how to verify welder qualification to asme ix

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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This document provides you the basic information on essential variables for welding performance qualifications (WPQ). It takes you through the all the necessary details to understand the qualification criteria for a welder. After going through this document, you would be able to know about the essential variables and their approval ranges for SMAW and GTAW processes. It also guide as how WeldPulse software helps in verification of welders qualification and calculating the approval ranges.


How to

verify welder


ASME IX code

A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to

verify welder

qualification to

ASME IX code


ngineering Pulse © 2013


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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Welding and welding inspection engineers often need to verify the welder qualification for a welding

job he is going to do. Welder can belong to their company or provided by the fabricator, constructor

need to carry out a welding job. The

contains all the approval ranges and verification can be done straight away whether he is qualified or

requires requalification. However in some case, WPQ is condensed in a card form which w

with them while doing the job and welding engineers and inspectors need to verify whether they are

doing the same job for which they are qualified. That condensed information should enlist all the

essential variables which upon any change call

variables is required to verify welder qualification.

critical for welding performance qualifications is required.

welders qualification according to the requirements of ASME Sec. IX.


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

Welding and welding inspection engineers often need to verify the welder qualification for a welding

job he is going to do. Welder can belong to their company or provided by the fabricator, constructor

need to carry out a welding job. The first thing to do is to obtain the WPQ for the welder. WPQ itself

contains all the approval ranges and verification can be done straight away whether he is qualified or

requires requalification. However in some case, WPQ is condensed in a card form which w

with them while doing the job and welding engineers and inspectors need to verify whether they are

doing the same job for which they are qualified. That condensed information should enlist all the

essential variables which upon any change call for a requalification. Still, understanding of the essential

to verify welder qualification. On to this, correct information of F

critical for welding performance qualifications is required. This document will help yo

welders qualification according to the requirements of ASME Sec. IX.

First Words


Welding and welding inspection engineers often need to verify the welder qualification for a welding

job he is going to do. Welder can belong to their company or provided by the fabricator, constructor

first thing to do is to obtain the WPQ for the welder. WPQ itself

contains all the approval ranges and verification can be done straight away whether he is qualified or

requires requalification. However in some case, WPQ is condensed in a card form which welders keep

with them while doing the job and welding engineers and inspectors need to verify whether they are

doing the same job for which they are qualified. That condensed information should enlist all the

understanding of the essential

-numbers which is

This document will help you in verifying the

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Fig. 1 Representation of properties linked with Ferrite Number

Essential variables of

The first thing to know about is the essential variables for welding performance qualification.

Only after understanding each essential variable, you would be able to verify if the welder is

qualified for a new welding job or not.

Please note that essential variables are different for different welding processes.

See for shielded metal arc welding, th

see if the welder is qualified to do your job. Not a single one should be ignored or missed out

while verification. There are cases when peop

with the essential variable of procedure qualification. L

essential variable means if the qualification was done with backing then the welder cannot weld

without backing material. However this variable doesn’t affect proced

Similarly, change in pipe diameter is an essential variable for welder qualification and not for

procedure qualification. Change in F

well as for welder qualification. Every sin


Addition in welding position

Change up or down for

vertical welds


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

Fig. 1 Representation of properties linked with Ferrite Number

Essential variables of welding performance qualifications

The first thing to know about is the essential variables for welding performance qualification.

er understanding each essential variable, you would be able to verify if the welder is

qualified for a new welding job or not.

Please note that essential variables are different for different welding processes.

See for shielded metal arc welding, there are seven essential variables which must be verified to

see if the welder is qualified to do your job. Not a single one should be ignored or missed out

while verification. There are cases when people miss an essential variable or they confuse them

the essential variable of procedure qualification. Like removal of backing material is an

essential variable means if the qualification was done with backing then the welder cannot weld

without backing material. However this variable doesn’t affect procedure qualification.

Similarly, change in pipe diameter is an essential variable for welder qualification and not for

procedure qualification. Change in F-numbers is an essential variable for welding procedure and

well as for welder qualification. Every single essential variable is being discussed on the next


Removing backing material

Change in pipe


Change in P-number

Change in F-number

Change in weld

deposit thickness

Addition in welding position

Change up or down for

vertical welds


Fig. 1 Representation of properties linked with Ferrite Number

welding performance qualifications

The first thing to know about is the essential variables for welding performance qualification.

er understanding each essential variable, you would be able to verify if the welder is

ere are seven essential variables which must be verified to

see if the welder is qualified to do your job. Not a single one should be ignored or missed out

they confuse them

ike removal of backing material is an

essential variable means if the qualification was done with backing then the welder cannot weld

ure qualification.

Similarly, change in pipe diameter is an essential variable for welder qualification and not for

numbers is an essential variable for welding procedure and

gle essential variable is being discussed on the next

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Change in P-number

P-number is an essential variable of welder qualification with few exceptions. WeldPulse

software helps you in calculating the approval ranges for different P


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX


number is an essential variable of welder qualification with few exceptions. WeldPulse

software helps you in calculating the approval ranges for different P-numbers as shown below:


number is an essential variable of welder qualification with few exceptions. WeldPulse

hown below:

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Change in F-number

Except few exceptions a change in F

are for different F-numbers with /without backing. Like a welder qualified with F

without backing is qualified to work with F

with or without backing. WeldPulse software helps you in looking for the approval range of F

number as shown below:


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

Except few exceptions a change in F-number requires re-qualification. The exceptions associated

numbers with /without backing. Like a welder qualified with F

to work with F-number 1, 2 and 3 with backing and with F

with or without backing. WeldPulse software helps you in looking for the approval range of F


qualification. The exceptions associated

numbers with /without backing. Like a welder qualified with F-number 4

and with F-number 4

with or without backing. WeldPulse software helps you in looking for the approval range of F-

6 | P a g e

A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Change in weld deposit thickness

Change in weld deposit thickness

approval range needs to be complied with. Following are the images showing how WeldPulse

provides the approval ranges.


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ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

eld deposit thickness

Change in weld deposit thickness is also an essential variable for welder qualification. Its

approval range needs to be complied with. Following are the images showing how WeldPulse


is also an essential variable for welder qualification. Its

approval range needs to be complied with. Following are the images showing how WeldPulse

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Addition in welding position

An addition in welding position is an e

ASME IX requirements and then welder may or may not need requalification. For example, if a

welder is qualified on a plate with groove joint in 3G, he is qualified to weld

position for plate and pipe over 24 in OD. Below this diameter till 2

position only.


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ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

elding position

An addition in welding position is an essential variable. Any addition should be assessed as per

ASME IX requirements and then welder may or may not need requalification. For example, if a

welder is qualified on a plate with groove joint in 3G, he is qualified to weld in flat and vertical

ion for plate and pipe over 24 in OD. Below this diameter till 2-7/8” OD, he can weld in flat


ssential variable. Any addition should be assessed as per

ASME IX requirements and then welder may or may not need requalification. For example, if a

in flat and vertical

7/8” OD, he can weld in flat

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Change up or down for ver

Except cover or wash pass, upward or downward progression for any vertical weld requires


Removal of backing material

The removal of backing material in single welded groove welds requires requalification. Double

welder groove welds are considered welding with backing.


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

p or down for vertical welds

Except cover or wash pass, upward or downward progression for any vertical weld requires

acking material

The removal of backing material in single welded groove welds requires requalification. Double

welder groove welds are considered welding with backing.


Except cover or wash pass, upward or downward progression for any vertical weld requires

The removal of backing material in single welded groove welds requires requalification. Double

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

GTAW – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

For GTAW, there are 12 essential varia

processes are not discussed again. Only the variables which are different in GTAW are discussed.

Change in


Addition in welding position

Change up or down

for vertical welds

Deletion of backing


Change in current or

Addition or deletion of

Addition or deletion of filler metal is an essential variable. If a welder is qualified with filler metal then

he is not qualified to weld without filler and vice versa.

Addition or deletion of


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

For GTAW, there are 12 essential variables. Common essential variables for SMAW and GTAW

processes are not discussed again. Only the variables which are different in GTAW are discussed.


Removal of backing material

Change in pipe


Change in P-number

Addition or deletion of filler metal

Change in F-number

Addition or deletion of

insertsChange in product


Change in weld

deposit thickness

Addition in

Deletion of

Change in current or


Addition or deletion of filler metal

Addition or deletion of filler metal is an essential variable. If a welder is qualified with filler metal then

he is not qualified to weld without filler and vice versa.

Addition or deletion of inserts


. Common essential variables for SMAW and GTAW

processes are not discussed again. Only the variables which are different in GTAW are discussed.

Addition or deletion of filler metal

Addition or deletion of filler metal is an essential variable. If a welder is qualified with filler metal then

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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Change in product form

Deletion of backing gas


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ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

product form

backing gas


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A product of Engineering Pulse Limited, UK

Logos, names used within this document are copyrighted by EngAny unauthorized use is illegal and strictly prohibited.

How to verify welder qualification

Final Words

While managing welders for welding job, it is pertinent to know about the essential variables for the

welding processes they are qualified to weld with. This knowledge helps in understanding the

changing scenarios while managing them and using on several o

provides you a competitive edge in verifying a welder’s qualification in lesser time.


ngineering Pulse © 2013

ow to verify welder qualification to ASME IX

While managing welders for welding job, it is pertinent to know about the essential variables for the

welding processes they are qualified to weld with. This knowledge helps in understanding the

changing scenarios while managing them and using on several other welding jobs. WeldPulse software

provides you a competitive edge in verifying a welder’s qualification in lesser time.


While managing welders for welding job, it is pertinent to know about the essential variables for the

welding processes they are qualified to weld with. This knowledge helps in understanding the

ther welding jobs. WeldPulse software

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