how to interact with coworkers

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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The workplace needs leaders who set the standard of behaviour. Be the leader and the wise. Your reward awaits you.


How to interact with coworkers?

Learning how to interact with coworkers will help you create peaceful relationships and a rewarding

workplace for everyone.

Understanding Human Nature in the Workplace

The workplace is a microcosm of society, with all different types of personalities

Friction is inevitable when humans interact; emotions creep in. Your role is to minimize or avoid those frictions

Many adults are grown-up kids in the workplace, without a pacifier. Do you want to be one of them?

Elevate yourself; be the mature and wise professional others look up to


Listening is the forgotten art of communication. It is as important, perhaps even more so than speaking

Listening allows you to understand your coworkers, their opinions and ideals

Listen actively and ask questions for clarifications (e.g. about concerns and expectations)

It is always helpful to repeat back coworkers' statements, such as: “ What I think I’m hearing is…; May I assume from what you said that…; Are you suggesting that…?”.

Reciprocity is the name of the game in human relationships

A toxic workplace hurts everyone, including yourself

Respect individual space. Don't abuse email by sending ten messages when one would do

Don't nag; don't go above your coworkers' heads. Be civil and courteous

Use "please" and "thank you" and give credit where credit is due

Treat Co-Workers as you Want to be Treated

Promote Transparency and Openness

Copy all team members and managers on important communication email, conference requests, project updates and action items

Make sure objectives and deadlines are clear, so your coworkers will know exactly what is expected of them

Don’t confuse confidentiality and secretive

The workplace is for humans, so your best inspiration would be to strive for humanism in all your behavior

Pay Attention to Your Body Language

Avoid antagonistic gestures like crossing your arms, tapping your feet or rolling your eyes

These gestures make it clear to your coworkers that you are not interested in what they are saying and will make future communication with them difficult

Look people in the eye when you speak, smile and nod and show interest when your coworkers speak, and you will communicate with them more effectively

Make Yourself Available at all Times

Answer your phone at all times, respond to emails and do your work on time

You will earn your coworkers' respect, improve your communication with them and they'll likely return the favor later, when you will need it the most

Remember: reciprocity is the name of the game in human relations

ConclusionHuman relationships are difficult, even under the best circumstances

You don’t choose your co-workers; some may have peculiar personality traits. Don’t idealize the workplace, be pragmatic

Try to match each failing of your coworkers with the opposite virtue in your own behavior to better yourself and the workplace will be a growth school for you

The workplace needs leaders who set the standard of behavior. Be the leader and the wise. Your reward awaits you

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