hypo for wills and trust

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Bob and Sally went on a safari in the middle of the desert with three of their four children, Chris, David, and Joe. While on the road, Bob told Sally to stop the car so that he could get out and feed a gazelle he saw. As he got out of the car, a lion started charging at him and bit off his leg. Before it could do any more damage, Sally threw a rock at the lion, and the lion diverted its attention to her. Sally, knowing full well that she was in grave danger, ran to the nearest tree and climbed up to the highest branch. The lion stood there and wouldnt let her come down. Bob limped over to the car, told Sally to hold on and that he is going to get help. Bob finally found an ambulance after five days of searching,. When they got to the tree, they saw that Sally had passed away while in the tree. They also found that she had etched some words into the tree stating I give all my property to my husband. Bob also noticed that the tree was an apple tree and some of the apples were eaten. On his way down from the tree, Bob slipped on a branch and fell to his death. At Bob and Sallys funeral, Sallys sister pulled Chris to a corner and told him that he was adopted and told him his real moms name. Chris refused to follow up on who his real mom is, and never told anyone that he was adopted. In the meantime, David and Joe were greeting the guests and were surprised to find someone with the same last name on the guest list. They asked their grandmother who Lolita Jones is and she told them that she is their fathers daughter from a previous marriage. Upon death, Bob owned a classic Ferrari he bought while in college, $3 million in investments he made with Sally, and the family home worth $2 million. Sally had an antique diamond worth $1.2 million and life insurance worth $1 million. Who inherits what?

Grandma Jane was at the old age home when her grandson, Simon, came to her for a visit. They began talking about old times and all the investments she had made throughout her life. She also continued to mention how George Washington used to come to her house for dinner every night, but George Washington had died long before Grandma Jane was born. She decided that now is a good time to write a will and told Simon to take a notepad out and begin writing what she said: all my buildings in downtown to your father, Horace, all my stocks to your Uncle Frank, all my vintage cars and planes to your Aunt Nancy, and all the residue to you, Simon. Simon wrote it all down and left space for Grandma Jane to sign. Grandma Jane signed the paper and told Simon to sign it as well for it to be a legitimate will. Simon signed the will and handed it over to Grandma Jane. Two weeks later Grandma Jane died and Simon brought the will to probate. Would the document she signed pass as a will?

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