hydrocarbons and their isomer groups. ii. pyrene …standard chemical thermodynamic properties of...

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Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 18, 77 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555826 18, 77

© 1989 American Institute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Standard Chemical ThermodynamicProperties of Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons and Their Isomer Groups. II.Pyrene Series, Naphthopyrene Series, andCoronene SeriesCite as: Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 18, 77 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555826Submitted: 02 November 1987 . Published Online: 15 October 2009

Robert A. Alberty, Michael B. Chung, and Andrea K. Reif


Standard Chemical Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and TheirIsomer Groups I. Benzene SeriesJournal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 17, 241 (1988); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555823

Standard Chemical Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons andTheir Isomer Groups. III. Naphthocoronene Series, Ovalene Series, and First Members of SomeHigher SeriesJournal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 19, 349 (1990); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555852

Critically Evaluated Thermochemical Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsJournal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 37, 1855 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2955570

Standard Ch~mical Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their isomer GroupSm II. Pyrene Series,

Naphthopyrene Series, and Coronene Series

Robert A. Alberty, Michael B. Chung, and Andrea K. Reif

Department ojChemistry, Massachusetts Institute oj Tech nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Received November 2, 1987; revised manuscript received June 28, 1988

The tables in our first paper on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data 17,241 (1988)] have been extended by calculating thermodynamic properties for the first four isomer groups in the pyrene series, the first three isomer groups in the naphthopyrene series, and the first three isomer groups in the coronene series. Successive isomer groups in each series differ by C4H 2.Since chemical thermodynamic properties are known for only a limited number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the properties of individual species have been estimated using Benson group values of Stein and Fahr for temperatures from 298.15 to 3000 K. Values of C ~,S 0, !:'fH 0, and AfG 0 have been calculat­ed in joules for a standard state pressure of 1 bar. The chemical thermodynamic properties of the individual species have also been calculated. The isomer group values provide a basis for extrapolating to higher carbon numbers where it is not feasible to consider individual molecular species.

Key words: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; pyrene; naphthopyrene; coronene; Benson method; enthalpy of formation; heat capacity; isomer group thermodynamic properties; isomer mole frac­tions; thermodynamic properties.


1. Introduction ...................................................... . 2. Standard Thermodynamic Properties ofPolycy-

clic Aromatic Isomer Groups .......................... .. 3. Calculations of Standard Thermodynamic Prop­

erties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons us-ing the Benson Method .................................... ..

4. Tables of Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Isomer Groups in the Pyrene, Naphthopyrene, and Coronene Series ..

5. Equilibrium Mole Fractions Within Polycyclic Aromatic Isomer Groups .................................. .

6. Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Indi-vidual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ...... ..

7. Discussion ........................................................ .. 8. Acknowledgments ............................................. . 9. Nomenclature ................................................... .

1 O. Rcfcrcucc~ ......................................................... .

11. Appendix: Table A.l. Group Additivity Values of Stein and Fahr for Benzenoid Polycyclic Aro-matic Hydrocarbons ........................................ ..

List of Tables

1. First four series of polycyclic aromatic hydro-






91 91

108 108 108


carbons ............................................................... 78

© 1989 by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States. This copyright is assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the American Chemical Society. Reprints available from ACS; see Reprints List at back of issue.

2. Numbers of isomers in thermodynamic tables ... 3. Standard heat capacity at constant pressure (11

K mol) for three series of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons .................................................... .

4. Standard entropy for polycyclic aromatic hydro-carbon isomer groups in J IK mol .................... ..

5. Standard enthalpy of formation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups in kJ/mol .

6. Standard Gibbs energy of formation for polycy­clic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups in kJI mol .................................................................... .

7. Standard enthalpy for polycyclic aromatic hy­drocarbon isomer groups relative to isomer groups at 298.15 Kin kJ/mol ........................... .

8. Standard enthalpy for polycyclic aromatic hy­drocarbon isomer groups relative to the elements al298.13 Kin kJ/mol ....................................... .

9. Equilibrium mole fractions within polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups .............. ..

10. Standard heat capacity at constant pressure for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in J/K mol ..

11. Standard entropy for polycyclic aromatic hydro-carbons in J IK mol ........................................... .

12. Standard enthalpy of formation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol .................... .

13. Standard Gibbs energy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol ................................... ..













0047-2689/89/010077-34/$07.00 77 J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data, Vol. 18, No.1, 1989


I. Introduction

The preceding article in this series I presented thermo­dynamic tables for the benzene series isomer groups from C6H6 to C26H I6 and for the individual species. This paper extends these tables to the next three isomer groups. Some of the needs for thermodynamic properties of polycyclic aro­matic hydrocarbons have been indicated in the preceding article.

Dias2-6 has developed a formula periodic table for ben­zenoid polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using graph theo­retical principles. Molecular formulas in this periodic table represent isomer groups. In thinking about the chemical thermodynamic properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocar­bons it is convenient to think of them in terms of series of isomer groups in which successive isomer groups differ by CaH? Table 1 gives the molecular formulas, numbers of rings, and numbers of isomers for the first four series. In the paper on the benzene series, we found that the thermody­namic properties of the higher isomer groups can be estimat­t::u by liIlt::al t::xtIapulatiuH frum the plUperties uf luwel iso­

mer groups. This paper is concerned with the pyrene, naphthopyrene, and coronene series. There is an infinite number of these series, and each has an infinite number of isomer groups.

The numbers of isomers in Table 1 come from Trinaj­stic and co-workers. 7 We are indebted to them for the com­puter generation of all the possible structures that corre­spond to these molecular formulas. The structural formulas ofthe isomers considered in this paper are given in Fig. 1. To simplify this figure only sigma bonds are shown. However, the thermodynamic properties of all these isomers are not estimated in this paper for the following reasons: (~) Some of the structures are diradicals, and we do not currently know how to estimate their properties-although they are expect­ed to be unstable with respect to the non radical isomers. (ii)

TABLE 1. First four series of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons"

Some of the structures are helicenes in the sense that the hydrogen atoms overlap in the bay region, and this prevents them from being planar molecules; again we do not currently know how to estimate their properties-although they are expected to be unstable with respect to the non radical isomers.

Table 2 gives the numbers of diradicals for the various isomer groups considered in this paper; they are identified in TrinajstiC's tables by K = 0, since they do not have any Ke­kule structures. The identification numbers of the diradical isomers in Fig. 1 are as follows:

C24H I4

C28H I6

C22H 12

C26H I4

C 30H lO

C28H I4

C32H l6








Table 2 also gives the numbers of helicenes that are omitted in the thermodynamic tables. Their identification numbers are as follows:

C 2sH I6 3,24,35,36,41,42,48,57

C30H I6 41,42.

The omission of diradicals and helicenes is not expected to affect the isomer group thermodynamic properties be­cause these species have significantly higher standard Gibbs energies offormation, and therefore do not contribute signif­icantly to the equilibrium population. The tables presented here are of the same type as those published earlier for al­kanes,s alkylbenzenes,9 alkenes,1O alkylnaphthalenes, II al­kylcyclopentanes and cyclohexanes, 12 alkynes, 13 thiols, 14 al­kanols,15 and benzene-series polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. 1

Benzene Nc series

Pyrene series

Naphthopyrene series

Coronent: series

6 C(,H(,(l,1) 8

10 C IOHx(2,1 ) 12 14 C I4H IO (3,2) 16

18 C 1XH I2 (4,5) 20 22 C22H I4 (5,12) 24 26 C2(,H 1o (6,36) 28 30 C30H ,x (7,118) 32 34 C34H 2o (8,411 ) 36 38 C3xHn (8,1489) 40

aThe first number in parentheses is the number of rings and the second is the number of isomers, including the diradical benzenoid isomers.

J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data, Vol. 18, No.1, 1989


Pyrene Ser ies CI6H,O C20Hi2

CO) gs c&

~co&&o~&aW~% 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

C28 H'6

C?XOc0S9~CCxgDW%~~ 13 14 I 2 3 4 5 6

oB3cY%~smg&gxagm0x9 10 12 13 14

~~cW:o# ~~ row~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

~~~~~~cmBaX§ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

~ 35 36 37 38

W W 41 42

~cmytS~8XDoxXB6D=occXm 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

co:&o~~cX&~~cxxTcxx2)D 55 56 57 58 59 60 6 I 62

x&9 ccx:0 C((a9 c2&o &x:8 ca:xS:9 63 64 65 66 67 68

Nophthopyrene Series

C22 H'2 C26 HI4

W&?ocWW~~@:ocom 5

C30 HI6

~J»%&oo0559~~~ 6 7 8 9 10 I 2 3

co?co~o%g~~~~u2» 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

g&~cg&@9cgm~~~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

c2P9C(#O&~~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

FIG 1. Structures of isomers in the pyrene, naphthopyrene, and coronene series.

2. Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Isomer Groups When isomers are in equilibrium, the standard Gibbs

energy of formation b. JG ° (I) of the isomer groups is defined by 16,17


DofGoO) = - RTln L exp( - DofG;IRT), (1) i=1

~ 28 ~ ~ ~ J5S cx5F~ c&

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

~~rog?wgocxxMcg£w~ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

0& ~ CWx9 COXE &) &2xXJ ~ cx:&XY 60 61 62 63' 64 65 66 67

Coronene Series C24 H'2 C2S HI4

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

&9aTh~c&g3cW~&W 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

w~mnm?;o~~~~ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

~~~~~~~~ cxW

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

where DofG~ is the standard Gibbs energy of formation of an individual isomer and N j is the number of isomers in an isomer group. The equilibrium mole fractions ri of various isomers in a group can be calculated using

r i = Yi = exp{[DoJG°(I) - DofG;]IRT}, (2) YI

where YI is the sum of the mole fractions of the individual

J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data, Vol. 18, No.1, 1989


TABLE 2. Numbers of isomers in thermodynamic tables

Number of Number of Number of Number Formulas isomers diradicals helicenes in tables

Pyrene series C I6H IO 0 0 1 C2oH I2 0 0 3 C24H 14 14 1 0 13 C2sH I6 68 6 8 55a

Naphthopyrene series C22H I2 3 1 0 2 C26H I4 10 1 0 9 C30H I6 87 9 2 76

Coronene series C24H 12 1 0 0 1 C2sH I4 9 0 8 C31H I6 55 9 0 46

a One diradical is a helicene.

isomers. The corresponding equations for the other standard thermodynamic properties C; 0), SaO), and ~fHOO) can be derived by differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to tem­perature. 18 When standard Gibbs energies of formation of isomer groups are used in equilibrium calculations for ideal gases the equilibrium mole fractions of isomer groups are obtained.

For the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons the standard thermodynamic properties for an isomer group are interre­lated by

~fG°(l) = !:J.fH°(l) T [S°(l) nCS;raphite


where nc is the number of carbon atoms and nH is the num­ber of hydrogen atoms.

3. Calculations of Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons using the Benson Method Experimental data on the polycyclic aromatic hydro­

carbons are limited to the smaller molecules. Fortunately enough data were available for Stein, Golden, and Ben­son 19,20 to obtain group values for CB-(H), CFR-(CFR )(CB )2' and CFR-(CFR )2(CB ) groups; the group values of CFR -( CFR ) 3 were evaluated from graphite. The significance of lhese symuols is llescliuell iu Beuson's book. 19 The average difference between predicted and mea­sured ~fH ° (298) for 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was < 2 kcal mol- I and generally was within experimental uncertainties. More recently, Stein and Fahr 21 have pro­vided Benson group values with C; values up to 3000 K. Although these values are similar to those of Stein, Golden, and Benson,::w two major changes were made: (i) heat capac­ity values were calculated using the harmonic oscillator-rig­id rotor approximation, and (ii) values of C; for the [CrR -( CrR ) J] gronp were rlerived from pyrene frequen­cies22 rather than from graphite. These values are given in Table A.1 in the Appendix.

J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data, Vol. 18, No.1, 1989

The procedures used in the estimation of chemical ther­modynamic properties of the gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been described in the preceding article. I The latest values have been used for various thermodynamic quantities. 23-25 Comparisons between properties of polycy­clic aromatic hydrocarbons calculated using the Benson method and given in the TRC Thermodynamic Tables26 for benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, and phenanthrene up to 1500 K were given in the preceding paper. There is a serious shortage of experimental data on polycyclic aromatic hydro­carbons. The only additional species for which a literature comparison is possible is pyrene. Pedley, Naylor, and Kirby27 have selected the best value of the enthalpy of forma­tion of pyrene gas at 298.15 K to be that determined by Smith et al.,28 225.7 ± 1.2 kJ mol-I. The Benson method with the parameters we have used yields 230.5 kJ mol- I. Since Smith et al., studied vapor pressures over a range of temperatures and Wong and Westrum29 obtained entropies of solid pyrene from low-temperature calorimetric studies, Smith et al. 28 were able to calculate chemical thermodynam­ic properties from 200 to 600 K. At the three temperatures at which their table overlaps ours, the average difference in C; is 2.6 J k- I mol-I, in So is 0.9 J K- I mol-I, in ~fHo is 5.0 kJ mol-I, and in ~fGo is 5.0 kJ mol-I. These are all within the uncertainties that Benson states for his method, that is ± 4 J K- I mol-I for C; and So, and ± 8 kJ mol- l for ~fHo and ~fGo.

All values of thermodynamic quantities in this article are for a standard state pressure of 1 bar (0.1 MPa) in accor­dance with the recommendation of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. 3D

4. Tables of Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Isomer

Groups in the Pyrene, Naphthopyrene, and Coronene Series

In Tables 3-8 all of the values have been estimated using the Benson method. Since the increments from one isomer group to the next are C4H 2 in each series, the increments in the properties are given for each series at each temperature. These increments provide a basis for a linear extrapolation of standard thermodynan11c propertlPS to pnlycyc11c aromatic isomer groups to higher carbon number.

Table 7 gives H°(1, T)-HO (1,298.15 K), the standard enthalpy for an isomer group relative to the isomer group at 298.15 K. Table 8 gives values tor H"(l, J')-HQ(l, 298.15

K) + AfH°(l, 298.15 K), the standard enthalpy for the iso­mer group relative to the elements of298.15 K. This quanti­ty allows the direct calculation of heat effects when the reac­tants and products are at different temperatures.

5. Equilibrium Mole Fractions Within Polycyclic Aromatic Isomer Groups The equilibrium mole fractions within isomer groups

calculated from standard Gibbs energies of formation are given in Table 9 for the ideal gas state. Since the uncertainties in AfG°(I) and ~fG i are about the samc, the uncertainty in

Table 3. Standard heat capacity at constant pressure(J/K mol) for three series of polyc~'clic aromatic hydrocarbons

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Pyrene series

C16H10 204.8 206.0 333.5 418.5 491.6 551.7 58' .6 598.8 609.7 C20H12 261.2 262.6 419.3 522.8 611.6 684.5 720.7 741.6 754.8 C24H14 350.7 353.0 537.0 632.5 730.0 814.7 857.1 881.7 897.1 C28H16 384.4 386.4 601.4 734.4 849.4 946.0 994.4 1022.3 1040.0

Naphthopyrene series ."

C22H12 279.2 280.8 453.4 563.4 656.5 803.8 :0

732.2 769.4 790.5 0 C26H14 334.4 336.3 548.4 678.3 781.2 865.1 907.3 931.6 946.9 ." C30H16 446.9 449.2 639.0 772.3 893.8 994.7 1044.5 1072.9 1090.7 m


Coronene series ::! tTl (J)

C24H12 290.5 292.4 480.0 598.8 698.7 778.8 817 .4 839.1 852.5 0 C28H14 344.7 346.8 563.7 702.2 818.6 911.8 956.8 982.2 997.8 II

C32H16 396.6 399.0 664.4 825.7 947.5 1045.4 1094.6 1122.8 1140.4 "0 0 .. -<

Table 3a. Increments per C4H2 0 -< 0 I'

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 Pyrene series

l> JJ 0

C20-C16 56.3 56.6 85.8 104.4 120.0 132.8 139.1 142.8 145.1 3: C24-C20 89.5 90.5 117.7 109.7 118.4 130.2 136.5 140.1 142.3 l> C28-C24 33.7 33.4 64.4 101.9 119.5 131.3 137.2 140.6 142.8 -t

(5 Naphthopyrene series ::I:

-< C

~ C26-C22 55.2 55.5 95.0 115.0 124.7 132.9 137. 9 141.1 143.1 ::IJ "tI C30-C26 112.5 112.8 90.5 94.0 112.6 129.6 137.2 141.3 143.7 0 :::T 0 '< l> !II Coronene series :If 0 m :::T I'D C28-C24 54.2 54.4 83.7 103.4 119.9 133. 1 139.5 143.1 145.3 0 ~ C32-C28 51.9 52.3 100.7 123.6 128.9 133.6 137.8 140.7 142.6 Z :XI (f)

~ 0 III §r < ~ ..... 5fJ z ~ ~ .....

cO Q) co CD ....&

!- Table 4. Standard entropy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups 1n \11K mol ()O

." M :T '< !II TIK 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 :T (1) Pyrene series ? ::JJ

C16H10 402.2 403.5 539.6 666.4 829.3 1041.6 12004.9 1336.7 1446.9 ~ C

C20H12 467.2 468.8 640.9 799.9 1002.9 1266.6 1469.0 1632.2 1768.7

!!t C24H14 521.5 523.7 754.8 951.5 1195.0 1509.2 1750.0 1944.1 2106.3 ,!» C28H16 617 .9 620.3 870.3 1095.3 1378.4 1743.6 2023.1 2248.3 2436.4 < ~ ..... Naphthopyrene series

~ Z C22H12 478.7 480.4 664.9 835.8 1053.8 1336.3 1552.5 1726.7 1872.1 P C26H14 543.7 545.8 769.4 976.8 1238.0 1572.8 1828.0 2033.3 2204.6 :" C30H16 609.1 611.8 889.4 1127.0 1424.9 1809. 1 2102.8 2339.2 2536.5 cD co Coronene series <0

C24H12 487.2 489.0 684.6 866.7 1098.9 1399.6 1629.5 1814.4 1968.7 C28H14 562.2 564.4 794.9 1008.5 1280.6 1632.7 1901.8 2118.2 2298.7 l> C32H16 632.1 634.5 903.2 1155.2 1472.7 1878.0 2186.2 2433.7 2640.1 r-

aJ m II

Table 4a. Increments per C4H2 -I :< 0

TIK 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 :r: C Z

Pyrene series ~G'>

C20-C16 65.0 65.3 101.3 133.4 173.6 225.0 264.1 295.6 321.8 » Z

C24-C20 54.3 54.9 113.9 151.6 192.1· 242.6 281.0 311.8 337.6 0 C28-C24 96.4 96.6 115.5 143.8 183.5 234.5 273.2 304.2 330.1 :0

!!! Naphthopyrene series 'TI

C26-C22 65.0 65.4 104.5 140.9 184.1 236.5 275.5 306.7 332.6 C30-C26 65.3 66.0 119.9 150.2 187.0 236.3 274.8 305.8 331.8

Coronene series

C28-C24 75.1 75.4 110.3 141.8 181.7 '233.1 272.3 303.8 330.1 C32-C28 69,8 70.2 108.3 146.7 192.1 245.3 284.4 315.5 341.3

Table 5. Standard enthalpy of formation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups in ku/mol

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Pyrene series

C16H10 230.5 230.4 218.1 211.0 206.7 208.2 212.6 216.1 217.0 C20H12 280.2 280.0 266.8 259.7 256.0 259.6 266.4 271.9 274.0 C24H14 331.7 331.6 326.6 322.4 319.7 324.3 332.1 338.2 340.1 C28H16 401.4 401.2 388.8 382.7 380.3 386.6 396.0 402.9 405.0

Naphthopyrene series ." :D

C22H12 301.7 301.6 289.2 282.9 280.0 283.9 290.3 294.7 295.0 0 C26H14 351.2 351.0 338.5 334.3 334.4 341.4 349.9 355.4 356.1 ." C30H16 405.4 405.3 398.3 392.9 390.8 397.6 407.2 413.9 415.0 m

:D -I

Coronene series iii en

C24H12 322.7 322.5 309.4 302.7 299.4 302.8 308.4 311.4 309.7 0 C28H14 372.2 372.0 357.5 350.4 347.6 353.3 361.4 366.5 366.2 ."

C32H16 417 .0 416.8 402.4 399.0 401.1 410.9 421.2 427.3 427.1 ." 0 r-~

Table 5a. Increments per C4H2 (") -< (") r-

T/K 29B 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 (; l>

Pyrene series :D 0

C20-C16 49.6 49.6 48.8 48.7 49.3 51.5 53.9 55.8 57.0 s: C24-C20 51.6 51.6 59.7 62.8 63.6 64.6 65.7 66.3 66.1 l>

-I C28-C24 69.6 69.6 62.2 60.2 60.6 62.3 63.8 64.1 64.8 (;

Naphthopyrene series ::c -< c

C26-C22 49.5 49.4 49.4 51.4 54.4 57.5 59.6 60.8 61.1 :D c.. C30-C26 54.2 54.3 58.6 56.4 56.2 51.3 58.4 58.9 0

"1:J 59.8 (") ::T » '< Coronene series !II :JJ

0 to ::T C28-C24 49.5 49.4 48.1 47.1 48.2 50.5 53.0 55.1 56.5 0 to

? C32-C28 44.8 44.8 44.9 48.6 53.5 51.6 59.8 60.8 60.9 Z CJ)


~ 0 Q)

.¥ < ~ ..... !D z ? :" ..... co (X) . ex)

w co

!=- Table 6. Standard Gibbs energy of formation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups 00

" ,f::I. ::T '< sn T/K 29B 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 (') ::T (1)

Pyrene series ~ :0

~ C16H10 332.B 333.4 405.9 4B2.5 599.B 796.3 991.7 11B7.3 1379.9

C C20H12 40B.9 409.7 500.2 595.0 739.6 980.9 1220.3 1459.6 1695.1 ~ C24H14 490.0 491.0 599.1 708.9 875.2 1152.3 1427.1 1701.8 1972.2 ~Q) C2BH16 576.8 577.9 699.7 825.4 1015.9 1333.0 1647.2 1961.2 2270.2 < 0 :- Naphthopyrene series .... $D Z C22H12 430.2 431.0 521.5 616.0 760.1 1000.3 1238.7 1477.1 1712.0 ~ C26H14 506.3 507.3 615.5 727.2 895.8 1175.2 1451.8 172B.3 2000.6 ~ ..... C30H16 5B6.B 5B7.9 711.6 838.0 1029.3 1347.4 1662.6 1977.6 2287.7 cD co Coronene series CD

C24H12 452.3 453.1 544.2 639.5 7B4.7 1026.9 1267.5 150B.3 1746.0 C2BH14 525.2 526.1 633.4 745.3 915.3 1198.2 1478.7 1759.1 2035.5 l> C32H16 595 0 596.1 720.4 848.4 1040.8 1358.6 1672.9 1987.0 2296.5 r-

aJ m :JJ

Table 6a. Increments per C4H2 -I :< 0

T/K 29B 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 :x: C Z

Pyrene series p C20-C16 76.1 76.2 94.3 112.5 139.8 184.6 228.6 272.3 315.2 l>

Z C24-C20 B1.1 B1.3 9B.9 113.9 135.6 171.4 206.8 242.2 277.1 C C2B-C24 B6.B 86.9 100.6 116.5 140.7 1BO.7 220.1 259.4 298.0 :rJ

m Naphthopyrene series =Ti

C26-C22 76.1 76.2 94.0 111. 2 135.7 174.8 213.1 251.2 288.6 C30-C26 BO.5 80.7 96.1 110.7 133.6 172.3 210.8 249.3 287.1

Coronene series

C28-C24 72.9 73.1 89.2 105.7 130.5 171.3 211. 2 250.8 289.6 C32-C2B 69.B 69.9 B6.9 103.1 125.5 160.4 194.3 227.9 261.0

Table 7. Standard enthalpy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups relative to isomer groups at 298.15 K in kJ/mol

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 200() 2500 3000

Pyrene series

C16H10 .0 .4 54.8 130.7 268.3 531.1 815.4 1110.6 1413.0 C20H12 .0 .5 69.2 164.3 335.8 662.3 1014.7 1380.5 1754.8 C24H14 .0 .7 92.8 210.1 415.8 B04.6 1223.9 1658.9 2103.8 C28H16 .0 .7 100.7 235.4 474~7 926.6 1413.2 1917.6 2433.5

Naphthopyrene series ." :0

C22H12 .0 .5 74.8 177.4 361.8 711.5 1088.1 1478.3 1877.1 0 ."

C26H14 .0 .6 90.0 214.0 434.6 848.9 1293.3 1753.3 2223.2 m C30H16 .0 .8 110.9 252.9 504.7 980.1 1491.5 2021.1 2562.3 :0

-f m Coronene series (/)

0 C24H12 .0 .5 78.7 187.6 383.9 756.0 1156.2 1570.6 1993.7 ."

C28H14 .0 .6 92.7 220.5 450.5 B86.3 1354.9 1839.9 2335.2 "tI C32H16 .0 .7 108.2 258.9 527.0 1028.4 1565.0 2119.6 2685.7 0

r--< (')

Table 7a. Increments per C4H2 -< (') I

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 » :0

Pyrene series 0 3:

C20-C16 .0 · 1 14.5 33.6 67.5 131.1 199.3 269.8 341.8 l> C24-C20 .0 .2 23.5 45.8 79.9 142.4 209.2 278.4 349.0 -t C28-C24 .0 · 1 7.9 25.2 58.9 122.0 189.3 258.8 329.7 (5

:t: Naphthopyrene series -<

C c.. :D

"tJ C26-C22 .0 · 1 15.2 36.6 72.8 137.3 205.2 275.0 346.0 0

::r C30-C26 .0 .2 20.9 39.0 70.1 131. 2 198.2 267.8 339.1 (') '< » !II :0 0 Coronene series m ::r <D 0 ~ C28-C24 .0 · 1 14.0 32.8 66.6 130.3 198.6 269.3 341.5 Z :xl C32-C28 .0 · 1 15.5 38.4 76.6 142. 1 210.1 279.7 350.6 (J)

~ C IU

; < ~ ..... 5fJ z !=> ~ ..... CD co (X) CD 01

~ Table 8. Standard enthaipy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups CX)

""D relative to the elements at 298.15 K in kJ/mol en :::r '< !" 0 TIK 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 :::r CD

? Pyrene series lJ

~ C16H10 230.5 230.9 285.3 361.2 498.8 761.7 1045.9 1341.2 1643.5 0 !II C20H12 280.2 280.7 349.4 444.5 616.0 942.4 1294.8 1660.6 2035.0

_Dr C24H14 331.7 332.4 424.5 541.9 747.5 1136.4 1555.6 1990.6 2435.6 < C28H16 401.4 402.1 502.0 l2-

636.7 876.0 1328.0 1814.5 2319.0 2834.9

-" Naphthopyrene series _co Z !' C22H12 301.7 302.2 376.5 479.1 663.6 1013.3 1389.8 1780.0 2178.8 --" C26H14 351.2 351.8 441. 2 565.2 785.8 1200.1 1644.5 2104.4 2574.3

<0 C30H16 405.4 406.2 516.4 658.3 910.1 1385.5 1896.9 2426.5 2967.7 co to

Coronene series

C24H12 322.7 323.2 401.4 510.3 706.6 1078.7 1478.9 1893.3 2316.4 l> C28H14 372.2 372.8 464.9 592.6 822.6 1258.4 1727.1 2212.1 2707.4 r-C32H16 417 .0 417.7 525.2 675.9 944.0 1445.4 1981. 9 2536.6 3102.7 m

m :xl -I

Table 8a. Increments per C4H2 :< 0 ::J:

TIK 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 c: Z F>

Pyrene series l> 319.5 391.5

Z C?0-C16 49.6 49.8 64.1 83.3 117.2 180.8 248.9 C C24-C20 51.6 51.7 75.1 97.4 131.5 193.9 260.8 330.0 400.6 ::0 C28-C24 69.6 69.7 77.5 94.8 128.5 191.6 258.9 328.4 399.3 rn

=n Naphthopyrene series

C26-C22 49.5 49.6 64.7 86.1 122.2 186.8 254.7 324.4 395.5 C30-C26 54.2 54.4 75.2 93.2 124.3 185.5 252.4 322.1 393.4

Coronene series

C28-C24 49.5 49.6 63.4 82.3 116.1 179.8 24B.1 318.8 390.9 C32-C28 44.8 44.9 60.3 83.2 121.4 186.9 254.9 324.5 395.3

Table 9. Equilibrium mole fractions within polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon isomer groups

T/K 298 300 !:OO 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Pyrene series

C20H12 1. perylene .3228 .3226 .2910 .2616 .2314 .2036 .1887 .1796 .1734 2. benzo(e)pyrene .'6457 .6452 .5619 .5232 .4627 .4072 .3774 .3591 .3469 3. benzo(a)pyrene .0315 :0322 .1n1 .2152 .3059 .3893 .4339 .4613 .4797

C24H14 1- dibenzo(fg,op)naphthacene .7956 .7906 .2548 .0854 .0319 .0142 .0095 .0075 .0064 2. naphtho(8.1.2-ghi)chrysene .0137 .0144 .1520 .2225 .2473 .2512 .2489 .2462 .2438 3. benzo(pqr)picene .0019 .0020 .0122 .0145 .0139 .0129 .0125 .0123 .0123 "tJ 4. dibenzo(a.e)pyrene .0777 .0790 .1113 .0703 .0421 .0271 .0217 .0192 .0178 ::XJ 5. benzo(b)perylene .0777 .0790 .1113 .0703 .0421 .0271 .0217 .0192 .0178 0 6. zethrene .0019 .0020 .0122 .0145 .0139 .0129 .0125 .0123 .0123 "tJ

7. benzo(a)perylene .0137 .0144 . 1520 .2225 .2473 .2512 .2489 .2462 .2438 rn 8. dibenzo(b.def)chrysene .0019 .0020 .0122 .0145 .0139 .0129 .0125 .0123 .0123 ::XJ

9. dibenzo(def.p)chrysene .0137 .0144 .1520 .2225 .2473 .2512 .2489 .2462 .2438 -I

10. dibenzo(de.qr)naphthacene .0009 .0010 .0061 .0072 .0070 .0065 .0062 .0062 .0062 iii 11. dibenzo(c,mno)chrysene .0003· .0004 .0166 .0458 .0817 .1201 .1431 .1581 .1686 en 12. benzo(rst)pentaphene .0009 .0010 .0061 .0072 .0070 .0065 .0062 .0062 .0062 0 14. naphtho(2,l.B-qra)naphthacene .0000 .0000 .0013 .0030 .0046 .0062 .0072 .0079 .0085 ."

C28H16 "tJ

1- tribenzo(f,ij,no)tetraphene .0288 .0297 .1348 .1769 .1790 .1619 .1488 .1399 .1334 0 2. tribenzo(a.fg.op)tetracene .3258 .3252 .1975 .111B .0610 .0349 .0260 .0218 .0195

,.. 4. naphtho(2.1.B-def)picene .0080 .00Bl .0216 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 -< 5. dibenzo(a.pqr)picene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 0

-< 6. benzo(a)naphtho(8,l.2-fgh)tetracene .0080 .0081 .0216 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 0 7. naphtho(1,2,3.4-bqr)picene .0450 .0445 .0158 .0073 .0034 .0018 .0013 .0011 .0010 ,.. 8. naphtho(1.2-b)perylene .0450 .C445 .0158 .0073 .0034 .0018 .0013 .0011 .0010 (; 9. naphtho(2,1-a)perylene .0080 .0081 .0216 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 10. dibenzo(j.pqr)picene .0080 .0081 .0:;16 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 l> 11. benzo(fg)naphtho(3.2.1-op)tetracene .3258 .3252 .1975 .1118 .0610 .0349 .0260 .0218 .0195 ::XJ 12. tribenzo(f.m.pqr)tetraphene .0080 .0031 .0216 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 0 13. dibenzo(f.pqr)picene .0080 .0081 .0216 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 :s: 14. tribenzo(a,hi.mn)tetracene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 l> 15. naphtho(1,2-e)perylene .OOBO .00B1 .0~16 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 -I

16. dibenzo(a,e)perylene .0080 .0081 .0216 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 0 17. dibenzo(fg,qr)pentacene .0450 .0445 .0158 .0073 .0034 .0018 .0013 .0011 .0010 :z:: 18. naphtho(8.1.2-cde)picene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 -< 19. benzo(c)naphtho(8,l.2-ghi)tetraphene .OOBO .0081 .0:;16 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 C

~ 20. benzo(a)zethrene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 :0

"tJ 21. dibenzo(de,kl)pentaphene .0005 .0006 .0009 .0007 .0006 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0003 0 ::T 23. dibenzo(a.n)perylene .0080 .0081 .0:;16 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 0 '< 25. dibenzo(de,ij)pentaphene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 l> !II 0 26. benzo(f)zethrene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 :0 ::T 27. dibenzo(a.j)perylene .0014 .0015 .0:;95 .0728 .1183 .1548 .1711 .1797 .1845 m CI) 28. dibenzo(h.rst)pentaphene .0225 .0223 .0079 .0036 .0017 .0009 .0007 .0005 .0005 0 ? 29. dibenzo(b.tuv)picene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 Z :lJ 30. dibenzo(b,j)perylene .0080 .0081 .O~ 16 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135 en CI) :"" 31. dibenzo(fg.ij)pentaphene .0225 .0223 .0079 .0036 .0017 .0009 .0007 .0005 .0005

0 32. Phrenthro(l,2.3.4-pqr)tetracene .0014 .0015 .0295 .0728 .1183 .1548 .1711 .1797 .1845 I\) 33. benzo(c)nap,tho(l,2.3,4-pqr)tetracene .0080 .0081 .0:;16 .0230 .0202 .0167 .0149 .0140 .0135

~ < ~ ....

!X> 2: ? ~

CO 0) 00 <0 --.J

~ Table 9. Equilibrium mole fractions within polycyclic aromatic h~drocarbon isomer 9rou~s -- continued (X)

"tI (II.)

:T '< T/K !II 298 300 5CO 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 :T CD

dibenzo(b,c)perylene 3 34. .0040 .0041 .0108 .0115 .0101 .0083 .0075 .0070 .0067

:::D 37. naphtho(2,l,3-fgh)pen~acene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007

~ 38. dibenzo(fg,st)pentaphene .0225 .0223 .0079 .0036 .0017 .0009 .0007 .0005 .0005 39. benzo(de)naphtho(1,2,3-qr)tetracene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093

C 40. dibenzo(de,uv)pentaphene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .d067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 Q)

43. benzo(c)naphthol(8,l.2-mno)tetraphene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 Dr ~ 44. naphtha(8,l,2-cde)pen:aphene .0000 .0000 .001)2 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 < 45. tribenzo(c,m,pqr)tetraphene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 0 :- 46. naphtho(8,l,2-opq)pen:acene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0010 .0022 .0038 .0049 .0058 .0064 .... 47. dibenzo(o,rst)pentaphene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 0) ~ 49. naphtho(1.2,3,4-rst)pentaphene .0007 .0007 .0147 .0364 .0592 .0774 .0856 .0898 .0923 :z 50. dibenzo(c,rst)pentaphe~e .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 :gg~~ .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 0

52. benzo(a)naphtho(2,l,8-hij)tetracene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 ~ ... 53. benzo(a)naphtho(8,l,2'cde)tetracene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 .... 54. dibenzo(de,st)pentacene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 (0 CIO 55. dibenzo(de,qr)pentacene .0011 .0011 .0017 .0015 .0011 .0009 .0007 .0007 .0007 <0

56. heptazethrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 59. naphtho(2,3-a)perylene .0002 .0002 .0024 .0047 .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 60. dibenzo(a,f)perylene .0007 .0007 .0147 .036": .0592 .0774 .0856 .0898 .0923

l=-61. benzo(vwx)heKaphene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 I 62. anthra 2,l,9-qra)tetracene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 OJ 63. phenanthro(9,10,l-hifltetracene .0002 .0002 .0024 .004, .0067 .0080 .0086 .0090 .0093 m 64. dibenzo(de,uv)pentacene .0000 .0000 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 :lJ 65. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1,2-1mn)tetracene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 -I 68. naphtho(2,l,3-jkl)pen:acene .0000 .0000 .0000 .000j .0001 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0003 ,:< Naphthopyrene series 0

:r: c:

C22H12 Z 1. benzo(ghi)pervlene .9535 .9524 .8207 .7086 .6020 .5112 .4652 .4377 .4197 Q 3. dibenzo(def,mno)chrysene .0465 .0476 .1793 .291<1 .3980 .4888 .5348 .5623 .5803 ~

l> C26H14 Z 1. dibenzo(e,ghi)perylene .6310 .6301 .4931 .344<: .2113 .1258 .0942 .0791 .0706 C 2. naphtho(1,2,3,4-ghi)perylene .3155 .3151 .2465 .172:2 .1057 .0629 .0471 .0395 .0353 ;:0 3. dibenzo(cd,lm)perylene .0038 .0039 .0135 .0177 .0175 .0150 .0135 .0127 .0122 m 4. dibenzo(b.ghi)perylene .0154 .0157 .0539 .0708 .0698 .0601 .0542 .0508 .0488 =n 5. naphtho(8, 1 ,2-bcd)pery'ene .0154 .0157 .0539 .0708 .0698 .0601 .0542 .0508 .0488 6. benzo(e)anthanthrene .0154 .0157 .0539 .070E .0698 .0601 .0542 .0508 .0488 7. dibenzo(a,ghi)perylene .0027 .0029 .0735 .224:< .4098 .5583 .6204 .6511 .6678 8. benzo(a)antha,threne .0004 .0004 .0059 .0146 .0231 .0288 .0311 .0326 .0338 10. benzo(b)anthanthrene .0004 .0004 .0059 .0146 .0231 .0288 .0311 .0326 .0338

C30H16 1. benzo(e)napht)o(1,2,3 .• -ghi)per~lenr .2102 .2140 .3002 .2084 .1347 .0881 .0696 .0600 .0542 2. tetrabenzo(de,hi,mn,qrltetracene .0002 .0002 .0112 .033!? .0653 .0978 .1145 .1234 .1281 3. benzo(ghi)naphtho(1,2-e)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .042£ .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 4. benzo(lm)naphtho(1.8-ab)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 5. terrylene .0073 .0073 .0060 .0034 .0019 .0011 .0009 .0008 .0007 6. tribenzo(fg,ij,rst)pen:aphene .5948 .5867 .1099 .0329 .0115 .0047 .0030 .0023 .0020 7. benzo(ghi)nap,tho(2,l-e)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 8. phenanthro(l,2,3.4-ghilperylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 9. benzo(a)peropvrene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 10. benzo(ghi)naDhtho(l,2-b)peryler .0007 .0007 .0026 .002E .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 11. benzo(ghi)naDhtho(2,1-a)peryler .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 12. tribenzo(a,e,ghi)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 13. dtbenzo(e,h)anthanthrene .0290 .0293 .0240 .0135 .0076 .0045 .0035 .0030 .0027

Table 9. Equilibrium mole fractions within eol~c~c11c aromatic h~drbcarbon isomer groues -- continued

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

14. tribenzo(b.e,ghi)perylene .0051 ~0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 15. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2.1-b)perylene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 16. benzo(pqr)naphtho(2.1,8-def)picene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 17. benzo(rst)naphtho(2.1.8-fgh)pentaphene .0290 .0293 .0240 .0135 .0076 .0045 .0035 .0030 .0027 18. tribenzo(de.ij.rst)pentaphene .0290 .0293 .0240 .0135 .0076 .0045 .0035 .0030 .0027 19. benzo(a)naph1ho(2,1.8-cde)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 20. benzo(qr)naphtho(2,1.8,7-fghf)pentacene .0290 .0293 .0240 .0135 .0076 .0045 .0035 .0030 .0027 21. benzo(pq)naphtho(8,1.2-cde)picene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 22. benzo(qr)naphtho(2,1,a.7-defg)pentacene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 23. naphtho(8,1,2-fgh)zethrene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 " 24. dibenzo(a,e)anthanthrene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 :u 25. benzo(ij)naphtho(2,1.8.7-defg)pentaphene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 0 26. benzo(de)naphtho(2,1,8,7-ijkl)pentaphene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 -a 28. benzo(a)naph1ho(2,1.8-1mn)peryTene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 m 29. naphtho(2,1-e)anthanthren9 .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 JJ

-I 30. benzo(a)naph1ho(B,1,2-klm)perylene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 iTi 31. naphtho(1.2-e)anthanthrene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 32. anthra(9,1.2-bcd)perylene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019

en 33. benzo(g.hi)naphtho(8,1,2-cde)plcene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 0 34. phenanthro(3.4.5,6-fghij)pentaphene .0004 .0004 .0013 .0014 .0013 .0011 .0010 .0010 .0009 "TI

35. tribenzo(a,ghf,k)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 -a 36. benzo(a)naph1ho(1.2.3,4-ghi)perylene .0051 .0053 .0328 .0429 .0445 .0421 .0400 .0385 .0375 0 37. tribenzo(a,ghi,k)perylene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 r-38. naphtho(2,3-e)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013

a( 0

39. benzo(st)naphtho(2,1,8,7-defg)pentacene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 a(

40. anthra(1,2.3,4-ghi)perylene .0004 .0004 .0013 .0014 .0013 .0011 .0010 .0010 .0009 0 43. naphtho(1,2-a)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0004 .0018 .0049 .0096 .0132 .0159 .0179 r-44. dfbenzo(a,n)anthanthrene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 0 45. naphtho(2,1-a)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 46. pyranthrene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 l> 48. naphtho(1,2-b)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 :xJ

49. dibenzo(b,r)anthanthrene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 0 50. benzo(uv)naphtho(2,1,B,7-defg)pentacene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 3: 51. benzo(de)naphtho(2, t,S, 7-'qrst)pentacene .0007 .0007 .0026 .0028 .0025 .0022 .0020 .0019 .0019 » 52. benzo(de)naphtho(2,1.8,7-opqr)pentacene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 ~

57. dibenzo(a,k)cnthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 (5 58. dibenzo(b,k)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0003 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0013 ::I: 59. dibenzo(b.e)cnthanthrene .0001 .0001 .0036 .0088 .0147 .0201 .0230 .0247 .0259 a(

60. naphtho(2,3-a)anthanthrene .0037 .0038 .0:.:168 .0371 .0402 .0394 .0380 .0370 .0362 0

~ 61, benzo(uv)naphtho(2. f,8-defg)pen:aphene .0037 .0038 .0268 .0371 .0402 .0394 .0380 .0370 .0362 :xJ

"tI 62. naphtho(2,1-b)anthanthrene .0037 .0038 .0268 .0371 .0402 .0394 .0380 .0370 .0362 0 ;r 63. dinaphtho(8.1.2-cde:2~.1',8~-hij)naphthacene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0009 .0024 .0048 .0066 .0079 .0090 0 c:: rn 67. naphtho(2,3-b)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 .0003 .0005 .0007 .0008 .0009 :t>

:xJ n ;r Coronene series

OJ m 0 ? C28H14

Z ,l] 1. dlbenzo(hi,qr)anthanthrene .3042 .3041 .2919 .2777 .2594 .2383 .2251 .2162 .2099


CD :'" 2. benzo(a)coronene .1521 . 15':!1 .1460 .1389 .1297 .1192 .1125 .1081 .1049

0 3. phenanthro(1,10,9,8-opqra)perylene .0761 .0760 .0730 .0694 .0649 .0596 .0563 .0540 .0525 Q) 4. naphtho(8.1,2-efg)anthanthrene .3042 .3041 .2919 .2777 .2594 .2383 .2251 .2162 .2099

~ 5. dibenzo( cd, hi )anthanthrene .0074 .0076 .0319 .0571 .0857 .1139 .1294 .1388 .1451

< 6. dibenzo(cd,fg)anthanthrene .1521 .1521 .1460 .1389 .1297 .1192 .1125 .1081 .1049

~ 7. naphtho(2.1,8-hij)anthanthrene .0037 .0038 .0159 .0286 .0429 .0570 .0647 .0694 .0725

..... 9. dibenzo(cd,lm)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0035 .0117 .0283 .0545 .0744 .0892 .1003 $TJ Z C32H16 ? ~ ..... CD 0)


CD (0

~ Table 9. Equi 1 ibrium mole fractions within polycycl ic aromatic h:idrocarbon isomer 9rou~s -- continue,j ~ "'D ::T '< T/K !II 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 ::r CD 1. tribenzo(e,hi,qr)anthanthrene .0016 .0017 .0232 .0535 .0736 .0759 .0725 .0694 . c'-=~? 3 2. tribenzo(b,hl,qr)anthanthrene .0090 .0091 .0170 .0169 .0125 .00B2 .0063 .0054 .O2,·!9 J:J 3. dibenzo(a,j)coronene .0023 .0023 .0042 .004~ .0031 .0020 .0016 .0014 . 0(', ~::

~ 4. dibenzo(a,g)coronene .0045 .0046 .0085 .0085 .0063 .0041 .0032 .0027 .OO2.!

C 5. dlbenzo(a,d)coronene .9571 .9563 .7934 .547E .3046 .1553 .1043 .OBOB .0677 Q) 6. naphtho(1,2-a)coronene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .04'32 ~ 7. naphtho(S,1,2-abc)peropyrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .04'32 < B. tribenzo(b,fg,qr)anthanthrene .0090 .0091 .0170 .0169 .0125 .0082 .0063 .0054 .0049

~ 9. tribenzo(a,cd,fg)anthanthrene .0090 .0091 .0170 .0169 .0125 .00S2 .0063 .0054 .0049 ..... 10. tribenzo(a,cd,hi)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .003!: .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 !» 11. benzo(a)naphtho(S,1,2-efg)anthanthrene .0002 .00()2 .0019 .003!: .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 Z 12. benzo(ghi)terrylene .0002 .0002 .0019 .003!: .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 P 13. benzo(qr)naphtho(3,2,'-hi)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .003!:: .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 ~ ..... 14. dibenzo(bc,mn)peropyrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023

cD 16. dinaphtho( 1, 8-ab: 8',1',2',3 '-fghl )peryl ene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 00 17. naphtho(1,2,3,4-ijk)peropyrene .0001 .0001 .0009 .0017 .0021 .0020 .001S .0017 .0017 <0 1S. dibenzo(ghi,lm)naphtho(1,S-ab)perylene .0000 .0000 .0025 .011e .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463

19. naphtho(2,1,8-bcd)peropyrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 20. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1,S-cde)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .0035 .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 21. dibenzo(bc,qr)peropyrene .0000 .0000 .0001 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0010 .0011 .0012 ::> 22. tribenzo(e,hi,op)anthanthrene .0016 .0017 .0232 .0535 .0736 .0759 .0725 .0694 .0669 r 23. tribenzo(b,fg,op)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .0035 .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 OJ

m 24. benzo(fg)naphtho(1,8-ab)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .0035 .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 ::0 26. tribenzo(b,hl,op)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .0035 .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 -1 27. benzo(b)naphtho(S,1,2-nop)anthanthrene .0002 .0002 .0019 .0035 .0041 .0039 .0036 .0035 .0034 -< 2B. benzo(hl)naphtho(1,2,3-qr)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .011e .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 29. naphtho(2,3-a)coronene .0000 .0000 .0001 .0004 .0007 .0009 .0010 .0011 .0012 ("')

30. benzo(cd)naphtho(1,2,3-hi)anthanthrene .0000 .OO()O .0003 .0023 .OOSO .0173 .0240 .02S6 .0320 ::I: 31. benzo(cd)naphtho(3,2,<-hi)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 c: 32. benzo(cd)naphtho(3,2,'-fg)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 Z

33. tribenzo(a,hl,op)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 ~G) 34. tribenzo(cd,fg,k)anthanthrene .0016 .0017 .0232 .0535 .0736 .0759 .0725 .0694 .0669 » 35. tribenzo(cd,hi,k)anthanthrene .0016 .0017 .0232 .0535 .0736 .0759 .0725 .0694 .0669 Z 36. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1,S-lmn)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 0 37. tribenzo(cd,~g.j)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 :0 38. benzo(a)naphtho(S,1,2-nop)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 m 39. benzo(e)naphtho(2,1.8-hlj)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 :;; 40. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1.S-hlj)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 42. benzo(b)naphtho(2.1,S-lmn)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 43. benzo(lm)naphtho(1,8-ab)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 47. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1,2-klm)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 .0005 .0009 .0012 .0014 .0016 49. tribenzo(a,fg,op)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 ;0417 .0446 .0463 50. benzo(n)naphtho(8,1.2-bcd)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 51. benzo(b)naphtho(2.1,8-hij)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0002 .0007 .0014 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0023 52. benzo(b)naphtho(8,1,2-efg)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0025 .0110 .0243 .0363 .0417 .0446 .0463 55. benzo(b)naphtho(a,1,2-klm)anthanthrene .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 .0005 .0009 .0012 .0014 .0016


the difference is nearly independent of the relative values of the two parameters, but the absolute uncertainty does in­crease with temperature.

The substances in the tables are named according to Dias,6 who follows the IUPAC Revised and Collected Rec­ommendations for the N omenc1ature of Organic Chemistry, 1978.31

Table 9 shows that there are significant changes in the distribution of isomers within an isomer group when the temperature is changed from 298 K to 3000 K. At higher temperatures, the relative stabilities are determined primar­ily by the entropy. The distribution becomes more uniform as the temperature is raised.

6. Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons The values of C;, So, AfHo, and AfG o calculated using

the Benson method for the polycyclic aromatic hydrocar­bons are given in Tables 10 to 13 in joules for a standard state pressure of 1 bar.

7. Discussion

The increments in the standard Gibbs energy of forma­tion for the pyrene isomer groups per C4H 2 are very close to those for the benzene series. 1 The increments for the naph­thopyrene series are a little smaller, and those for the coron-

ene series are still smaller. However, Fig. 2 of the preceding article 1 provides a useful guide to the partial pressures of acetylene and hydrogen that will cause higher isomer groups to predominate at a given temperature.

It is interesting to observe that the zethrenes (number 6 ofC24H 14, numbers 20 and 26 ofC2SH 16 ) do not contribute significantly to the isomer group thermodynamic properties. These molecules are remarkable because two double bonds in the center of the molecules are fixed. For this reason we were not sure that they should be included in the current calculations. However, this bond fixation appears to have no influence on the aromatic character of the absorption spec­tra and the reactivity.32

In making equilibrium calculations on polycyclic aro­matic hydrocarbons in flames it is convenient to use isomer groups because of the geometric increase in the number of isomers with carbon numbers. It is also convenient to deal with series, such as the three described here, because the standard thermodynamic properties are very nearly a linear function of the number of C4H 2 increments added to the leading member of the series. When one or more reactants are available to a system at a constant chemical potential, their terms can be removed from the fundamental equation of thermodynamics by use of a Legendre transform to obtain a new thermodynamic potential that is a minimum at equi­librium.33 Thus a new thermodynamic potential for isomer groups of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can be defined at specified chemical potentials of acetylene and hydrogen. This makes it possible to treat a series as a single species in an equilibrium calculation.

J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data, Vol. 18, No.1, 1989

~ Table 10. Standard heat capacity at constant pressure for pOlycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons In J/K mol <D "tI I\)

:::T '< !II T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

- --------- - -----------

0 :::T Pyrene series CD

? C16H10 ::D

~ pyrene 204.8 206.0 333.5 418.5 491.6 551.7 581.6 598.8 609.7

C C20H12 III ... 1. perylene 257.7 259.0 414.8 519.3 609.4 683.4 720.1 741.2 754.6 J» 2. benzo(e)pyrene 257.7 259.0 414.8 519.3 609.4 683.4 720.1 741. 2 754.6 < 3. benzo(a)pyrene 257.7 259.0 414.8 519.3 609.4 683.4 720.1 741.2 754.6 ~ ..... C24H14 0) ~ 1. dibenzo(fg,op)raphthacene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 ::]27.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 Z 0 2. naphtho(8,I,2-ghi)chrysene 306.1 307.8 494.8 619.1 725.9 813.2 856.3 881.0 896.6

~ ..... 3. benzo(pqr)picere 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4

..... 4. dlbenzo(a,e)pyrene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 <0 5. benzo(b)perylere 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 0) 6. zethrene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 <0

7. benzo(a)perylere 306.1 307.8 494.8 619.1 725.9 813.2 856.3 881.0 896.6 8. dibenzo(b,def)chrysene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 9. dibenzo(def,p)chrysene 306.1 307.8 494.8 619.1 725.9 813.2 856.3 881.0 896.6 l> 10. dibenzo(de,qr)naphthacene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 11. dibenzo(c,mno)chrysene 306.1 307.8 494.8 619.,1 725.9 813.2 856.3 881.0 896.6 r-

aJ 12. benzo(rst)pentaphene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 127.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 m 14. naphtho(2,1,8-qra)naphthacene 310.5 312.1 496.0 620.2 727.2 815.1 858.6 883.6 899.4 ::D

-f C28H16 ~-< 1. tribenzo(f,ij,ro)tetraphene 354.5 356.5 574.8 718.9 842.3 943.0 992.5 1020.9 1038.7 (') 2. tribenzo(a,fg,op)tetracene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 ::I: 4. naphtho(2,1,8-def)picene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 c: 5. dibenzo(a,pqr)picene 358.9 360.8 576.1 120.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 Z 6. benzo(a)naphtho(8,1,2-fgh)tetracene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 C> 7. naphtho(1,2,3,4-bqr)picene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 ~

8. naphtho(1,2-b)perylene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 l> 9. naphtho(2,1-a)perylene 358.9 360.8 576.1 ·120.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 Z 10. dibenzo(j,pqr)picene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 C 11. benzo(fg)naphtho(3,2,1-~p)tetracene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 ::D 12. tribenzo(f,m,pqr)tetraphene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 r!! 13. dibenzo(f,pqr)picene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843."1 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041. 5 ." 14. tribenzo(a,hi,mn)tetracene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 121.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 15. naphtho(1,2-e)perylene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 16. dibenzo(a,e)perylene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 17. dibenzo(fg,qr)pentacene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 18. naphtho(8,1,2-cde)picene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 19. benzo(c)naphtho(B,1,2-gni)tetraphene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041. 5 20. benzo(a)zethrene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 21. dibenzo(de,kl)pentaphene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 23. dibenzo(a,n)perylene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 25. dibenzo(de,ij)pentaphene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 26. benzo(f)zethrene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 27. dibenzo(a,j)perylene 354.5 356.5 574.8 718.9 842.3 943.0 992.5 1020.9 1038.7 28. dibenzo(h,rst)pentaphene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 29. dibenzo(b,tuv)picene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2

Table 10. Standard heat capacity at constant pressure for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in J/K mol _. continued

T/K 29B 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

30. dibenzo(b.j)perylene 35B.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 9~4.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 31. dibenzo(fg.ij)pentaphene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 32. phrenthro(l.2.3.4-pqr)tetracene 354.5 356.5 574.B 718.9 842.3 91J3.0 992.5 1020.9 103B.7 33. benzo(c)naphtho( 35B.9 360.B 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4 _ 9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 34. dibenzo(b.c)perylene 35B.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 37. na~htho(2.1.8-fgh)pentac~ne 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 3B. dibenzo(fg.st)pentaphene 363.3 .365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 39. benzo(de)naphtho(1,2.3-q~)tetracene 35B.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 40. dibenzo(de.uv)pentaphene 35B.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 43. benzo(c)naphthol(8,1,2-m,o)tetraphene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4.9 994.8 ·'023.4 1041.5 ."

44. naphtho(8.1,2-cde)pentap,ene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 :c 45. tribenzo(c,m,pqr)tetraphene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 0 46. naphtho(8,1,2-opq)pentacene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 ." m 47. dibenzo(o.rst)pentaphene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 :c 49. naphtho( 354.5 356.5 574.8 718.9 842.3 91J3.0 992.5 1020.9 1038.7 -t 50. dibenzo(c.rst)pentaphene 363.3 365.1 571.3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 iii 52. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1,8-hij)tetracene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 (f)

53. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1.2-cde)tetracene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 0 54. dibenzo(de.st)pentacene 363.3 365.1 577 .3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 55. dibenzo(de.qr)pentacene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 "T'I

56. heptazethrene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 ."

59. naphtho(2.3-a)perylene 358.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 91J4.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 0 60. dibenzo(a,f)perylene 354.5 356.5 574.8 118.9 842.3 91J3.0 992.5 1020.9 1038.7 r-

-< 61. benzo(vwx)hexaphene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044 .. 2 0 62. anthra 2.1,9-qra)tetracene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 91J6.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 -< 63. phenanthro(9,10,1-hif)tetracene :;158.9 360.8 576.1 720.0 843.7 944.9 994.8 1023.4 1041.5 0 64. dibenzo(de,uv)pentacene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 r-65. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1.2-1mn)tetracene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 0 68. naphtho(2.1,8-jkl)pentacene 363.3 365.1 577.3 721.0 845.0 946.8 997.1 1026.0 1044.2 ):at

:c 0

Naphthopyrene series 3: ):at

C22H12 1. benzo(ghi)perylene 274.11 275.70 447.41 559.07 E54.0S 731.08 768.73 790.14 803.52


3. dibenzo(def,mno)chrysene 274.11 275.70 447.41 559.07 E54.05 731.08 768.73 790.14 803.52 0 :I:

C26H14 -< 1. dibenzo(e.ghi)perylene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 111.8 852.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 C

~ 2. naphtho(1.2,3.4-ghi)perylene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 171.8 862.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 :c "U 3. dibenzo(cd,lm)perylene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 771.8 862.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 0 :T 4. d1benzo(b.ghi)perylene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 771.8 862.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 0 '< 5. naphtho(8.1,2-bcd)per ylene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 771.8 862.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 ):at

!II :c (') 6. benzo(e)anthanthrene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 771.8 862.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 m :T 1. dibenzo(a,ghi)perylene 322.5 324.4 527.4 658.9 770.5 860.9 905.0 930.0 945.6 (II 8. benzo(a)anthanthrene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 771.8 862.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 0 ~ 10. benzo(b)anthanthrene 326.9 328.8 528.7 659.9 771.8 852.8 907.2 932.5 948.3 Z

(f) lJ

~ C30H16 C 1- benzo(e)naphtho( 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 ge2.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4

2l 2. tetrabenzo(de,hi.mn,qr)tetracene 371.0 373.2 607.4 758.7 886.9 geO.7 1041.2 1069.8 1087.7 ~Q) 3. benzo(gh1)naphtho(1,2-e)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 ge2.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4

< 4. benzo(lm)naphtho(1.8-ab)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 ge2.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4

~ 5. terrylene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 ge4.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2

.... 6. tribenzo(fg,ij,rst)pentaphene 379.B 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 ge4.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2

!D 7. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2,1-e)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 9~2.6 1043,.5 1072.4 1090.4

Z 8. phenanthro(1.2.3,4-gh1)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 9~2.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4

~ ~ .... cD CD co W '?

~ Table 10. Standard heat capacity at constant pressure for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ir J/K mol -- continued "D


::T '< T/K !II :198 30) 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

0 ::T (I)

9. benzola)peropyrene 3 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4

:n 10. benzo(ghi)naphtho(1,2-b)perylene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2

(I) 11. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2,1-a)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 ;-to 12. tribenzo(a,e,ghi)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 0 13. dibenzo(e,h)anthanthrene 373 .. 8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 a 14. tribenzo(b,e,ghi)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 I» ~ 15. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2.1-b)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 < 16. benzo(pqr)naphtho(2,1,8-def)picene 375.4 377 .5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 0 :- 17. benzo(rst)naprtho(2,1,8-fgh)pentaphene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 .... 18 . tribenzo(de,ij,rst)pentaphene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 50 19. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1,8-cde)peryle,e 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 Z 20. benzo(qr)naph1ho(2.1,8,7-fghf)pentacene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 ? 21. benzo(pq)naph1ho(8,1.2-cde)pfcene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 ~ .... 22. benzo(qr)naph1ho(2,1,8.7-defg)pentacene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 .... 23. naphtho(8,1,2-fgh)zethrene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 to Oi) 24. dibenzo(a,e)arthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 to 25. benzo(ij)naph1ho(2.1,8.7-defg)pentaphene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2

26. benzo(de)naph1ho(2,1.8.7-ijkl)pentaphene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 28. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1.8-1mn)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 29. naphtho(2.1-e)anthanthrene 375.4 377 .5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 > 30. benzo(a)naphtro(8,1,2-klm)perylene 375.4 377 .5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 to 31. naph1ho(1,2-e)anthanthrene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 m 32. anthra(9,1,2-tcd)perylene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 ::0 33. benzo(g.hi)naphtho(8,1.2-cde)picene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 -I 34. phenanthro(3.4,5.6-fghij)pentaphene 379.8 381.B 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 -<


35. tribenzo(a.ghi.k)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 36. benzo(a)naphtho(1,2,3,4-ghi)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4


37. tribenzo(a,ghi,k)perylene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 :t

38. naphlho(2,3-e)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 BB9.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 c: Z

39. benzo(st)naphiho(2,1,B,7-defg)pentacene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 BB9.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 P 40. anthra(1,2.3,~-ghi)perylene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 43. naphtho(1.2-a)anthanthrene 375.4 377 .5 608.7 759.7 BBB.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 l> 44. dibenzo(a,n)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 Z 45. naphlho(2,1-a)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 0 46. pyranthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.B 8B9.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 :::c 48. naphtho(1.2-b)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.B 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 m 49. dibenzo(b,r)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 :;; 50. benzo(uv)naph1ho(2,1,8,7-defg)pentacene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 B89.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 51. benzo(de)naph1ho(2,1.8,7-qrst)pentacene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 52. benzo(de)naph1ho(2,1,8,7-opqr)pentacene 379.8 38'1.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 57. dibenzo(a,k)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.B 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 58. dibenzo(b,k)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.B 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2 59. dibenzo(b,e)anthanthrene 375.4 377 .5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 60. naphtho(2,3-a)anthanthrene 375.4 377.5 60B.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 61. benzo(uv)naph1ho(2.1.8-defg)pentaphene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 B88.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 62. naphlho(2.1-b)anthanthrene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 63. dinaphtho(8.1,2-cde:2'.1~.B/-hij)naphthacene 375.4 377.5 608.7 759.7 888.3 992.6 1043.5 1072.4 1090.4 67. naphtho(2,3-b)anthanthrene 379.8 381.8 609.9 760.8 889.6 994.4 1045.7 1074.9 1093.2

Coronene series

C24H12 1. coronene 290.55 292.36 480.03 598.81 698.69 778.76 817.38 839.09 852.47


Table 10. Standard heat capacity at ccnstant pressure for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in J/K mol -- continued

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 '500 2000 2500 3000

1. dibenzo(hi,qr)anthanthrere 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 981.5 997.3 2. benzo(a)coronene 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 981.5 997.3 3. phenanthro(1,10,9,8-opqra)perylene 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 981.5 997.3 4. naphtho(8,I,2-efg)anthanthrene 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 981.5 997.3 5. dibenzo(cd,hi)anthanthrere 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 981.5 997.3 6. dibenzo(cd,fg)anthanthrene 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 981.5 997.3 7. naphtho(2,1,S-hij)anthanthrene 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 S16.5 910.4 955.9 9S1.5 997.3 9. dibenzo(cd,lm)anthanthrene 343.4 345.4 561.3 699.6 816.5 910.4 955.9 9S1.5 997.3

C32H16 " 1. tribenzo(e,hl,qr)anthanthrene 391.8 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4 ::XJ 2. tribenzo(b,hi,qr)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 0 3. dibenzo(a,j)corcnene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 " 4. dibenzo(a,g)corcnene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 m

::XJ 5. dibenzo(a,d)coronene 391.8 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 -f 6. napht ho ( 1 , 2 - a) cc,ronene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 m 7. naphtho(S,1,2-abc)peropyrene 391.8 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 en S. tribenzo(b,fg,qr)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1

0 9. tribenzo(a,cd,fg)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 10. tribenzo(a,cd,hl)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 "TI

11. benzo(a)naphthc(8,1.2-efg)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 " 12. benzo(ghi)terrylene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 0 13. benzo(qr)naphtho(3,2.1-hi)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 r-

-< 14. dibenzo(bc,mn)peropyrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 0 16. dlnaphtho(1,S-ab:S',1'.2'.3/-fghi)perylene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4. -< 17. naphtho(1,2,3,4-ijk)peropyrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 0 1S. dibenzo(ghi.lm)naphtho(1,S-ab)perylene 391.8 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 r-19. naphtho(2,1,S-bcd)peropyrene 396.2 3Q8.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 0 20. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1,B-cde)anthanthrene 396 .. 2 398.5 642.5 BOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 l> 21. dibenzo(bc,qr)peropyrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 ::XJ 22. trlbenzo(e,hl,op)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 0 23. tribenzo(b,fg,op)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1C42.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 s: 24. benzo(fg)naphtho(I,B-ab)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1C42.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1

26. tribenzo(b,hi,op)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1C42.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 l> -f

27. benzo(b)naphtho(8,1.2-nop)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1C42.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 0 2S. benzo(hl)naphtho(1,2,3-qr)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1C40.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 29. naphtho(2,3-a)coronene 396.2 398.5 642.5 BOO.5 934.3 1C42.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 ::r: 30. benzo(cd)naphtho(1,2,3-hl)anthanthrene 391.8 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 -< 31. benzo(cd)naphtho(3,2,1-hi)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 C

Co. 32. benzo(cd)naphtho(3,2,1-fg)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1C40.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4 ::XJ

." 33. tribenzo(a,hi,op)anthanthrene 391.8 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 0 :T 34. tribenzo(cd,fg,k)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4 0 '< l> !II 35. tribenzo(cd,hi,k)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4

0 36. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1,8-1mn)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 ::XJ m

:T 37. trlbenzo(cd,fg,j)anthanthrene 391.B 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4 0 It) 3S. benzo(a)naphtho(B,1.2-nop)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4 ? Z

39. benzo(e)naphtho(2,1,S-hlj)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4 en :::0 40. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1.8-hij)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 It) :-to 42. benzo(b)naphtho(2.1.S-1mn)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1

C 43. benzo(lm)naphtho(1.8-ab)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 II) 47. benzo(a)naphtho(B.1.2-klm)anthanthrene 396.2 398.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 ,p; 49. tribenzo(a,fg,op)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121. 3 1139.4

< 50. benzo(n)naphtho(S.1.2-bcd)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1

l=!- SI. benzo(b)naphtho(2.1,8-hij)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 SOO.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 .... 52. benzo(b)naphtho(S.I.2-efg)anthanthrene 391.S 394.1 641.3 799.4 932.9 1040.2 1092.1 1121.3 1139.4 SD 55. benzo(b)naphtho(S,I,2-klm)anthanthrene 396.2 39S.5 642.5 800.5 934.3 1042.1 1094.4 1123.9 1142.1 Z !:>

y ....

cD CD CD CD en

~ Table 11. Standard entropy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in·J/K mol "tI ::r '< TIK !" 298 300 5<)0 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 (') ::r Pyrene series CD

~ C16H10 ::II pyrene 402.2 403.5 539.6 666.4 829.3 1041. 6 1204.9 1336.7 lJ'!".c

~ C C20H12 II) 1. perylene 456.8 458.4 628.3 785.9 987.9 1251.0 1453.1 1616.3 1752. -~ 2. benzo(e)pyrere 462.5 464.1 634.1 791.7 993.7 1256.7 1458.9 1622.0 175B < 3. benzo(a)pyrere 468.3 469.9 639.9 797.4 999.4 1262.5 1464.7 1627.8 176<1. ~ .... C24H14 ~ 1. dibenzo(fg.o~)naphthacene 5 11. 4 513.3 717.1 905.4 1146.5 1460.3 1701.4 1895.9 2058.:' Z 2. naphtho(8.1.2-ghi)chrysene 551.4 553.3 755.9 943.8 1184.5 1497.7 1738.1 1932.1 2094.2 0

3. benzo(pqr)plcene 522.9 524.8 728.6 916.9 1158.0 1471.8 1712.9 1907.4 2070.0 ~ .... 4. dibenzo(a.e)pyrene 522.9 524.8 728.6 916.9 1158.0 1471.8 1712.9 1907.4 2070.0 <0 5. benzo(b)perylene 522.9 524.8 728.6 916.9 1158.0 1471.8 1712.9 1907.4 2070.0 0) 6. zethrene 517.1 519.1 722.8 911.1 1152.2 1466.1 1707.1 1901.7 2064.2 CD 7. benzo(a)perylene 551.4 553.3 755.9 943.8 1184.5 1497.7 1738.1 1932.1 2094.2

8. dibenzo(b.def)chrysene 517.1 519.1 722.8 911.1 1152.2 1466.1 1707.1 1901.7 2064.2 9. dlbenzo(def.~)chrysene 551.4 553.3 755.9 943.8 1184.5 1497.7 1738.1 1932.1 2094.2 10. dibenzo(de.or)naphthacene 517.1 519.1 722.8 911.1 1152.2 1466.1 1707.1 1901.7 2064.2 ::> 11. dibenzo(c.mro)chrysene 551.4 553.3 755.9 943.8- 1184.5 1497.7 1738.1 1932.1 2094.2 ; 12. benzo(rst)pentaphene 517.1 519.1 722.8 911.1 1152.2 1466.1 1707.1 1901.7 2064.2 14. naphtho(2.1.8-qra)naphthacene 522.9 524.8 728.6 916.9 1158.0 1471.8 1712.9 1907.4 2070.0 Jj

-; C28H16 :< 1. tribenzo(f,lj.no)tetraphene 628.7 630.9 866.1 1084.4 1363.8 1727.1 2005.9 2230.6 2418.5

(") 2. tribenzo(a.fg.op)tetracene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 ..... 4. naphtho(2.1.8-def)picene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 c::: 5. dibenzo(a.pqr)picene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 Z 6. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1.2-fgh)tetracene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 ." 7. naphtho( 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2 '87.0 2375.8 8. naphtho(I.2-t)perylene 577 .5 579.B 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2187.0 2375.8 > 9. naphtho(2.1-a)perylene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 Z 10. dlbenzo(j.pcr)plcene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707,0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 0 11. benzo(fg)naphtho(3.2.1-op)tetracene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211 .7 2400.0 :c 12. tribenzo(f.n.pqr)tetraphene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 m 13. dibenzo(f.pcr)picene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 ;; 14. tribenzo(a.~i.mn)tetracene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2'87.0 2375.8 15. naphtho(1.2-e)perylene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 16. dibenzo(a.e)perylene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 17. dlbenzo(fg.cr)pentacene 571.7 574.0 811.6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2'81.3 2370.1 18. naphtho(8.1.2-cde)picene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2~87.0 2375.8 19. benzo(c)napttho(8.1.2-ghi)tetraphene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 20. benzo(a)zettrene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 21. dlbenzo(de.~l)pentaphene 571.7 574.0 811.6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2181. 3 2370.1 23. dlbenzo(a.n)perylene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 25. dlbenzo(de.lj)pentaphene 577 .5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2'87.0 2375.8 26. benzo(f)zet~rene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2'87.0 2375.8 27. dlbenzo(a.j)perylene 628.7 630.9 866.1 1084.4 1363.8 1727.1 2005.9 2230.6 2418.5 28. dibenzo(h.rst)pentaphene 571.7 574.0 811.6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2'81.3 2370.1 29. dlbenzo(b.tuv)picene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2 '87.0 2375.8

1able 11. Standard entropy for polycycl ic aromatic hydrocarbons in J/K mol cant i rued

11K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

30. dibenzo(b.j)perylene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1107.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 31. dibenzo(fg. ij)pentaphene 571.7 574.0 811. 6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2181.3 2370.1

32. phrenthro(I,2.3,4-pqr)tetracene 634.5 636.7 871. 9 1090.1 1369.5 1"32.8 2011.6 2236.4 2424.2 33. benzo(c)naphtho(I.2.3.4-pqr)tetracene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1'07.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0

34. dibenzo(b,c)perylene 600.2 602.5 838.8 1057.5 1337.3 1701.2 1980.6 2206.0 2394.3 37. naphtho(2.1.8-fgh)pentacene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961. 2 2187.0 2375.8 38. dibenzo(f9.st)pentaphene 571.7 574.0 811. 6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2181.3 2370.1 39. benzo(de,naphtho(I,2,3-qr)tetracene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 17 07.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 40. dlbenzo(de.uv)pentaphene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343. i 1'07.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 43. ben zo(c)naphthol(8,1.2-mno)tetraphene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 "'t:J 44. naphtho(8,I,2-cde)pentaphene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961. 2 2187.0 2375.8 :D 45. tribenzo(c,m.pqr)tetraphene 606.0 608.2 844,6 1063.2 1343.1 1'07.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 0 46. naphtho(8.1.2-opq)pentacene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 "'t:J

47. dibenzo(o.rst)pentaphene 606.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1"07.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 m 49. naphtho(I,2,3.4-rst)pentaphene 628. 7 630.9 866.1 1084.4 1363.8 1727.1 2005.9 2230.6 2418.5 :0

50. dibenzo(c,rst)pentaphene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681. 2 1961.2 2187.0 2375.8 ::! 52. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1,8-hlj)tetracene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961. 2 2187.0 2375.8 m 53. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1.2-cde)tetracene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961. 2 2187.0 2375.8 en 54. dlbenzo(de,st)pentacene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681. 2 1961.2 2187.0 2375.8 0 55. dlbenzo(de,qr)pentacene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681. 2 1961. 2 2187.0 2375.8 "T1

56. heptazethrene 571. 7 574.0 811.6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2181.3 2370.1 "'t:J

59. naphtho(2,3-a)perylene 60E.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211.7 2400.0 0 60. dibenzo(a,f)perylene 62E.7 630.9 866.1 1084.4 1363.8 1727.1 2005.9 2230.6 2418.5 .-61. benzo(vwx)hexaphene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681. 2 1961.2 2187.0 2375.8 -< 62. anthra 2.1.9-qra)tetracene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961.2 2187.0 2375.8

(') -<

63. phenanthro(9.1D.l-hif)tetracene 60E.0 608.2 844.6 1063.2 1343.1 1707.0 1986.4 2211. 7 2400.0 (') 64. dibenzo(de.uv)pentacene 571. 7 574.0 811. 6 1030.6 1310.8 1675.4 1955.4 2181.3 2370.1 r-65. benzo(a)naphtho(8,I,2-1mn)tetracene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681.2 1961. 2 2181.0 2375.8 (5 68. naphtho(2,I,8-jkl)pentacene 577.5 579.8 817.3 1036.3 1316.6 1681. 2 1961. 2 2187.0 2375.8 »


Naphthopyrene series 0 s::

C22H12 » 1. benzo(ghi)perylene 477 .75 479.45 662.23 832.05 1049.18 1331.04 1547.07 1721.11 1866.44 -f

3. dibenzo(def,mno)chrysene 477.75 479.45 662.23 832.05 1049.18 1331.04 1547.07 1721.11 1866.44 (5 :J:

C26H14 -< 1. dibenzo(e,ghl)perylene 538.1 540.1 756.7 957.3 1213.5 1546.1 1801.1 2006.5 2178.0 C

~ .<. naphtho(I,2,3,4-ghl)perylene 532.3 534.4 751.0 951.5 1207.8 1540.4 1795.3 2000.7 2172.2 lJ

"'0 3. dlbenzo(cd,lm)perylene 526.6 528.6 745.2 945.7 1202.0 1534.6 1789.6 1995.0 2166.5 0

::r 4. dibenzo(b,ghi)perylene 538.1 540.1 756.7 957.3 1213.5 1546.1 1801.1 2006.5 2178.0 (')

'< 5. naphtho(8, l,2-b~d)perylene 538.1 540.1 756.7 957.3 1213.5 1546.1 1801.1 2006.5 2178.0 » til

(") 6 . benzo(e)anthant,rene 538. 1 540.1 756.7 957.3 1213.5 1546.1 1801.1 2006.5 2178.0 :D

::r 7. dibenzo(a,ghi)p~rylene 566.6 568.6 784.0 984.2 1240.0 1572.0 1826.3 2031. 2 2202.2 m CD E. benzo(a)anthant,rene 538.1 540.1 756.7 957.3 1213.5 1546.1 1801.1 2006.5 2178.0 0 ? 10. benzo(b)anthanthrene 538.1 540.1 756.7 957.3 1213.5 1546.1 1801.1 2006.5 2178.0 Z

en :1J

~ C30H16

0 1. benzo(e)naphtho(I.2,3,4-ghi)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

III 2. tetrabenzo(de.hi,mn,qr)tetracene 638.2 640.5 888.5 1119.0 1413.5 1795.6 2088.3 2324.0 2520.7

~ 3. benzo(ghf)napht,o(1,2-e)perylene 621. 2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1181.3 2074.6 2310. B 2508.0

< 4. benzo(lm)naphthD(I,8-ab)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

~ 5. terrylene 581.2 583.5 834.0 1065.2 1360.6 1744.0 2037.8 2274.6 2472.3

... E. trlbenzo(fg, jj,~st)pentaphene 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.1 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1

~C» 7 . benzo(ghf)naphtho(2,1-e)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

Z E. phenanthro(I.2,3.4-ghl)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.1 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

? ~ ... <0 CD C» <0 '"

~ Table 11. Standard entropy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons In J/K mol .- continued CD (X)

." :r '< T/K !II 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 25CO 3000

(') :r CD 9. benzo(a)peropyrene 621.2 ~

623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1n1.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 10. benzo(ghi)naphtho(1.2-b)perylene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

::D 11. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2.1-a)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1n1.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

~ 12. tribenzo(a.e.ghl)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 17B1. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

C 13. dibenzo(e.h)anthanthrene 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.7 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1 I» 14. tribenzo(b.e.ghl)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6. 1398.6 17B 1. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 ~ 15. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2.1-b)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 17B 1. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

< 16. benzo(pqr)naphtho(2.1.8-def)p1cene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 17B 1. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

~ 17. benzo(rst)naphtho(2.1.8-fgh)pentaphene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 .. 18. tribenzo(de.ij.rst)pentaphene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 ~ 19. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1,8-cde)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1?B1.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 Z 20. benzo(qr)naphtho(2,1,8.7-fghi)pentacene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 0 2f. benzo(pq)naphtho(8.1.2-cde)picene 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.7 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1 ~ 22. benzo(qr)naphtho(2,1,8,7-defg)pentacene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

cD 23. naphtho(8.1,2-fgh)zethrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 l?Bl.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 (II) 24. dibenzo(a.e)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 CD 25. benzo(ij)naphtho(2.1.8,7-defg)pentaphene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

26. benzo(de)naphtho( 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

28. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1.8-1mn)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

29. naphtho(2,1-e)anthanthrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 l> 30. benzo(a)naphtho[8,1.2-klm)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 r-3f. naphtho(1.2-e)anthanthrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 to

m 32. anthra(9.1.2-bcd)perylene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 J:J 33. benzo(g.hi)naphtho(8.1.2-cde)picene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 -4 34. phenanthro( 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.7 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1 -< 35. tribenzo(a.ghi,k)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0


36. benzo(a)naphtho[ 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 0

37. tribenzo(a.ghi.k)perylene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 :::r: 38. naphtho(2.3-e)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 c: 39. benzo(st)naphtho(2,1,8.7-defg)pentacene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 Z

40. anthra(1.2,3,4-ghi)perylene 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.7 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1 P 43. naphtho(1.2-a)anthanthrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0 l> 44. dibenzo(a.n)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 Z 45. naphtho(2.1-a)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 C 46. pyranthrene 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.7 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1 J:J 48. naphtho(I.2-b)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 m 49. dibenzo(b,r)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8 :;; 50. benzo(uv)naphtho( 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

5f. benzo(de)naphtho( 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

52. benzo(de)naphtho( 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

57. dibenzo(a.k)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

58. dibenzo(b.k)anthanthrene 586.9 589.3 839.7 1071.0 1366.3 1749.7 2043.6 2280.3 2478.1

59. dibenzo(b.e)anthanthrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

60. naphtho(2.3-a)anthanthrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781. 3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

6f. benzo(uv)naphtho(2.1,8-defg)pentaphene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

62. naphtho(2,I-b)anthanthrene 621.2 623.5 872.7 1103.6 1398.6 1781.3 2074.6 2310.8 2508.0

63. dfnaphtho(8.1,2'cde:2'.1',8'-hij)naphthacene 615.4 617.8 867.0 1097.9 1392.8 1775.5 2068.8 2305.0 2502.3

67. naphtho(2,3-b)anthanthrene 592.7 595.1 845.5 1076.7 1372.1 1755.5 2049.3 2286.1 2483.8

Coronene series

C24H12 1. coronene 487.18 488.99 684.61 866.68 1098.93 1399.57 1629.48 1814.42 1968.67


Table 11. Standard entropy for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons In J/K mol . - cont i ,ued

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

1. dibenzo(hl,qr)anthanthrene 547.5 549.7 779.1 991.9 1263.3 '614.7 1883.5 2099.8 2280.2 2. benzo(a)coronene 547.5 549.7 779.1 991.9 1263.3 "614.7 1883.5 2099.8 2280.2 3. phenanthro(1,10.9,8-opqra)perylene 541.8 543.9 773.3 986.1 1257.5 '608.9 1877.7 2094.0 2274.5 4. naphtho(8.1,2-efg)anthanthrene 553.3 555.4 784.£ 997.7 1269.0 "620.4 1889.3 2105.6 2286.0 5. dibenzo(cd.hi)anthanthrene 553.3 555.4 784.2 997.7 1269.0 '620.4 1889.3 2105.6 2286.0

6. dibenzo(cd,fg)anthanthrene 547.5 549.7 779.1 991.9 1263.3 j614.7 1883.5 2099.8 2280.2 7. naphtho(2.1,8-hij)anthanthrene 547.5 549.7 779.1 991.9 1263.3 1614.7 1883.5 2099.8 2280.2 9. dibenzo(cd.lm)anthanthrene 547.5 549.7 779.1 991.9 1263.3 1614.7 1883.5 2099.8 2280.2

C32H16 ""D

I. tribenzo(e,hi,qr)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.£ 1144.0 1454.1 '855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 ::D 2. tribenzo(b,hi,qr)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.€ 1117.1 1427.6 '829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 0 3. dibenzo(a.j)coronene 596.4 598.8 862.1 1105.6 1416.1 1818.3 2126.0 2373.7 2580.3 ""D

4. dibenzo(a,g)coronene 602.1 604.6 867.£ 1111.3 1421.8 1824.0 2131.8 2379.4 2586.1 rn :::D

5. dibenzo(a,d)coronene 630.6 633.1 895.1 1138.2 1448.3 1849.8 2157.0 2404.1 2610.3 -I 6. naphtho(I.2-a)coronene 636.4 638.8 900.£ 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 iii 7. naphtho(8.1,2-abc)peropyrene 636.4 638.8 900.£ 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 8. tribenzo(b,fg.qr)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.€ 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8


9. tribenzo(a,cd.=g)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873. E 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 0 10. trlbenzo(a,cd,hl)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873. E 1117 .1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591. 8 ."

II. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1.2-efg)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.E 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 ""D

12. benzo(ghi)terrylene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117 .1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 0 13. benzo(qr)naphtho(3.2.1-hi)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.€ 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 r-

-< 14. dibenzo(bc,mn'peropyrene 607.9 610.4 873.E 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 0 16. dinaphtho(I.8-ab:8~,I~,2',3;-fghi)perylene 636.4 638.8 900.£ 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 -< 17. naphtho(I,2,3,4-ijk)peropyrene 602.1 604.6 867.£ 1111. 3 1421.8 1824.0 2131.8 2379.4 2586.1 0 18. dibenzo(ghi,lm)naphtho(I,8-ab)perylene 636.4 638.8 900.2 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 r-19. naphtho(2,I,8-bcd)peropyrene 607.9 610.4 873.E 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 (; 20. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1 ,8-cde)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 » 21. dibenzo(bc,qr'peropyrene 602.1 604.6 867.2 1111.3 1421.8 1824.0 2131.8 2379.4 2586.1 :::D 22. tribenzo(e,hi,op)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.£ 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 0 23. tribenzo(b,fg,op)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 3: 24. benzo(fg)naphtho(I,8-ab)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8

26. trlbenzo(b,hl,op)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 » -I

27. benzo(b)naphtho(8,1.2-nop)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 (; 28. benzo(hl)naphtho(I,2,3-qr)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.9 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0

29. naphtho(2,3-a'coronene 602.1 604.6 867.9 1111.3 1421. 8 1824.0 2131.8 2379.4 2586.1 ::E: 30. benzo(cd)naphtho(I,2.3-hi)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.9 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 -< 31. benzo(cd)naphtho(3.2.1-hi)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 C

~ 32. benzo(cd)naphtho(3.2,1-fg)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.9 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 :::D

"tI 33. tribenzo(a,hl,op)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.9 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 0 :T 34. trlbenzo(cd.fg.k)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.2 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 0 '< 35. trlbenzo(cd,hl,k)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.9 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 » !II 0

36. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1.8-1mn)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591. 8 :::D

:T 37. tribenzo(cd,fg,j)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.2 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 OJ

CD 38. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1.2-nop)anthanthrene 636.4 63S.8 900.!? 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 0 ~ 39. benzo(e)naphtho(2,1,8-hij)anthanthrene 636.4 638.8 900.2 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0 Z

:0 40. benzo(a)naphtho(2,I,8-hij)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.€ 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 (J)

~ 42. benzo(b)naphtho(2.1.8-1mn)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.€ 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8

C 43. benzo(lm)naphtho(1.S-ab)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8 AJ 47. benzo(a)naphtho(S.1.2-klm)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.S 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8

~S' 49. trlbenzo(a,fgop)anthanthrene 636.4 638.S 900.!? 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0

< 50. benzo(n)naphtho(S.I.2-bcd)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 S73.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8

~ 51. benzo(b)naphtho(2.1.S-hlj)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 873.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.8 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8

.... 52. benzo(b)naphtho(S.1.2-efg)anthanthrene 636.4 688.8 900.2 1144.0 1454.1 1855.6 2162.7 2409.9 2616.0

.PO 55. benzo(b)naphtho(S.1,2-klm)anthanthrene 607.9 610.4 S73.6 1117.1 1427.6 1829.S 2137.5 2385.2 2591.8

Z P :"

cD <0 0) CD


~ Table 12. Standarod enthalpy of forrration for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol

" ;:: ;;r '<

T/K ~ 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 ;;r Pyrene ser ies (I)

3 :u


~. pyrene 230.5 230.4 218.1 211.0 206.7 208.2 212.6 216.1 217.0

C C20H12 2t 1. perylene 279.9 279.7 265.7 257.7 253.2 256.0 262.4 267.6 269.6 J» 2. benzo(e)pyrene 279.9 279.7 265.7 257.7 253.2 256.0 262.4 267.6 269.6 < 3. benzo(a)pyrene 289.1 288.9 274.9 266.9 262.4 265.3 271.6 276.8 278.8 fl ..... C24H14 co ~ 1. dibenzo(fg.op)naphthacene 329.2 329.1 313.3 304.4 299.7 303.9 312.3 319.2 322.2 Z 2. naphtho(8.1.2-ghi)chrysene 351.2 351.1 334.8 325.7 320.7 324.1 331.4 337.1 338.8 0

3. benzo(pqr)picene 347.7 347.5 331.7 322.8 318.1 322.3 330.7 337.6 340.6 ~ ..... 4. dibenzo(a.e)Pilrene 338.5 338.3 322.5 313.6 308.9 313.1 321.5 328.4 331.4 ...... 5. benzo(b)perylene 338.5 338.3 322.5 313.6 308.9 313.1 321.5 328.4 331.4 <0 co 6. zethrene 347.7 347.5 331.7 322.8 318.1 322.3 330.7 337.6 340.6 co 7_ benzo(a)perylene 351.2 351.1 334.8 325.7 320.7 324.1 331.4 337.1 338.8

8. dibenzo(b.def)chrysene 347.7 347.5 331.7 322.8 318.1 322.3 330.7 337.6 340.6 9. dibenzo(def.p)chrysene 351.2 351.1 334.8 325.7 320.7 324.1 331. 4 337.1 338.8 » 10. dibenzo(de,q~)naphthacene 347.7 347.5 331.7 322.8 318.1 322.3 330.7 337.6 340.6

I 11. dibenzo(c.mno)chrysene 360.5 360.3 344.0 334.9 329.9 333.3 340.6 346.3 348.0 en 12. benzo(rst)pe,taphene 347.7 347.5 331.7 322.8 318.1 322.3 330.7 337.6 340.6 ;!j

14. naphtho(2.1.3-qra)naphthacene 356.9 356.7 340.9 332.0 327.3 331. 6 339.9 346.8 349.8 ::0 -I

C28H16 -< 1. tribenzo(f.ij.no)tetraphene 413.4 413.2 394.7 384.5 379.0 382.9 391.2 397.4 398.8 () 2. trfbenzo(a,fg.op)tetracene 400.6 400.4 382.4 372.4 367.2 372.0 381.3 388.7 391.4 :r: 4. naphtho(2.1.8-def)picene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 C 5. dibenzo(a.pqr)picene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 Z 6. benzo(a)napht,o(8.1.2-fgh)tetracene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 C') 7. naphtho(1,2,3.4-bqr)picene 397.0 396.8 379.3 369.5 364.6 370.2 380.6 389.2 393.2 '. 8. naphtho(1,2-b)perylene 397.0 396.8 379.3 369.5 364.6 370.2 380.6 389.2 393.2 l> 9. naphtho(2,1-a)perylene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 Z 10. dibenzo(j,pqro)picene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 0 11. benzo(fg)nap,tho(3,2.1-op)tetracene 400.6 400.4 382.4 372.4 367.2 372.0 381.3 388.7 391.4 :r:J 12. tribenzo(f.m,pqr)tetraphene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 ~ 13. dibenzo(f.pqro)picene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 i'I 14. tribenzo(a.hi.mn)tetracene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 15. naphtho(l,2-a)perylene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 16. dibenzo(a,e)perylene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 17 . dibenzo(fg,qr)pentacene 397.0 396.8 379.3 369.5 364.6 370.2 380.6 389.2 393.2 18. naphtho(8.1,2-cde)plcene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 19. benzo(c)naphtho(8,1.2-ghi)tetraphene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381. 2 390.5 397.9 400.6 20. benzo(a)zethrene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 21. dibenzo(de.kl)pentaphene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 -102.4 23. dibenzo(a,n)~erylene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 25. dibenzo(de.fj)pentaphene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 26. benzo(f)zethrene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 27. dibenzo(a.j)perylene 422.6 422.4 403.9 393.7 388.2 392.1 400.4 406.6 408.0 28. dibenzo(h,rst)pentaphene 397.0 396.8 379.3 369.5 364.6 370.2 380.6 389.2 393.2 29. dibenzo(b,tuv)picene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4

Table 12. Standard enthalpy Jf format'on for pclycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol continued

T!K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

30. dibenzo(b.j)perylene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 31- dibenzo(fg.ij)pentaphene 397.0 396.8 379.3 369.5 364.6 370.2 380.6 389.2 393.2 32. phrenthro(1,2,3,4-pqr)tetracene 422.6 422.4 403.9 393.7 388.2 392.1 400.4 406.6 408.0 33. benzo(c)naphtho(1.2,3.4-pqr)tetraoene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 34. dibenzo(b.c)perylene 409.8 409.6 391.6 381.6 376.4 381.2 390.5 397.9 400.6 37. naphtho(2.1.8-=gh)pentacene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 38. dibenzo(fg.st)pentaphene 397.0 39G.8 379.3 369.5 364.6 370.2 380.6 389.2 393.2 39. benzo(de)naphtho(I.2.3-qr)tetra cene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 40. dibenzo(de.uv)pentaphene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 43. benzo(c)naphthol(B,l.2-nno)tetraphene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 ,., 44. naphtho(8.1.2-cde)pentaphene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411.7 :xJ 45. tribenzo(c.m.pqr)tetraphene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 0 46. naphtho(B.1.2-opq)pentacene 428.2 428.0 410.0 400.0 394.8 399.6 408.9 416.3 419.0 " 47. dibenzo(o.rst)pentaphene 419.0 418.8 406.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 I'T'I 49. naphtho(1.2.3,4-rst}pentaphene 422.6 422.4 403.9 393.7 388.2 392.1 400.4 406.6 408.0 :D 50. dibenzo(c,rst)pentaphene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 -f

52. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1,8-hij)tetracene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411. 7 iii 53. benzo(a)naphtho(8,1.2-cde)tetracene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 CJ)

54. dibenzo(de. st )pentacene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 0 55. dibenzo(de.qr)pentacene 406.2 406.0 388.5 378.7 373.8 379.4 389.8 398.4 402.4 .."

56. heptazethrene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411.7 " 59. naphtho(2.3-a)perylene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 0 60. dibenzo(a,f)perylene 422.6 422.4 403.9 393.7 388.2 392.1 400.4 406.6 408.0 r-61. benzo(vwx)hexaphene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411.7 -< 62. anthra 2.1.9-qra)tetracene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411. 7 0

-< 63. phenanthro(9.10,1-hif)tetracene 419.0 418.8 400.8 390.8 385.6 390.4 399.7 407.1 409.8 0 64. dibenzo(de.uv)pentacene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411.7 r-65. benzo(a)naphtho(8,1.2-lnn)tetracene 415.4 415.2 397.7 387.9 383.1 388.6 399.0 407.6 411.7 (5 68. naphtho(2,1,8-Jkl)pentacene 424.6 424.4 406.9 397.1 392.3 397.9 408.2 416.8 420.9

:J> JJ

~aphthopyrene series 0 s: C22H12 » 1. benzo(ghi)perylene 301.29 301.13 287.53 280.17 276.32 279.45 285.42 289.50' 289.66 -I 3. dibenzo(def,mno)chrysene 310.50 310.34 296.73 289.38 285.52 288.65 294.62 298.70 298.87 (5

::r.: C26H14 -< 1. dibenzo(e,ghi)perylene 350.7 350.5 335.1 326.9 322.8 327.3 335.3 341.1 342.3 C

c... 2. naphtho(1,2,3,4-ghi)perylene 350.7 350.5 335.1 326.9 322.8 327.3 335.3 341.1 342.3 JJ

"0 3. dibenzo(cd,lm)perylene 359.9 359.7 344.3 336.1 332.0 336.5 344.5 350.3 351.5 0

:T 4. dibenzo(b,ghi)perylene 359.9 359.7 344.3 336.1 332.0 336.5 344.5 350.3 351.5 (')

'< 5. naphtha( 8. t, 2-bcd)pef'yl ene 359.9 359.7 344.3 336.1 332.0 336.5 344.5 350.3 351.5 » UI

0 6. benzo(e)anthanthrene 359.9 359.7 344.3 336.1 332.0 336.5 344.5 350.3 351.5 JJ

:T 7. dibenzo(a,ghi)perylene 372.7 372.5 356.7 348.2 343.8 347.5 354.4 359.0 358.9 OJ (1) 8. benzo(a)anthanthrene 369.1 368.9 353.5 345.3 341.2 345.7 353.7 359.5 360.7 0 ~ 10. benzo(b)anthanthrene 369.1 368.9 353.5 345.3 341.2 345.7 353.7 359.5 360.7 Z

en :0

~ C30H16

C 1. benzo(e)naphtho[1.2.3,4-ghi)perylene 412.8 412.6 395.1 385.7 381.1 386.2 395.0 401.3 402.3

Q) 2. tetrabenzo(de,hl.mn.qr)tetracene 434.8 434.6 416.6 407.0 402.1 406.3 414.2 419.2 418.9

p; 3. benzo(ghi)naphtho(1.2-e)perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5

< 4. benzo(lm)naphtho(1,8-ab)perylene 422.0 421. B 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5

~ '" terrylene 409.2 409.0 391.9 382.8 378.5 384.4 394.3 401.8 404.1 E. tribenzo( fg, i j • ,~st )pentaphene 400.0 399.8 382.7 373.6 369.3 375.2 385.'1 392.6 394.9

!t' 7. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2.1-e)perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5

Z E. phenanthro(1.2.3,4-ghi}perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411.5

9 ;.A

<0 ..do

co 0 co ..,I.

~ Table 12. Standard enthalpy of for~ation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol -- continued -'" '1l 0 ::r I'\)

'< T/K !Jl 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

(') ::r (j) 9. benzo(a)peropyrene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5 ? 10. benzo(ghi)naphtho(1.2-b)perylene 418.4 418.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411. 0 413.3 :xJ 11. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2,I-a)perylene 431.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 ~ 12. tribenzo(a,e.ghi)perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5

C 13. dibenzo( e, h)anthanthrene 409.2 409.0 391.9 382.8 378.5 384.4 394.3 401.8 404.1 ~ 14. tribenzo(b,e,ghi)perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411.5 -? 15. benzo(ghi )naphtho(~. I-b)perylene 431.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 <.:: 16. benzo(pqr)naphtho(2.I,8-def)picene 431.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7

~ 17. benzo(rst)naphtho(2.I,B-fgh)pentaphene 409.2 409.0 391.9 3B2.8 378.5 384.4 394.3 401.8 404.1 .... 18. tribenzo(de,lj.rst)pentaphene 409.2 409.0 391.9 382.8 378.5 384.4 394.3 401.8 404.1 $'3 19. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1.8-cde)perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5 Z 20. benzo(qr)naphtho(2.18,7-fghi)pentacene <109.2 403.0 391.9 382.8 378.5 384.4 394.3 401. 8 404.1 P 21, benzo(pq)naphtho(B.1 2-cde)picene "27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 :'" 22. benzo(qr)naphtho(2,1.B.7-defg)pentacene 418.4 41!302 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3

to 23. naphtho(B.1.2-fgh)ze:hrene 431. 2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 Q:I 24. dlbenzo(a,e)anthanthrene 418.4 4H.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 <0 25. benzo(ij)naphtho(2,1,B.7-defg)pentaphene 418.4 4B.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3

26. benzo(de)naphtho(2,18.7-ijkt)pentaphene 427.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 28. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1.8-1mn)perylene 431. 2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 29. naphtho(2.1-e)anthan:hrene 431.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 ~ 30. benzo(a)naphtho(B.1.2-klm)perylene 431.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 r 31. naphtho(1.2-e)anthanchrene 431.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 m 32. anthra(9.1.2-bcd)perylene ':18.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 m

::n 33. benzo(g.hi)naphtho(B 1.2-cde)picene £18.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 -=i 34. phenanthro( "18.4 4B.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 -< 35. tribenzo(a.ghi.k)perylene 422.0 421.B 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411. 5 ~

36. benzo(a)naphtho(1.2.3,4-ghi)perylene 422.0 421.8 404.3 394.9 390.3 395.4 404.3 410.5 411.5 (')

37. tribenzo(a,ghl.k)perylene 1.31.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 J: 38. naphtho(2,3-e)anthanchrene 1.27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 c: 39. benzo(st)naphtho(2.18.7-defg)pentacene 1.18.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 Z 40. anthra(1.2.3,4-ghi)perylene '-1B.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 F> 43. naphtho(1,2-a)anthanthrene '-40.4 44').2 422.7 413.3 408.7 413.8 422.7 428.9 429.9 ;p 44. dibenzo(a,n)anthanthrene t.18.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 Z 45. naphtho(2.1-a)anthan~hrene '-27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 0 46. p),ranthrene 1.27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 :0 48. naphtho(1.2-b)anthanthrene '-27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 rn 49. dibenzo(b.r)anthanthrene '-1B.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 ~ 50. benzo(uv)naphtho(2.18.7-defg)pentacene '-27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 51, benzo(de)naohtho(2,1,B.7-qrst)pentacene '-18.4 413.2 401.1 392.0 387.7 393.6 403.6 411.0 413.3 52. benzo(de)naohtho(2,1.8.7-opqr)pentacene '-27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.B 412.8 420.2 422.5 57. dibenzo(a.k)anthanthrene 1.27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 58. dibenzo(b,k)anthanthrene '-27.6 427.4 410.3 401.2 396.9 402.8 412.8 420.2 422.5 59. dibenzo(b.e)anthanthrene '-31.2 431.0 413.5 404.1 399.5 404.6 413.5 419.7 420.7 60. naphtho(2.3-a)anthan~hrene "22.8 422.6 405.1 395.7 391.1 396.2 405.1 411.4 412.3 61. benzo(uv)naphtho(2.18-defg)pentaphene '-22.8 422.6 405.1 395.7 391.1 396.2 405.1 411. 4 41'2.3 62. naphtho(2,1-b)anthan:hrene 422.8 422.6 405.1 395.7 391.1 396.2 405.1 411. 4 412.3 63. d i naphtho(8. 1.2-cde:2J.1~.B'-hij)naphthacene '-40.4 440.2 422.7 413.3 408.7 413.8 422.7 428.9 429.9 67. naphtho(2.3-b)anthan~hrene l36.8 435.6 419.5 410.4 406.1 412.0 422.0 429.4 431.7

Coronene series

C24H12 1. coronene 322.70 322.54 309.40 302.66 299.41 302.84 308.40 311.37 309.74


Table 12. Standard enthalpy of formation for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol -- continued

T/K 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

1. d iberzo( hi, qr )anthanthrene 372.1 371.9 357.0 349.3 345.9 350.7 358.3 362.9 362.4 2. benzc(a)coronene 372.1 371.9 357.0 349.3 345.9 350.7 358.3 362.9 362.4 3. phenanthro(1.1D,9,B-opqra)perylene 372.1 371.9 357.0 349.3 345.9 350.7 358.3 362.9 362.4 4. naphtho(8,1,2-efg)anthanthrene 372.1 371.9 357.0 349.3 345.9 350.7 358.3 362.9 362.4 5. diberzo(cd,hi)anthanthrene 381.3 381.1 366.2 358.6 355.1 359.9 367.5 372.1 371.6 6. diberzo(cd,fg)anthanthrene 372.1 371.9 357.0 349.3 345.9 350.7 358.3 362.9 362.4 7. naphtho(2,1,8-hij)anthanthrene 381.3 381.1 366.2 358.6 355.1 359.9 367.5 372.1 371.6 9. diberzo(cd,lm)anthanthrene 390.5 390.3 375.4 367.8 364.3 369.1 376.7 381.3 380.8

C32H16 ." 1. trfbenzo(e.hi,qr)anthanthrene 434.2 434.0 416.9 408.2 404.2 409.6 418.0 423.2 422.4 :D 2. tribenzo(b,hi,qr)anthanthrene 421.4 421.2 404.6 396.0 392.4 398.6 408.1 414.5 415.0 0 3. diberzo(a,j)coronene 421.4 421.2 404.6 396.0 392.4 398.6 408.1 414.5 415.0 "'0

4. diberzo(a,g)coronene 421.4 421.2 404.6 396.0 392.4 398.6 408.1 414.5 415.0 m 5. diberzo(a,d)coronene 416.6 416.4 399.4 390.6 386.6 392.0 400.5 405.6 404.8 :D

-4 6. naphtho(1,2-a)coronene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431. 6 iii 7. naphtho(8,1,2-abc)peropyrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 8. tribenzo(b,fg,qr)anthanthrene 421.4 421.2 404.6 396.0 392.4 398.6 408.1 414.5 415.0 en 9. tribenzo(a,cd,fg)anthanthrene 421.4 421. 2 404.6 396.0 392.4 398.6 408.1 414.5 415.0 0 10. tritenzo(a,cd.ht)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 ."

11. benzo(a)naphtho(8,1.2-efg)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 ."

12. benzo(ghi)terrylene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417 .3 423.7 424.2 0 13. benzo(qr)naphtho(3,2,1-hi)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 r 14. dibenzo(bc,mn)peropyrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 -<

0 16_ dfnaphtho(f.8-ab:8~,1',2~,3;-fg~i)perylene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431 :6 -< 17 . naprtho(1.2,3,4-ijk)peropyrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 0 18. dibenzo(ghi.lm)naphtho[1,8-ab)perylene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 r-19. naprtho(2,1,8-bcd)peropyrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 0 20. benzo(a)naphtho(2,1.8-cde)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 21- dibenzo(bc,qr)peropyrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 » 22. tritenzo(e,hi,op)anthanthrene 434.2 434.0 416.9 408.2 404.2 409.6 418.0 423.2 422.4 :xJ

23. trltenzo(b,fg,op)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 0 24. benzo( fg)naphtho( 1, 8--ab )anthantr,rene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 3: 26. tritenzo(b,hi,op)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 » 27. benzo(b)naphtho(B,1,2-nop)anthanthrene 430.6 430.4 413.8 405.2 401.6 407.8 417.3 423.7 424.2 -t

28. benzo(hi)naphtho(1,2,3'qr)anthanthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 0 29. naprtho(2,3-a)coronene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 :J: 30. benzo(cd)naphtho(1,2,3-h1)anthanthrene 452.6 452.4 435.3 426.6 422.6 428.0 436.4 441.6 440.8 -< 31. benzo( cd)naphtho( 3,2. 1-hi )anthanthrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 C

('.., 32. benzo(cd)naphtho(3,2,1-fg)anthanthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 :xJ

"tJ 33. tribenzo(a.hi,op)anthanthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 0

::r 34. tribenzo(cd,fg,k)anthanthrene 434.2 434.0 416.9 408.2 404.2 409.6 418.0 423.2 422.4 0 '< 35. tribenzo(cd,hi,k)anthanthrene 434.2 434.0 416.9 40B.2 404.2 409.6 418.0 423.2 422.4 » (/I

() 36. benzo(a)napht~o(2,1,8-1mn)antharthrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 l'J

::r 37. tribenzo(cd,fg,j)anthanthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 m CD 38. benzo(a)naphtho(8,1.2-nop)anthanthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 0 ~ 39. benzo(e)napht~o(2.1,B-hij)antharthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6 Z

:rJ 40. benzo(a)napht,o(2,1,B-hij)antharthrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4 (J)

~ 42. benzo(b)napht~o(2,1,8-1mn)anthanthrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4

C 43. benzo(lm)naphtho(1,8-ab)anthantrrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4

Q) 47. benzo(a)napht'o(B,1.2-klm)antharthrene 449.0 448.8 432.2 423.7 420.0 426.2 435.7 442.1 442.6

~ 49. tribenzo(a,fg,op)anthanthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431. 6

< 50. benzo(n)naphtho(8.1.2-bcd)antharthrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4

~ 51. benzo(b)napht~o(2.1.8-h1j)anthanthrene 439.8 439.6 423.0 414.4 410.8 417.0 426.5 432.9 433.4

..... 52. benzo(b)napht~o(8,1,2-efg)antharthrene 443.4 443.2 426.1 417.4 413.4 418.8 427.2 432.4 431.6

!'J 55. benzo(b)napht~o(8,1,2-klm)anthanthrene 449.0 448.8 432.2 423.7 420.0 426.2 435.7 442.1 442.6

Z P :'"

~ .... 0

co CD


~ Table 13. Standard Gibbs energy for polycyclic aromatic hydroca'bons in "d/mol ." =r '<

T/K ~ 298 ::00 50:> 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 =r Pyrene series I'D

~ C16Hl0 ::0 pyrene 312.8 332.4 405.9 482.5 599.8 796.3 991.7 1187.3 1379.9 ~ 0 C20H12 I.\)

1. perylene 411.7 41::1.5 505.3 602.8 751.8 1000.7 1248.0 1495.3 1738.8 ~ 2. benzo(e)pyren9 410.0 41C.B 502.~ 59B.B 746.0 992.1 1236.5 14BO.9 1721.5 < 3. benzo(a)pyren9 417.5 41S.3 50B.3 603.9 749.4 992.7 1234.2 1475.7 1713.4 ~ .... C24!-114 (X)

1. d1benzo(f9.op)naphthacene ~ 490.6 491. 6 604.7 723.1 903.7 1205.2 1504.4 1B03.3 2097.7 Z 2. naprtho(8.1.2-ghi)chrysene 500.7 501.6 606.3 717.5 886.7 1169.3 1450.0 1730.7 2007.1 0

3. benzo(pqr)piC9ne 505.6 50E.5 617.!l 733.5 910.6 1206.3 1499.7 1792.9 2081.5 ~ ..... 4. dibenzo(a.e)pvrene 496.4 497.3 60B.:! 724.3 901.4 1197.1 1490.5 17B3.7 2072.3 .... 5. benzo(b)perylene 496.4 497.3 60B.:! 724.3 901.4 1197.1 1490.5 1783.7 2072.3 <0 (X) 6. zetrrene 507.3 50S.3 620.3 737.5 916.4 1215.0 1511. 3 1807.3 2098.8 CD

7. benzo(a)perylene 500.7 501.6 606.3 717.5 886.7 1169.3 1450.0 1730.7 2007.1 B. dibenzo(b.def)chrysene 507.3 50E.3 620.3 737.5 916.4 1215.0 1511. 3 1807.3 2098.8 9. dibenzo(def.p)chrysene 500.7 501.6 606.9 717 .5 886.7 1169.3 1450.0 1730.7 2007.1 10. dtbenzo(de.qr)naphthacene 507.3 50S.3 620.3 737.5 916.4 1215.0 1511. 3 lB07.3 209B.8 ::> 11. ditenzo(c,mn~)chrysene 509.9 51C.B 616.1 726.8 895.9 1178.5 1459.2 1739.9 2016.3 12. berzo(rst)pentaphene 507.3 50E.3 620.3 737.5 916.4 1215.0 1511.3 1807.3 2098.8 14. na~htho(2.1.B-qra)naphthacene 514.8 51!:.7 626.5 742.7 919.8 1215.5 1509.0 1802.1 2090.7

C2BH16 -< 1. tritenzo(f,ij,no)tetraphene 535.6 58E.6 707.3 B35.2 1029.7 1354.7 1677.3 2000.1 2318.0 n 2. tritenzo(a.fg.op)tetracene 579.5 58C.6 706.3 837.9 1038.7 1373.8 1706.3 2038.7 2366.0 4. naprtho(2.1.8-def)picene 538.7 58~.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 5. dibenzo(a.pqr)picene 597.9 59~. 1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 Z 6. benzo(a)naphtho(8,l,2-fgh)tetracene 538.7 5B!:.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 ('; 7. naprtho(1.2.3,4-bqr)picene 534.4 5SE.6 716. ~ 853.8 1062.6 1410.8 1756.1 2100.9 2440.4 8. naprtho(1,2-b)perylene 534.4 5SE.6 716.!J 853.B 1062.6 1410.8 1756.1 2100.9 2440.4 » 9. naprtho(2.1-a)perylene 538.7 58!:.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 z: 10. ditenzo(j,pqr)picene 538.7 58!:.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 V 11. berzo(fg)naphtho(3.2.1-op)tetracene 579.5 580.6 706.3 837.9 1038.7 1373.8 1706.3 203B.7 2366.0 JJ 12. tribenzo(f,m.pqr)tetraphene 538.7 58~.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0. 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 IT' 13. dit,enzo( f. pqr )picene 538.7 58L9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 ." 14. tribenzo(a.hi.mn)tetracene 593.6 59.11.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 15. na~htho(1,2-e)perylene 538.7 5B£.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 16. dfbenzo(a,e)perylene 538.7 58!:.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 17 . dibenzo( fg. qr )pentacene 536.2 587.3 719.7 857.8 1068.3 1419.4 1767.6 2115.3 2457.7 18. naphtho(8,t.2-cde)picene 593.6 59<1.8 726.0 863.0 1071. 8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 19. benzo(c)naphtho(8,1,2-ghi)tetraphene 5~8. 7 58~.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 20. benzo(a)zethrene 537.9 59f.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 21. dibenzo(de.kl)pentaphene 595.4 59E.5 728.9 867.0 1077.5 1428.6 1776.8 2124.5 2466.9 23. dibenzo(a.n)perylene 538.7 58~.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2 25. dibenzo(de,ij)pentaphene 593.6 59.11.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 26. benzo(f)zethrene 533.6 59.11.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 27. dibenzo(a.j)perylene 594.8 59!:.8 717.1 844.4 1038.9 1363.9 1686.5 2009.3 2327.2 28. dfbenzo(h.rst)pentaphene 536.2 581.3 719.7 857.8 1068.3 1419.4 1767.6 2115.3 2457.7 29. dibenzo(b.tuv)picene 593.6 59..1.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6

Table 13. Standard Gibbs energ~ for ~olycycl ic aromatic hydrocarbons in kJ/mol -- continued

TIK 298 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

30. dibenzo(b,j)perylene 588.7 589.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2

31. dibenzo(fg.ij)pentaphene 586.2 587.3 719.7 857.8 1068.3 1419.4 1767.6 2115.3 2457.7

32. phrenthro(1,2.2,4-pqr)tetracene 593.0 594.1 714.2 840.4 1033.2 1355.2 1675.0 1994.9 2309.9

33. benzo~c)naphthc( 588.7 589.9 715.5 847.1 1047.9 1383.0 1715.6 2047.9 2375.2

34- dibenzo(b.c)perylene 590.5 591.6 718.4 851.1 1053.6 1391.6 1727.1 2062.3 2392.5

37. naphtho(2,1.B-fgh)pentacene 593.6 594.8 726.0 863.0 1071.B 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6

33. d1benzo(fg.st)pentaphene 5B6.2 5B7.3 719.7 857.8 1068.3 1419.4 1767.6 2115.3 2457.7 39. benzo/de)naphtto(1,2,3-qr)tetracene 597.9 599.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 40. dibenzo(de.uv)pentaphene 597.9 599.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 43. benzolc)naphthol(S.1.2-mno)tetraphene 597.9 599.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 "tJ

44. naphtho(8,1,2-cde)pentaphene 602.9 604.0 735.2, 872.2 1081.0 1429.2 1774.5 2119.3 2458.8 ::c 45. tribenzo(c.m,pqr)tetraphene 597.9 599.1 724,7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 0 46. naphtho(B,1,2-cpq)pentacene 607.2 60B.3 733.9 865.5 1066.3 1401.4 1734.0 2066.3 2393.6 "tJ

47. dibenzo(o,rst)pentaphene 597.9 599.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.B 2057.1 2384.4 m ::c

49. naphtho(1.2,3,4-rst)pentaphene 594.8 595.8 717.1 844.4 1038.9 1363.9 1686.5 2009.3 2327.2 -t 50. dibenzo(c,rst)pentaphene 593.6 594.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 iii 52. benzola)naphthc(2.1.8-htj)tetracene 602.9 604.0 735.2 872.2 1081.0 1429.2 1774.5 2119.3 2458.8

53. benzo~a)naphthc(8.1,2-cde)tetracene 593.6 594.8 726.0 863.0 1071. 8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 CJ)

54. dibenzo(de,st)pentacene 593.6 594.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 0 55. dibenzo(de.qr)pentacene 593.6 594.8 726.0 863.0 1071.8 1420.0 1765.3 2110.1 2449.6 ."

56. heptazethrene 604.6 605.7 738.1 876.2 1086.B 1437.B 17B6.0 2133.7 2476.1 ."

59. naphtho(2,3-a)perylene 597.9 599.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.B 2057.1 2384.4 0 60. dibenzo(a,f)perylene 594.B 595.B 717.1 844.4 1038.9 1363.9 1686.5 2009.3 2327.2 r

-< 61. benzo~vwx)hexaphene 602.9 604.0 735.2 872.2 1081.0 1429.2 1774.5 2119.3 2458.8 (') 62. anthra 2,1,9-qra)tetracene 602.9 604.0 735.2 872.2 1081.0 1429.2 1774.5 2119.3 2458.S -< 63. phenanthro(9.1C,l-htf)tetracene 597.9 599.1 724.7 856.3 1057.1 1392.2 1724.8 2057.1 2384.4 (')

64. dibenzo(de.uv)pentacene 604.6 605.7 738.1 876.2 1086.8 1437.8 1786.0 2133.7 2476.1 r 65. benzo~a)naphthc(8,l.2-1mn)tetracene 602.9 604.0 735.2 872.2 1081.0 1429.2 1774.5 2119.3 2458.B (=) 63. naphtho(2.1.8-jkJ)pentacene 612.1 613.2 744.4 881.4 1090.2 143B.4 17B3.7 212B.5 2468.0 »

::c 0

Naphthopyrene series 3: » C22H12 1. benzo(ghi)perylene 430.28 431.0B 521.91 617.13 762.49 1005.20 1246.22 1487.39 1725.09


3. dibenzo(def.mno)chrysene 439.48 440.28 531.11 626.34 771.69 1014.41 1255.43 1496.60 1734.29 (=) :::r

C26H14 -< 1. dlbenzo(e.gh1)perylene 507.4 508.4 618.4 733.4 90B.7 1201.0 1491.0 17B1.0 2066.7 C

c.. 2. naphtho(l,2,3,4-gh1)perylene 509.2 510.1 621.3 737.5 914.5 1209.7 1502.6 1795.4 2084.0 ::D

"0 3. dfbenzo(cd,lm)perylene 520.1 521.1 633.4 750.7 929.4 1227.5 1523.3 1B19.0 2110.5 0

=s' 4. d1benzo(b,ghi)perylene 516.7 517 .6 627.6 742.6 917.9 1210.2 1500.3 1790.2 2075.9 (')

'< 5. naphtho(8.1,2-bcd)perylene 516.7 517.6 627.6 742.6 917.9 1210.2 1500.3 1790.2 2075.9 » !" (") 6. benzo(e)anthanthrene 516.7 517.6 627.6 742.6 917.9 1210.2 1500.3 1790.2 2075.9 ::c ::r 7. d1benzo(a.gh1)perylene 520.9 521.9 626.4 735.9 903.2 1182.4 1459.7 1737.2 2010.7 m CD B. benzo(a)anthanthrene 525.9 526.8 636.9 751.8 927.1 1219.4 1509.5 1799.4 20B5.1 0 ? 10. benzo(b)anthanthrene 525.9 526.8 636.9 751.B 927.1 1219.4 1509.5 1799.4 2085.1 Z

(J) :7J

~ CaOH16

C 1. benzo(e)naphtho(1,2,3,4-g,i)perylene 590.6 591.7 716.6 847.1 1046.0 1377.7 1706.9 2036.0 2360.4 SI) 2. tetrabenzo(de,h1.mn,qr)tetracene 607.6 608.6 730.2 857.6 1052.0 1376.4 1698.6 2021.0 2338.9 p; 3. benzo(ghf)naphtho(1.2-e)perylene 599.8 600.9 725.8 B56.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2369.6

< 4. benzo(lm)naphtho(1.8-ab)perylene 599.8 600.9 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2369.6

~ 5. terrylene 599.0 600.1 732.B B71.0 1081.4 1432.0 1779.7 2127.0 2469.4

... 6. tribenzo(fg,iJ,rst)pentap,ene 58B.0 589.2 720.7 857.8 1066.4 1414.1 175B.9 2103.4 2442.9

$1' 7. benzo(ghi)naphtho(2,1-e)perylene 599.B 600.9 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2369.6

Z B. Phenanihro(1.2,3,4-ghi)pe~ylene 599.8 600.9 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2369.6

P ~ ..... CO


0 co (0


~ Table 13. Standard Gibbs energ~ for eol~c~cl Ie aromatic h~drocarbons In ku/mol -- continued "U :::r -< !IJ T/K 298 30) 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2': ~.~

0 :::r CD

benzo(a)peropyrene 3 9. 599.8 600.9 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2

:D 10. benzo(ghi)naphtho(1,2-b)perylene 604.7 605.9 736.3 872,2 1079.1 1423.9 1765.8 2107.~

~ 1t. benzo(ghl)naphtho(2,1-a)perylene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 12. tribenzo(a,e,ghl)perylene 599.8 600.9 125.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 :~~

0 13. dibenzo(e.h)anthanthrene 597.3 598.4 729.9 867.0 1075.6 1423.3 1768.1 2112.6 2 .~-: Q) 14. trfbenzo(b.e,ght)perylene 599.8 600.9 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2:= ....

J» IS. benzo(ghf)naphtho(2,I-b)perylene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 ::::-< 16. benzo(pqr)naphtho(2.1,8-def)picene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 22-0 :- 17. benzo(rst)naphtho(2.1.8-fgh)pentaphene 595.5 596.1 727.1 863.0 1069.9 1414.7 1756.6 2098.2 24:;~ ->. 18. trlbenzo(de.fj,rst)pen taphene 595.5 596.1 127.1 863.0 1069.9 1414.7 1756.6 2098.2 243.!. ~ 19. benzo(a)naphtho(2.1,B-cde)perylene 599.8 600.9 125.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 236~. Z 20. benzo(qr)naphtho(2,1.8.7-fghi)pentacene 595.5 596.7 721.1 863.0 1069.9 1414.7 1756.6 2098.2 2434. 0

21. benzo(pq)naphtho(8.1.2-cde)plcene 615.7 616.8 748.4 885.4 1094.0 1441.1 1786.5 2131.0 2470. ~ 22. benzo(qr)naphtho(2.1.B.7-defg)pentacene 604.7 605.9 136.3 872.2 1079.1 1~23.9 1165.8 2101.4 2444.0 cD 23. naphtho(8.1.2-fgh)zethrene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1125.3 2054.4 2318.8 0) 24. dlbenzo(a.e)anthanthrene 604.1 605.9 736.3 872.2 1079.1 1~23.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 tD

25. benzo(ij)naphtho(2.1.B.7-defg)pentaphene 604.7 605.9 736.3 872.2 1079.1 1~23.9 1765.8 2101.4 2444.0 26. benzo(de)naph:ho( 613.9 615.1 745.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 28. benzo(a)napht~o(2.1.S-1mn)perylene 609.0 610. ! 135.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 2378.8

":.~ 29. naphtho(2.1-elanthanthrene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 2378.8 30. benzo(a)naphtho(8.1,2-klm)perylene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 2318.8 :: 31- naphtho(I.2-elanthanthrene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 2378.8 32. anthra(9,1.2-bcd)perylene 604.7 605.9 736.3 812.2 1079 .• 1423.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 33. benzo(g,hl)naphtho(8.1.2-cde)picene 604.7 605.9 136.3 872.2 1079.1 1423.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 34. phenanthro(3,~.5.6-fghij)pentaphene 606.5 607.6 739.2 876.2 1084.8 U32.5 1777.3 2121.8 2461.3 35. tribenzo(a.ghl.k)perylene 599.8 600.') 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1:386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2369.6 36. benzo(a)naphtho(1,2,3,4-ghi)perylene 599.8 600.9 725.8 856.3 1055.2 1386.9 1716.1 2045.2 2369.6 37. triben%o(a.ghl,k)perylene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 2378.8 38. naphtho(2,3-e~anthanthrene 613.9 615. t 745.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 39. benzo(st)naphtho( 604.7 605.9 736.3 872.2 1079.1 1423.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 40. anthra(1.2.3,4-ghi)perylene 606.5 607.6 739.2 876.2 1084.8 1432.5 1777.3 2121.8 2461.3 43. naphtho(1.2-a~anthanthrene 619.2 619.3 744.2 874.7 1073.6 1405.3 1734.5 2063.6 2388.0 > 44. dibenzo(a.n)anthanthrene 604.7 605.9 736.3 872.2 1079.1 1423.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 Z 45. naphtho(2.1-a)anthanthrene 613.9 615.1 745.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 46. pyranthrene 615.7 616.8 748.4 885.4 1094.0 1441.7 1786.5 2131.0 2410.5 48. naphtho(1.2-blanthanthrene 613.9 615.1 745.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 49. dlbenzo(b.r)anthanthrene 604.7 605.9 736.3 872.2 1079.1 1423.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 50. benzo(uv)naphlho( 613.9 615.1 745.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 51, benzo(de)naphtho( 604.7 605.9 736.3 872.2 1079.1 1423.9 1765.8 2107.4 2444.0 52. benzo(de)naph:ho( 613.9 615.1 145.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 57. dlbenzo(a.k)anthanthrene 613.9 615.1 745.5 881.4 1088.3 1433.1 1775.0 2116.6 2453.2 58. dlbenzo(b.k)anthanthrene 615.7 616.8 748.4 885.4 1094.0 1441. 7 1786.5 2131.0 2470.5 59. dibenzo(b.e)anthanthrene 609.0 610.1 735.0 865.5 1064.4 1396.1 1725.3 2054.4 2378.8 60. naphtho(2.3-alanthanthrene 600.7 601.8 726.6 857.1 1056.0 1387.7 1716.9 2046.0 2370.4 61, benzo(uv)naph:ho(2.1.8-defg)pentaphene 600.7 601.8 726.6 857.1 1056.0 1387.7 1716.9 2046.0 2370.4 62. naphtho(2.1-btanthanthrene 600.7 601.8 726.6 857.1 1056.0 1387.7 1716.9 2046.0 2370.4 63. dinaphtho(8.1,2-cde:2~.1~.8'-hij)naphthacEne 620.0 621.1 147.1 878.7 1079.3 1413.9 1746.0 2078.0 2405.3 67. naphtho(2.3-blanthanthrene 623.2 624.3 754.1 890.6 1097.5 1442.3 1784.2 2125.8 2462.4

Goronene series

G24H12 1. coronene 452.29 453.09 544.25 639.55 784. 75 1026.94 1267.46 1508.31 1745.97


T2bl e 13. Standard Gibbs energ~ for eol~c~cl Ic aromatic h~drocarbons In ktJ!mol -- continued

T/K 293 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 250C 3000

1. dlbenzo(hl,qr)arthanthrene 529.5 530.4 640.8 755.8 931.0 1222.8 1512.3 1801.9 2087.6

2. benzo(a)coronene 529.5 530.4 640.8 755.8 931.0 1222.8 1512.3 1801.9 2087.6

3. phenanthro(I,10,9,8-opqra)perylene 531.2 532.2 643.7 759.9 936.7 1231. 4 1523.8 1816.3 2104.9

4. naphtho(8,I,2-efg)anthanthrene 527.7 528.7 637.9 751.8 925.2 1214.1 1500.8 1787.5 2070.3

5. dlbenzo(cd,hi)arthanthrene 536.9 537.9 647.1 761.0 934.4 1223.3 1510.0 1796.7 2079.5

6. dlbenzo(cd,fg)arthanthrene 529.5 530.4 640.8 755.8 931.0 1222.8 1512.3 1801.9 2087.6

7. naphtho(2,I,8-hlj)anthanthrene 538.7 539.6 650.0 765.1 940.2 1232.0 1521.5 1811.1 2096.8

9. dibenzo(cd,lm)arthanthrene 547.9 548.8 659.2 774.3 949.4 1241.2 1530.7 1820.3 2106.0

." C32H16 1- trfbenzo(e,hf,qr)anthanthrene 610.9 612.0 736.0 865.4 1062.4 1390.8 1716.6 2042.5 2363.9 ::tJ

2. tribenzo(b,hl,qr)anthanthrene 606.6 607.8 737.3 872.1 1077 .2 1418.6 1757.1 2095.5 2429.2 0 ."

3. dibenzo(a,j)corcnene 610.1 611.2 743.1 880.2 1088.7 1435.9 1780.2 2124.3 2463.8 m 4. dibenzo(a,g)corcnene 608.3 609.5 740.2 876.2 1082.9 1427.2 1768.6 2109.9 2446.5 :0 5. dibenzo(a,d)corcnene 595.1 596.2 721.3 851.9 1050.6 1381. 9 1710.5 2039.3 2363.7 ..... 6. naphtho(I,2-a)ccronene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 iii 7. naphtho(8, 1 ,2-atc)peropyrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071. 6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 (J)

8. trlbenzo(b.fg,qr)anthanthrene 606.6 607.8 737.3 872.1 1077 .2 1418.6 1757.1 2095.5 2429.2 0 9. tribenzo(a,cd,fg)anthanthrene 606.6 607.8 737.3 872.1 1077.2 1418.6 1757.1 2095.5 2429.2 'TI 10. trlbenzo(a.cd.~i)anthanthrene 615.8 617.0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4

" 11. benzo(a)naphthc(S,I,2-efg)anthanthrene 615.8 617 .0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 0 12- benzo(ghi)terrylene 615.8 617.0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.S 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 r 13. benzo(qr)napht~o(3,2,I-hl)anthanthrene 615.8 617.0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 -< 14. dibenzo(bc,mn)~eropyrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6 (")

16. dlnaphtho(I.8-ab:8~.I~.2~.3~-fghf)perylene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 -< 17. naphtho(I.2.3.4-ijk)peropyrene 617.5 618.7 749.4 885.4 1092.1 1436.4 1777 .8 2119.1 2455.7 (")

1 S. dibenzo(ghl.lm)naphtho(I.8-ab)perylene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071. 6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 r-19. naphtho(2.1.8-tcd)peropyrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6 0 20. benzo(a)naphthc(2.1.8-cde)anthanthrene 615.8 617.0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 » 21. dibenzo(bc.qr)~eropyrene 626.8 627.9 758.6 894.6 1101.3 1445.6 1787.0 2128.3 2464.9 ::D 22- trfbenzo(e.hl.cp)anthanthrene 610.9 612.0 736.0 865.4 1062.4 1390.8 1716.6 2042.5 2363.9 0 23. trlbenzo(b.fg.cp)anthanthrene 615.8 617 .0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 3: 24. benzo(fg)napht~o(I.8-ab)anthanthrene 615.8 617.0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 » 26. trlbenzo(b.hl.cp)anthanthrene 615.8 617 .0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 -I 27. benzo(b)naphthc(8.1.2-nop)anthanthrene 615.8 617.0 746.5 881.4 1086.4 1427.8 1766.3 2104.7 2438.4 0 28. benzo(hl)naphtho(I.2,3-qr)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2

29. naphtho(2.3-a)coronene 626.8 627.9 758.6 894.6 1101. 3 1445.6 1787.0 2128.3 2464.9 :t 30. benzo(cd)napht~o(I.2,3-hl)anthanthrene 629.3 630.4 754.4 883.8 1080.9 1409.2 1735.0 2060.9 2382.4 -< 31. benzo(cd)napht~o(3.2,I-hl)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6 C

~ 32. benzo(cd)naphtho(3,2,I-fg)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071. 6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 ::D

"0 33. tribenzo(a.hl,ap)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 0 :::r 34. trlbenzo(cd,fg,k)anthanthrene 610.9 612.0 736.0 865.4 1062.4 1390.8 1716.6 2042.5 2363.9 0 '< :r> !Jl 35. trfbenzo(cd,hi,k)anthanthrene 610.9 612.0 736.0 865.4 1062.4 1390.8 1716.6 2042.5 2363.9 ::D 0 36. benzo(a)naphtha(2,1.8-1mn)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6 m :::r 37. tribenzo(cd,fg,j)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 0 CD 38. benzo(a)naphtha(8,I,2-nop)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 ~

Z 39. benzo(e)naphtho(2,1,8-hij)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 en

J:i 40. benzo(a)naphtha(2,1,8-hlj)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6 CD =-" 42. benzo(b)naphtho(2,I,8-1mn)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6

0 43. benzo(lm)naphtro(I,8-ab)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6

~ 47. benzo(a)naphtha(8.1.2~klm)anthanthrene 634.2 635.4 764.9 899.8 1104.8 1446.2 1784.7 2123.1 2456.8

.J» 49. tribenzo(a,fg,ap)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2

< 50. benzo(n)naphtha(8,I,2-bcd)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6

~ 51. benzo(b)naphtha(2.1.8-hij)anthanthrene 625.0 626.2 755.7 890.6 1095.6 1437.0 1775.5 2113.9 2447.6

.... 52. benzo(b)naphthc(8,1.2-efg)anthanthrene 620.1 621.2 745.2 874.6 1071.6 1400.0 1725.8 2051.7 2373.2 ,90 55. benzo(b)naphthc(8,I,2-klm)anthanthrene 634.2 635.4 764.9 899.8 1104.8 1446.2 1784.7 2123.1 2456.8


y ....

.... ....&.

<0 0 CO <0 ""


8. Acknowledgments The calculations in this paper were made using a termi­

nal connected to the IBM 370/3033N in the MIT Computer Center. Programs were written in APL and tables were printed on a Xerox 8700 Printer in the Computer Center. We are indebted to Professor J. R. Dias for many helpful discus­sions. This research was supported by a grant from the Na:" tional Institute of Standards and Technology.




H°(l,n­H°(l,298.l5 K) + D..fHo

(1,298.15 K)

S; S°(l)




9. Nomenclature

= standard heat capacity at constant pressure of isomer i, J K- I mol-I = standard heat capacity at constant pressure of isomer group I, J K- I mol-I - standard Gibbs energy offormation of isomer i, kJ mol-I

= standard Gibbs energy of formation of isomer group I, kJ mol-I

standard enthalpy for isomer groups relative to isomer groups at 298.15 K kJ mol- I

= standard enthalpy for isomer groups relative to elements at 298.15 K, kJ mol-I = standard enthalpy of formation of isomer i, kJ mol- I = standard enthalpy of formation of isomer group, I,

kJ mol-I = number of carbon atoms in a molecule = number of hydrogen atoms in a molecule = number of isomers in an isomer group = equilibrium mole fraction of species i in an isomer group = standard entropy of isomer i, J K - 1 mol- 1 = standard entropy of isomer group I, J K - 1 mol- 1 = total symmetry number = mole fraction of isomer i within the isomer group = mole fraction of isomer group I in a mixture

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25E. R. Cohen and B. N. Taylor, The 1986 Adjustment of the Fundamental Physical Constants, CODATA Bulletin, No. 63, 1986.

2°TRC Thermodynamic Tables, Hydrocarbons, Vols. 7 and 8, Thermody­namics Research Center, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, 1986.

27J. B. Pedley, R. D. Naylor, and S. P. Kirby, Thermochemical Data of Organic Compounds, 2nd ed. (Chapman and Hall, New York, 1986).

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" :r '< [II n :r In

~ l'J

~ C ~ .~

<: ~ .... :0 z P

cD OC) <0

1~" Appendix Table Ao1 Group Additivity Values of Stein and Fahr for Senzenoid Aromatic Hydrocarbons

~ SO C 0 / J K -1 rno 1-1 Group :.2.9.8. p

kJ rno1- 1 JK-1 rro l-1 300 400 500 600 SOD 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500

CS-(H) 13 .. S 4S.2 13.8 18.8 23.1 26. E 31.6 35.1 38.2 40.3 42.8 44 .. 2

CFR-(CFR)(CS)2 20.1 -20.9 12.6 15.4 17.5 19.2 22 23.1 25 25.S 26.6 27

CFR-(CFR)2(CS) 15.5 -20.9 12.6 15.4 17.5 19.3 22 23.7 25 25.8 26.6 27

CFR-( CFR b 6.1 7.6 8.4 13 16.3 18.5 21.1 22.4 23.2 23.7 24.2 24.5






"0 ::r:J 0 "'0 m :BJ ..... iii (J)


" "tJ 0 .. -< 0 -< 0 r-(1 l> :x:J 0 s: » -t 0 :t: -< C :xJ 0 n l> ::0 OJ 0 Z (J)

..... o (0

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