how to step up in your career in 2016

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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How to Step Up in Your Career in 2016

By Liz RyanCEO and Founder, Human Workplace

What does “Step Up” mean to you?

Maybe you want to get promoted at work this year, or maybe you’re job-hunting and want to land a terrific job. Maybe 2016 is the year you launch your own business!

What’s Important to You?

The first step in making your 2016 career goals real is to decide what your goals are!

Answer these questions: what do I most want to accomplish in my career in 2016?How would I like my career situation on December 31, 2016 to be different than it is now?

Three Career Strategies for 2016

There are three principal career strategies for you to choose from as you think about your 2016 career adventures. Which 2016 career strategy is the best choice for you?

Career Strategy #1: Grow Muscles in Place

If you’re working now, you can keep your current job and grow muscles in place.

That means you’ll know what you are working to learn, accumulate and accomplish on the job this year, beyond what your manager requires. You can meet your manager’s goals and grow your own professional flame at the same time!

Growing Your Flame at WorkWhat could you learn at work this year and add to your resume that would boost your marketability and credibility?

What projects or new adventures could you take on at work to grow your library of Dragon-Slaying Stories and grow your muscles?

How could develop personally and professionally at work this year?

Make Your Plan for Career Strategy #1: Growing Muscles in Place!

When you know the answers to the questions I asked you on the previous slide, you’re ready to make your Career Strategy Plan!

You will list the experiences, instruction, contacts, and other good things you will accumulate on the job in 2016. You’ll set goals and milestones for yourself for your own career plan, the same way you do for your projects at work.

You can think of your job as a new level in a video game. Every level of the game has good things to collect. Some of the good things you can collect in a video game are out in the open. Others are hidden – you have to search for them!

Career Strategy #2: Start Something New

Career Strategy #2 is Start Something New. You could get a new job in 2016 – if you’re job-hunting, Career Strategy #2 is the right one for you!

Maybe you’ll start a consulting business from your home. I never thought I could do that. It sounded scary to me. Then I did it. I was shocked at how not-scary consulting turned out to be!

How do I execute Career Strategy #2: Start Something New?

Decide what you want to start – a job search, a new business or something else.

Get a calendar and assign yourself milestones. Then work backwards from each big milestone. What do you have to do first, second and third to stay on your plan?

We can help!

The 12-Week Virtual Course “Jump-Start Your 2016 Plan” will guide you through the process of creating your 2016 plan and carrying it out.

Check out the 12-Week Virtual Course “Jump-Start Your 2016 Plan here!”

Career Strategy #3: Two-Lane Highway

Your Two-Lane Highway will let you keep doing the work you’re doing now, while simultaneously building your exit ramp from your current gig and your entrance ramp to your new one!

Your Two-Lane Highway could be a way to move from your current job to a new job via a stealth job search.

You could work at your job and plan the launch of your business when you’re not working.

I Need to Know How to Job-Hunt!There is a new way to job-hunt in 2016. You don’t have time to waste completing online job applications!

Learn how to use Pain Letters and your Human-Voiced Resume to get a great job!

Check out the Four-Week Virtual Course Get the Job You Deserve, or the intensive Twelve-Week edition of Get the Job You Deserve!

Get your Virtual Course Guide!New Four-Week and 12-Week Virtual Courses from Human Workplace begin on Saturday, February 6th. You can opt to receive one new lesson every Saturday for four or 12 weeks in your course, or you can choose to get all your lessons right away!

Download your free Virtual Course Guide here!

Read about our February 6th

, 2015 virtual courses and the FREE BONUS GIFT for course members!

Take a Big Step Up in 2016!

Grow your Muscles & MOJO in a Virtual Course from Human Workplace!

Our mission at Human Workplace is to reinvent work for people.

Join us in the Human Workplace movement!


Have an awesome day and thanks for checking out our Slideshare deck!

All the best,Liz RyanCEO and FounderHuman Workplace

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