hspa over iur nokia

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Features Nokia HSPA over IuR


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HSPA over Iur 


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• The HSPA over ur !eature

• a""ows #oth HS$PA an% HSUPA %ata to #e trans!erre% a&ross the ur • a""ows the Serving 'e"" 'hange (ro&e%ure to target &e""s on a %ri!t RN'

• a""ows %ri!t RN' &e""s to #e in&"u%e% within the HSUPA a&tive set

• avoi%s the re)uirement !or &hanne" t*(e swit&hing when moving onto a

%ri!t RN'

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UE Requirements

• None

Network Hardware Requirements

• None

Feature Requirements

• Feature is "i&ense% using an RN' +N,+FF "i&ense

• The !o""owing !eatures must #e ena#"e%-

• HSPA nter.RN' 'e"" 'hange/ HS$PA Serving 'e"" 'hange/ HS$PA So!t,So!ter Han%over !or

 Asso&iate% $P'H/ HS$PA $*nami& Resour&e A""o&ation

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Enabling the Feature

• The HSPAOverIur  (arameter must #e set to ena#"e%

• Parameter mo%i!i&ation &an #e %one on"ine• $ri!t RN' &he&ks the !eature "i&ense #ut %oes not &he&k this (arameter 



Name   Range Description

0 HSPA over ur%isa#"e%

1 HSPA over urena#"e%


0 Parameter ena#"es , %isa#"es HS.$S'H an% 4.$'H 5A'.%!"ow setu( over ur.inter!a&e an% the serving &e"" &hange

over ur.inter!a&e &ontro""e% #* the Serving RN'6 ServingRN' %oes not setu( HS.$S'H 5A'.% !"ow an% 4.$'H5A'.% !"ow over ur.inter!a&e i! HSPA over ur is %isa#"e%6

• Re"ease version o! neigh#ouring RN' must #e Re"ease 7 or "ater in or%er to

ena#"e the HSPAOverIur  (arameter 

• ! the (arameter HSPAOverIur  is set to 84na#"e%8• serving RN' is a""owe% to setu( HS.$S'H an% 4.$'H R9 over ur 

• serving RN' is a""owe% to (er!orm Serving 'e"" 'hanges !rom serving

RN' &e"" to %ri!t RN' &e""

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HSPA Availability at Neighbouring RN



Name   Range Description

0 HS$PA unavai"a#"e

1 HS$PA avai"a#"e


1 Parameter %e!ines whether HS$PA is avai"a#"ein the neigh#ouring $RN' &e""6 This (arameter&an #e use% to ena#"e,%isa#"e HS.$S'H,4.$'H 5A'.% !"ow setu( in the neigh#ouring$RN' &e""6



Name   Range Description

0 HSUPA unavai"a#"e

1 HSUPA avai"a#"e


1 Parameter %e!ines whether HSUPA is avai"a#"ein the neigh#ouring $RN' &e""6 This (arameter&an #e use% to ena#"e,%isa#"e 4.$'H 5A'.%!"ow setu( in the neigh#ouring $RN' &e""6

• The serving RN' &he&ks HS$PA an% HSUPA avai"a#i"it* at %ri!t RN'

neigh#ouring &e""s

• H+PS (arameter HSDPAAvai!a"i!it#Iur  %e!ines whether or not the %ri!t RN'

neigh#ouring &e"" su((orts HS$PA

• H+PS (arameter HSUPAAvai!a"i!it#Iur  %e!ines whether or not the %ri!t RN'

neigh#ouring &e"" su((orts HSUPA

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• Serving RN' se"e&ts the initia" serving &e"" !rom the set o! serving an% %ri!t RN'

&e""s within the a&tive set

• Serving 'e"" 'hange (ro&e%ure is su((orte% a&ross the ur inter!a&e

• $ri!t RN' in%i&ates su((ort !or HS$PA an% HSUPA within its res(onse to Ra%io

9ink Setu( or Ra%io 9ink A%%ition messages

• H+PS (arameters shown on (revious s"i%e are on"* a(("i&a#"e to %ri!t RN'

&e""s whi&h are neigh#oure% !rom the serving RN'

• Serving RN' starts u("ink SR 4rror measurements over the ur

• Serving RN' &an then use SR 4rror measurement !or the serving &e"" &hange


hannel "y#e Selection• Serving RN' (er!orms &hanne" t*(e se"e&tion !or NRT an% RT RA; i! there are

not an* ra%io "inks un%er the serving RN'

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Bit Rate Allocations

• $ri!t RN' %oes not &he&k the #it rates a""o&ate% #* the serving RN' against the

!o""owing (arameters-

• HS$PAinitia";itrateU9

• HS$PAnitia";RU9StrNRT

• HS$PAminA""owe%;itrateU9

• HS$PA5in;RU9StrNRT

• $ri!t RN' &he&ks the #it rates a""o&ate% #* the serving RN' against the

!o""owing (arameters-

• HS$PA5a=;itrateU9

• $ri!t RN' uses the !ai"ure &ause >U9 Ra%io Resour&es not Avai"a#"e> i! the

u("ink $'H return &hanne" a""o&ation is (revente% #* the HS$PA5a=;itrateU9(arameter 

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!A$d P%& Si'e Selection

• Serving RN' %oes not (er!orm HS.$S'H 5A'.% P$U si@e se"e&tion when the

5A'.% !"ow is setu( over the ur 

• 5A'.% P$U si@e o! 7:7 #its is a"wa*s a""o&ate% !or NRT %ata

• $ri!t RN' ree&ts the HS.$S'H 5A'.% !"ow setu( i! the 5A'.% P$U si@e o!

7:7 #its is %isa#"e% in the #ase station

• 4=&e(tion is that 5A'.% P$U si@e o! 337 #its is a""o&ate% !or streaming

• Serving RN' %oes not &hange the &urrent"* a""o&ate% 5A'.% P$U si@e when&om("eting a serving &e"" &hange to a %ri!t RN' &e""

• $ri!t RN' %e!ines the 5easurement Power +!!set 5P+ !or HS$PA

• $ri!t RN' signa"s the va"ue to the Serving RN' when an HS.$S'H 5A'.%

!"ow is setu( over the ur 

• Serving RN' signa"s the 5P+ to the U4

!easurement Po(er )**set

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!a+imum Iur "hrough#uts

5a=urNRTHS$S'H;itRate UR

Name   Range Description

0 to 21120 k#(sste( 12? k#(s

0 k#(s CD not"imite%


0 k#(s Parameter %e!ines the ma=imum #it rate o!the NRT HS.$S'H 5A'.% !"ow over ur.inter!a&e restri&te% #* the Serving RN'6Parameter %e!ines the user #itrate o! theNRT HS.$S'H 5A'.% !"ow on R9'(a*"oa% "eve" e=&"u%ing 5A'.hs hea%erR9' hea%er an% (a%%ing6



Name   Range Description0 to :<70 k#(sste( 12? k#(s

0 k#(s CD not"imite%

Deau!t 0 k#(s Parameter %e!ines the ma=imum #it rate o!

the NRT 4.$'H 5A'.% !"ow over ur.inter!a&e6 Parameter %e!ines the user #itrateo! the NRT 4.$'H 5A'.% !"ow signa""e% tothe $ri!t RN' in 4.$'H 5a=imum ;itrate46

• The $a%IurNR&HSDS'H(itRate an% $a%IurNR&ED'H(itRate (arameters &an

#e use% to "imit the HS$PA an% HSUPA through(uts a&ross the ur 

• 'on!iguring a va"ue o! 0 means that through(uts are not "imite%

• These (arameters a"so "imit the Nomina" ;it Rate N;R a&ross the ur 

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Priorities over Iur ,I-

• Serving RN' %e!ines the !o""owing (arameters !or HS$PA an% HSPA &onne&tions

a&ross the ur 

•  A""o&ation,Retention Priorit* ARP

• Tra!!i& '"ass T'

• S&he%u"ing Priorit* n%i&ator SP

• $ri!t RN' uses the ARP T' an% SP when HS$PA an% HSPA &onne&tions are

esta#"ishe% a&ross the ur • $ri!t RN' %e!ines the Tra!!i& Han%"ing Priorit* THP when ntera&tive Tra!!i& '"ass

HS$PA an% HSPA &onne&tions are esta#"ishe% a&ross the ur 

• EoS (riorit* ma((ing is use% to %e!ine THP i! HSPA EoS (rioritisation is

ena#"e% in the $RN'6 $RN' a(("ies a reverse ma((ing #ase% u(on SP va"ue

using )oSPriorit#$apping  (arameter• ! HSPA EoS (rioritisation is %isa#"e% $RN' a""o&ates a THP o! 1

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HSPA EoS (rioritisation is ena#"e% in the $RN' &e"" HSPA)oSEna"!ed -

• SP va"ue sent #* the SRN' !or RT tra!!i& must #e "ower than or e)ua" to the highest SP va"ue %e!ine% !or that (arti&u"ar tra!!i& &"ass in $RN'

• ! not $RN' ree&ts HS.$S'H,4.$'H 5A'.% !"ow setu( over ur 

• SP va"ue sent #* the SRN' !or NRT PS %ata must #e "ower than or e)ua" to the highest SP va"ue %e!ine% !or an* NRT PS tra!!i& &"ass in $RN'

• ! not $RN' ree&ts HS.$S'H,4.$'H 5A'.% !"ow setu( over ur 

HSPA EoS (rioritisation is %isa#"e% in the $RN' &e"" HSPA)oSEna"!ed -

• ! the SP va"ue sent #* the SRN' is greater than @ero $RN' sha"" ree&t HS.$S'H , 4.$'H 5A'.% !"ow setu( over ur.inter!a&e

• n a"" o! the a#ove ree&t s&enarios the %ri!t RN' uses the !ai"ure &ause Re)ueste% 'on!iguration not Su((orte%G

Priorities over Iur ,II-

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.R"$over$R"/ and .R"$over$NR"/ ,I-

• RT.over.RT an% RT.over.NRT a&tions &an target HS$PA an% HSUPA

&onne&tions a&ross the ur 

• $RN' uses (riorities SP ARP T' re&eive% !rom the SRN' %uring Ra%io 9inkSetu( Ra%io 9ink A%%ition or Ra%io 9ink Re&on!iguration

• $RN' a"so uses the THP that it has generate%

• The IurPriorit#  (arameter %e!ines the (riorit* o! HS.$S'H an% 4.$'H 5A'.%

!"ows over the ur re"ative to those &ontro""e% #* the $RN'

• IurPriorit#  C >4)ua" (riorit*> $RN' %oes not %istinguish 5A'.% !"ows over ur6

Prioritisation is #ase% u(on SP ARP T' an% THP in!ormation

• IurPriorit#  C >Higher Priorit* over ur> within a tra!!i& t*(e 'S RT PS or NRT

PS the $RN' targets &an%i%ates !rom own $RN' 5A'.% !"ows6 ! there are

no &an%i%ates in $RN' 5A'.% !"ows over ur are targette%

• IurPriorit#  C >9ower Priorit* over ur> within a tra!!i& t*(e 'S RT PS or NRTPS the $RN' targets &an%i%ates !rom 5A'.% !"ows over ur6 ! there are no

&an%i%ates over ur $RN' 5A'.% !"ows are &hosen6

• Regar%"ess o! the IurPriorit#  (arameter $RN' sha"" &hoose the &an%i%ate !or

RT.over.RT or RT.over.NRT a&tions !rom the "owest (ossi#"e tra!!i& t*(e

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Name   Range Description

0 4)ua" Priorit*

1 Higher Priorit* over ur

2 9ower Priorit* over ur


0 Parameter %e!ines how users over ur.inter!a&e arehan%"e% in the $ri!t RN' %uring &ongestion6 $ri!t RN'%istinguishes users over ur.inter!a&e when RT.over.RTRT.over.NRT (re.em(tion or over"oa% a&tions are(er!orme%6 Parameter is a(("i&a#"e to $'H users when$ri!t RN' (er!orms Ra%io 9ink 'ongestion or Ra%io9ink Pre.em(tion (ro&e%ures over ur.inter!a&e6! the va"ue o! the (arameter is set to >4)ua" Priorit*>

$ri!t RN' treats ur users an% $ri!t RN' usersa&&or%ing to their e=isting EoS (riorities6! the va"ue o! the (arameter is set to >Higher Priorit*over ur> $ri!t RN' gives ur users higher (riorit* than$ri!t RN' users6! the va"ue o! the (arameter is set to >9ower Priorit*over ur> $ri!t RN' gives ur users "ower (riorit* than$ri!t RN' users6

.R"$over$R"/ and .R"$over$NR"/ ,II-

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Inter$Frequency Handover 

• The !o""owing are su((orte% a&ross the ur-

• HS$PA inter.!re)uen&* han%over • mme%iate 5S #ase% HSPA inter.!re)uen&* han%over 

• The !o""owing are not su((orte% a&ross the ur-

• HSPA &a(a#i"it* #ase% han%over 

• HSUPA &om(resse% mo%e

• SRN' &he&ks the "i&en&e !or RAN12<7 HS$PA inter.!re)uen&* han%over6 $RN'%oes not &he&k the "i&en&e

• SRN' an% $RN' &he&ks the "i&en&e &ontro""ing the RAN1?2 nter.!re)uen&*

Han%over over ur !eature

• n the &ase o! HS.$S'H an% U9 $'H the HHo$a%A!!owed(itrateU* (arameter

%oes not "imit the triggering o! &om(resse% mo%e

• $RN' &he&ks i! HS$PA &om(resse% mo%e is su((orte% in the ;TS #* rea%ing

the (&SSupportForHSPA'$  (arameter

• $RN' &onsi%ers HS$PA inter.!re)uen&* han%over as a &riti&a" han%over 

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hannel "y#e S(itching

• $'H to HSPA &hanne" t*(e swit&hing is su((orte% whi"e a&tive set &e""s

#e"ong to a %ri!t RN'

• 'hanne" t*(e swit&h !rom $'H to HSPA is su((orte%-

• $'H to HS$PA

• $'H to HSPA


• 'hanne" t*(e swit&h !rom HSPA to $'H is su((orte%-

• HS$PA to $'H


• HSPA to $'H

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17 © Nokia Siemens Networks RU20 Feature Training

Iur "rans#ort 0oS



Name   Range Description

1 to ? ste( 1

0 TE5 notasso&iate%with ur


0 The TE5 i%enti!i&ation gives the re!eren&e to the TE5 o#e&tuse% !or the ur &onne&tions6 The TE5 o#e&t %e!ines thetrans(ort #earer (rioriti@ation ma((ing #ase% on the air inter!a&e&hanne" t*(e an% the ra%io network "a*er s&he%u"ing (riorit*6 AT5 trans(ort- The TE5 %e!ines the AA92 Path T*(e ma((ing

an% AA92 (riorit* !or the egress s&he%u"ing6P Trans(ort- The TE5 %e!ines the $S'P use% !or the P (a&ketmarking at the ur inter!a&e6

• The u# Trans(ort EoSG !eature ena#"es the TE5 (arameter o#e&t

• The TE5 (arameter o#e&t (rovi%es a ma((ing #etween SP an% trans(ort EoS


• The &)$IdIur  (arameter a""ows a TE5 (arameter set to #e asso&iate% with

ea&h ur &onne&tion

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%SP *or HSPA ontrol Frames



Name   Range Description

0 to 73

ste( 1





The >HS$PAU9'To$S'Pur> (arameter (rovi%es the

HS$PA U9 Frame Proto&o" 'ontro" tra!!i& to $S'Pma((ing at ur inter!a&e6 The (arameter is (rimari"*use% at the SRN' ro"e an% signa""e% to $RN' overthe RNSAP in the TN9 EoS 46 n the $RN' ro"e the$S'P signa""e% over the RNSAP is #eing a(("ie% #*%e!au"t an% i! not (resent at RNSAP this (arameterva"ue is use% !or the HS$PA FP &ontro" tra!!i& P(a&ket marking !rom $RN' to SRN'6



Name   Range Description

0 to 73ste( 1





The >HSUPA$9'To$S'Pur> (arameter (rovi%es theHSUPA $9 Frame Proto&o" 'ontro" tra!!i& to $S'Pma((ing at ur inter!a&e6 The (arameter is use% at theSRN' ro"e !or the HSUPA FP &ontro" tra!!i& P (a&ketmarking !rom SRN' to $RN'6

• The HSDPAU*'&oDS'PIur  (arameter %e!ines the ur $S'P Per Ho( ;ehaviour

!or the Frame Proto&o" u("ink 'ontro" Frames asso&iate% with HS$PA

• The HSUPAD*'&oDS'PIur  (arameter %e!ines the ur $S'P Per Ho( ;ehaviour!or the Frame Proto&o" %own"ink 'ontro" Frames asso&iate% with HSUPA

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HS%PA !a+imum %ata Frame Si'e



Name   Range Description

1 to 1<2ste( 1


12? The ma=imum HS.$S'H FP si@e (arameter%e!ines the ma=imum FP si@e that &an #e%e"ivere% over the ur inter!a&e6 ith AT5 ur theRN' "imits the $9 %ire&tion FP si@e a&&or%ing tothis (arameter in or%er to avoi% P !ragmentationat the $RN' P u# inter!a&e6

• The ma%HSDPAFPSi+eForA&$Iur  (arameter %e!ines the ma=imum Frame

Proto&o" $ata Frame si@e !or trans!er a&ross the ur 

• The $ata Frame si@e is "imite% to avoi% segmentation at the P "a*er o! the %ri!t

RN' u# assuming the u# is #ase% u(on P

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"hank 1ou 2

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