i want a career change part 1

Post on 18-Dec-2014



Self Improvement



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http://homeforbusiness.co.uk/changing-career/ I Want A Career Change Part 1 Hello, my name is Andrea Lindsay and my business is called HALO Therapies. I started my business in March 2004, just 2 months before my youngest daughter was born! You, like me, might be considering a career change due to a change in family circumstances, or perhaps you've just had enough of working for someone else and want to work for yourself! Whatever the reason, keep listening, as I am going to help you find out a bit more about yourself and how to make the right career choice to help you get the life you want! Aldus Huxley, the author of Brave New World said "I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself." So, is it time for a change for you? Or more specifically, time for a career change? Perhaps you've been thinking about a job change for a while, but just didn't know where to begin! One of the mistakes we can often make when considering a change of job is to think of ourselves as a job title. Maybe you see yourself as a secretary or IT consultant or marketing manager or retail assistant? If this is how think about yourself, the chances are you are limiting your options! You are most definitely NOT a job title!! You are a unique set of capabilities and personal attributes made up of a lifetime of experience -- your lifetime. You are the sum of the life you have led which means you have developed a whole range of skills and experiences both in and outside of work. So, instead of thinking about yourself as a job title, I'd like you to begin to think about your skills and capabilities. Grab a piece of paper, your IPAD, your smart-phone, your pc whatever device you have and start begin by writing down 3 skills that you believe you excel at. People sometimes find it tricky to write down nice things about themselves. We are taught to be modest, not to boast or show off. Well this is your opportunity to sing your praises! To think about just how good you really are! If you can't identify your own strengths, don't expect anyone else too! Now is the time to be honest with yourself about what you really think you are good at ... Read more: http://homeforbusiness.co.uk/changing-career/


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