if a ten year old asks me why a us dollar costs 60 inr

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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General Understanding


If a ten year old asks me why a US Dollar costs 60 INR, how should I explain it?Y: You, C: ChildAsk the 10 year old: "If you had only 10 rupee notes, and wanted to buy a chocolate of Rs. 20 what would you do?"Child will say - "Gie the shop!eeper 2 notes"Y: ""et#s $o to another shop. %hat would you do if a better chocolate costs Rs. &0 there?"C: "I will $ie shop!eeper & notes"Y: "Good, 'here#s another shop called ()* which sells the best chocolate at Rs. &00 and accepts nothin$ but Rs. 100 notes. It is indeed an aweso+e chocolate that you will really li!e. %hat would you do then?"C: "Gie hi+ &0 notes"Y: "Re+e+ber the shop!eeper accepts only Rs. 100 notes?#"C: ",ut I will $ie hi+ the sa+e a+ount of +oney--"Y: ",ut he uses a different syste+, he runs his shop only on 100 Rupee notes. ,ut you hae only 10 rupee notes. .re they of any alue if you want to do business with the shop?"C: "/o. I +i$ht hae to ta!e &0100 rupee notes fro+ so+eone and $ie hi+ &0 notes in return"Y: "Good-- "et us say a +an is standin$ outside the shop offerin$ 100 rupee notes in e1chan$e for 10 rupee notes..then?"C: "%ow-- I will $ie &0 notes to hi+, and ta!e &0100-rupee notes"Y: %hat if the person says #2erybody see+s to li!e the chocolate here. 2erybody wants 100 rupee notes. I want 30 notes for &0100 notes#. /ow C starts thin!in$. Y: )ou really want the chocolate. 4eanwhile another person co+es and tries to buy his 100 rupee notes. If you do not buy his note 5uic!ly - he +i$ht as! for een +ore notes because, +any people want to buy his notesY: "6id the alue of the chocolate chan$e?"C: "/o"Y: "6id you hae less +oney?"C: "/o"Y: "'hen what was the proble+?"C: "'he shop!eeper wants only 100 Rupee notes--- 78 "Y: ",ut finally did you end up payin$ +ore than &00 rupees for a &00 rupee chocolate?"C: "yes--- 78"Y: "%hy? 'he chocolate price neer chan$ed-"C: "'he chocolate price re+ained the sa+e. ,ut the price of the 100 rupee note was +ore--- 78 "Y: "'hat is what happens. 'he shop is 9:.. "ets call the 100 rupee note as theDollar. ;ther shops are India. 'hey accept your 10 rupee note. 'he #alue# lies in the thin$. 4oney is I will sae your blessin$s for +yfuture children thou$h 7> .nd I a+ hopin$ +y answers do not +a!e +eloo! +uch older than I a+--- 7>You --> Y. Child --> CC: "What is infation?"Y: "Re+e+ber how +uch we paid for each of your school note boo!s last year?"C: ")es, 2D rupees"Y: "%ell, this year it is 23 rupees. Erice has increased by 2 rupees. Re+e+ber we used less onions in our food 3 +onths a$o?"C: ")es. 4o+

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