identity theft

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Identity TheftIdentity theft, also called identity fraud, occurs when somebody steals another person's personal information and uses the data for fraudulent purposes, typically for financial gains. Below are articles concerning identity theft with information on preventing identity theft and tips on protection against identity theft. This identity theft prevention and survival guide will help you gain knowledge on how to prevent identity theft from destroying your credit and recover from identity fraud if you are a victim.How To Protect Yourself From... - Part 1 (Identity Theft)Nowadays, people are even more determined to obtain our personal information to our disadvantage. How do we stay one step ahead?

No doubt you are familiar with the fact that identity theft rates have increased dramatically throughout the 20th to 21st centuries... but the rates to avoiding this crime have also gone up with increases in safety technologies. Computers are now, more than ever, equipped with software that scan incoming messages, notices, or other content to ensure its safety to the system administrator. So how do we get to understand identity theft? And exactly how can we protect ourselves from it? Let's consider, first of all, when identity theft started, and how it's done.

The term 'identity theft' was coined in 1964, but is not to be confused with stealing someone's identity... that is not possible. To steal someone's identity is to literally become that person, stealing their "name" (identity). An identity thief does not steal the identity; he only poses as the soon-to-be victim, so as to obtain certain financial, personal, or other information, most often to the victim's disadvantage. And it doesn't have to be one person only; the crime could result in the fall of major businesses, or smaller groups of individuals. What happens is the thief poses as another person and does things with the information he was able to obtain that later come back and bite the victim... maybe the thief purchased numerous things from the Internet with the victim's credit card or maybe he obtained cash through the victim's bank and spent it all on other things. The victim could be overdrawn in the bank, or something along that line.

Here are several ways that identity thieves get a hold of one's information: (as cited in Wikipedia)Rummaging through rubbish for personal information.Retrieving personal data from storage media including PCs, servers, PDAs, mobile phones, USB memory sticks, and hard drives that have been disposed of carelessly at public dump sites, given away or sold on without having been properly sanitized.Using public records about individual citizens, published in official registers such as electoral rolls.Stealing bank or credit cards, identification cards, passports, authentication tokens... typically by pickpocketing, housebreaking, mail theft, etc.Skimming information from bank or credit cards using compromised or hand-held card readers, and creating clone cards.Seeing or hearing someone enter their credential information via telephone or computer (shoulder surfing).Because of the last identity theft technique - shoulder surfing - one should never access their financial information in public, or where they know someone that doesn't need to see that stuff will be. When calling your bank or any other service that requires your Social Security number or bank account number, and you have to speak it aloud, never let the person on the other end say it aloud. You never know who's standing behind them taking notes... so how do we protect ourselves from identity theft?

Never purchase something online from someone you don't know, or cannot verify as a reputable seller. Also, keep track of your personal information, and never leave your computer or laptop unattended when taking it to public places. Keep your computer system up-to-date at all times; always check for software updates and improvements to secure, blocking services. And most important of all, 'Never Ever Ever' open emails you receive from someone you don't know. This is by far the easiest way to obtain information from someone; once they open a hacking email, their whole computer system has given permission to the sender to access the entire system and mostly, not ultimately, take control of it.

Now you know how to protect yourself from identity theft! But what about car crashes? With cell phones, radio, and even Internet in your car, people become easily distracted so as to lose control of the vehicle and cause themselves and others extreme damage. How do we stay protected?Read more at Buzzle: Identity Theft ProtectionIdentity theft has become a major concern these days with the number of victims being around ten million in USA alone. Let us know about some of the best protection programs for identity theft.

Identity theft, also known as identity fraud or impersonation, is a fraud where a person pretends to be someone else in order to gain benefits. In such cases, the impostor uses personal information like social security number, credit card information, etc., for various purposes like gaining a new telephone connection or renting an apartment or even taking credits and loans. This generally goes undetected until the credit report review is done or a debt collector pays a visit. Let's know more about identity theft and the protection services.

About Identity Theft

Identity theft can be divided into five major categories:Business or Commercial Identity Theft: This identity theft is done to obtain credit using others' business name.Criminal Identity Theft: Here, a person poses as someone else when taken into custody for any crime.Financial Identity Theft: This is done to obtain goods and services using others' identity.Medical Identity Theft: Identity theft done to obtain health care or medicines.Identity Cloning: Assuming someone's identity in daily life.These identity thefts are carried out by various ways like, stealing mail, dumpster diving, disposed mobile phones or computers, eavesdropping, pickpocketing, data breech, fake job offers, phishing, Trojan horses, computer hacking or through social networking sites.

Protection from Identity Theft

Identity theft protection is a type of an insurance that covers the costs associated with the identity theft. This insurance is generally offered by banks or credit card companies. For choosing the best protection service, the following things should be kept in mind.

Reputation: The reputation of a company can be checked by their history and the level of customer satisfaction that they provide. Also, the experience of the staff that works in the company can be helpful.

Security: The security can cover many aspects that a company should provide like fraud monitoring features and fraud alerts, credit freeze and pin or voice verification.

Recovery: The company should help with the legal matters like filing reports, disputing the unauthorized transactions and recovering the information stolen from the customer.

Assistance: The company should provide better guidance and prompt, helpful responses in case the fraud takes place.

Some of the best identity theft protection companies in the US are TrustedID, Identity Guard, LifeLock, IDWatchdog, Debix, etc. These companies provide various theft protection features that are helpful in protecting one's identity to a great extent.

Another way to stop an identity theft is to freeze your credit account. This way not even you can withdraw money from it. When you need to borrow, you can unfreeze your account, and later re-freez it. Though, there is a fee that you have to pay every time you freeze and unfreeze your account. The fee depends on which state you live in and of course, it will be for all the three credit bureaus, i.e., Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.

But as they say, prevention is better than cure. Most identity thefts take place due to negligence on the part of the individual. If one takes some small but thoughtful measures in daily life, many problems can be avoided. Let us see what the steps for preventing identity theft are.

Identity Theft PreventionShred and destroy the documents that contain private financial information like credit card statements, etc.Keep any of your personal information like date of birth or credit card number safe and do not tell it to anyoneProtect your social security number and don't put it on checks, etc. Be careful while carrying the cards that have your personal information.Never leave behind the receipts of credit cards or similar things like ATM receipts that can provide information to others.Secure your mailbox and keep it locked. Avoid mailing outgoing bill payments from home; use post office or other such secure locations.While making credit card payments, make sure that the card never goes out of your eyesight. If that is not possible then opt for cash payments.Register yourself in the national 'Do-Not-Call' registry. This will make sure that your number is removed from the tele-marketers list. Also, cut down on the junk mail and credit card solicitations.Do not give away your personal information on phone without verifying the identity of the caller, reason for their call and which company they represent. If you are not sure, call back the company to affirm.Make a note to verify the privacy policy of your credit card company, insurance company and other such organizations with whom you share your confidential information.Monitor your credit report at least once a year. By doing this you can find out if there is any discrepancy. In that case you can alert your card company or creditor immediately to save further damages.Review the statements of your credit cards and close all the accounts that you do not use or need.In case the fraud has occurred, contact the fraud departments of each of the three credit bureaus, i.e., Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Request for the creditors to call and confirm with you before making changes in your account or opening a new one. Contact the creditor of the fallacious account and follow up with a letter. File a report in the local police station and keep a copy of that report with you. Also, keep a record of every correspondence and phone calls that you have made in the process of fraud detection till your credit history is clean. By keeping these tips to avoid identity theft in mind, you can ensure the best protection and prevention of your identity. Good luck!

By Bhavya VermaRead more at Buzzle: Identity Management TechniquesWith the advent of social websites, the world has really shrunk. With a click of a button, we have all the information about a person's history, likes and dislikes and educational qualifications. So which techniques will help us be in the good books of our respective employers? Let's read to get a detailed insight.

'First impression is the last impression' - this adage has been told to you since you were a child. This adage is religiously being followed by hiring managers, companies and well, your friends too. Online identity is like you are living in a house only with glass doors. Your whole life activities are like an open book. Having an online profile is certainly beneficial as it helps you to establish contacts with other people. For companies, it helps them connect with customers, suppliers and also helps them to know intricate details about competitors. Basically these social websites create a whole new world.

But with certain advantages, there are disadvantages associated with it. There is always a fear of hackers who can hack your profile and alter it in a negative way or worse, steal it. Even for companies, hackers pose a risk as they can easily get vital information about the company like trade secrets or financial information.

Managing Your Future

As personal branding can make or break your identity, it's of vital importance to regularly monitor your profile and avoid embarrassments. Following are some techniques which can prove to be beneficial in managing the online profile:

Search Your IdentityAfter you have created your profile, it's important to find out about yourself with the help of various search engines. This will give you an idea about your reputation and will serve as a reminder in the event of negative publicity. According to a business magazine, around 70% of the recruiters search the applicant's profile and 30% eliminate an applicant because of some inappropriate findings in the person's profile. Many search engines provide you personalized services like alerting you if your name crops up in something inappropriate. Take control of your profile page by activating privacy settings on photos, friends list and messages. For a more professional approach, use professional websites which boost your image in front of recruiters.

Erase the Negative ContentAs 'word of mouth' is important in the advertising world, similarly written words about you in your friends blogs, social websites serve as an alert call which you should not ignore. If you find certain irrelevant photos or conversations, try to delete them or tell your friends to remove it. Also, it's advisable that you keep yourself away from petty criminal activities as these hamper your image.

Language IssuesWhile you are busy chatting away to glory, someone will certainly be scrutinizing your profile and your views. So try to keep your language in check. Do not appear as a fanatic for certain issues. Like after 9/11, many people posted hate messages on their profile, this certainly didn't work in their favor. Also, do not involve yourself in writing verbal abuses. Always remind yourself that Internet is such a window through which anyone can easily peek into your world.

Accurate InformationWhile answering questions in the exam paper, we were told to write answers to the point. The same norm is being followed by the professional websites too. If a recruiter is searching for you, he/she wants recent and accurate information about your professional achievements rather than some old outdated information. So always update your profile and try maintaining relevant information which will help in boosting your career graph in a positive direction.

Close Extra AccountsOver a period of time, we all tend to open several accounts in many social networking sites which later on lie idle. These accounts are targeted by hackers to steal your valuable information which can put you in a tight spot. So for keeping your profile and information safe, try to close those accounts in which your visits are limited.

In the end, safeguarding your information is a key to preserve your future. In this Internet age, where companies as well as people are marketing themselves to their prospective clients, one thing sure has changed, the demarcation between professional and personal life has been absolved. As Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems has rightly put it, "You already have zero privacy. Get over it."Read more at Buzzle: to Avoid Identity TheftWhat are the best ways to avoid identity theft? If you are looking for an answer to that question, this article will certainly be worth reading. Keep reading ahead to know all about how to safeguard your personal information and save yourself from identity theft.

You can pay dearly for carelessness regarding sharing of personal information in this age of e-commerce and automated banking. Every month, millions of dollars are lost by individuals and banks due to identity theft crimes. In this age of cyber crimes, you have to be very careful in sharing your personal information with anybody. Though identity theft punishments are very strict, it doesn't stop people from stealing personal information. It isn't a matter that should be taken lightly by anyone.

Although I have known a lot of people, who have been victims of identity theft, I myself have been fortunate enough to not being counted among them. That may be, partly, due to plain old good luck and partly due to my habit of being extremely paranoid about securing my personal information. In the following lines, I shall discuss a strategy to prevent identity theft effectively. Like me, you don't need to be paranoid, but I am sure you will agree that being careful in this case, certainly has its advantages.

What is Identity Theft?

Before we go ahead and take a look at ways to prevent it, let me describe what exactly is identity theft. This crime manifests itself in many ways. Identity theft is basically using somebody's personal information to gain access to his or her resources or use it for nefarious purposes. The types of personal data which get stolen include social security numbers, credit card/debit card numbers and PINs, passport information, financial history and other such information.

Impersonation is a better word than identity theft to describe this crime. The biggest crime problem is credit card fraud, which is enabled by identity theft through hacking of computers.

The rise of e-commerce and online banking has created the greater evil of stealing login names and passwords, through phishing websites and email scams. Every time you expose your personal information in a public place and every time you share digital or documented personal data of any kind, you are vulnerable to being a victim of identity theft. Let us see ways in which you can create a foolproof system of protecting your personal data in the next section.

Best Ways to Avoid Identity Theft

The best way of avoiding identity theft is to plug all possible ways in which you could leak personal information into public domain. Here are some simple tips on how to go about it.

Safeguard Personal DocumentationFirst and foremost, make sure that your personal documentation, which includes your passport, your social security card and other personal documentation is safely locked up in your house or any other secure place. If you need to carry your debit card or credit card with you, make sure that you keep your wallet or purse safe, when traveling in public places.

Avoid carrying any of your personal documentation or credit cards with you, unless you really need to. In the event that any of your personal documents get stolen, make sure that you report it immediately to police authorities and block the stolen debit or credit card. Get the best identity theft protection, you can.

Shred Documents With Sensitive Personal DataDon't throw away credit card bills and other documentation which has sensitive personal information, without shredding them. Buy a shredder if you regularly generate a lot of personal documentation and make sure that all disposable documents are shredded and disposed off securely. Make sure that no personal documents are left in the trash as they can be scavenged for information.

Be Smart When Choosing Email Passwords & ATM PINsWhen setting passwords and login names for your email account or setting your debit card PIN, don't make it your birth date or something that can be easily guessed from your personal information. Go for random alphanumeric passwords for email accounts and use random number combinations for PINs. Beware of shoulder surfing, whereby bystanders can peep in when you type your PIN and use it later, by stealing your debit card.

Secure Data Stored on Your ComputerMake sure that the computer terminal which you use for online banking and e-shopping has been secured. Install the best antivirus software that you can get hold of, on your computer with Internet security and anti-phishing filters. Implement an identity theft prevention program, which can eliminate your anxiety about this matter, forever.

Avoid Sharing Information With Strangers Over Phone & MailFor preventing identity theft, don't talk about your personal financial details on the phone with anybody or on the Internet. Do not divulge your credit card number, social security number or other information with anyone on the phone or through email. Don't fall for email scams demanding your bank account details.

Lock Your Mailbox & Secure Your HomeProtect your mail from getting stolen. It is a good idea to lock your mail box and provide a secure address for mail communication, if your residential area is not secure. Get a good alarm system in place and the latest secure locking system for your home. This may sound paranoid, but if you implement it, you can certainly sleep with peace of mind.

Some of the above suggestions will go a long way in saving you from being robbed by individuals who haven't yet learned to earn money from a single day of honest labor. Of course, eternal vigilance is the best safeguard you can have.

By Omkar PhatakPublished: 2/4/2011Read more at Buzzle: to Prevent Identity TheftThe write-up is a compilation of some simple tips to prevent identity theft which can help you ensure that you don't become a victim of identity related frauds. Read on....

The term identity theft is used to refer to a fraud, wherein an individual pretends to be someone else, in order to gain some or the other benefits he is not rightfully entitled to. In most of the cases, crimes pertaining to identity theft are related to financial issues. However, there are some cases, wherein the perpetrator intends to spoil the image of the victim or put him/her in a trouble.

Identity Theft Prevention

The act of Identity theft can be broadly categorized into several types based on the motive of the perpetrator. Business identity theft refers to a scenario wherein the perpetrator pretends to be someone else, in order to get credit from the market, while criminal identity theft, refers to a scenario wherein the criminal pretends to be someone else when he is caught. The problem, in both the cases is that the victim has to bear the brunt of the perpetrators misdeeds. In most of the cases, by the time the victim realizes that someone has stolen his identity to commit some crime or fraud, it is too late. The victim is bound to have a tough time convincing the authorities that he is not responsible for the alleged malpractices. Identity fraud, i.e. the fraud committed by the perpetrator by posing to be someone else is a web of deceit, which is very difficult to come out of. The easier part is to ensure some simple steps, so that no one lays their hands upon your identity, and you don't have to undergo all this trauma that follows.

Preventing Identity Theft OnlineAs the number of people using the Internet for financial transactions is increasing, identity frauds associated with the world wide web are increasing as well. In order to make sure that you don't fall prey to identity thefts online, you shouldAvoid giving out your personal information, such as the date of birth or social security number, online.Always make sure that the website is trustworthy when making financial transactions.Avoid clicking on suspicious links or e-mails promising a hefty prize money.Use good anti-virus programs which have the ability of tackling Trojans which can steal information from your PC.Use passwords which are combination of numbers and alphabets, and never keep your date of birth or your middle name as your password. More importantly, make sure that you change your passwords quite often.Preventing Identity Theft in a BusinessThough, the number of cases pertaining to identity fraud in business is less, when compared to those on the Internet, the loss incurred in business related identity fraud is much more. Some simple measures and you can ensure that your business is safe from the clutches of opportunistic fraudsters.Make sure that the computer systems you use to run your business are well secured with necessary software. Hackers are on lookout for unsecured machines from which they can steal the valuable data.Make sure that your personal information is not accessible to anyone around you. Writing down your ATM PIN or net banking password in a place or document just because you don't remember it, can cost you dearly.Prepare a security policy for your business and enforce it with immediate effect. Make sure that only the concerned employees have access to the various parts of the office.Cut off the access of employees immediately, who leave the job. Make sure that they return all the official access cards and disable their official mail accounts, when they quit.If your business demands interaction between employees and clients, make sure that you intimate all your clients that the said employee is no more associated with your companyOther than these simple measures, make sure that the people with whom you share crucial information are trustworthy. And don't forget to monitor your credit reports and other financial documents regularly.

Even after taking all these measures to prevent identity thefts, if you feel that any of your vital information is compromised, you should immediately report the same to the concerned authorities. The foremost thing you require to do is to lodge a police complaint, and obtain a copy of the same. On the basis of this complaint, you can take further actions like blocking your account to ensure that no further transactions are made. Don't forget to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission or Social Security Administration's Fraud Hotline. These organizations monitor such frauds, in order to determine if any identity theft rings are involved.

While identity theft prevention programs are no doubt helpful in tackling this grievous issue, the rule of the thumb, in this case, is 'never give out your personal information to anybody'.Read more at Buzzle: Theft Prevention ProgramsConsidering that somewhere around 8 million people fall prey to identity theft every year, it is very important to be well-versed with identity theft prevention programs. Read on....

Identity theft is a term used to describe a fraud, committed by a perpetrator, pretending to be someone else, for his personal benefits. Usually, the perpetrator steals the personal information of a particular individual and uses it fraudulently to gain access the persons wealth, or to fulfill his vested interests.

Personal information may include bank account numbers, social security numbers, passwords, user names, credit card information etc. This information may be used to take loans or open new accounts in the victims name, as well as to steal money from his accounts. The perpetrator may also use this information for some criminal purpose, and the victim will only realize about this, when he is held responsible for these criminal acts.

How are Identity Thefts Carried Out?

Identity theft is most often committed by organized crime rings or individuals, out of desperation. It is a crime of an opportunity, hence the perpetrator need not be a criminal, he can just be a frustrated individual who sees an opportunity and jumps onto it. Even hardened criminals who work for organized crime syndicates, depend on this illegal practice to carry out their operations.

The most common methods by which the perpetrator gains access to your personal information are dumpster driving and shoulder surfing. In dumpster, driving the culprit searches your trash to gain information about you, while in shoulder surfing the culprit overlooks your shoulder to see the information which you are either writing or typing. Other methods include fake emails, fake verification calls etc. With such methods these culprits gain access to the information vital for you without you getting the slightest hint of what is happening.

What are Identity Theft Prevention Programs?

The list of crimes carried out with the help of stolen personal information about a particular individual is quite lengthy, and identity theft prevention is aimed at avoiding this very fraudulent act. Even a simple identity card can provide the perpetrator some vital information about you. The damages caused by identity theft can be very vast, therefore it is wiser to prevent such crimes from happening.

Confidential information, such as passwords and personal identification number (PIN), are meant to be stored in your mind, and not in your diaries. Never give personal information on Internet or phones, they can be illegally accessed by the third person. Don't get lured into false prize email scams, the information you provide to obtain that prize money can help the perpetrator to make some money at your cost. Keep your personal information as confidential as possible. If a culprit gets access to it, he can put you into some serious trouble.

When you fill the password or personal identification number (PIN) make sure that no one stands behind you. A perpetrator may stand behind you, and see what you type, or record the keys you hit while typing, on his cell phone. When paying bills through Internet or giving your credit card number to an online shopping website, ensure that the website is authentic and secured. You may end up sending some of your crucial information to the proxy servers.

If possible avoid carrying your social security card with you, it would be safer in your home. Don't carry the originals of important documents, such as car registration or insurance documents, in the car. Wallets and hand bags have to be guarded properly, a pickpocket may be after many more things than just your money.

Never put your outgoing mail in your personal mail boxes, they are quite vulnerable to thefts. Dropping your mail in a post office is much a wiser option. For incoming mails, use a locked mail box. Never write crucial information, such as your account number, on the outer side of the envelope. When you are out of station, let the post office hold back the mail for you. You can collect it once you are back. Never throw documents containing your personal information in the trash can, instead you can destroy them by burning or shredding.

If you sense any foul play, report it to the local police or state law enforcement agency. Identity theft is a serious issue, which can even facilitate some grave activities, such as illegal migration or terrorism. It's important that we understand the severity of this issue, and take necessary steps enlisted in the prevention programs to be safe from identity thefts.

Identity Theft FactsHave you ever pretended to be someone else? Then, you could be accused of identity theft. I know you won't believe me so easily. So, let us take a look at some facts about identity theft. Read on...

Identity theft is the fraudulent act of pretending to be someone else, with the intent of personal gain. Although, it is not possible to literally steal someone's identity; it is definitely possible to use it for unethical reasons. Identity theft can lead to illegal disclosure of confidential or business critical information, thereby proving detrimental to information security.

Facts about Identity Thefts

Identity theft involves stealing valuable personal information of other individuals. It can result in the opening of fictitious accounts in one's name. The criminal can carry out bank transactions using your name and hamper your finances. He/she can indulge in fraudulent activities and falsify financial transactions in your name and easily get away with it. Unauthorized access to an email account is a form of identity theft that can result in computer crime. Several other illegal and immoral activities can result from identity theft. After all, it's the theft of one's identity and thus a serious threat to one's very existence.

What are the different types of identity thefts? Financial identity theft refers to the act of establishing bank accounts in someone else's name and obtaining funds from his/her legitimate accounts. Criminal identity theft refers to the act of identifying oneself as someone else before the police officials, in an attempt to protect oneself. Identity cloning, a form of identity theft, refers to impersonating for the purpose of concealment. For example, an illegal immigrant may use someone else's social security number for earning employment in a non-native country. Fabricating two or more identities to create a fake one, is referred to as synthetic identity theft. For example, combining the name and birth date of one person with the social security number of another, to create a false identity. Medical identity theft is another type of identity fraud, which can involve illegal acts of changing medical records and manipulating insurance information. Cyber crimes, drug trafficking, smuggling and money laundering are some of the criminal activities associated with identity frauds.

Criminals employ different means of identity theft. They commonly use cell phones to obtain snapshots of one's personal information like credit card details and social security numbers. Remotely capturing images of a smart card is another way of hacking personal and financial information. Debit cards can be counterfeited at malls and restaurants and later used for fake credit transactions. Personal information can be extracted from computers and network servers. Researching public records and government registers is another commonly used method of stealing personal information. Impersonating a trusted authority is one of the commonly used methods to hack confidential information. For example, identity theft criminals pretending to be customer service representatives, trick unaware customers to disclose sensitive data.

How can identity theft be prevented? If you have applied for a passport, ID card or driving license and it has not reached you even after the estimated period of time, contact the concerned authorities. There are chances that your identity proof has been stolen. Make sure you do not disclose any additional personal information on your bank checks. Shred any bank account statements, canceled checks or other documents before moving them to trash. Monitor your credit report and bank transactions on a regular basis. The best means to ensure protection from identity theft is to not leave any loopholes in safeguarding your 'identity'!

Financial identity theft is found to be more prevalent in the United States. According to a survey conducted in 2003, about 10 million people in the country were found to be victims of identity theft. According to a California-based research, victims of identity theft spend about 175 hours and about $800 for fixing their credit problems arising out of theft of their identity. Human effort and money are definitely not worth this wastage.

Identity theft has been observed to be a contributing factor to social problems like terrorism and illegal immigration.

Identity theft is about pretending to be someone different from what one really is. Many of us do that! We steal an identity in the sense that we try to project ourselves as someone different. We reject our true selves and pretend to be someone else. Although, this is not directly associated with the identity theft we just talked about; don't you think, they are related in some way? Give it a thought...Read more at Buzzle: Identity Management

Enterprise is made of not only CEO, CFO, COO and CTO but also thousands of other associates. Due to technologies used to manage integration among employees, it has been a great help for enterprise manager. However importance of content access and sharing vital and secured information have raised issue of access and integration management.

Architecture of Modern Enterprise is enabled through IT infrastructure including following complexities:

-- Network operating systems.-- Application Server, Database server and so others-- User directories.-- Human resources, payroll and contract management systems.-- Business applications.-- Customer relationship management (CRM)-- Electronic commerce applications.

Considering enterprise stack holders following are the entities which need access to your IT infrastructure.

1. Employees.2. Contractors.3. Partners.4. Vendors.5. Customers.

Almost every system must track valid users, and control what they can and cannot see and do. The access management process includes management of data about:

-- User identity.-- User authentication.-- Access controls over data and functions.

The diversity of these systems -- each with their own administration software, people and processes -- and the fact that users typically access multiple systems, makes managing this data about users difficult at best, and an obstacle to doing business at worst.

Identity information is usually distributed in multiple systems throughout an organization. Enterprise identity management represents the vision that digital identity data, while distributed, is highly interrelated and requires a holistic approach to management.

Identity management technologies attempt to simplify the administration of this distributed, overlapping and sometimes contradictory data about the users of an organization's information technology systems.

Enterprise identity management includes three major functions:

1. Identity administration,2. Community management, and3. Identity integration.

Identity administration is the provisioning and maintenance of individual identities. Community management addresses the connection and security of relationships between identities.

Identity integration focuses on the connection and cooperation of multiple identity repositories based on business rules.

Each of these components works together to deliver enterprise identity management.

Components of Identity and access management

Individual components of the infrastructure implement following functions:

1. Directory service provides a central identity repository and reconciliation of identity details between application specific directories.

2. Identity management service provides tools to manage identity details stored in the directory.

3. Access management services implement authentication of web based users and enforces access control over the web-based transactions.

4. Provisioning service covers centralized user administration capabilities and serves mainly for propagation of user account changes and access rights across individual back-end applications. In this manner it is bridging the gap between e-business systems and enterprise applications security.

5. Presentation service is providing a personalized interface for all user interactions with the system.

Identity Management

Identity-management systems are products, processes, and services for administering end users' network resources and applications. Identity management can extend beyond a single organization:

1. Customers would like to access multiple web sites without re-authenticating to each one.2. Employees would like to access vendor web resources without registering or re-authenticating.3. Companies would like to be able to provision their own users with access to partner and vendor resources automatically.

Identity management service implements facilities to enable user registration, change of his status or other details and de-registration. Identity management features enable creation, deletion or modification of user profile, change of user's role or his association with a function, business unit or organization. These activities were traditionally been a domain of user administration and were supported by tools for managing proprietary directories. Identity management subsystems employ workflow in a way similar to provisioning subsystems to administer users on an individual, group, and organizational basis.

Identity administration represents the alignment of individual digital identity with business processes. Three major functions make up identity administration: existence, context, and provisioning. Existence focuses on establishing a digital entity for a person. Context involves keeping a dynamic inventory of a user's role, current working environment, and needs. Provisioning consists of dynamically providing people with the tools they need to accomplish work.

Market Watch

Most basic identity-management tools enforce corporate security policy by offering authentication (tracking who is accessing resources), provisioning (linking accounts with users), and access control (verifying which services a user is allowed to access). Advanced features can build bridges between systems. For example, password management bridges authentication and provisioning systems to simplify end-user management of multiple application accounts.

The identity-management industry is led by mature vendors such as BMC, Computer Associates, IBM, Netegrity, and RSA Security. New vendors, such as Business Layers, Communicator, and Waveset, add to a rich market of identity-management products and services, which is estimated to be worth $2.3 billion in 2003.

The Yankee Group forecasts that the identity-management market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1 percent during the next 5 years, becoming an estimated $3.3 billion market by 2008Read more at Buzzle: Theft PunishmentIdentify theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the United States, affecting 7 million to 10 million Americans annually.

"But he that filches from me my good name/Robs me of that which not enriches him/And makes me poor indeed," Shakespeare, Othello.

Identity theft or fraud is a process of deliberate use of an individuals identity for personal gains. Stealing an identity enables the impersonator to appropriate funds from the victim's accounts and credit cards, use the social security number to get loans, obtain confidential medical information, file bankruptcy, get jobs and even commit crimes that range from traffic violations to serious offenses. Victims not only suffer identity and monetary losses but also undergo the trauma of being in constant fear of being robbed again.

Types of Identity TheftAlthough there are many different ways of committing an identity fraud, the motive is always the same: personal and economic gain. The following are some types of identity theft:Character Identity Theft: When someone impersonates you and commits a crime, it's called character identity theft. Often this is the most difficult to trace, as all the crimes are committed in your name.Driver's License Theft: Similar to character identity theft, here someone could steal your driver's license number and commit traffic-related offenses, as a result of which you could end up paying for crimes you didn't commit, by way of loss of motor insurance, a suspended drivers licenses etc.Social Security Number (SSN) Theft: Your SSN can be used to get a job in a fraudulent manner, resulting in your loss of unemployment benefits or being charged with tax frauds, or for not paying taxes on 'all' income earned.Medical Identity Theft: When your identity is stolen to obtain medical insurance or benefit from the existing one, it called medical identity theft. You could lose your health coverage because of the faulty information in your medical record.Credit Card Identity Theft: This is the most common and prevalent identity theft, where your credit facility is used to obtain money, services and products and you are left with pending bills and a history of bad credit record.How Does Identity Theft Happen?In our daily activities, there are many instances where our identity could be stolen, some of them are listed below:Skimming: This fraud occurs, when you hand over your card to a service provider. This person supposedly takes your card out of your sight, on the pretext of processing it, and uses a device to copy the encrypted information on your card. This information is then replicated and a duplicate credit card, bearing your name is made and used to run credit.Phishing: Posing as a personnel of a credit consolidation company offering you a credit card, they obtain from you some personal information and processing fee. Then, as soon as you pay them, they disappear.Shoulder Surfing: Mostly using a cell phone camera, the thief obtains your account number and PIN, while you are performing an ATM or credit card transaction.Dumpster Diving: Here, the thief goes through your garbage and collects cash receipts, financial and credit card statements. Sometimes they also use a pre-approved credit card offer, found in your dustbin and apply for it.Internet: The easiest place to be robbed, either by using e-mail hoaxes, viruses and hacking into your systems, while you are performing a transaction.Laws on Identity TheftTo combat the growing menace of identity theft, President Bush signed a legislation in July 2004, amending The Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act, establishing more penalties, (in addition to the existing punishments) for identity theft and related offenses. The act added two years to prison sentences for "knowingly transferring, possessing, or using, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person" during and in relation to specified felony violations, and five years for using the stolen identity for "terrorist acts", both domestic and international.

All credit card and other appropriation-related cases have been handed to the Department of Justice for investigation and prosecution. The act also directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission to review and amend its guidelines and policy statements, to ensure that the guideline offense levels and enhancements appropriately punish identity theft offenses that involve an abuse of position.

The Department of Justice, along with other government organizations, work towards prosecuting cases of identity theft and fraud under varying federal statutes. Federal identity theft laws include credit, criminal and privacy and information security and state laws include social security number, criminal, credit information blocking and fraud alerts. Some of these offenses carry penalties as high as 30 years of imprisonment or fines.

Identity Theft Penalty and PunishmentThe punishment for stealing an identity is getting tougher by the day. Many laws specific to different kinds of identity theft have been enacted. Information on the penalties of identity theft, as per the Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act, is also posted on the various government sites. Below are some of the punishments one could attract for obtaining an identity fraudulently:Penalties have been increased by five years up to twenty five years maximum, for anyone stealing an identity, for the purpose of committing a terrorist act, either international or domestic.Under Federal law, all identity theft penalties have been increased from 3 to 5 years.An increase in two years for anyone who commits aggravated identity theft, in order to commit other Federal felonies.In this age of advanced technology, one's personal and financial information is not safe and we will always be at risk of having our identity stolen. Some precautionary measures such as not giving out your personal information, ensuring privacy while performing a card transaction, shredding all unwanted bills, receipts and statements, monitoring your account transactions as frequently as possible etc. can help in protection of vital information related to your identity

While the laws prohibiting identity theft are in place, it helps to be proactive and bring any discrepancies to the notice of the law enforcing agencies and your banks.Read more at Buzzle:

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