human anatomy lecture nine muscles. muscle functions body movement posture respiration and heart...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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• Body movement • Posture• Respiration and heart beat• Production of body heat - maintains body temperature• Communication - speaking, writing, gesturing, facial

and body language• Constriction of organs and vessels - helps food move

through digestive tract and blood flow• Protects and supports soft tissues• Storage of nutrients


• Contractility - ability of a muscle to shorten with force• Excitability - capacity of muscle to respond to a

stimulus• Extensibility - muscle can be stretched beyond its

normal resting length• Elasticity - ability of muscle to recoil to original resting

length after being stretched

TYPES OF MUSCLE• Skeletal Muscle

- voluntary muscle- responsible for movement, respiration, posture, facial

expressions• Smooth Muscle

- involuntary- around organs, blood vessels, glands, skin- controlled by endocrine and autonomic nervous system

• Cardiac Muscle- autorhythmic- only found in heart- controlled by endocrine and autonomic nervous system


• Composed of muscle cells (fibres), connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves

• Fibres are long, cylindrical, multinucleated

• Smaller in diameter in small muscles and larger in larger muscles

• Striated appearance due to light and dark banding

SKELETAL MUSCLE STRUCTURE• Epimysium (fascia) - sheath surrounding

entire muscle

- holds muscle together and separates

them into groups

- allows freedom of movement

- carries nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic


- continuous with connective tissue of

tendons and periosteum

• Muscle Fasciculi - muscle bundles

- composed of several muscle fibres

- surrounded by connective tissue layer

called perimysium

• Endomysium - connective tissue surrounding individual muscle fibres


• Muscle cells are stimulated to contract by motor neuron axons at a neuromuscular junction (synapse)

• Axons are branched so that every muscle fibre is innervated

• Blood vessels and nerves enter the muscle together and follow the same branching pathway through the perimysium

• Within the endomysium arterioles branch into capillary beds surrounding each muscle fibre

SKELETAL MUSCLE CELLS (FIBRES)• Sarcoplasm - cytoplasm containing

numerous myofibrils

• Myofibril - thread-like structure extending length of muscle fibre

- made up of proteins (actin and

myosin myofilaments)

• Sarcomeres - repeating arrangment of actin and myosin

- smallest section of muscle capable

of contracting

• Sarcolemma - cell membrane surrounding a muscle fibre (cell)

• Sarcoplasmic reticulum - similar to smooth ER

- forms tubular network around each



• Transverse tubules - narrow tubes continuous with sarcolemma extending into sarcoplasm at right angles to muscle fibre

- distributes signal (action potential) to contract through to interior of cell ensuring all cells contract simultaneously

• Terminal cisternae - thickening on either side of t-tubule

• Triad - terminal cisternae + t-tubule

ACTIN (THIN) FILAMENTS• Two strands (F-actin) of pearl-like

proteins (G-actin) form a double helix extending the length of the muscle fibre

• Thin strand of nebulin holds the F-actin together

• G-actin contains the active site that binds the myosin during muscle contraction

• Tropomyosin winds through the F-actin and covers the active sites

• Troponin protein found at the ends of the tropomyosin forming the tropomyosin/troponin complex - binds Ca+2 and changes position during muscle contraction


• Each ‘club’ consists of two heavy myosin molecules wound together to form a rod portion lying parallel with heads that extend laterally

• Myosin ‘heads’

- bind to active sites on the active sites on the actin molecules to form crossbridges

- attach to the ‘rod’ portion by a hinge that bends and straightens during contraction


Repeating units of actin and myosin along the myofibril - smallest portion of muscle capable of contracting

• Z Line - network of protein fibres serving as attachment for actin

• I Band - actin filaments only (thin/light)

• A Band - length of myosin (thick/dark)

• H Zone - myosin only (lighter)

• M Line - myosin filaments are attached in center of H Zone

Alternating A and I Bands give muscle striated appearance

SMOOTH & CARDIAC MUSCLESmooth Muscle• Not striated, made up of

separate distinct cells with an obvious nucleus – less actin and myosin

• Contract more slowly with no oxygen dept

• Two types:(i) Multinuceate - cells operate independently (ie: iris of eye, blood vessels, erectile muscles of hair(ii) Visceral - cells operate together (ie: surrounding digestive tract, reproductive and excretory organs)

Cardiac Muscle

• Long, branching cells

• Cells are striated but less organized than skeletal muscle

• All cells work together as a single unit - autorhythmic contraction

• Cells do not develop oxygen dept or fatigue

• Connected by intercalated discs


Most muscles extend from bone to bone and cross at least one joint• Tendons - attach muscle to bone

• Aponeuroses - broad, sheetlike tendon

Muscle terminology:• Origin/head - end of muscle attached to most stationary bone

• Insertion - end of muscle attached to bone with most movement

• Belly - largest area between origin and insertion

• Synergists - muscles that work together to cause a movement

- prime mover - plays major role in movement

- fixator - hold one bone in place while other bone is moved

• Agonist - muscle that causes an action when it contracts

• Antagonist - muscle working in opposition to agonist





Muscles are named according to:

• Location - pectoralis, gluteus, brachial

• Size - maximus, minimus, longus, brevis

• Shape - deltoid, quadratus, teres

• Orientation - rectus

• Origin and Insertion - sternocleidomastoid, brachioradialis

• Number of Heads - biceps, triceps

• Function - adductor, masseter

MUSCLE MOVEMENT• Muscles, their tendons and bones act together as lever systems to move

parts of the body

• Muscle contractions are a pull or force by relative positions of the:

lever - bone

fulcrum - joint

weight or resistance - force of gravity due to weight of body parts or

weight of object being moved


Class I

• Fulcrum between force and weight

• See saw

• Head movement at the atlantooccipital joint

Class II

• Weight is between fulcrum and pull

• Wheelbarrow

• Standing on toes, metatarsophalangeal joint

Class III

• Pull located between fulcrum and weight

• Using a shovel

• Biceps brachii with elbow as fulcrum


Flexion vs ExtensionFlexion - moves body part in anterior or ventral direction

Extension - moves body part in posterior or dorsal direction

Plantar Flexion vs DorsiflexionPlantar Flexion - movement of foot toward plantar surface

ie: standing on toes

Dorsiflexion - movement of foot toward shin

ie: walking on heel

Abduction vs AdductionAbduction - movement away from midline

Adduction - movement toward midline

Medial vs Lateral RotationMedial Rotation - anterior surface of limb rotates toward


Lateral Rotation - anterior surface of limb rotates away from body

Pronation vs SupinationPronation - rotation of forearm so palm is down

Supination - rotation of forearm so palm is up

Elevation vs DepressionElevation - movement in superior direction

Depression - movement in inferior direction

Protraction vs RetractionProtraction - gliding part horizontally forward

Retraction - gliding part horizontally backward

CircumductionMovement in a cone/circular shape

Inversion vs EversionInversion - turning foot so plantar surface faces medially

Eversion - turning foot so plantar surface faces laterally




Divided into groups by function:

Facial ExpressionOrigin and insertion in the superficial


When muscles contract the skin moves

• Orbicularis oris - around mouth

• Obicularis oculi - opens and closes


Mastication (chewing)

Involves elevation/depression of mandible and excursion to grind the teeth together

Act with muscles of hyoid in movement of mandible

Muscles of cheek and tongue aid mastication by pushing food under the teeth

• Temporalis - lifts mandible

• Masseseter - largest jaw muscle

Muscles of the Hyoid

Tongue MovementsImportant in speech - changes shape


- moves food around in mouth

- holds food in place during


- pushes food up to palate and back

toward pharynx

Intrinsic - entirely within the tongue, allow tongue to change shape

Extrinsic - insert in tongue, allow shape change and movement

• Glossals – tongue muscles (genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus, styloglossus)

Eye Muscles

6 eye muscles originate on surface of the orbit and control movement of eyeball

• Extra-ocular eye muscles

NECK MUSCLESFlexion - muscles deep within neck

anterior margins of vertebral bodies

Extension - posterior neck muscles attached to occipital bone

Rotation and abduction - lateral and posterior muscle groups

• Sternocleidomastoid - from sternum to mastoid of skull, on either side of neck

• Trapezius - back of skull and upper vertebrae across to scapular spine

Posterior Deep Neck Muscles

Muscles of the Vertebral Column

Muscles that extend, laterally flex, and rotate the vertebral column - used to produce erect posture

Divided into deep and superficial groups

Deep - vertebrae to vertebrae

Superficial - vertebrae to ribs


Involved in breathing

• External Intercostals - elevate ribs during inspiration

• Internal Intercostals - contract and depress ribs during exhalation

• Diaphragm - flattens during contraction

- separates thoracic and abdominal



Flex and rotate vertebral column, decrease volume of abdominal and thoracic cavities

Aid in forced expiration, vomiting, defecation, urination, childbirth

Crossing pattern of muscles adds strength to abdominal wall to support organs

• Rectus abdominus - inserts at xiphoid process down to pubic symphysis

• Internal and external abdominal obliques – flex and rotate abdomen

PERINEAL MUSCLESPelvic Diaphragm - funnel shaped,

supports the pelvic viscera- pierced by anal canal, urethra,

vaginaPerineum - diamond shaped area

inferior to pelvic diaphragm- divided into urogenital triangle and anal triangle regions

• Bulbospongiosus - base of penis or sides of vagina

• Levator ani - tenses pelvic floor, elevates and retracts anus

• Sphincter ani externus - around anus• Sphincter urethrae - around urethral



Scapular MovementsMuscles that attach the upper limb to

the body and move or stabilize the scapula and clavicle

Originate on axial skeleton

• Trapezius - covers back, portion of neck and base of skull

• Rhomboid - attached to thoracic vertebrae and scapula posterior

• Levator scapulae - attached to cervial vertebrae and scapula

• Supraspinatus - scapula to humerus• Pectoralis minor - scapula to

thoracic ribs

Arm MovementsMuscles attach to arm and thorax

• Pectoralis major - humerus to superior thoracic vertebrae

• Latismus dorsi - humerus to lower thoracic vertebrae

Flexion and extension of shoulder

• Deltoid - across front of shoulder

- works with pectoralis

- abducts medially and rotates laterally

Rotator CuffPrimary muscles holding humerus in

glenoid cavity

Form cuff over proximal humerus

Involved in movement of the shoulder

• Supraspinatus - across scapula

Forearm MovementMovement at elbow:


• Triceps brachii - scapula to forearm


• Biceps brachii - scapula to forearm

Wrist, Hand and Finger Movements

Muscles on anterior surface of forearm - flexion, abduction, adduction of the wrist

Muscles on posterior surface of forearm - extension and abduction

Flexors and Extensors of the Hand


Thigh Movement• Gluteus maximus - attached to

ilium, sacrum, coccyx

• Gluteus medius - iliac crest to greater trochanter of femur

• Adductor group - attach ischium

to femur

• Tensor fasciae latae - iliac crest to tibia

- thick band of connective tissue

- rotates hip and supports knee

Leg Movement• Quadriceps femoris - anterior surface of thigh

- extension at knee

- inserted by patellar tendon

• Sartorius - originates on edge of pelvis, crosses medially to insert on tibia and fibula

- flexes knee and hip, rotates thigh

• Hamstrings - posterior thigh muscle

Muscles that move leg

Lower Leg MovementDivided into 3 sections: anterior,

posterior, lateral

Anterior - extensors of foot and toes

• Tibialis anterior - front of shin

Posterior - flexors of foot

• Gastrocnemius - condyles of femur to calcaneal(Achilles) tendon to calcaneus, superficial position

• Soleus – fibula and tibia through calcaneal tendon to calcaneus, deep position

Movement of the FootAnalogous to muscles of hand but

also serve in support and locomotion

20 foot muscles flex, extend, abduct and adduct toes

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