how to succeed at college

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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How to Succeed: at CollegeA short guide!

Thinking Ability

Attending College helps us

develop our common

sense, good judgement

and maturity

Social Skills

When we mix with a variety of people at College we learn qualities such as tolerance, respect and empathy. These are really important traits that will help throughout our life.

Practical Training

College helps us to develop good work ethics. We learn to arrive on time for class and let people know if we are ill and not in College that day. This is an important habit we must practice when employed.

Don’t be negative!

Try not to dwell on the things you don’t like about College. Consider the advantageous things and be motivated

Stay Focused!

Get Organised!

• Establish a schedule so you can complete work on time

• Do not procrastinate! Do your assignments before you get distracted by social networking, TV or the internet

• Pack your bag the night before

TIP! Use a to-do app on your phone.

Being Organised saves you…

The stress of• Forgetting things• Being late

Gives you more time for the things you want to do!

Have you got a support system?

Who can help you?

• Family• Teachers• Mentors• Support Workers

There is nothing wrong with asking for help!

Stay Healthy!

Taking care of your health can improve your…

• Performance at College

• Quality of Life

Imagine…You had a car but you never looked after it, eventually it will break down! The same can happen to your body


A lack of sleep can make your look haggard and leave you feeling lethargic and even depressed. In contrast sufficient rest gives you energy, improves your brain function, boost your immune system and can enhance your emotional well-being.

Have a goal!

Going through College without a goal is like running a race with no finish line!

Having a goal will help keep you focused!

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