how to use twitter- an overview for aiim chapter leaders

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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This is the presentation I gave to the AIIM Chapter Leader meeting in March of 2011. Feel free to download, modify, and share this.


Using Twitter to Market Your

Events AIIM Leadership Meeting

Daniel O’Leary, VP, LincWare@danieloleary

Communicate and stay connected through the

exchange of short updates called “tweets” of 140

characters or less

What is Twitter?

Why Tweet?

Organize A Revolution!

John Mancini Sarah Palin Oprah Google NASA Charlie Sheen

Barack Obama Chelsea Football

Club Bill Gates Lady Gaga Stephen Colbert

Keep in touch with important people

First Things First

Setup your Profile

Determine who to follow


Reply to users and their tweets Begins with the @username Shows up in the mentions tab

What is an @Reply?

Any twitter update that contains your username

Shows replies to your tweets

What is an @ Mention?

RT = Retweet. Repost someone's update as your own

Tweet- a single update Tweetup – tweeting with other people on a

topic for example #justinbieber or #wpfd Trending Topics- most talked about topics in

real time Lists- organize your followers

Twitter Lingo

Try to convey your point in a single tweet

Use tools like or to shorten links

Provide valuable content Watch what you tweet

Twitter Tips Hoot Suite Tweet Deck Twitter for iPhone Twidroid

Twitter Apps

Obviously, follow @danieloleary #AIIM Hash tag #ECM #BPM #Capture #SharePoint Other suggestions?

Connect with other AIIM People

Promote your Chapter on Twitter

Special thanks to Kevin Ells from Konwledgelake for his hard work for our chapter

Live blog / tweet chapter meetings Connect with other users Share slides and presentations

Slideshare , Authorstream, YouTube Connect to Facebook and LinkedIn Promote members Educational opportunities

How AIIM LA Uses Twitter

Train users on how to use social media Connect with local users, presenters, and

sponsors Get Re-Tweeted by John and other AIIM

power users

Before Your Events

Create a LinkedIn group for your chapter Have a Facebook fan page E-mail before and after the event Hiring a squad of trained pigeons to harass

potential attendees

Linked In , E-Mail, Homing Pigeons


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