how to reject the feeling of job rejection

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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How to reject the feeling of job rejection

Finding out you didn’t get the job is the worst feeling. But don’t let your confidence take a beating. In case you’re sitting there focusing on the negative, we’ve got some tips to help.

There is always a hidden positive. First off - you made it through the interview stage and that’s something to be proud of. During the experience you learnt more about the interview process and you’ll be more confident and prepared for the next one. Interviews are just like everything else, the more you have them the better you get at them.

Take this time to refocus on what you really want. The job market is more competitive than ever, so if you don’t feel like you met most of the requirements than it’s time to check your expectations. Also use this time to research the companies and jobs you really want, it is obvious to an interviewer if your heart is truly in it or not.

Get feedback. If you applied through a recruiter, don’t be afraid to ask them for feedback and any pointers they can give you for future interviews. If you do get feedback, keep an open mind, learn from it and work to change your weakness into strengths.

It’s never a good feeling to be rejected from a job, but if you are able to take away the positives and learn from the experience you will do even better in your next interview.

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