how to survive as a product manager

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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How to survive as a product manager

The enemies and allies in different environments

EnvironmentsPhoto: Kaptain Kobold ,

The START UP environment






First customerPhoto: crisis_crs,

The GROWN UP company environment

Executive Management, VPs, Directors

Product Managers

Product Marketing Managers

Engineering, QA

UX, Research, Design

BI, Sales, Community, Finance, Customer Support, ... Photo: Brent Moore,


How to survive in the enterprise

environment?I have no clue - left after

three month, realizing I don‘t have the power to do things


Photo: Lee LeFever,

Enemies and AlliesPhoto: Joe Shlabotnik,

The Founder

In most cases the founder is the natural product lead - deep knowledge about market and customers

Either strong in business and marketing or engineering (weak on the other side)

There often is no other product manager in the beginning

Try to get insights from real customers besides the founder

Learn from the founders market insights

Establish processes

Characteristics How to cope with him

Photo: Dunechaser,

The Engineer

The engineer has a strong opinion about the product

„Users are f*** i*** that just don‘t get it“

„Product Managers (Marketing, UX, etc) are just a hurdle in getting things done“

Develop some engineering knowledge

Show him real users using the product

Protect them from outside disruption

Give them time for experiments

Characteristics How to cope with him

Photo: RobethK,

The Tester

This species often only exists in the more grown up organization

They seem to slow things down, but actually they help you don‘t release shit

They tend to know your app in even more detail then your developers

Characteristics How to cope with himIntegrate them in your communication workflow with the engineers

Make your priorities clear to them

They are edge case explorers - use this knowledge to simplify your application

Photo: mattdwen,

The UX Person

Don‘t miss them in your team

They ask probing questions, better be prepared (5 Whys)

Eye and ear to your customers

Characteristics How to cope with himShare a desk with him (figuratively)

Give them the freedom to define the details

Share market and business details with him

Photo: Jordan Cooper,

The VC/Finance Guy

He asks probing questions about numbers

Sometimes don‘t understand what you do

He eats numbers

Characteristics How to cope with himKnow your numbers

How much

How many

How long

Have a story prepared to foster understanding

Photo: dunechaser,

The Marketeer

He tells the world about the product

He tends to dream up things that doesn‘t exist yet

He knows how to measure and will produce numbers about people

Characteristics How to cope with himMake him an integral part of your roadmap communication

Have always a positive attitude towards him - he is just trying to help you get new/active customers

Prepare copy and marketing texts with him to speak with one voice

Photo: dunechaser,

The Customer supporter

He has to deal with stupidity and ignorance on both sides

He knows things about your software you don‘t want to know

The better he knows your plans the better he will help keep your customers happy

Characteristics How to cope with himFix the top things that produce the highest amount of tickets

Go work with him from time to time

Review his standard/automatic answers

Invite him to review meetings and parties

Photo: dunechaser,

The Sales Person

Deep insights on market and customers

Want to dictate functionality that they can sell easily

Characteristics How to cope with himPrepare sales material with them

Provide them with useful numbers to support sales

Regular outlook on roadmap planning

Photo: dunechaser,

The Customer


Depends on your continent (market)

Characteristics How to cope with himKnow some of them in person

Talk to them directly

Most of the time they are eager to help

Involve UX - Dealing with them is time consuming

Photo: dunechaser,

The Product Manager

Communicates strongly and regularly

Thinks big

Simplifies: get 80% for 20%

Prioritizes: Quick wins vs platform investments

Executes: nothing can stop him shipping his product

Understands tech and design

Convincing rather than commanding

Endless positive

Characteristics How to cope with himSpeak out your mind

Have arguments not opinions

Photo: dunechaser,

Survival tacticsPhoto: cjdc,

Build Allies

Make your production team your ally

Your peers as well

Look for people in areas you are weak

You can‘t be successful without support from c-level

Make your customers your ally

Share instead of keep

Talk to people without having something in mind

Have an open ear and help even if it‘s not your turf

Go to lunches and brunches

Whom How


Talk about what you do and why you do it inside and outside of your company

Talk about your plans and visions

Even more

Whom HowShared backlog and board, no hidden agenda (asana, trello, jira, post its on a reachable wall)

Show in big letters how you doing on KPIs

Present regularly what you have done and what you plan to do in the future

Blog inside and outside the company

Speak at conferences

Engage in your community

Trust and respect

Trust and respect the people you are working with

Trust and respect your customers

Divorce from people that exploit that

Whom HowKnow your shit

Talk with people not about them

Respond fast

If you are emotionally touched, wait a day

Don‘t interrupt people

Be available and on time

Do stuff according to what you said

SkillsPhoto: LEGO Bro,

Customer knowledgeTech knowledgeMarket knowledgeTeam collaborationStakeholder managementProduct visionProduct discoveryProduct optimizationProduct evangelismFinancial knowledgeLeadership skillsTime management skillsUX knowledge

weak strong

Source:, From a session with Marty Cagan

to be

as is

What's a typical day like for a product manager at Asana?




15% 15%



Customer research

PM/Backlog work(prioritize, write stories, write blog posts and best practices, ...)

Work with team(Brainstorming, Reviewing prototypes, discuss ideas, ...)

High level thinking(Vision, explore strategic ideas, Roadmap)

Project management

Personal DevelopmentRecruiting

Other: Repro Bugs, comm w/ team/others,

presenting to board

Ideal world

Product Management vs. other roles

„Product managers are responsible for what the product should do; other roles are responsible for how the product does that.“

Jonathan Korman


Thank you!Karsten Rieke

More sourcesBoxes and arrows: Transitioning from User Experience to Product Management

Jonathan Korman: Where do product managers fit?

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