how to prevent ebola and some history

Post on 11-Jul-2015



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EbolaPolitics of Panic

How to Profit from Fear and Ignorance, “The US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic.”

“Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?”

Though it has been around since 1976, occasionally striking Africa, Ebola, named after a river in the Democratic Republic of Congo where it was first detected, has no cure or vaccine.

1957 Asiatic flu. An editorial in the Herald and Express for August 29, 1957 was captioned, "Fear of Flu Propaganda.”

1999 West ni le virus= the great encephalitis outbreak (or "scare").

2003 SARS following the outbreak of SARS 305 cases (including 105 health-care workers) and 5 deaths

2005 Avian bird f lu The U.S. government is warning that a new avian super-flu could kill nearly two mil l ion Americans - - or if we're "lucky" just 200,000.

2009 flu pandemic was an influenza pandemic, H1N1 influenza virus

Flu Fear

" meningitis outbreak" the CDC declared (Novartis, Pfizer)

A group of college students in New Jersey and California came down with meningitis B.

CDC allowed an unapproved vaccine made by Novartis to get emergency use status.

Seven cases of meningitis B over nine months

Pfizer has a meningitis B vaccine, rushed that into FDA fast-track approval under the "breakthrough therapy" label.

2012 there were 160 cases of it throughout the US

Maybe it will workmaybe it won'tDo the vaccine-induced antibodies attacking the brain??When the CDC adds it to its "vaccine list,“ or become a mandatory shots needed to get into school or at least to live in a dorm.

" meningitis outbreak" the CDC declared (Novartis, Pfizer)

A group of college students in New Jersey and California came down with meningitis B.

CDC allowed an unapproved vaccine made by Novartis to get emergency use status.

Seven cases of meningitis B over nine months

Pfizer has a meningitis B vaccine, rushed that into FDA fast-track approval under the "breakthrough therapy" label.

2012 there were 160 cases of it throughout the US

Maybe it will workmaybe it won'tDo the vaccine-induced antibodies attacking the brain??When the CDC adds it to its "vaccine list,“ or become a mandatory shots needed to get into school or at least to live in a dorm.

ingredients :MSG, cow blood, aluminum and even DNA

residue from aborted babies can be in these shots.

Five families of RNA viruses have been recognized as being able to cause hemorrhagic fevers.

•Lassa fever (Lassa virus)•Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus•Argentine (Junin virus)•Bolivian (Machupo virus)•Brazilian (Sabiá virus)•Venezuelan (Guanarito virus)• Hantavirus •Rift Valley fever•Ebola virus•Marburg virus•Dengue•yellow fever•tick-borne encephalitis•Omsk hemorrhagic fever•Kyasanur Forest disease

1996 (Jul-Dec) Gabon45 / 60


1996 (Jan-Apr) Gabon21 / 31


1995Democratic Republic of Congo 254 / 315


1994 Cote d'Ivoire0 / 1


1994 Gabon31 / 52


1979 Sudan22 / 34


1977Democratic Republic of Congo 1 / 1


1976 Sudan151 / 284


1976Democratic Republic of Congo 280 / 318


Ebola History

2003 (Jan-Apr) Congo128 / 143


2001-2002 Gabon, Congo97 / 124


2000 Uganda224 / 425


1996South Africa (ex-Gabon) 1 / 1


2007 Uganda37 / 149


2007Democratic Republic of Congo 187 / 264


2005 Congo10 / 12


2004 Sudan7 / 17


2003 (Nov-Dec) Congo29 / 35


Ebola History

2014 Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Liberia, Guinea, Senegal 4877 / 9935


2012Democratic Republic of Congo 29 / 57 51%

2012 Uganda4 / 7


2012 Uganda 17 / 24 71%

2011 Uganda 1 / 1 100%

2008 Democratic Republic of Congo 14 / 32


Ebola History

Ebola is deadly but malaria steals more livesSeptember 16, 2014 by Musaazi Namiti

When an epidemic steals thousands of lives,…Rarely has a health crisis prompted a powerful country to consider the deployment of troops to tackle the problem.

.. U.S. is preparing to assign 3,000 military personnel to the afflicted region. … five countries — Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria, and Senegal

…malaria, remain the biggest killer diseases on the African continent.

...every 30 seconds someone in Africa succumbs to the disease, …460,000 African children died before their fifth birthdays," the WHO

4 November 2014

West Africa: Fewer Ebola Cases in Liberia, Surge in Sierra Leone – MSF

As of 29 October,

Ebola has claimed 4,919 lives, with 13,698 (64% Survival rate) cases registered in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal and Mali

recently (WHO figures).

Despite the decline in the transmission rate of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), the head of the incident management team on Ebola, Mr. Tolbert Nyensuah, has warned Liberians not to celebrate too soon.

...It will be over if all counties are reporting zero case for over 21 days in the next 42 days in our country," he said.

He disclosed that a total of 39 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of Ebola were reported as of yesterday, November 3 across all Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) in the country.

In total, he said there 200 cases of the virus currently recorded across the entire country.

His warning comes amidst reports that some people had been gathered at various beaches and various night clubs in jubilation that the Ebola virus has ended in Liberia.

Liberia is currently fighting the second outbreak of the deadly virus, and Lofa County is one of the epicenters of the epidemic.

Liberians Warned Not to Celebrate Too SoonNovember 3, 2014 By Emmanuel Weedee-Conway

Despite the decline in the transmission rate of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), the head of the incident management team on Ebola, Mr. Tolbert Nyensuah, has warned Liberians not to celebrate too soon.

...It will be over if all counties are reporting zero case for over 21 days in the next 42 days in our country," he said.

He disclosed that a total of 39 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of Ebola were reported as of yesterday, November 3 across all Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) in the country.

In total, he said there 200 cases of the virus currently recorded across the entire country.

His warning comes amidst reports that some people had been gathered at various beaches and various night clubs in jubilation that the Ebola virus has ended in Liberia.

Liberia is currently fighting the second outbreak of the deadly virus, and Lofa County is one of the epicenters of the epidemic.

Liberians Warned Not to Celebrate Too SoonNovember 3, 2014 By Emmanuel Weedee-Conway

a total of 39 confirmed, probable and suspected

cases of Ebola were reported as of, November 3

across all Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) in the


In total, he said there 200 cases of the virus

currently recorded across the entire country.

Monrovia — nov. 3, 2014

The head of the incident management team on Ebola, Mr. Tolbert Nyensuah, has disclosed that Lofa, Sinoe, Grand Gedeh and two other counties have reported zero case of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) for the past four weeks.

Liberia: Ebola Update - Lofa, Others Report Zero Case in Four Weeks

The World Health Organization (WHO) and several other UN Agencies ..enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations…

•US Department of Defense (DoD) humans, trials started weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone

•DoD..contract $140 million Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research

•involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus

West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone?

August 2, 2014 article, by Jon Rappoport of Global Research

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of doses of Ebola vaccine should be ready and available next year.

"The WHO says that there are no plans to begin a mass vaccination program until at least June 2015, and then only if the growth of the epidemic justifies it."

The vaccine industry has a number of hurdles to conquer before they will stand to make a fortune from an Ebola vaccine however. For starters, vaccine manufacturers are demanding indemnity against lawsuits that may arise from the use of a fast-tracked Ebola vaccine,

Drug Makers Push for Indemnity for Fast-Tracked Ebola Vaccines

What Are the Chances an Ebola Vaccine Will Work as Expected?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of doses of Ebola vaccine should be ready and available next year.

"The WHO says that there are no plans to begin a mass vaccination program until at least June 2015, and then only if the growth of the epidemic justifies it."

The vaccine industry has a number of hurdles to conquer before they will stand to make a fortune from an Ebola vaccine however. For starters, vaccine manufacturers are demanding indemnity against lawsuits that may arise from the use of a fast-tracked Ebola vaccine,

Drug Makers Push for Indemnity for Fast-Tracked Ebola Vaccines

Vaccine makers are shielded against lawsuits if a vaccine is

either added to the vaccination schedule or classified as a

pandemic vaccine. But there may not be enough Ebola victims

to justify pandemic classification in the US

What Are the Chances an Ebola Vaccine Will Work as Expected?

Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)

…provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the …involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures.

•Anthrax Countermeasures - October 1, 2008-•Botulism Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Pandemic Antiviral Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Pandemic Antiviral Countermeasures (to add H1N1) – April 26th, 2009•Smallpox Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Acute Radiation Syndrome Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Pandemic Influenza Diagnostics, Personal Respiratory, Protection Devices and Respiratory Support Devices - December 22, 2008 -

West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone?

•“First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March

•US government has a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak

Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetic First in Human (FIH) Study for Intravenous (IV) TKM-100802

Condition Intervention Phase

Ebola Virus Infection Drug: TKM-100802 for InjectionDrug: Placebo

Phase 1

Estimated Enrollment: 28Study Start Date: January 2014Estimated Study Completion Date: July 2014Estimated Primary Completion Date: July 2014 (Final data collection date for

primary outcome measure)

Primary Outcome Measures:•Safety and tolerability of TKM-100802 [ Time Frame: 1 month ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]Subjects will be monitored for treatment-emergent and dose-limiting toxicity (DLT). If there are any adverse events (changes from baseline in laboratory parameters, vitals and/or infusion reactions) during these monitoring periods, the Independent Safety Committee, will discuss the dosing of the remaining subjects.

15 November 2014 BBC

Ebola: Democratic Republic of Congo says

its outbreak is over

A three-month Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of

Congo has ended after claiming at least 49 lives, the country's

health minister says.

Yoichi Shimatsu’s article, The Ebola Breakout Coincided with UN

Vaccine Campaigns, as published on August 18, 2014, in the Liberty Beacon.

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by

Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD? 09/09/2014

Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology

The world must be alarmed…every conclave on Earth should be astonished. African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. Listen to the people who distrust the hospitals, who cannot shake hands, hug their relatives and friends. Innocent people are dying, and they need our help. …. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?

09/09/2014 Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology

Has taught for many years at the Agricultural College of the University of Delaware

The world must be alarmed…every conclave on Earth should be astonished. African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. Listen to the people who distrust the hospitals, who cannot shake hands, hug their relatives and friends. Innocent people are dying, and they need our help. …. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?

09/09/2014 Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology

Has taught for many years at the Agricultural College of the University of Delaware

The Liberian Daily Observer, which is the largest

newspaper in Liberia published this on their front page

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?

…Because of the widespread loss of life, fear, physiological trauma, and despair among Liberians and other West African citizens, it is incumbent that I make a contribution to the resolution of this devastating situation, which may continue to recur, if it is not properly and adequately confronted. I will address the situation in five (5) points:



… that a man was caught dumping formaldehyde into a community water supply. The man claimed that he was being paid to do so and that there were others.

“Mobbed by the community, he confessed that he had been paid to put formaldeyde into the well, and that he was not the only one. He reportedly told community dwellers, “We are many.” There are agents in Harbel, Dolostown, Cotton Tree and other communities around the country”

The man also alleged that some water companies, particularly those bagging mineral water to sell, are also involved.

The poison, he said, produces Ebola-like symptoms and subsequently kills people.

August, 2014 The Observer reported

Formaldehyde Ingestion:

corrosion in the gastrointestinal tractcause ulcers and inflammation in the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestinescause abdominal painDiarrheahemorrhage in the stomach or intestinesrapid breathingyellowish discoloration of the skinblood in the urine and kidney failure.nausea, vomiting, pain, bleeding, and perforationmetabolic acidosisCNS depression and comarespiratory distressrenal failure.

…health workers and given fake vaccinations that are believed to be killing people

…people dressed as nurses were going into communities with ‘Ebola Vaccines’. Once injected, it reportedly produces Ebola-like symptoms and sends victims into a coma. Shortly thereafter, victims expire.

Communities are now reportedly chasing vaccine peddlers out of their communities. After 10 children reportedly died from the ‘vaccine’ in Bensonville, the peddlers were reportedly chased out of the community upon their next visit.

…reports from families whose loved ones’ organs were missing upon return of the bodies to the families. Families suspect an organ trafficking operation is capitalizing on the outbreak of the Ebola virus in Liberia.

The Observer

Nigeria and Senegal, both affected by the worst ever Ebola outbreak are managing to stop the spread of the disease, according to the World Health Organization.

..There were no new deaths in Guinea, 4 in Sierra Leone and 39 in Liberia.A three-day curfew aimed at containing the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone has been declared a success by authorities

..150 cases recorded for the virus and 70 dead bodies buried.

8 people were killed in Nzerekore, Guniea among them 2 journalists, deputy governor and 5 health workers they were sensitizing people on Ebola,

but citizens of Nzerekore said Ebola does not exist.

The Point (Banjul)23 September 2014

Gambia: Ebola Update

From Senegal and Nigeria, 4 Lessons on How to Stop Ebolatwo West African nations have become models for dealing

with the crisis. From National geographicSenegal is a poverty-stricken nation that borders Guinea, one of the three countries hit hardest by the Ebola epidemic in West Africa….In Guinea 1,500 people have been infected 900 have died.In Senegal there has been just one case and no deaths.In Nigeria infected just 20 people, seven of whom died.

Nigeria Africa's most populous country, with about 174 million people, roughly 21 million of them in Lagos, the continent's largest city…the WHO declared that Nigeria's spread had been halted, havingThe WHO also declared both Nigeria and Senegal free of Ebola,."If a country like Nigeria, hampered by serious security problems, can do this," said WHO Director-General Margaret Chan "any country in the world experiencing an imported case [of Ebola] can hold onward transmission to just a handful of cases.”

1. Trace, isolate, and treat.Nigeria and Senegal have followed the same drill in every

outbreak since Ebola was first identified in 1976 near the banks of the Ebola River, in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Identify and isolate the victims' close contacts and educate them about symptoms. After a few early lapses, proper medical protocol kept health care workers from getting sick.

2. Detect early, before lots of people can be exposed.The sooner Ebola is detected and the faster the victim can be isolated, the smaller the number of people who will become infected….

From Senegal and Nigeria, 4 Lessons on How to Stop Ebola

From National geographic

3. Strong leadership is essential.The WHO credited Senegal and Nigeria with beating Ebola because of strong leaders who made the effort a top national priority.In Nigeria the country's self-interest was clear. Its oil industry makes up half the national economy. If the country were to be shut down by Ebola, it would be devastated. …

4. The public needs to be part of the solution.Ebola has become a global problem in part because West Africans don't trust their leaders, often with good reason.After years of civil war, violence, and government corruption, mistrust of government runs deep in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea…house-by-house leafleting, messages on local radio stations, and enlisting "Nollywood" stars to deliver health messages.

From Senegal and Nigeria, 4 Lessons on How to Stop Ebola From National geographic

Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)

…provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the …involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures.

•Anthrax Countermeasures - October 1, 2008-•Botulism Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Pandemic Antiviral Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Pandemic Antiviral Countermeasures (to add H1N1) – April 26th, 2009•Smallpox Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Acute Radiation Syndrome Countermeasures - October 17, 2008-•Pandemic Influenza Diagnostics, Personal Respiratory, Protection Devices and Respiratory Support Devices - December 22, 2008 -

How Do Doctors Test for Ebola? Ebola is difficult to diagnose when a person is first infected because the early symptoms,are also symptoms of other diseases, malaria and typhoid fever

"The symptoms are extremely nonspecific in the beginning — Ebola looks like almost anything," said Dr. Bruce Hirsch, an infectious-disease specialist at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, New York.

•Has the person has been in Guinea, Sierra Leone or Liberia within the last 21 daysSymptoms include:• a fever greater than101.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38.6 degrees Celsius)•severe headache•muscle pain•Diarrhea•Vomiting•abdominal pain•unexplained hemorrhage

Tests for Ebola

The most accurate of these is likely the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, a technique that looks for genetic material from the

virus and creates enough copies of it that it can be detected, "PCR is a really definitive test," ….It can pick up very small

amounts of the virus.

(ELISA), this test can take even longer than three days to give a positive result for an infected person, And antibodies can also

be detected after a patient recovers, he added.

The Journal of Clinical Microbiology said in 2002 that the PCR test can yield false negatives for viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola:

U.S. Department of Defense Ebola Zaire(EZ1 rRT-PCR) Assay August 5, 2014Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers:

Interpreting Ebola Zaire …the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to authorize the use of

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) EZ1 rRT-PCR Assay with specified instruments to test for the presumptive presence of Ebola Zaire virus (detected in the West Africa outbreak in 2014)

Why is this test needed at this time? At this time, no FDA -approved/cleared tests that identify the existence of the Ebola Zaire virus (detected in the West Africa outbreak in 2014) in clinical specimens are available.

ELISA –(51 false-positives per 100) Western Blot – (96 false-positives per 100) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) –(51 false-positives per 100)

"68% to 89% of all repeatedly reactive ELISA (HIV antibody) tests [were] likely to represent false positive results." (NEJM - New England Journal of Medicine. 312; 1985).

66 true positives, there were 30,000 false positives. And in pregnant women, "there were 8,000 false positives for 6 confirmations." (Lancet. 339; 1992)

In September 2000, the Archives of Family Medicine stated that the more women we test, the greater "the proportion of false-positive and ambiguous (indeterminate) test results." (Archives of Family Medicine. Sept/Oct. 2000).

History of false testing results

polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Amplifies the DNA where the virus can be detected

high-tech, time-consuming method.

•takes anywhere from 12 hours to four days to yield a result.

For example:• a vial of the patient’s blood is transported to one of the few laboratories in West Africa with PCR equipment needed to test for the virus. •These facilities, require central electricity which is hard to find in remote area’s of West Africa. •The test can take anywhere from one day to four.•the patient is told to remain at the treatment center until a diagnosis can be made.

non-virus causes with similar symptoms attributed to Ebola. Fever, fatigue, sweating, bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea.


West Africa•severe malnutrition•Starvation•massive displacement by war• poverty•lack of basic sanitation•open sewage•overcrowding in living quarters•highly toxic organophosphate pesticides (spraying against mosquitos in homes and clinics---which causes bleeding))•vast overuse of antibiotics (shreds digestive systems and causes hemorrhaging)•toxic unrefrigerated medical drugs•toxic industrial pollution•vaccine campaigns that push strained immune systems over the edge. 

non-virus factors that have made health workers sick and killed them in West Africa

 •health workers are wearing hazmat suits sealed off from the outside•one-and-two hour shifts in those boiling suits•losing an astonishing five liters of body fluid in an hour•When they take off the suits, rehydrate•douse themselves with toxic disinfectants•go back in soon for another shift and lose more body fluids

 In one case, a doctor stated toxic chlorine was actually inside his haz-mat suit with him while he worked. What I'm describing here could cause anyone to collapse. 

Hospitals have become particularly notorious for spreading lethal infections. According to the most recent report2 by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hospital-acquired infections now affect one in 25 patients. 

In 2011, an estimated 722,000 patients contracted an infection during a stay in an acute care hospital in the US, and about 75,000 of them died as a result of it. 

CDC HAI Prevalence SurveyMagill SS, Edwards JR, Bamberg W, et al. Multistate Point-Prevalence Survey of Health Care–Associated Infections. N Engl J Med 2014;370:1198-208. 

75,000 die per year as a result of Hospital acquired infections

Vaccine campaigns in West Africa one of the causes Ebola


•standard vaccines given to people whose immune systems are already on the verge of collapse, can be a death blow

•But in that case, it's not just the vaccine 

•people are dying in West Africa from a combination of immune-suppressing factors.

severe Ebola infections could produce an artificial and extreme Se depletion, resulting in extensive cellular damage due to lipid peroxidation, combined with enhanced thrombosis.This could also contribute to the associated immune deficiency that has been observed in Ebola infections.To our knowledge, indicators of Se status and lipid peroxidation have never been examined in Ebola patients. However, selenium has apparently been used with great success by the Chinese in the palliative treatment of an infectious hemorrhagic fever.

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine in 1995 

Selenium Deficiency Could Potentially Play an Important Role in Ebola Lethality

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.Franklin D. Roosevelt 

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