how to install the microsoft translator...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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How to install the Microsoft Translator APP?

Microsoft Translator provides eGO Real Estate users a free and automatic

translation of contents on their websites and also on their eGO Real Estate App.


To do that you must follow these steps:

Access/Create a Microsoft account

To use Microsoft’s automatic translation services, you must have a Microsoft account. If

you don’t have one, you can create it here for free;

After creating your Microsoft account you can go to the next step, which is to create a

Microsoft Azure account. This one will give you access to the translator.


You must create this account to set up your translations service. Please follow all the

steps to successfully conclude the process.

Step 1 – Access Microsoft Azure

Go to and click on Start free


Step 2 – Fill in all the requested information


On Identity verification by phone you must insert your valid mobile contact since

you will receive an activation message;

Insert the Verification Code and click on Verify code


Next you will be asked for your credit card data. You cannot finish creating your account

without inserting this data. Microsoft assures you there will be no charges to your

free account.

The next step is to agree with the terms and conditions and to click on Sign in.

Your account has been successfully created. Now it’s time to subscribe Microsoft

Translator‘s service.

Step 3 – After creating your account you will be redirected to Microsoft Azure. On the

Dashboard Search Bar you must look for Cognitive Services and click on it.


Step 4 – You must Create Cognitive Services


Step 5 – After creating Cognitive Services you will see a full list of all the services. On

Cognitive Services, click on More to have access to the full list;


Step 6 - Choose API Text Translator

This is the service you will use for your Translations

Select API Text Translator and click on Create;


Step 7 – Fill in the requested information:

Name: Choose a name for the service (for example, your Agency’s name)

Subscription: Choose the model: Pay-As-You-Go

API type: Choose -> API Text Translator

Price Scale: Choose the option F0

Resource group: Create a new one and name it

Resource group location: Choose the options Occidental Europe and

Check the confirmation box

At the end, click on Create


Step 8 – You will automatically be redirected to the Translator’s Dashboard. Now you

must get the Access Keys to insert on eGO. Click on the Keys tab. You will need two

things for eGO:

Name (on eGO you must write it on SUBSCRIPTION ID)

Key 1 (on eGO you must write it on KEY1)


Step 9 – You must now open eGO Real Estate and go to Settings:

Step 10 - On the Management tab, scroll down until you find Translations. Click on

Configure Microsoft Translator automatic service;


Step 11 – Write the keys on eGO (see step 8)

On Subscription ID, you must write the name you got before on NAME

On Key 1 you must write the code you copied from Key 1

When you are ready, click on Save!

Now you have set up Microsoft Azure’s translation services on eGO.

NOTE: This free trial will expire within 30 days! To make sure you can continue using it

for free, please follow the next steps.


Learn how to turn your 30-day free account on a permanent one. NOTE: This account is called Pay As You Go, which means you only pay for what you

use. These payments refer to extra features and resources associated to Microsoft Azure.

This procedure has no associated costs but you must configure it right.

Step 1 – Access the link There will be an error message. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal.

Step 2 – You must log in directly on your account and click on Subscriptions;


Step 3 – On Pay as You Go, click on the text in yellow.

NOTE: The system may take a few seconds loading. Please, wait!


Step 4 – Your signature is now updated! On the next popup, you must choose the free


After choosing this option you must click on “Cancel”

NOTE: In case you cannot see the Cancel button, close the popup by clicking on X.

Step 5 – Your account has been updated to a Pay as You Go one. This way you wont

have to reconfigure it after the 30-day trial. You can now click on Sign out.


Learn more about this on our website:

For any questions contact us at:

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