i dedicate this book to cynthea irene wilks abraham and my mother heather brown because those are...

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My Dedication page

I dedicate this book to Cynthea Irene Wilks Abraham and my mother Heather Brown because those are two very important people to me….

Copyright 2010 Santa’s Workshop Publishing Co.

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Table of Contents

Dedication page My family traditionsChristmas around the world 1: Spain Christmas around the world 2 : ItalyPoem 1 Poem 2Poem 3Poem 4 Red Activity 1 Red Activity 2

Green activity 1Green activity 2Green Activity 3 Purple Activity 1Purple Activity 2Purple Activity 3Purple Activity 4Purple Activity 5 About The Author The End

My Family Traditions

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My family traditions are every year we go to and get a tree one week before Christmas I usually go with my brother, my mom, Jamie, and me (of course). We also bake Christmas treats like cookies and Nanaimo bars just because well, I love them and we usually have a Christmas dinner. We decorate our house in the beginning of December. We decorate our railing, put up little villages and put up the lights on the house. And then on Christmas Eve we have a family dinner with my mom’s side of the family.

On Christmas

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On Christmas morning I get up around 7:00 am to open presents. I usually wake my brother right away but he doesn’t usually come so I go to wake up my mom and Jamie but of course they don’t come until 8:00 am because they want to sleep in. So I am left woken up and waiting for someone to come and open presents with me. When my brother is up my mom lets us open our stalking’s first then when my mom and Jamie wake up its present time. When my family opens presents we usually go with Santa and his elf. My brother is always Santa so I am stuck with the elf and if you don’t know what that is it’s when one person in your family delivers the presents (Santa) and someone else helps ( the elf).After we open presents we get changed and go to my grandparents’ house for breakfast and more presents

When I found out about Santa

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I found out about Santa when I was little about 3 or something I always believed in him you know with the red nose and the red sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer but when I was in grade 3 people started questioning me about do you believe in Santa and I always said yes. Until grade 4 when I started to catch on that the writing from to Sydnie and from Santa sure did look like my mom’s writing and the wrapping paper was the same as all the others and then grade 5 came and my mom forgot to write to and from and a couple of presents and so she went in her room and fixed them and when they came back it said from Santa with the same Wrapping paper and the some writing as all the other ones it was too easy to figure out that my mom was Santa.

My Family Traditions

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My family traditions mean a lot to me because I love going to my grandparents’ house for breakfast because they always have the best food and I love going to pick up my dad from the airport when I haven’t seen him in all long time I love having my family traditions.

Christmas food in Spain

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Foods:Spain Christmas eve dinner is one of the most important meals of the year for Spanish families. Seafood is high on the list for the meal and the prices tend to be very high at this time of year. First on the menu is most likely to be cold Shellfish and cold cut meats. Followed by a soup, and then baked Besugo (Bream) with potatoes followed by roast lamb or suckling pig. The meal will be completed with Cava, Spain’s sparkling wine with trays of Christmas cakes and sweets. The meal will usually start late like 10:00 and go from there. The most important sweets are turron and marzipan. Turron Is nougat with toasted sweet almonds and has been made in spin for over 5 centuries.

Christmas decorations in Spain

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Decorations:All the cites of Spain put up their light only in the first week of December. Obviously you get to see Christmas lights in the houses but not until mid December. The unique thing that you can see in the houses is miniature Belenes (characters from the bible).

Christmas festivals in Spain

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Festivals:In Andalucía you’ll find bullfighting, music, and wine festivals. While in small towns you come across different kind of festivals like a snail festival in Leida, a seafood festival in O'Grove, and a paella festival in Sueca.

Christmas traditions in Spain

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Traditions: Christmas is a very religious holiday in Spain. The season doesn’t officially start until December 8 the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is celebrated each year in front of the great gothic cathedral in Seville with a ceremony called los Seises or the dance of six. The dance is now performed with not 6 but 10 elaborate dancers. It is a series of movements and gestures that is aid to be quite moving. Spain is also a very festive time at Christmas. On Christmas Eve the stars come out and oil lamps are on in every house. And after midnight mass and dinner the streets fill with dancers and onlookers. There is a special dance called Jota they dance to the sound of guitars and castanets. Christmas Eve is known as Nochebuena or (the good night). It is a time for family members to get together and rejoice. On December 28th the feast of the holy incents begins. Young boys light bonfire and one of them acts as the mayor who orders the town to do chores such as sweeping the streets. Children think of the three wise men as the gift barriers. Tradition says that they arrive on January 6th the date the wise men gave gifts to Jesus. The Spanish especially honor the cow because they say then Mary gave birth to Jesus the cow breathed on him to keep him warm. Shoes will also be put on balconies oh January 6th in hopes that the three wise men will fill them with gifts. In the cities of Spain Christmas is not a huge commercial occasion but a quite family affair.

Christmas food in Italy

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Foods:Over the years the Italians have developed their own special foods for the biggest holiday of the year and it has become more or less formalized as good Italian Christmas food. Some places in the country have developed a tradition of eating fish on Christmas. You might also see some religions enjoy a meatless dinner and others will go for a heavy meal with all the foods. The most popular menus in La Vigilia Napoletana would start off with a spicy broccoli rabe which goes on with the eel, lobster or the like. The meal ends with lasagna or stroffoli. Another Christmas day menu is the Natale in Altamura this menu would start with fish like baccala, eel and other seafood’s. This will be followed with orecciette, timballi, and some roasts. Twenty four hours before Christmas people fast (do not eat). It is followed by Christmas Eve dinner called Cennone. The dinner includes fish (no meat), pasta, vegetables, fresh fruits, and special sweets and cake.

Christmas decorations in Italy

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Decorations:Christmas tree’s are becoming more popular in Italy. Lights and decorations are not seen until December 8th the feast of the Immaculate Conception or even at the end of November. The cribs form the basis of Italian Christmas decorations. It is the core symbol of Christmas in Italy. Christmas Eve is a time for viewing the artistic and elaborate scenes or cribs. They are made up of clay or plaster of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Christmas traditions in Italy

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Traditions:Babbo Natale (Santa) and giving presents is becoming more popular in Italy. The main day for gift giving is Epiphany on January 6th or the 12th day of Christmas when the three wise men gave Jesus their gifts. In Italy presents are brought by La Befana an old lady who comes at night to fill the children’s stockings. In Italy the Christmas celebration begins December 24th to January 6th.

Christmas celebrations in Italy

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Celebrations :The season of celebrations begins with saturnalia a winter festival and ends with the Roman New Year. Naples nativity pictures, bagpipes, and flute players, zampogari and pifferai are all apart of Christmas celebrations in Rome, Naples, and Southern Italy. They where traditional colorful costumes with sheep skin vests, long white stockings and dark cloaks.

Christmas poem 1#

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CarolingHelpingReindeerIcicles SharingThoughtfulnessMakingAngelSinging

Christmas poem 2#

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Christmas cold, joyful

Giving, playing, opening

A magical time for giving


Christmas Poem 3#

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Santa Claus Jolly, warm

Riding, Smiling, making

Decorating, stuffing, freezing, cooling, cold, mean

Jack Frost

Christmas poem 4#

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Jingle Jingle little bells how I wonder where you are Shining like the moon at night Jingle Jingle little bells How I winder where you are.

The boy who didn’t believe in Santa Claus

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Every year little Jonathan put out the milk and cookies he always went with his mom to get pictures with Santa Claus at the mall. Christmas was his favorite time of the year. Until one year when he decided to stop believing in Santa Claus. he couldn’t stand the thought of little kids believing in something that doesn’t exist. He hated Christmas from there on. All he wanted to do was sit and watch TV until January came and this would all be over. Everyone in town thought he was crazy for not believing in Santa but it didn’t matter that anyone said he wouldn’t change his mind no matter what. And every Christmas he didn’t want any presents for himself or anyone else not even his own mother.

The boy who didn’t believe in Santa Claus part 2#

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There where no presents under the tree for him not even a crumb until last year when there was a small box and inside the box was a letter that said… Dear Jonathan I see that you don’t believe in the Christmas spirit anymore and I wanted to tell you how important it is to believe. It is so important to believe because everyone needs a little Christmas spirit in them or you will just be a unhappy little soul with no joy and that's what your turning into. So if you want to be happy and joyful you need to start believing. Remember that you are a wonderful person if you just believe in yourself you can accomplish anything. and remember I do watch over you and I have been disappointed because I need you to believe so that I can run my workshop and all the other kids in this world can get what they wanted for Christmas.Sincerely S ClausAfter that day he did believe and you should too.

If I had to spend Christmas in a different country where would I spend it?

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If I had to spend Christmas in a different country I would have to pick Paris France because I have always wanted to go there my whole life. And it would be really cool learning about there different traditions and festivals that they have for Christmas. I would pick Paris France because it would be cool to be in one of the most beautiful places for my favorite time of the year. I would love to spend my Christmas in Paris France.

Christmas Carols

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My favorite Christmas Carol is Rudolph the Red Rosed Reindeer because I just love that song and it was the first song that I learned of all the Christmas songs. I think the song is saying to not disclude people in anything and be nice to the people that surround you.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose, And if you ever saw it, You would even say it glows. All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names; They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say, Rudolph with your nose so bright, Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Then how the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, You'll go down in history.

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen., But do you recall? The most famous reindeer of all?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose, And if you ever saw it, You would even say it glows. All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names; They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say, Rudolph with your nose so bright, Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Then how the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, You'll go down in history.

Wish upon a star

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1) I think that wishing on a star really can make dreams come true

2) what can I do to make my dreams come true ? I can follow my dreams and wish .

3) what I wish for myself for Christmas. I wish for my dad to come and visit us. I wish that I will get the things that I want and that my friends and family will get what they want.

4) What do I wish for others for Christmas. I wish that we will have world peace and be free to do what we please especially in the country’s that don’t have freedom and peace.

5) What it takes form each of us to make each other happy. It takes everyone to be nice and respect others. And don’t hurt the people around you. Do unexpected things for other people to make them happy.


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1) Children and adults can go skating, skiing and snowboarding for Christmas activity’s

2) you can decorate your house together and bake goodies.

3) you can build snowmen, play in the snow together and have snow ball fights.

4) you can pick out the tree together.

5) you can go Christmas shopping together


Across 1. ringing 3. singing 7. beautiful 8. listen 10. loving 11. cold 12. round 13. poles 14. balls made of snow Down 2. colorful 4. green 5. light bulbs 6. fall from sky 9. best time of the year 13. blades


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The one symbol that belongs the most to Christmas is Santa Claus I think Santa is the biggest symbol for Christmas because almost every kid believes in Santa and hopes that he will bring them the one special gift that they wanted. Santa is the biggest symbol for Christmas because the myth is that he delivers presents to all the kids in the world all in one night ( Christmas Eve). And in the malls there is a stand saying pictures with Santa and I know that when I was younger I went there every year. Santa is the one thing about Christmas that children adore.

The Ideal Christmas

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1)I would have my favorite food for my Christmas dinner which would be dessert first starting with strawberry parfait then spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread.

2)I would go to my grandparent’s house for dinner.

3) The special things that we would do are watch movies, play with our gifts, and talk to each other.

what would you do ?

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1) If I met Santa I would ask for a lap top and tell him that he is awesome .

2) if o lost all my Christmas shopping money I would go crazy and ask for more from my mom to buy people presents or get some from my bank account.

3) if a small child asked me if there really was a Santa Claus I would say yes and tell him/her a story about him for proof.

4) if someone I hardly new got me a Christmas gift I would gladly except it.

5) if I was invited t a party and my best friend wasn’t I would stay with her that day instead of going to the party.

6) of was given 1 million dollars for the needy I would donate it so that they could get food and clothing.

7) if I was given the same Christmas gift by two of my best friends I would exchange one of them for something else and say thank you to both of them.


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Green : an Christmas tree is an important object in Christmas.

Red: Santa Claus always wears his red suit.

Gold : Christmas ordainments are gold.


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Snow is a really integral part of Christmas because everyone expects a white Christmas just like the song I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. Snow on Christmas is a wonderful part of Christmas and it just makes you happy to see all the snow on the ground. Especially since it only happens once in the whole year.

About The Author

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My name is Sydnie brown and I am 12 years old. I have one brother named Aaron. And I live with him, my mom and her fiancé Jamie. My parents are divorced and I have one dog and two bunnies. My favorite subject in school is Art and Drama. My favorite sport is soccer I am U13 and I made the Gold 2 team for the first time this year. I go to Maillard middle school and I am in grade 7 my teacher’s name in Mr. Mak he is my favorite teacher at the school. I have the bestest friends in the world Cynthea Irene Wilks Abraham, Sidney Allison Thomas, Kristin Anderson , Chantel Joseph , and many more I love my friends they help me with anything.

The End

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