huong dan dev-c

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Install of Bloodshed Dev-C++: a step by step guide.

Documentation: Ian Cowell.

Two steps are involved in duplicating the lab environment of Dev-C++ in your home computer: (1) installing Dev-C++ (2) a bit of customization.

Then there some simple exercises for:(1) Creating a new project(2) Opening an old project(3) Using the debug facility

First of all, if you have Cygwin or Bloodshed (DevCpp/Dev++) already installed in your computer, uninstall them.

Go to the web site and scroll down to:DownloadsDev-C++ 5.0 beta 9.2 ( (9.0 MB) with Mingw/GCC 3.4.2Click on the Download from: SourceForge to start and save the download.This will save the file devcpp-


1. Double Click on the file devcpp- to start the install

Click OK

I selected English and clicked OK

If you agree with the license then click I Agree

Click Next

Click Install

Click Yes

Click Finish

Click OK

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click OK

Initial Dev-C++ screen

Click Close


Setup Compile OptionsIn the menu selectTools → Compiler Options

Add the following:

You can copy and paste this text:-g -Wall -Wdeprecated -fpermissive -Wno-sign-compare


Click on Settings

Click on Linker

Click on No for the Generate debugging information entry and select Yes from the drop down box at the right.

Click Ok

And the configuration is complete.

Create a C++ Project

Click on File -> New Project

Click on the Console Application entry

Click OK

Make sure that the C++ Project is selectedClick OK

We need to change the directory.Navigate to My Documents (H:\ in the lab)

This assumes that you have selected the directoryC:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\My DocumentsCreate a directory Projects\Project1 (In the lab H:\ Projects\Project1)

Double click on the new Projects folder

Double click on the new Project1 folder

Click Save

You should have:

Do not worry about the “int argc, char *argv[]”

In the menu click Execute -> Compile

Click Save

The program compiles

Click Close

In the menu click Execute -> Run

Make sure that the command window is selected (click in the title bar)And use say the space key.The command window closes and the program exits.

Select an Existing C++ Project

Start Dev-C++Select File -> Open Project or FileThis will open the last project directory

Double click on the file (or click on the file and click Open)

Click on the main.cpp

Run the Debugger

Modify the program so that you have:

This is the text:#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//we do not need the parameters // int argc, char *argv[]//passed from the calling programint main(){ //declare two integer variables int i; int j; //assign values to the variables i = 0; j = 3; //output the values to the window (stdout) cout << "i= " << i << endl; cout << "j= " << j << endl; //tell the system to wait for a response from the keyboard (stdin) system("PAUSE"); //exit the program and return a success code to the caller return EXIT_SUCCESS;}

Compile the program

I clicked on the Compile Log tab to show what was done

Run the program

Press the Enter key.

Click on line 15 (i = 0;) as above (the line number is at bottom left)Select the menu item Debug -> Toggle Breakpoint

This tells the debug system to stop execution before this line (where the variable i is created)This breakpoint line is highlighted in red and the breakpoint is the icon red circle with the green tick. You can toggle the breakpoint on and off by clicking on that icon position.

Select the menu item Debug -> DebugThe program starts but is stopped at the breakpoint.The Project1.exe window is displayed but nothing is in the window.

Click the Add Watch.

Enter i for the integer variable

and click OKDo the same for variable j

Notice the values in the Debug tab at the left of the screen.I = 2J = 35You may get different values. The values have not been set as yet and so are really undefined.

Click on the Next Step in the Debug pane near the bottom.

The statement i = 0 has been executed and next instruction to be executed is shown by the Blue highlight. The watch value for i is now 0.Click on Next Step and the value for j is set.

Click on Next Step. The value of i is printed on the Project.exe window.

Click on Continue. The program runs until the system(“PAUSE”) is executed.

Click on the Project1.exe window title bar and press the Enter key.

This indicates that the program has finished execution.

Click on the Breakpoint icon (Red Circle with Green Tick) to toggle the breakpoint to off.

Click on Debug

This indicates that the program ran until the system("PAUSE") was executed.Again click on the Project1.exe window title bar and press the Enter key to let the program finish.

This is the end of the exercise.

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