes, it works better than a sugar infusion. In a study published two decades ago but still often-quoted, Robert Thayer, PhD, a professor at California State University, Long Beach, compared the energizing effects on 12 different days when 18 people either ate a candy bar or walked briskly for 10 minutes. Walking was the better bet. Walking increased energy for two hours. The sugar snack initially boosted energy, but after an hour, participants were more tired and had less energy.

#5: Take 5 and meditate

Numerous studies have demonstrated the fatigue-fighting effects of meditation, but there's no need to light candles, sit cross-legged, or learn a mantra. Mini-meditation can work wonders, says Judith Orloff, MD, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California Los Angeles and author of Positive Energy.

"A three-minute meditation is a way to calm yourself down and stop rushing," she says. "You can replenish yourself. You can take control of your energy."

Orloff suggests getting the day off to a positive start with a mini-meditation while you're still in bed, then continuing with short meditation breaks throughout the day. Any quiet place in your home or office will do, Orloff says. You can even use the office bathroom for an instant energy boost.

"Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths," Orloff says. "Begin to relax your body. Visualize a positive thing: a sunset, the beach in Hawaii."

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Better Sleep You can get a better night's rest if you make some changes to how you spend your day.

"Sleep isn't something that just happens when you fall into bed. Your body gets primed for it all day," says Michael Breus, PhD, author of Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health.

Try these tips:

Tackle To-Dos Earlier

Evenings should be a time to unwind. Don't try to do a lot of chores before bedtime. It might sound ambitious, but you'll sleep more soundly if you get up early to work on your to-do list. "Your brain is better primed for mental tasks in the morning when sunlight suppresses the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone," says Tracey Marks, MD, author of Master Your Sleep: Proven Methods Simplified.

Power Down Before Bed

To sleep better at night, set an "electronic" curfew. That means no TV, computer, tablet, or phone at least 30 minutes before lights out. The tiny lights from your clock, TV, DVD player, and smartphone can keep you awake. Cover them up at night and turn your clock away from the bed.

Set a Caffeine Curfew

Don't drink anything with caffeine 6 to 8 hours before bed. That includes, tea, soda, and energy drinks. Overall, don't have more than four 8-ounce cups of coffee a day.

Fit In Fitness

You'll fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly if you get exercise during the day. For most people, working out any time, even near bedtime, is better than not getting any physical activity at all. But if you have insomnia and your

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

doctor has told you not to exercise at night, follow those instructions.

Restrict Naps

It might seem like a good idea when you feel sleepy after lunch, but a daytime siesta can make it hard to get quality shut-eye at night. If you must catch up on your ZZZs, take a nap before 4 p.m. and don't snooze for more than 30 minutes.

Create a Bedtime Ritual

"Bedtime routines are just as important for adults as they are for children," Breus says. Your body needs at least 30 minutes to relax and prepare for sleep. The same things that help children unwind, such as a warm bath, soft lighting, and reading, also work wonders for adults.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

‘Retail Therapy’ for For Health By this term ‘retail therapy’ we are only talking about your grocery shopping, sorry to disappoint! There could be health benefits to retail therapy – but maybe we should leave that for another time. Many people ask ,“Where do I start?” So here’s a great list of helpful tips:

• ALWAYS grocery shop after eating a meal and NEVER grocery shop when hungry. You will be guaranteed to buy many un-needed junk foods when you are hungry. If the only time you can fit in your grocery shopping is after work on your way home before dinner, then snack on some nuts like almonds before you get to the grocery store.

• Shop at your local ‘Growers’ market. Not only will you be supporting local growers, but you will also be buying fresh. Do you best when at these markets (or at the Supermarket) to choose ‘Organic Produce’, but sometimes due to finances this just isn’t possible. In this case, choose foods, which are in season and not imported. If foods are imported from overseas you will want to know what the farming practices of these countries are, and you could be shocked to know the truth.

• When at the Supermarket, circumnavigate the inside of the shop. This practice will keep you to the Vegetable and Fruit sections, the Meat section, the Dairy section and the Fresh Bread section, in general. This will ‘mostly’ keep you away from the food isles which are filled with foods that are high in sugar, preservatives and additives.

• READ FOOD LABELS, READ FOOD LABELS, READ FOOD LABELS!!!! This is SO important!!!! If you do venture into those food isles in the supermarket which have packaged foods, then read the ingredients of what you are buying. If you don’t recognize an ingredient in

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

what you want to buy, then DO NOT buy it. There will always be an alternative to what you want to buy. Don’t be fooled by the banner or main label on a product. It has only one purpose in life, to get you or your child to choose that product over all others. This is the point where the manufacturer does its best to sell their product. It’s also the point at which you must also show the most discrimination and teach your children likewise. All that glitters is definitely not gold. Banner labeling that says things like ‘Wholesome’, ‘Homemade’, ‘Natural’ or ‘Grandma’s’ is designed to make you think that you are buying something close to what your mother used to bake at home. However, if you inspect the ingredients list, you will find some major differences, including many additives you and your mother have never even heard of before. Check your children’s favourite cereals. It can be horrifying to see that some well-known brands contain 40g of sugar per 100g, that’s 4 times the amount already considered too high for the recommended daily intake of sugar. Ingredients are listed in order of percentage contribution by weight. So, if sugar is listed first, it’s the main ingredient. Strawberry yoghurt for example, in which strawberries are listed last, or appear as artificial strawberry flavoring, should be put back, even if the container has appealing cartoon characters which catch your child’s eye. Avoid ANY product that has a long list of E numbers or unpronounceable words that appear chemical in nature.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

The Importance of Water Water is key, water is hydrates us. Our bodies need 2 litres of water per day of unsweetened water. The tea, coffee and other fluids you consume will be additional to this 2 litres of water. Be beware these other fluids can be key to weigh gain through the milk (in tea & coffee consumption) and sugar that you add or is added to these drinks. The Importance of Drinking Water:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue

2. Promotes Weight Loss

3. Flushes Out Toxins

4. Improves Skin Complexion

5. Maintains Regularity – ie. prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System

7. Natural Headache Remedy

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains

9. Puts You in a Good Mood

10. Saves Money! – Water is FREE! Even if you choose to buy bottled or filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than that high sugar and fat-filled latte!

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Ways to Make it Easier to Drink Water

1. Drink 1 (300ml) glass of water when you get up in the morning.

2. Buy (if you don’t have one) a 2 litre jug and fill it each day – that’s your goal for the day.

3. Drink 1 (300ml) glass of water every hour starting at 7am and you’ll be done by 4pm.

4. When you go out take a 600ml (and refill from a tap if you are out all day) with you. This is lighter and more convenient than 1 litre bottle.

5. If your water takes bad then squeeze in some lemon, lime and/or mint. NO artificial sweeteners or additives though.

Commit to a plan as a family The family who plays together, stays together. Encourage each other to staying healthy for the future. Keep a positive outlook in regards to good foods and moderate exercise. It’s interesting that we can change when we have a reason for our commitment. For example, your kids are active and really want to get out and go for a walk or a swim at the beach but because you are overweight and get too hot or don’t want to get into your swim wear you so “no” because you are a lot more comfortable staying at home in the cool air conditioning, and this scenario happens year after year. For most parents, our kids and their desire for an active lifestyle, and us wanting to keep up with them are enough to committing to a healthy lifestyle – and our kids are the BEST reason ever. Not only will your commitment to a healthy lifestyle – and being the best role model – benefit the future of your kids, but the payoff is a longer, healthier lifestyle and future for yourself. If committing to a healthy lifestyle as a parent is you, and you desire to be the best role model for your kids, here is a list of

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

commitments for you to make to your family today. I commit to:

1. Showing you that food isn’t a way to deal with stress;

2. Reminding you that water is the best way to quench a thirst;

3. Setting the example of leading an active lifestyle through regular exercise;

4. Nourishing your body with healing foods to help pick you up when you’re sick;

5. Be strong in knowing that sometimes what YOU want to eat is not always the right choice;

6. Persevering with your unwillingness to eat certain foods as I know things take time to nurture;

7. Modeling good eating habits and try to modify ones that don’t promote a healthy lifestyle to you;

8. Keeping my own negative body issues to myself and remind you how beautiful and strong you are;

9. Teaching you that treats should be a part of a balanced diet and something we should occasionally enjoy;

10. Doing my best in sifting through food-labeling jargon and make an informed choice on which is a healthy option;

11. Amidst a busy schedule, prioritize serving you a healthy meal, even if this means hiding veggies to avoid fussiness after a long day;

12. Approach healthy eating as a learning experience for you and to respect that you may not like everything the first time, as long as we try;

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

13. Be positive around eating and to keep any food restriction diets to myself so I’m not portraying a belief that foods are something we struggle with;

14. Creating awareness around the fact that healthy foods act as fuel to play and be active. Good fuel means you won’t splutter and splatter before the fun is over.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

What are Glyconutrients and Why are They Important for Your Family Since the beginning of recorded history we have been trying to unravel the mysteries of human biology. We wonder what keeps our bodies ticking along as planned and why we eventually unravel from illness or old age. It is a constant defiance of mortality that drives our quest to find the secrets of life and death. Over the course of time we have seen new treatments unearthed, new medical technologies made available and new avenues of health explored. Yet our experience to date is far from exhaustive. The human body is such an intricate piece of machinery and it still has so many secrets yet to be unlocked. Three decades ago, a new key was turned. A word – glyconutrients – hit the public psyche and a brand new field of health research was uncovered. Like any new idea, particularly in the hotly debated area of nutrition, it took a while to take hold. Take vitamins for example: it wasn’t until 1912 when Frederick Gowland Hopkins published his research into the artificial diets of common livestock that a missing link – now known to be vitamins – was discovered, despite the fact that as early as 1753, naval physician James Lind had been lauding the virtues of vitamin-rich diets in the treatment of scurvy. In the same token, glyconutrients had its early detractors who were happy to dismiss this new health breakthrough. It took many more years of study undertaken by pre-eminent scientists to add validation to the field. In a large boon for glyconutrients, 2001 saw the first annual Jenner Glycobiology and Medicine Symposium. This yearly conference presents the latest findings in the field and brings together a multidisciplinary collection of scientists and clinicians whose hard work and dedication keep glycobiology at the forefront of medical research. The symposium is now in its 11th year and will be held in Paris in April.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

2001 also saw the formation of the Consortium for Functional Glycomics. Beginning with 40 researchers in California devoting their expertise to exploring glycobiology and its applications in health and wellness, it quickly expanded to the rest of the United States, Canada and many parts of Europe including Sweden and Germany.

In an article published in 2004, participants in the Consortium remarked on the promising increase in citations regarding glycobiology – from 10,000 per year in the 90s to over 60,000 at the time of publication – and it has only grown exponentially from there.

While the field itself is incredibly complex and scientists have only just begun to scratch the surface, what they can agree on is that glycans aid cellular communication – often by working together with protein receptors to set off chains of cellular signals – in such complex processes as immuno-responses and tissue development. Sugar has long been reviled in our diets but modern studies are now starting to see merit in the reintroduction of saccharides in our systems. The question is which saccharides are important and where to source them.

There are over 200 sugar saccharides that occur in nature. Eight of those saccharides are important in the functioning of the human body. While some – such as glucose – are easy to find and in fact are consumed in too high a quantity, others are severely lacking in the modern western diet. One, mannose, is virtually nonexistent in our daily food choices and yet is so important in cell-to-cell communication, particularly in regards to the immune system.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Our Recommendations: We are going to talk to about some supplements we recommend. They have proven their effectiveness over and over again, so make sure you get back to the person who referred you to this ebook.

Breakthrough Nutritional Technology Showing Improvement in Brain Development with Glyconutrients

“University Study Shows Specific Sugars Improve Brain Function by J.C. Spencer. Washington, DC Howard University study shows improved brain function using specific sugars. This boost in brain power with normal healthy subjects supports the two published papers from the Alzheimer’s Pilot Surveys conducted by The Endowment for Medical Research in Houston. The Council For Responsible Nutrition (CRN) Research Watch states, “… a published randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigating the impact of Ambrotose complex on the brain function of 62 healthy young adults. The study showed that a single, one-tablespoon serving of Ambrotose complex significantly improved visual discrimination and working memory.”

Plant-derived nutraceutical may boost brain power Glyconutrient supplementation may have effects on cognitive function, according to a study that examined the influence of these plant sugars on perception, cognition and memory in 62 college students. In randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial with 1 week wash out periods, participants received 1 tablespoon of glyconutrients or placebo (rice-starch) 45 minutes before performing cognitive tasks designed to evaluate perceptual skills, attention, working memory, etc. The students’ scores indicated significant improvement in accuracy of visual discrimination (or environmental inputs) following glyconutrients supplement but not following placebo. In addition, scores on the simple, but not complex, working memory task were better after glyconutrient consumption than after placebo; although the difference was significant for only one of two sessions. Scores on tasks of cognition and attention were not significantly different between glyconutrients and placebo conditions.

Source: Stancil AN and Hicks LH. * Glyconutrients and perception,

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

cognition, and memory. Percept Mot Skills. 2009; 108: 259-270

* Both at Howard University, Washington, DC”

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Real Food Vitamins and Supplements If nature had a voice, she would certainly tell you to eat your vegetables, just like your mother said to do. Nature intended us to consume foods in whole form because the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients and antioxidants are all right there, however modern farming practices today, supplies may be limited, many foods are seasonal, and even busy schedules get in the way of us eating the way nature intended. Real Food Supplements vs Synthetic Supplements You get optimal bioavailability from nutrients found in real foods. Unfortunately, accessing and eating all the right whole foods may be a challenge. The term “bioavailability” generally refers to the ease that any particular nutrient can be accessed and absorbed by your body. Research suggests that nutrients from whole, raw food have a valuable holistic, or perhaps “wholistic,” effect that allows key vitamins and minerals to work more effectively. This could be because the vitamins and minerals in foods are also influenced by other components of the food, not just the “active ingredient.” Each plant’s phytonutrients are essentially the plant’s immune system and they offer immune support to humans as well. Unfortunately MANY – up to 90% of - supplements on the market today are made up from ground up rocks and the black sludge that comes from the bottom of an oil barrel. How are our bodies able to absorb rocks and sludge? They CANNOT, hence when many supplements are consumed they do nothing to help health conditions and only cause other health concerns like constipation or yellow urine! Our bodies absorb supplements and respond to why they were created, when they are from REAL foods. Real food supplements contain a full array of nutrients, in particular phytonutrients, provided by raw foods.

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Less Aches and Bounceback

We all want to be active and mobile, but life has a way of making it more difficult over the course of time. No matter what your age, overexertion can take a toll, and your body lets you know about it with muscle soreness and stiffness. This soreness can cause people to become less mobile and unable to enjoy activities that were once a part of their daily life. You might assume this is something you simply have to live with. But with BounceBack capsules, you can significantly reduce muscle soreness and stiffness associated with physical activity and increase your active energy expenditure so you can live an active life!* BounceBack capsules contain a potent combination of select ingredients that reduce muscle soreness and stiffness due to overexertion or physical activity.* Stay Active! If your goal is to stay mobile and moving, BounceBack capsules are for you. Formulated especially for those with a moderately active lifestyle, BounceBack capsules are packed with proprietary plant technologies that have been clinically shown to: Reduce muscle soreness from exercise or overexertion*

• Help ease the pain from delayed on set muscle soreness (DOMS)*

• Provide optimal joint support*

• Provide antioxidant support* BounceBack capsules are supported by a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study.** As shown below, clinical study participants who took BounceBack capsules found their muscle soreness reduced by half that of the placebo group - a significant difference!*

                   How  to  Improve  the  Overall  Wellness  of  Your  Family  

Conclusion It’s time to do something about your wellness and set in place a “Wellness Plan” for you and your family. Get back to the person who sent or referred you to this ebook and ask for more information and about getting you and your family on a plan for life time wellness.

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