[ibm pulse 2014] #1579 devops technical strategy and roadmap

Post on 14-Sep-2014






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Hey everyone. Here is the presentation that I had the pleasure of presenting the following deck with Maciej Zawadzki and Ruth Willenborg describing IBM's technical strategy and roadmap. Enjoy!!!


© 2013 IBM Corporation

DevOps Technical Strategy and Roadmap #1579

Daniel Berg Chief Architect, DevOps Tools & Strategy

Ruth Willenborg Distinguished Engineer – Cloud and DevOps Maciej Zawadzki Distinguished Engineer, Director – Release & Deploy Product Line (UrbanCode)


Please note IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion.

Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.

The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion.

Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.


Acknowledgements and Disclaimers:

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. All rights reserved.

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All customer examples described are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics may vary by customer. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results.


Software delivery Intelligent/

Connected Systems Software component in smart products driving increased value and differentiation

Big Data Insights on new products by more efficiently interpreting massive quantities of data

Cloud Demand for apps requires fast, scalable environments for dev and test, as well as production

Instrumented Products Industry requirements demand faster response to regulations and standards, with traceability and quality

Social Business Broader set of stakeholders collaborates to deliver continuous innovation and value

Mobile Modern workforce expects constantly updated software to connect to enterprise systems

Software delivery is at the heart of today’s top technology trends


A lack of continuous delivery impacts the entire business enterprise in the new reality of “Systems Of Interaction”

>45% of customers experience production delays

>50% of outsourced projects fail to meet objectives

>70% of budgets devoted to maintenance and operations

4-6 weeks to deliver even minor application changes to customers

Systems of Interaction

Continuous client

experience Partner

value chain Cloud-based


Systems of Engagement Systems of Record

Operations Rapid app releases impact system stability and compliance

Suppliers Delivery in the context of agile

Development/Test Speed mismatch between faster moving front office and slower moving back office systems, delaying time to obtain feedback

Line-of-business Takes too long to introduce or make changes to mobile apps and services



MF iSeries



§  William Deming – American statistician §  Major influencer of Japanese

manufacturing and business §  Famous for Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

(Deming Cycle)

William  Edwards  Deming  

Deming Cycles and DevOps


Enterprise capability for continuous software delivery that enables clients to seize market opportunities and reduce time to customer feedback

Accelerate software delivery faster time to value

Balance speed, cost, quality and risk

increased capacity to innovate

Reduce time to customer feedback

improved customer experience

IBM DevOps

Continuous Release and Deployment

Continuous Customer

Feedback and Optimization

Monitor & Optimize

Develop & Test

Release & Deploy

Plan & Measure

Continuous innovation,

feedback and improvements

Continuous Monitoring

Collaborative Development

Continuous Business Planning

Continuous Testing


90% on-time delivery vs. 60% previously

50% increase in software quality over the last three years

70% decrease in user downtime

“We’re more agile as a business and more responsive to our customers. Collaboration has become an expected part of our culture.”

— Steve Farley, Vice President, Application Development Center, Nationwide

58% of developers moved to industry top quartile in productivity measures

Na#onwide  embraces  DevOps  to  drive  con7nuous  delivery  across  pla:orms  and  improve  speed  to  market  


DevOps and Cloud adoption Automating for faster delivery with DevOps and cloud

Networking Networking

Storage Storage

Servers Servers

Virtualization Virtualization


Middleware Middleware

Mid Config Mid Config

Data Data

Applications Applications

Tradi#onal    On-­‐Premises  

Infrastructure  as  a  Service  


Customiza#on;  higher  costs;  slower  #me  to  value  

Standardiza#on;  lower  costs;  faster  #me  to  value  


UC  Deploy   UC  Deploy  








Mid Config



PlaCorm  as  a  Service  

Codename:  BlueMix  PureApplica#on  

System  SmartCloud  Orchestrator  SoILayer  

JazzHub  (SaaS)  


We’ve been busy!

§  Acquisitions –  UrbanCode –  SoftLayer

§  Improved DevOps experience –  Usability improvements –  DevOps for Cloud –  Middleware Configuration –  Continuous Testing –  DevOps for Mobile –  DevOps for Mainframe


Investing in Release Automation … Introducing UrbanCode

Drive down cost Remove manual effort and wasted resource time with push button deployment processes Speed time to market Simple, graphical process designer, with built-in actions to quickly create deployment automation Reduce risk Robust configuration management, coordinated release processes, audits, and traceability

Enabling clients to more rapidly deliver mobile, cloud, big data and traditional applications with high quality and low risk

IBM UrbanCode Deploy automates the deployment of applications, databases and configurations into development, test and production environments, helping to drive down cost, speed time to market with reduced risk. IBM UrbanCode Release is an intelligent collaboration release management solution that replaces error-prone manual spreadsheets and streamlines release activities for application and infrastructure changes.



Continuous Delivery Pipeline


Recent UrbanCode Deploy Improvements

§  Usability Improvements –  Source configs = plugins –  More multifunction lists and tagging –  Comparison views

§  New Process Configuration Options –  Workflow capability: vertical integration


§  z/OS (mainframe) Support

§  Integration with SoftLayer

§  Improved SmartCloud Orchestrator integration

§  WebSphere configuration

v6.0 and v6.0.1


Recent UrbanCode Release Improvements

§  Rational Team Concert Integration

–  Change Management –  OSCL Integration –  Mapping –  RTC Delegated UI Dialogs –  Release Progression

§  Release Impact Analyses §  Pipeline View §  Federated Deployment


v6.0 and v6.0.1


IBM UrbanCode Deploy – Plug-ins

•  59 plug-ins from15 different vendors and open source organizations •  Broad range of plugins supported:

•  Application servers •  Databases •  Messaging platforms •  Test automation •  Issue tracking systems •  Operating system services •  Cloud platforms •  Issue tracking •  Even more…

•  Plug-ins can be downloaded for free from https://www.ibmdw.net/urbancode/plugins/


Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)



Patterns Image Management

Dev Tools

Monitor Backup & Restore Security Compliance

Self-Service Catalog


IBM  Cloud  Orchestrator:  an  open  and  scalable  pla:orm  

Power Soft Layer Hyper-V z/VM

planned Future Releases Current Release







Orchestration Engine

Network Domain"

Storage Domain"

IT Management"Monitoring


Availability Domain"

Compute Domain

!Monitoring !

IT Asset Management!

Service Desk!

Storage Domain!

Change Management!

Provision Pattern

Network Domain!

Workload Orchestration

Workload aware placement, optimization and operation

Resource Orchestration!Onboard, provision, manage

CPU, Storage and Network

Service Orchestration Manage the lifecycle of business applications

DB App Web

Managing workloads across the lifecycle requires orchestration


Orchestration Engine

Network Domain"

IT Management"Monitoring


Availability Domain"

ervice Desk!

Provision Pattern

DB App Web

Managing workloads across the lifecycle requires orchestration F5 Load Balancer Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager Juniper Firewall

NetApp NAS Tivoli Productivity Center (Sonas) Tivoli Storage Manager

SmartCloud Control Desk

IBM EndPoint Manager software installation patch and compliance Chef server software installation Tivoli Provisioning Manager

OpenStack IaaS Virtual System Patterns PureApplication System Tivoli Service Automation Manager

VMware PowerVM KVM Amazon EC2 zVM SoftLayer

Tivoli Workload Scheduler

Approval processing Scripting utilitities Email Database Java Web Services

Over 200 IBM and industry patterns WebSphere DB2 Mobile Business Intelligence SharePoint SQL Server


Automating application deployment to cloud resources

Cloud  Resources    (DEV)   Cloud  Resources  (PROD)  


QA   ...   PROD  

World-Wide Banking Application  war   ddl   mq  

World-Wide Banking Application  war   ddl   mq   PaIern  Parameters    

can  be  supplied  by  Proper7es  from  

UC  Deploy  

World-Wide Banking Application  war   ddl   mq  


UrbanCode  Deploy    IBM  Cloud  Applica#on  Component  

Tomcat   MySQL   JMS   WebSphere  Liberty   DB2   WSMB  

SmartCloud  Orchestrator  

IBM  PureApplica#on  System  

IBM UrbanCode Deploy

Private Clouds Hybrid Public Clouds


Improve Delivery Lifecycle with Software Defined Environments

SCM Build Automation

IBM Endpoint Manager


Provision platform Execute application deployment and manage settings across environments


Publish build Pull changes

SmartCloud  Orchestrator  

Platform Config Management


Deploy early and often to ensure higher quality and faster releases using repeatable, reliable, and managed automation


IBM  PureApplica#on  System  


Reliable management of middleware configuration across environments

Application Deployment Automation WAS Configuration Template Creation

7 - D



5 - Publish

Middleware Administrator -or- Application Developer

Exemplar WAS Cell

2 - Plugin

3 - Import 4 - Assemble

WAS Configuration Template

Artifact Library

Deployment Automation Developer

6 – Define Deployment Process

7 - D



7 - D



Application Environments

QA Prod Dev





Cluster template


Deployment automation and service virtualization for reducing time to market and improving quality

Databases Internal Messages

Third-party Services

virtual components

Simultaneously test across

multiple test stages

Dev QA

IBM Rational Test Virtualization


Deploy Provision


Combining continuous testing with DevOps: Continuous Testing

IBM UrbanCode Deploy

IBM Rational Test Workbench

{ integrated with

Test Environments

Dynamic Infrastructure

Deploy what is ready, virtualize the rest

Continuously test in production-like env.

Test using real world network conditions n SHUNRA Network



IBM UrbanCode Deploy V6.0 integration with IBM Worklight V6.0



UrbanCode Deploy



Application Center

Console Process


adapter Binary (IPA/APK)

Install/update app

runtime calls

ü  The new plugin enables automated deployment to Worklight Console and Application Center Supports Worklight Apps targeting iOS and Android

ü  Use App Server, Database and other plugins to configure environments and Worklight projects


Smarter Mobile Quality Assessment

Tester End Users Developer

Over the air build distribution 1 In app bug reporting 2

Crash log reporting


In app user feedback 3

LOB/Digital Marketer

Sentiment Analysis 5 Builds

User Feedback Crash logs

Bugs Bugs vs. Crashes

Quality Dashboard with Sentiment Analysis

IBM Mobile Quality Assurance services (beta) Addresses five key use cases, attacking pain points for all key users

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Future Directions

Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion.


Environments QA PROD

Banking Application Banking Application

Banking Application


IBM UrbanCode Deploy

OpenStack Heat IBM Platform Resource Scheduler

Server Storage Network

Application Lifecycle


Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) Heat Orchestration Template (HOT)

OpenStack Heat IBM Platform Resource Scheduler

Server Storage Network


IBM Cloud Orchestrator

Moving to open technologies

Public  Dedicated   Private  Tradi#onal    


Application template

Infrastructure template



Organic environments Version-aware Full-stack engineering Composable content Cloud agnostic

Cloud Pattern Designer HOT document editor & Environment

lifecycle management tool

A full-stack engineering solution for designing, deploying, and managing environments



Heat Templates (HOT) Building


HOT Executes on

Next generation pattern development and lifecycle management

OpenStack Heat





IBM DevOps Services (JazzHub) for Cloud


Git hosting"

Store and manage the code for your application in the hosted Git repo.

Mobile quality"Improve mobile app quality through crash analytics, sentiment analysis, and feedback.

Integrated Development Environment "

Agile planning & tracking, team collaboration"

Performance monitoring"

Identify the early occurrence and root cause of performance issues, not just the symptoms, throughout the application lifecycle. Conduct code level diagnostics to identify bottlenecks and optimize application performance.

Easily share work and collaborate with team members. "

Use built-in Web IDE, Eclipse, Visual Studio or leverage your tool of choice.

Deployment automation"Instantly deploy your applications.

Continuous Integration"Continuously build, scan, and test code to improve quality and increase speed of delivery.

Open, integrated rapid development experience that scales

Planned Services


Globally distributed enterprise deployments

CodeStation DB

Shared by servers

Clustered High Availability Agents

Load Balancer

Relay Server

Data Center A

CodeStation DB

Shared by servers

Clustered High Availability Agents

Load Balancer

Relay Server

Data Center B

Replicate deployment artifacts

Synchronize data (e.g. process definition, security, templates) Awareness-only of other (e.g historical data)

Associated servers across sites


Environment Change Management

Desired State What we want

Inventory What we believe


Actual State What is actually on

the system

Compliant? Compliant?


Configuration drift detection


Planned Solution §  Automate deployment of mobile

applications by interacting with mobile platforms and mobile SDKs

§  Support for IBM Worklight (available today) §  Support for emulators/simulators in Apple

XCode and Android SDK §  Support for mobile testing “device-

clouds”, e.g.: Appurify, Perfecto Mobile and DeviceAnywhere

Expanding mobile delivery services

Develop Deliver


Rational Team Concert IDE

Build Request Build

Jazz Build Engine

Native SDK Build

Built Artifacts

Deploy Use Application Run

Mobile Resource IBM UrbanCode Deploy

IBM Worklight Server




Deployment automation of native mainframe applications

•  Accelerate delivery and reduces cycle time to develop/test multi-tier applications across heterogeneous environments and platforms

•  Reduce costs and eliminate delays for delivering mainframe applications •  Minimize risk and improve productivity across disparate teams with cross-platform

release planning

Value from planned unified solution



Code Station on z/OS

Test Environment – RD&T

•  Download build output from Code Station on z/OS

•  Deploy to z/OS or RD&T to test application changes

Application under test

IBM UrbanCode Deploy for z/OS



§  Adopting DevOps with Cloud accelerates delivery

§  IBM provides enterprise Cloud and DevOps solutions

–  SmartCloud Orchestrator –  PureApplication System –  SoftLayer –  UrbanCode

§  We are investing for the future

–  Codename: BlueMix –  JazzHub – DevOps

Services –  NextGen Pattern lifecycle

management –  DevOps for Mobile &


SmartCloud  Orchestrator  

IBM  PureApplica#on  System  

Private Clouds Public Clouds

Java  DevOps  Services   Session  Cache  

Mobile    DB  

Monitor & Optimize

Develop & Test

Release & Deploy

Plan & Measure

Continuous innovation,

feedback and improvements

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Innovate  2014:  The  IBM  Technical  Summit  

The unprecedented convergence of DevOps, smarter product development, social, mobile, analytics, and cloud is transforming the Internet of Things into the internet of everything. Software is everywhere, which puts you at the center of it all. Innovate 2014 gets you face-to-face and code-to-code with over 4,000 peers, industry experts, IBM thought leaders, and global business partners. Attend Innovate 2014 to find out how IBM can put you and your team right at the center of the action in software and systems innovation in DevOps, product development, agile, mobile, cloud, and more.

June 1 – 5, 2014 Orlando, Florida The Walt Disney Swan and Dolphin Resort

•  Over 4,000 attendees

•  More than 400 sessions

•  Training, certification, hands-on

labs, and much more

•  Register before February 28th and

save up to 200 US dollars with the

Early Bird rate

Visit ibm.com/innovate for more information.

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