icb behavioral competence elements

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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  • 1. Leadership Engagement & motivationSelf-control AssertivenessRelaxation Openness Creativity

2. Assertiveness Self-controlRelaxationEngagement & motivationLeadershipOpennessBehavioural competenceCreativity 3. Leadership involves providing direction and motivating others in their role or task to fulfil the projects objectives. ICBPMBOKThe leadership style includes patterns of : behaviour, communication methods, attitude about conflicts and criticisms, ways of controlling team members behaviours, decision making processes etc.PMBOK does not note leadership styles.Leadership is required throughout the life of a project. It is particularly important when a project faces with problems, when change is required or where there is uncertainty about an action.Leadership is important throughout all project phases, but it is critical during the beginning phases of a project when the emphasis is motivating and inspiring project members to achieve high performance. 4. Engagement makes people believe in the project and want to be part of it. Motivation of the project team depends on how well the individuals bond together and ability to deal with the high and low points of the project. ICBPMBOKEngagement with and motivation of the The overall success of project depends upon the individuals has to be honest and will then result in project team's commitment, which is directly a good working atmosphere and increased related to their level of motivation. productivity of individuals and the team. Motivating an individual requires the project manager to be aware of the persons skills and experience, their personal attitudes, circumstances and their intrinsic motivations.Motivating in a project environment involves creating an environment to meet project objectives while offering maximum selfsatisfaction related to what people value most. 5. Self-control or self-management is a systematic and disciplined approach to cope with daily work, changing requirements and to deal with stressful situations. ICBPMBOKThe project manager is responsible for maintaining an awareness of the stress levels in the team and taking appropriate remedial action to preempt any situation where it is likely to get out of control.Work-Life balance, mental models, self and time management, and working under stress are not covered in PMBOK. Only mention as interpersonal skills of the HR. 6. Assertiveness is a competence the project manager needs to help ensure effective communications with the project team and other interested parties. ICBPMBOKPersuasiveness can help ensure that worthy ideas are heard and implemented; i.e. the ideas that help achieve project objectives.Persuasion is based on facts, not emotion and agenda. Use of Diplomacy, assertiveness, personal conviction, interpersonal skills self-belief and selfcontrol. 7. Relaxation is the ability to relieve tension in difficult situations. De-escalation of a tense situation is important in maintaining fruitful cooperation between involved parties. ICBPMBOKThe manager is able to relax, recuperate and regroup after a particularly stressful event and ensure that the team do likewise.Awareness, humor, imagination and re-energizing can enrich interpersonal skills.The project manager needs to ensure that he and team members maintain an appropriate balance of work, family, and leisure.Family, leisure and personal contacts can enhance Organization Structure. 8. Openness is the ability to make others feel they are welcome to express themselves, so that the project can benefit from their input, suggestions, worries and concerns. ICBPMBOKOpenness is necessary as a means of benefiting from others knowledge and experience. The relationships in the team are built on mutual respect, trust and reliability.Openness in communication is a gateway to teamwork and high performance. It improves relationships among project team members and creates mutual trust.The project manager also needs to be open to issues such as avoiding discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, cultural differences, or disability.To communicate effectively, the project manager should be aware of the communication styles of other parties, cultural issues, relationships, personalities, and overall context of the situation. 9. Creativity is the ability to think and act in original and imaginative ways. It is one of the prime competences for project success. ICBPMBOKHelps project managers to overcome problems and motivates the team in developing the creative idea into a workable solution. 7 Possible Process Steps :Four basic styles of decision- command, consultation, consensus and coin flip Decision-making model 6 phases:1. Find problems which creativity will solve 2. Determine who can find a creative solution 3. Get the chosen group, explain the problem and ask them to use their imaginations in offering ideas 4. Stimulate and brainstorm all possible ideas 5. Assess and prioritize each idea 6. Discuss feasibility and select the best idea 7. Plan and execute the chosen solution. 8. Document the lessons learnt and apply in similar situations1.Problem definition- clarify and define problem 2. Problem solution generation- brainstorm multiple solutions 3. Ideas to action pros and cons, select best solution 4. Solution action planning- involve key participants to gain acceptance 5. Solution evaluation planning- analysis, evaluation and lessons learned 6. Evaluation of the outcome and processReach for the impossible and achieve the unlikely! 10. 1. International Project Management Association: ICB: IPMA Competence Baseline 2. Project Management Institute: PMBOK Guide and Standards 11. Questions?

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