how to recover an acronis image

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    How to Recover an Acronis Image:

    1. Burn the Acronis2012.iso to a CD or DVD and set your computer to boot fromCD OR DVD in the BIOS.

    2. Insert the burned disc into your computer and start it up. It i!! say "#ress any $eyto boot from DVD%& At this point press any $ey and ma$e sure it boots from the

    disc. It i!! !oo$ simi!ar to a 'indos insta!!ation

    (. Once it is booted up it i!! sho a screen that !oo$s simi!ar to this)

    *. C!ic$ on "+y Dis$s& under "Reco,er&

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    -. Brose to the !ocation of the Acronis Imae that you ant to restore to the harddri,e and then c!ic$ ne/t)

    . Se!ect "Reco,er ho!e dis$s and partitions& and c!ic$ ne/t

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    . If you hard dri,e is bier than 2-0B3 this ne/t step i!! be important to

    ma/imi4e the usab!e space on your dri,e. If your hard dri,e is bier than 2-0Bse!ect on!y the +BR)

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    If your hard dri,e is reater than 2-0B you need to finish the process restorin on!y the+BR then run throuh it aain restorin the other to partitions. 5he reason for this is

    that Acronis i!! a!!o you to resi4e your partitions and use the e/tra free space on thedri,e. If you don6t do this then you i!! ha,e una!!ocated space on your hard dri,e. If you

    are restorin a 'indos or 'indos 7mbedded imae3 you can restore the dri,e as if

    it ere 2-0B or !ess because you can e/tend the partition to use the free space in dis$manaement. 5his does not or$ for 8# and tends to cause boot fai!ure.

    9. :or those ho are usin a dri,e 2-0B or !ess3 se!ect a!! three bo/es

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    ;. If you are restorin the +BR or you chose a!! three partitions3 choose the hard

    dri,e you ant to restore the imae to hich i!! !oo$ !i$e this)

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    If your hard dri,e is 2-0B or sma!!er3 s$ip to step 11.

    10. If your hard dri,e is reater than 2-0B then choose the partition or una!!ocatedspace you ant to restore the partition to and this is here you can chane the

    si4e of the partition you ant to restore. +a$e sure partition type says #rimary

    and acti,e. A!so ma$e sure ":ree space before& and ":ree space after& both say 0

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    bytes. If it doesn6t3 chane it)

    Acronis does not ha,e the means to create and de!ete partitions so you may needto use another uti!ity to create or remo,e partitions so that you ha,e the riht

    number of partitions to restore to. If you se!ected a!! three partitions and the +BR3then you i!! not run into this prob!em because Acronis i!! erase anythin on the

    dis$ and restore the partitions as it is in the imae.

    11. Once you ha,e chosen the partitions and or dis$ to restore to and chaned the

    settins to your needs you can c!ic$ proceed and Acronis i!! restore the imae toyour hard dri,e)

  • 7/25/2019 How to Recover an Acronis Image


    #!ease note that this i!! remo,e AI

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