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HPE OneSphereCompetitive Positioning

November 2018


Industry Overview

– Analyst View – Hybrid IT

– Customer Challenges

– Analyst View - Competitive Landscape

– HPE OneSphere Goals, Benefits, Features

Competitive Analysis

– Overview (Best Bets)

– Competitive Overview Tables

– Individual Competitors

– Summary

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Digital transformation leads to better customer outcomes and experiences


Top digital transformation objectives

– Enhanced experience and engagement with your products and services.

– New revenue streams and business models through new products and services

– Optimize operations

Source (l. to r.): IDC, Forrester, IDC

50%of Global 2,000s will depend on digitally-enhanced products,

services, and experiences

80%of organizations will implement

changes as a result of digital disruption

72%of businesses cite improving

customer experience as their top priority

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Hybrid Cloud continues to get more complex


“I need to shift resources from ops to apps”

IT Ops

“Our costs are a surprise every month.”


“I need it as fast as possible.”


Multiple tools

Multiple public and private clouds Apps span multiple clouds and sites

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Today’s IT challenges


Many enterprises have multiple cloud stacks, each managed as a separate silo

Enterprises use 7 or more tools to manage cloud environments (IDC, 2017)

Organizations are using public cloud services with no governance or control

Enterprises have low visibility into public cloud costs, leading to “end of the month” sticker shock

Developers expect instant access to resources; if they don’t get it from IT, they go elsewhere e.g. AWS

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Gartner Seven Technical Competencies for CMPs



– Gartner has identified 50+ players in the space and Forrester has highlighted 41

– Currently, there is no offering that covers all 7 core functions

– Two major types of offerings: tool (deep in single functions) vs. platform (multipurpose) -most of the players are categorized as tool

– Customers don’t want a sprawl of “tools” and instead want “platforms”

Provisioning & Orchestration

Azure ARM


Service Request

Inventory & Classification Identity, Security & Compliance

Monitoring & AnalyticsCloud Migration / Backup / DR

Cost Management and Resource Optimization

OneSphere target use cases

Resource Tagging

Evolving market

Mature market

Cloud Management

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CMP Landscape


Automation tools

Service levelmanagement

Cost and optimization

Security and compliance

Core areas*plus

Core areas*



Cloud Center

* Referring to Gartner CMP definition

* Referring to Gartner CMP definition

Niche players Broad players

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HPE OneSphere






– Consistent governance across clouds

– Accelerate time to value

– Reduce complexity and enhance standardization

– Minimize risks with consistent compliance

Enterprises want to provide their developers and line of business direct access to public cloud resources in a safe and secure way

Visibility and insights into spending and actions to control spend

– Reduce cost through visibility and higher utilization

– Showback & chargeback to increase accountability

Manage private cloud and infrastructure automation

– Minimize manual tasks

– Enable faster and consistent deployment

– Reduce time between request to provision for private cloud resources

Goals Benefits



IT Ops


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HPE OneSphere









IT Ops




Pricing Models

– Capital

– Expense

– Consumption

– Subscriptions vs Perpetual


– Single vs. Multi-vendor

– Open source & Enterprise

– HPE Integration





Governance & Compliance

– Identity Access Management

– Catalog Curation

– Policies and Visibility


Hypervisors Providers

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Competitive Analysis

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What are our best bets?


– Does the competitor offer a software only distribution? Yes

– What are the upfront resources required?

– What are the installation complexities?

OneSphere is SaaS

– Does the competitor offer a perpetual license? Yes

– This leads to version lock-in

– What are the annual support costs?

– What are the version and edition complexities?

OneSphere is a subscription service. You always get the latest code.

– Is there a lower cost virtualization need for dev environments?

– Is there an open source play?

OneSphere can onboard KVM nodes and Ceph block storage.

KVM (with a RHEL/SLES subscription) costs 30% lower than vSphere Enterprise (over 3 years)

Software as a Service

Open Source Hypervisor

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What are our best bets?


– Are they adopting Docker (cloud native) and need orchestration tools but have no expertise operating them?

– Do they want to run container workloads on-premises and also in AWS?

OneSphere provisions Kubernetes on AWS or on-premises VMwareContainer as a Service

– Is there a need to manage the guest OS images for different clouds?

– Are developers using Docker images from Docker Hub causing security and compliance nightmare?

– Need help governing these artifacts?

OneSphere enables IT to offer an approved catalog of OS & Docker images, Helm Charts from public repositories or home-grown codeCatalog

– Do you want to see your spend on resources provisioned from the CMP or directly using native cloud tools?

– Need reports which slice and dice cloud metrics, tags to analyze spend?

OneSphere Insights (Cloud Cruiser 16 based) does exactly that. This analysis can help optimize resource allocation and usageContainer as a Service

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Competitive Glance – Infra Support


Product Clouds Hypervisors Containers

HPE OneSphere AWS, Azure, GCP*, AzureStack* VMW, KVM K8s on AWS, bare metal*, VMW

VMware vRealize Suite AWS, Azure, GCP# VMW K8s, OpenShift

Cisco Cloud CenterAWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Bluemix,

OpenStack (Pike), AzureStackVMW K8s (on-prem, GCP)

Red Hat Cloudforms AWS, Azure, GCPVMW, KVM,

Hyper-VK8s, OpenShift

Nutanix AWS, Azure, GCP, Nutanix XiVMW, AHV,

Hyper-V, XenServerK8s on-prem & GCP

Scalr CMPAWS, Azure, GCP,

IBM Softlayer, RackspaceVMW, Hyper-V Docker, K8s

RightScale CMP + OptimaAWS, Azure, GCP,

IBM Softlayer, Rackspace


Hyper-V, XenServer

Docker, K8s,

Google CE

Microfocus HCM AWS, AzureVMW, KVM,

Hyper-V, XenServer

Docker, K8s,


Morpheus AWS, Azure, GCP, Softlayer, Alibaba CloudVMW, KVM,


Turbonomic AWS, AzureVMW, KVM,

Hyper-V, XenServerYes

Apptio Cloud Cost Management Yes (cost only) Yes (cost only) No

* Future# Tech Preview

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Competitive Glance – Workload, Cost, Analytics, Compliance










Cost Show



OptimizationAnalytics Compliance

HPE OneSphere No Yes No Yes No No* Yes

VMware vRealize Suite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cisco Cloud Center Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Red Hat Cloudforms Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Nutanix Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scalr CMP Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes

RightScale CMP + Optima Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Microfocus HCM Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Morpheus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Turbonomic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Apptio Cloud Cost

ManagementNo No No Yes No Yes No

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Competitive Glance – Delivery + Pricing


Product Delivered As Licensing Options Price

HPE OneSphere SaaS Subscription Starts at $6,000 / (10 core or 20vCPU)

Vmware vRealize Suite Software Perpetual




Enterprise version per PLU ~ $10k


Cisco Cloud Center Software PerpetualPremium ~USD $220k 500 vms

1 yr Support ~ $100k

Red Hat Cloudforms Software SubscriptionStandard


STD $1,849 -$2,399

Premium $5,270 - $6,837

(annual - 2 socket, $66/vCPU)

Nutanix Software Subscription

Scalr CMPHosted (SMB),

Software (Enterprise)


PerpetualNo open source

RightScale CMP + Optima SaaS Subscription Optima (optional) CMP Starts at $150,000

Microfocus HCM Software Perpetual




MorpheusSoftware (enterprise),

managed (small scale)Perpetual




Starts at $25K per 500 VMs


Turbonomic SoftwarePerpetual,





Apptio Cloud Cost Management SaaS Subscription SaaS module

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VMware vRealize Suitehttps://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Suite/

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VMware vRealize Suite

– VMware vRealize Suite is a software platform to help build and manage heterogeneous, hybrid cloud

– Offered as a set of products and editions (Standard, Advanced, Enterprise)


Features of VMware vRealize Suite

– Automation

– Multi-vendor and multi-cloud support

– Unified IT service catalog

– Resource provisioning and configuration

– Operations

– Ops management across physical, virtual and cloud envs

– Service discovery and application dependency mapping

– Log Insight

– Customizable dashboards; security auditing & compliance testing

– Business for Cloud

– Private and public cloud cost tracking

– Workload cost comparison

– Consumption analysis across business groups, apps and services

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OneSphere Positioning against VMware vRealize Suite

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Market leader in virtualization for enterprise

– Mature feature rich product

– AWS partnership

– Strong partner ecosystem

– Container support


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered as a single solution; you just login

– No DevOps or orchestration tools lock in; use tools you already know

– Simple all-inclusive pricing; no feature based pricing

– Provisioning enterprise-grade Kubernetes included

– No version & feature lock in; subscription gives you latest and greatest

updates seamlessly

Pitch the Weaknesses– Set of products and editions with Enterprise edition offering most

capability; complex interdependencies;

– Software installation only; multi-step deployment

– Disruptive upgrades with high configuration drift

– Not focused on developers

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Cisco Cloud Centerhttps://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/cloud-systems-management/cloudcenter/index.html

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Cisco Cloud Center

– Cisco Cloud Center is an application centric hybrid cloud management platform that provisions infrastructure and deploys applications to the data center, private cloud and public cloud environments


Features of Cisco Cloud Center

– Model a cloud-agnostic application blueprint; combine infra and app automation with management and scaling policies

– Private and public application marketplace

– Deploy on demand to a data center or cloud; optimize cloud placement and instance sizing for best cost and performance; one click deployment

– Manage apps with a wide range of actions

– Tag-Based Governance; rules associated with tags; Policy driven placement, deployment and run-time decisions

– Cost controls and reporting; cost and usage based plans to manage self service sprawl

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OneSphere Positioning against Cisco Cloud Center

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Market leader in virtualization for enterprise

– Support for AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM BlueMix, Vmware vCenter, OpenStack (Pike)

– Support for Azure Stack and Kubernetes on-premises and on GCP

– Cost planning with non-standard discounts; globally applied versus per service

– Cost controls capabilities like cost and usage based plans to manage consumption

– Multi currency support


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered; nothing to install to get started

– No DevOps or orchestration tools lock in; use tools you already know

Pitch the Weaknesses– Proprietary cloud agnostic deployment modeling & orchestration; new tool

to learn; not mainstream

– Software only deployment model; complicated installation procedure; you

have to take care of provisioning infra on premises, install, patch, update,

take care of HA etc.

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– Scalr utilizes a hierarchical, top-down approach to policy enforcement that empowers administrators to find the balance between the needs of finance, security, IT and development teams

– Enables cost-effective, automated and standardized app deployments across multi-cloud environments



Features of Scalr

– Preventative and Reactive Policies; inheritance model – configure once, enforce everywhere

– Policy based governance of cost, orchestration, security and placement; developers are free to operate within policy boundaries

– Application level visibility into cloud spend as well as budgeting tools and reports

– Service catalog

– Available as Hosted version (for SMB) and Enterprise version (on-premises) for larger enterprises

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OneSphere Positioning against Scalr

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Mature product offering that is feature rich

– Support many environments

– Policy driven

– Insights

– Low entry point for hosted deployment

– Developer friendly that started as an open source project


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered; nothing to install to get started

– No orchestration tools lock in

– Intuitive user interface

Pitch the Weaknesses– Uncertain business and product roadmap; open source project


– Not user friendly to navigate the scope hierarchy and set policies

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RightScale - Overview

RightScale Universal Cloud Management is a SaaS based platform made up of three integrated modules that enable enterprises to orchestrate, automate, and govern applications across any cloud, any server, and any container


Features of RightScale

– Cloud Management

– Single console across clouds; compute, storage and

network views; universal tag management; templates;

integrate with devops tools; RBAC; Single sign on; audit

trails; Single API; Docker support

– Self-Service

– Portal; catalog; ITSM integration API; Workflows; Full App

orchestration; Policy based governance; cost visibility &


– Cloud Analytics (Optima)

– Cost visibility across clouds; manual and automated

reporting; reserved instance usage reports; markups &

discounts; private cloud pricing; automated

recommendation and actions; forecasting & budgeting;

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OneSphere Positioning against RightScale

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Thought leader in cloud

– Mature feature rich product

– Strong partner ecosystem

– Strong container support


How OneSphere wins– Unified customer experience

– Managed private cloud

Pitch the Weaknesses– Lacks low ops on-premises experience

– Higher upfront costs

– User experience is fragmented; many appliances

– User have complained about interface

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RedHat CloudFormshttps://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/management/cloudforms

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RedHat CloudForms

– Red Hat Cloudforms is a multi-cloud management platform that helps IT operations setup policy controlled, self-service environments

– Deployed as an on-premises appliance


Features of VMware vRealize Suite

– Unified Management

– Private cloud: OpenStack, vSphere

– Public cloud: AWS, Azure

– Containers: OpenShift, Kubernetes

– Bare metal

– Self-service

– Catalog; Resources; financial management

– Operational Visibility

– User based quotas; usage monitoring

– Financial show back

– Resource trend tracking to inform capacity

– Compliance and governance

– Corporate compliance and governance policies across all environments

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OneSphere Positioning against RedHat CloudForms

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Market leader in open source

– Mature feature rich product

– Strong partner ecosystem

– Strong Container support with OpenShift

– Robust Ansible integration


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered as a single solution; you just login

– No DevOps or orchestration tools lock in; use tools you already know

– Managed private cloud

Pitch the Weaknesses– Complex installations

– In public cloud, CloudForms appliances need to be uploaded with

dedicated storage for appliance & databases

– Customer has to manage the CMP

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– Nutanix Enterprise Cloud OS is an approach to private cloud that also attempts to deliver multi-cloud management capabilities using Nutanix software ecosystem components

– Blend of hyper-converged capabilities + multi-cloud management


Features of Nutanix

– Acropolis: Platform that converges compute, storage, networking and virtualization resources; AHV virtualization and DR protection included

– Prism: A unified management plane to manage applications and infrastructure across different datacenters and clouds; operational insights, planning, and performance

– Calm: Application automation and lifecycle management for the Nutanix and public clouds; create deployment blueprints; integrated local and global marketplace for blueprints for end user consumption; Role based permissions for usage

– Beam: Multi-cloud optimization service; deep analytics, budgeting and cost controls; compliance & remediation

– Xi: Disaster Recovery in Nutanix’s public cloud for on-premises Nutanix Enterprise OS VMs

– Flow: Network and policy management with focus on applications; integration with partner services possible

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OneSphere Positioning against Nutanix

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Support for AHV, ESXi, Hyper-V, Xenserver hypervisors and AWS, Azure, GCP and Nutanix public clouds

– Partnership with Google Cloud Platform

– Cloud optimization, budgeting, cost controls, show back

– VM DR capability available with Xi

– Compelling value additions for existing Nutanix customers


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered as a single solution

– No DevOps or orchestration tools lock in; use tools you already know

– Simple all-inclusive pricing; no feature based pricing

– Pricing by v/p CPU count and not VM count

Pitch the Weaknesses– Software installation only; need to install many products to enable

complete multi-cloud management

– Subscription cost for every product; every added product increases cost

– Proprietary deployment modeling tool; lock-in

– Need to buy in to Nutanix Acropolis first

– Xi only works with AHV hypervisor

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Micro Focus

– Micro Focus Hybrid Cloud Management is a software suite for multi-cloud management, orchestration, release management and brokering public and private clouds

– Sold in three editions – Express, Premium, Ultimate. Each edition is additive and includes features of lower edition.

– Cloud Service Automation (CSA) and Operations Orchestration (OO) are the core components of this offering


Features of MicroFocus HCM

– Traditional approach to Hybrid IT. Primarily offers management based on VMware and OpenStack KVM resources.

– Delivered on-premises as software

– Service design for modeling app deployments targeted for multi-clouds

– Orchestration engine to deploy service designs

– Catalogs of service designs with role based access control

– Ability to set pricing models for services in the catalog

– Delivers basic metering by enabling access to raw data that can be used for chargeback

– For in-depth performance and capacity analysis, Operations Analytics with Cloud Optimizer is required

– Application release management capabilities in Ultimate edition

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OneSphere Positioning against MicroFocus

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Flexible deployment strategy; containerized so can be run anywhere

– Access to HPE customers


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered as a single solution; nothing to install or self manage

– No DevOps or orchestration tools lock in

– Managed private cloud

– Simple all-inclusive pricing; no feature based pricing

Pitch the Weaknesses– Services-led installation and onboarding requires heavy investment

– Complex onboarding process

– Disparate offerings stitched together

– No private cloud

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– Unified Ops Orchestration

– Powerful infrastructure agnostic Cloud Application Management Platform (CAMP)



– Intelligent Analytics

– optimize multi-cloud costs with discovery, analytics and clean up

– Deterministic governance

– Assure predictable control with policy driven app templates

– Frictionless automation

– Accelerate developer productivity with technology integrations

– Futureproof Evolution

– Boost IT agility with app modernization across bare metal, VM and containers

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OneSphere Positioning against Morpheus

Acknowledge the Strengths– Instant visibility of public cloud costs

– Custom tiers and pricing for provisioned instances

– Guide users to balance cost, capacity, performance

– Diagnostics on utilization, usage and cost with machine learning powered remediation; resize app components and power schedules

– Track services from cradle to grave; kickoff request in ServiceNow (or Morpheus ITSM) with approval and expiration policies

– Best in class technology integrations for frictionless automation from code to deployment and beyond; CI/CD and Continuous Optimization with advanced networking, logging, monitoring and incident handling

– Multi-tenant; MSP friendly; white label possible


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered; just log in and get going

– Simple user experience

– Managed private cloud

– Compliance checks for AWS built-in, HPE services for advanced


Pitch the Weaknesses– Delivered as software for enterprise

– Customer installs and manages

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– Turbonomic makes workloads SMART (Self Managing & Real time) for Hybrid Cloud environments by simultaneously optimizing performance, cost, and compliance in real-time

– It provides workloads the exact resources they need, at the right time, and always in accordance with policies



– Assess on-premises estate

– Quickly and accurately compare public cloud providers to determine the best cloud for your workloads

– Utilize consumption based planning to build a migration plan in hours

– Cost visibility and accounting; Visualize your entire cloud estate and fully understand your cloud bill

– Continuous Cloud Optimization

– Take action on un/under-utilized infrastructure

– Scaling of VMs, DbaaS to right size infra

– Reserved instances recommendations to optimize spending

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OneSphere Positioning against Turbonomic

Acknowledge the Strengths– Installed on-premises or in public cloud; VM

appliance based installation on multiple hypervisors (vSphere, XenServer, RHEV, Hyper-V, Nutanix Acropolis) and public clouds (AWS, Azure)

– Integration with spectrum of hypervisors, cloud managers, app and database servers, load balancers, storage and fabric managers; includes HPE OneView and 3PAR

– Installation can be scaled across VMs each handling a different set of targets. Aggregating VM displays combined data for all target instances

– What-if planning tool to analyze workload migrations, hardware deployment/retirement, peak demand, optimal workload distribution

– Placement policies to define workload placement; affinity, anti-affinity, licensing rules etc.

– Automation policies for taking action: recommend, manual, automated

– Customizable dashboards; tagged resources


How OneSphere wins– SaaS delivered

– Provisioning enterprise-grade Kubernetes included

– Managed private cloud

– Catalog of virtualization, cloud and container services

Pitch the Weaknesses– Software only delivered as VM image; no SaaS

– Customer managed s/w installation and management

– No private cloud or container offering

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– System of record for Technology Business Management (TBM); equiv. to CRM or ERP or HCM but for IT domain

– Positioned as a non-operational, non-service management system targeted to CIO needs

– Delivered as a suite of modular SaaS applications. Apptio Cloud Cost Management (CCM) equivalent to OneSphereInsights


Features of Apptio CCM

– Align to a standard IT cost model; ingest multi-cloud billing data and auto-map to standard IT services classification

– Quantify accurate total cloud spend by incorporating costs of labor, security, and more

– Monitor cloud cost and usage with real-time spend analysis and forecasting

– Manage consumption by infra, app, and business units to make better decisions; tagging strategy

– Analyze potential cost savings from underutilized or inefficiently deployed resources. Recommend AWS Reserved Instances (RI) based on actual usage

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OneSphere Positioning against Apptio

Acknowledge the Strengths

– Flexible deployment strategy; containerized so can be run anywhere

– Breadth of technology business management targeted towards CIOs

– Holistic cost allocation to consuming apps and services inclusive of provider costs, labor etc.

– Spend analysis and forecasting capability

– Analyzes utilization and provides recommendations to use cost effective Reserved Instances in public cloud


How OneSphere wins– Multi-cloud consumption & lifecycle management of VMs and containers

– Resource utilization and cost monitoring

– Managed private cloud

– Manage consumption by service, app, business unit with resource tagging


Pitch the Weaknesses– Point solution for cloud cost management only

– Add on module to core TBM service

– No private cloud or container offering

– No provisioning

– No consumption options for multi-cloud; no catalog

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– Delivered as a service; no version lock-in

– Subscription model

– No hardware lock inSoftware as a Service

– Cloud enabling on-premises hypervisors like VMware vSphere and KVMMulti Hypervisor

– Kubernetes provisioning on both AWS and on-premises VMwareContainer as a Service

– Easy to use; no training $$$ requiredService Catalog

– Cost show back and analytics across apps & cloudsInsights & Cost Analytics

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Thank you

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