how your pot dispensary can work for the community

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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How Your Pot Dispensary Can Work For The Community

Do you want your pot dispensary to serve your community well? Then here are some of the best tips that you can start with so that your community totally benefits from your recreational pot business.

The very first one that experience has taught me and which will work best for the new medical marijuana dispensaries San Diego is to Support Any Ideal Charity Programs within your locality.

It could be keeping an eco friendly environment, proper disposal of waste, keeping the environment clean, sensitization against drug abuse, or proper use of medical marijuana. All of these could be very ideal avenues that a pot shop owner can indulge in to serve their community.

Next and which has worked for almost every ideal pot shop owner who has used it is Prevention of Any Forms of Money Laundering Schemes. Usually many states do not tolerate the use of money made from recreational cannabis to be used in funding any illegal or criminal activities.

So to serve the community best, a great pot shop can always start on a sensitization program that will prevent any forms of money laundering schemes so that the society remains safe.

And closer to money laundering is the sale of marijuana strains and byproducts such as cannabis induced cookies to the wrong groups such as minors and citizens who have no medical marijuana card – this is usually a criminal offense. So to remain safe simply Sell Medical Pot To The Right Group Only, this will include the people who are in possession of the medical marijuana card, are above 18 years of age, and have been found with the right medical condition say glaucoma.

Apart from these you should also Trade In Quality And Recommended Products Only, don’t take some road side cheap weed (CRACK) and sell it out to a patient who genuinely needs the right strain (prescribed by physician) for their condition so as to make quick money.

Your society is your pillar so serve it well with the right products.

Finally you should Set Your Dispensary In Line With State Policy. Meaning, your dispensary should be away from religious organizations, recreational facilities, and schools, and even while you have them in the right places, let it not be a source of any form of disturbances including noise.

Conclusion Your community is the source of your business’ livelihood so you

should find a way of giving back to the community and promoting its well being.

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