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How to Profit from Posture Assessments

How Implementing Posture Assessments

Will Take Your Business/Career to the Next Level and Beyond

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Table of Contents

Page 2: Webinar Worksheet Page 6: Posture Assessment Guidelines Page 7: Static Posture Assessment Form Page 9: 4 Points of Posture Client Handout Page 10: 4 Weeks to Better Posture Program Implementation Process Page 11: Email Templates for 4 Weeks to Better Posture Program Page 15: Phone Script Page 16: Author Bio and Contact Info

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Are you in the right place? Yes No

1. You’re wanting to learn if implementing a posture assessment program can ____ ____ lead to an increase in income.

2. You need advice on how to successfully implement a posture assessment ____ ____ program ____ ____

3. You want to earn a greater income by going the extra mile for your clients ____ ____

4. You want your schedule to be filled with training sessions. ____ ____

5. You want to focus less on marketing so you can focus more on your clients ____ ____

3 Views of Posture Assessment (Anterior/front) (Lateral/side) (Posterior/Rear)

View #1: Anterior (front) What deviations do you think you have in this area?: Ways you could describe similar deviations to your clients:

I have heard my clients say, “You are never too old to learn”. What a great attitude! Educating a client on what correct posture looks like and the corrective exercises that will help achieve a stress free aligned posture gives the client control and confidence. Recognizing when I am in good posture and when I am not has been the single most important influence on balance issues and fall prevention here at Plantation Estates. Patti Tatem – NPI-Certified Posture Specialist

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View #2: Lateral (side) What deviations do you think you have in this area?: Ways you could describe similar deviations to your clients:

Most of my clients have been with me for a long time, and sessions were ½ hour and 45 minutes long, which was not enough time to create quick changes. It took roughly 3 months and a lot of patience before they actually ‘got it’. Performing resistance exercises in the 4 Points of Posture and practicing this outside of the gym is very difficult when you’ve been used to performing in a different way for years. I had goose bumps when all of a sudden, client after client announced (all about the same time), ‘I get it, I finally get it. It’s been a pain in the butt, however, I can feel a big difference!’ Even my toughest clients (to educate) have thanked me after they have realized the strength benefits that they are now experiencing. Julie Anne McGready, NPI-Certified Posture Specialist

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View #3: Posterior (Rear) What deviations do you think you have in this area?: Ways you could describe similar deviations to your clients:

I am lucky to have clients and students who are receptive to posture and body alignment corrections and are eager to improve any misalignments they may have. Because of this they start feeling and seeing improvements in their posture quickly and they are always incredibly excited and eager to pass along their newfound knowledge of proper posture! Who wouldn’t be excited to get rid of annoying aches and pains that they’ve had for years, though?

Desiree Nathanson – NPI-Certified Posture Specialist

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Idea Time: What are ways you initially see yourself incorporating posture assessment? Don’t be afraid, all ideas lead to good ideas unless you don’t write them down. Ideas: Action Steps:

Extra Thoughts: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Everyone can benefit from posture, balance training and body alignment assessments. Fitness Professionals should all be knowledgeable on postural assessment and balance training. The benefits can be seen with any fitness goal/program you design for a client. The education you receive from the NPI Certificate courses is unique and beneficial to all health and fitness professionals.

Natalie Johnson – NPI Certified Posture Specialist

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Posture Assessment Guidelines

Static Posture Assessment

1. Remove footwear and socks

2. Tight fitting clothing and/or clothing revealing joint structures preferred for accurate results

3. Have client stand in a relaxed/resting posture

4. Have a digital camera handy for taking photos of each position and explain to client what

you are using the camera for before using it

5. If using a posture grid, align the body in front of the assessment grid with center vertical line transecting (divide) the midline of the body

6. Start assessing Superiorly (top) to inferiorly (bottom)

7. Assessing Pelvic Asymmetry requires palpation (touching) of the Anterior Superior Iliac

Spine (ASIS). a. Health/Fitness professional can do this test for the client, but it is important to

describe to the client the process and show on your body first where you would be touching. If they are uncomfortable at all, instruct them on how to locate the bony landmarks and have them hold their fingers there while you visually assess for any lateral deviations

8. For the lateral (side) view, have client rotate 90 degrees a. If using a posture grid, align client back to the center of the grid, using the center

line to transect their body

9. For the posterior (rear) view, have the client rotate 90 more degrees a. If using a posture grid, once again ensure proper alignment with the center line

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NAME: ________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________

Anterior Posture Rate Comments

Head Laterally Rotated R L Palms Posteriorly Positioned Shoulder Deviation R L Depressed Chest Lateral Pelvic Tilt R L Genu Valgum (Knock Knees) Genu Varum (Bowlegs) Pronated Feet Supinated Feet

Posterior Posture Rate Comments

Body Displaced Laterally R L Head Laterally Tilted R L Abducted Scapulae Scoliosis Lateral Pelvic Tilt R L Flat Back Pes Planus (Pronated Feet)


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Lateral Posture Rate Comments

Forward Head Protrusion Depressed Shoulder R L Excessive Kyphotic Curve Excessive Lordotic Curve Kypholordosis Abdomen Protrusion Flexed Knees Hyperextended Knees Body Displaced Anteriorly Body Displaced Posteriorly

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4 Points of Posture Handout

4 Steps to Proper Alignment:

1) Stand Tall a. Imagine string attached to top of head

2) Hold Chest High a. Puffing your chest out

3) Retract Shoulders a. Like your pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades

4) Contract Abdominals a. Tighten/squeeze your stomach

4 Week Implementation Process:

Practice each time for 5 minutes

Week 1: 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) Week 2: 6 times a day (each meal and in-between meals) Week 3: Once an Hour Week 4: Once every half hour

Before and After Example

Tip: The 4 Points can be practiced when sitting, standing, walking, and driving. They are meant to be incorporate into your current lifestyle, not change it.

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4 Weeks to Better Alignment Program

Step1: Offer Free 10-15 Minute Assessment Used to give potential/current clients something of value for free that leads to your paid services

Assess Anterior and Lateral views only

Use this time to Pinpoint major posture problems, discussing with them the issues it is causing anatomically and how working with you can help reduce their pains and improve their quality of life

Main Postural abnormalities to lookout for: o Forward head protrusion o Should Height/Rotation o Excessive Kyphosis/Rounded Shoulder o Excessive Lordosis o Knock Knee/Bow Leg

Take Photos for them, and write notes with your observations focused on the points above. Print out the photos and draw lines and use arrows to identify the posture issues.

Overall process for free assessment: o Step 1: Welcome client and state you will be taking photos and printing them then going over

their posture problems with the photos. o Step 2: Explain the entire process, including why you are taking photos

Tell client that it is important to document current posture with photos, as it helps record progress and helps the client further understand where their posture needs improvement. Also mention you can use these photos later for comparison if they choose to do a follow up assessment with you.

o Step 3: Take photos of their anterior and lateral views only You don’t want to give everything away that you can do for free, just give them a taste.

o Step 4: Sit with client and review photos You will want to print photos so you can make notes and/or draw on the photos for the

clients’ reference. Then give the photos to them so they have something to reference when trying to improve their posture…more on how to improve their posture on next slide

Also, begin to ask if they have any pains in the areas that are poorly aligned o Step 5: Provide 4 Points of Posture Handout o Step 6: Explain how your services are needed

Take the last minute to provide a quick pitch about how you can help them further remove the pain/issues they mentioned in conversation by working with you

Schedule a follow up call at the end of the 4 weeks o Step 7: Email photos and basic notes right after the session ends

As an initial follow up, send them a digital copy of their photos with your notes. This helps leave the door open for communication and extra interaction with them

o Step 8: Follow up to touch base and increase engagement Over the next 4 weeks, starting from when they first come in, send several follow up

emails, which the templates are provided below

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Email Templates for Posture Assessment Follow Up

Email for Week 1 (Immediately sent after Free Posture Assessment):

Subject Heading: Follow Up Regarding Your Posture Assessment with (Your Name)

Hi (Client Name),

Thanks again for coming and trusting me with your posture correction needs. I’ve attached copies of your assessment photos, just in case you lose the printed copies I gave you during the free assessment.

Also, here are the main pointers/notes from our conversation I wanted to make sure you had a copy of: (Enter your notes/observations/recommendations here).

Now the next 4 weeks are going to be critical if you want to truly improve not only your posture, but your overall quality of life. Be diligent about working on the 4 Points of Posture Program and let me know if you have any questions.

Yours in health and in proper alignment,

(Your name).

PS: I’ll be touching base with you next week about your posture progress. Be sure to let me know how it’s going. I can’t help unless you give me honest feedback.

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Email Week 2 asking them about their progress and include a personal tip/pointer Subject Heading: How’s Your Posture, Improving or the Same? Hi (Client Name Here), Well it is the first week down of the four weeks that it takes to improve your posture using the National Posture Institute’s 4 Points of Posture Program. What do you think so far, have you been able to workout your posture muscles 3 times a day as suggested? Also, as a reminder, starting tomorrow to stay on track, you will need to begin doing your 4 Points of Posture six times a day. It is definitely a step up from 3 times a day, but you have made it this far, what’s another 3 times? Especially if it leads to getting rid of that {ENTER AN ISSUE THEY ARE STRUGGLING WITH THAT YOU DISCOVERED}. It will be completely worth it. I know when I was working on improving my own posture, I found that I liked to work on the 4 Points when I was driving back and forth to work. I’m not doing much in the car anyway, so I just placed a little sticky note on my dashboard to remind myself to practice the 4 Points while driving. If you’re struggling to find the time to even think about it, try when you’re driving. Remember, I am here for you, get a hold of me if you need any help. Yours in health and in proper alignment,

(Your name).

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Email Week 3 reminding them about the need to increase practice and provide success testimonial (when applicable)

Subject Heading: You’re Half Way Done to the Best Alignment of Your Life! Hi (Client Name), Well it’s been two weeks and you are officially half way there! I am so excited to hear about your progress. Shoot me an email as soon as you get a chance to let me know if you have been noticing any improvements in how you feel, or if you have seen an improvement in your alignment when looking in the mirror. (NEXT PART OPTIONAL) Not sure if correcting your posture can really help? Then take into consideration one of my other clients and his/her experience: (ENTER IN A TESTIMONIAL WHEN YOU GET THEM)

Yours in health and in proper alignment,

(Your name).

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Email Week 4 – Final Progress Check In and sale opportunity Subject Heading: You Made it! How Does it Feel Having Better Alignment? Hi (Client Name), Well you made it to the end of the 4 weeks! And if you were you diligent to stick to the 4 Weeks to Better Posture Program, I can guarantee you have better alignment and are feeling way better than ever before. Just a quick reminder of our upcoming follow up call, scheduled (enter day/time here). I am excited to hear about your progress and discuss your future involving posture correction. Yours in health and in proper alignment,

(Your name).

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Phone Call Script (sales pitch): Now one thing I wanted to bring up. You may not realize it, but posture is very dynamic and ever changing. You could now be thinking how you can start to apply the 4 Points of Posture to your daily activities. Trying to move in a different way to try and maintain proper alignment/protect yourself is great! Posture should always be on your mind when doing any kind of activity, like picking up a laundry basket, lifting weights, mowing the lawn. It all can have a positive, or negative affect. With that said, I want to be sure you are not potentially developing any other postural abnormalities while you begin to adjust to incorporating proper posture and want to make myself available to further help you with your posture correction needs.

First, keep in mind it is very important to schedule a follow up posture assessment with me. Documenting your progress and also being able to further critique your posture will help you improve your alignment even faster.

In addition, if you were to schedule with me, I would be able to perform a full/complete posture assessment, ensuring every aspect of your alignment is considered and improved on. If you are interested in a scheduling a time with me, let me know. Once we re-assess your posture we can begin to discuss the options I provide to help you continue to work towards amazing posture.

However posture assessment is not enough. To truly make a difference, a structured corrective exercise plan is needed. I want to also provide the opportunity to give you a training session with me to help jump start your posture correction needs. As a result, I am offering to you the following starter posture correction package:

1) 60 minute in-depth posture assessment 2) 60 minute corrective exercise training session focused on improving your posture 3) A detailed write up of your postural issues and suggestions on how to improve upon them

This package has a real world value of (multiply your normal training session hourly rate by 2.5) but if you purchase today, you can take advantage of a 25% discount! That is an incredible opportunity, especially considering the full value improving your posture provides you.

This offer is unfortunately only available for the next 24 hours. My posture services are in high-demand and my schedule fills up pretty quickly with this opportunity, so be sure to schedule with me.

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Author of the Webinar:

Dimitri Onyskow, is the Academic Director of National Posture Institute. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Health and Fitness through Purdue University and is a Certified Posture Specialist and Resistance Training Professional. He has been in the field of online education for over 10 years, overseeing a variety of posture, fitness and nutrition related programs. In addition, Dimitri has a passion for helping current health/fitness professionals obtain their career goals by implementing posture analysis and correction programming.

National Posture Institute’s Executive Director:

Kenneth E. Baldwin is an Associate Professor/Coordinator for the Undergraduate degree in Fitness and Wellness Leadership and is the Executive Director for The National Posture Institute, an educational/professional organization that educates allied health/fitness and medical professionals to become designated NPI-Certified Posture Specialists™. He is the Senior Editor/Lead Author for ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer (2nd Edition), former Chair of IDEA’s Personal Trainer Committee, and recipient of IDEA’s Personal Trainer of the Year Award.

You can reach out to NPI via email and phone:


Phone: 888-240-2914

National Posture Institute | 888-240-2914 | |

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