human communication studies

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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  • 1. By Chelsea Grimm, Cameron Egerton, and Shelby Underwood
    Human communications studies

2. What is communications?
Communication is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment. We use communication every day.
The first sign of communication was in 3000 B.C. where the Egyptians created hieroglyphics to communicate. Communication has rapidly advanced since thennow it 2010 we have the ipad! Along the way many forms of communication were transformed. From the printing press and the telegraph, to the radio and the telephone, and now the television in HD and computers via Internet.
3. Types of communication
Verbal vs. Non-verbal
Small Groups
Public Speaking
4. How is communications applied everyday?
Communications is not only studied, it is also used in the classroom. Communicating to a class can be very difficult at times.
Communications can also be used for entertainment. Everyday we use the radio, television, internet, and more. The media also uses communication to convey messages in advertisements, song lyrics, etc.
In emergency situations we used communications to spread information quickly. Either by the radio, internet, or cell phones.
We use communications in our personal lives by displaying affection to one another.
5. Job possibilities
Communications majors/minors can use their degrees in fields such as: human resources, advertising, research and development, journalism, and more.
Communications majors are highly sought after by all three branches of the U.S. government for just these reasons.
People with communications degrees will be particularly needed in careers requiring creativity such as technical writers, teachers, advertising consultants, and corporate communications personnel.
6. Jay Leno
Degree in Speech Therapy from Emerson College.
He did stand up comedy in college, booking nearly 300 shows a year.
He is now a famous writer and TV host commanding over $20 million a year!
7. Bob costas
Degree in Public Communications from Syracuse University.
Joined NBC in 1980, won the Dick Schaap Award for Outstanding Journalism in 2004 as well as 20 Emmys.
8. Denzel Washington
Studied journalism at Fordham University.
He is a writer, actor, director, and political activist.
He has portrayed many real life characters such as: Malcom X, and Herman Boone.
9. What about us?
What will we do with our degrees?
Unfortunately fame and fortune cannot happen to everyone so what do we personally plan to do with our degrees after we graduate?
10. Chelsea Grimm
Minor in Communications.
Will help her get a job as a technical writer and learn how to gain audiences attention and make a higher salary.
11. Shelby Underwood
Communication is used in the classroom everyday. With her education degree she will be communicating with parents, collaborating with administrators, or lecturing to students.
She intends to use visuals, non-verbal communication, and other ways to communicate the message and importance of learning.
12. Cameron Egerton
With my Communications major and minor in business I plan to acquire a job in advertising where I can use the skills I learned in class to communicate with anyone I encounter.
13. Conclusion
Communications is a vast field, but that does not mean that using it as a major or minor is an easy ride through college. Communications takes a creative brain, a curious mind, and a scientific and dedicated thought process. It is a field of study that uses theories, experiments, projects, and research, to determine how to best understand human communication. It is something that will open MANY doors and windows into the job industry. Someone with a background in communications is highly useful and sought after by employees. So parents, We hope you understand that this is a truly wonderful and lucrative career path for many students and people all over the world!
DeFleur, M.H., Kearney, P., Plax, T.G., & DeFleur, M.L. (2005). Fundamentals of Human Communication 3rd Ed. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Gardenfors, P, & Johansson, P. (2005). Cognition, Education, and Communication Technology. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Haynes, W. L. (1990). Public speaking pedagogy in the media age. Communication Education, 39, 89-102.
West, R., & Turner, L.H. (2010). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application 4th Ed. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill.

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