ignou mba ms-22 solved assignments 2010

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IGNOU MBA MS-22 Solved Assignments 2010

Course Code : MS-22Course Title : Human Resource Development Assignment Code : MS-22/SEM-I/2010Coverage : All Blocks

1. Explain the concept of Human Resource Development (HRD). Describe the functions of HRD system and sub –systems. Describe the role of HRD in an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are refereeing to.

Solution: 1 HRD is described as an omnivorous discipline, incorporating over the years almost any theory or practice that would serve the goal of learning in the context of work. Like an amoeba, it has ingested and taken nourishment from whatever it deemed expedient in the social and behavioral SCIENCES, in learning theory and business.

The concept of Human Resource Development (HRD).

1. HRD is based on the research and theories drawn from the field of adult education and is different from the learning that occurs in children. Learning is based on creating the arrmpriate circumstances in which adults can learn and thereby change behaviour.

2. HRD is concerned with improved performance within the work environment. It is not concerned with improving people's health or their personal relations with their family.

3. HRD utilizes the theories of change and how these relate to the organization. Change affects individuals, groups and the organization and HRD is predominantly concerned with the change of individuals.

4. Human resource development is the study and practice of increasing the learning capacity of individuals, groups, collectives, and organisations through the development and application of learning based interventions for the purpose of optimizing human and organisational growth and effectiveness.

5. HRD is the integrated use of training and development, career development, and organisation development to improve individual and organisational effectiveness. The people placed the following subjects under the umbrella HRD : training and development, organizational development, human resource planning, and career planning.

HRD SUBSYSTEMS INCLUDE-org. learning-training-education-development

-Training evaluation-e learning-management development-career planning-career development.-induction-orientation-performance management-personal development-KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT-WORKLIFE PROGRAMSetc etc

THE HRD HAS BE USED/ IS USEFUL IN MANY AREAS.The broad scope of HRD, to introduce methods to address the development of individuals and organizations. ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS -the first step. This sounds simple, but we are often in too much of a hurry. We implement a solution, sometimes the correct intervention but not always. But we plan, very carefully and cautiously, before making most other investments in process changes and in capital and operating expenditures. We need to do the same for HRD -- implement the appropriate planning. This needs assessment and planning will lead to several possible ways to improve performance. (Of course, one of these is to do nothing! -- we may decide to focus on other activities with greater impact and greater value.)

PROGRAM DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION. We need to consider the benefits of any HRD intervention before we just go and do it: What learning will be accomplished? What changes in behavior and performance are expected? Will we get them? And of prime importance -- what is the expected economic cost/benefit of any projected solutions?

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT-- acquiring knowledge, developing competencies and skills, and adopting behaviors that improve performance in current jobs, including: adult learning theory and applications, instructional systems design, train-the-trainer programs, and instructional strategies and methods.

ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT -- the diagnosis and design of systems to assist an organization with planning change. OD activities include: change management, team building, learning organizations, management development, quality of work life, management by objectives, strategic planning, participative management. organizational restructuring, job redesign, job enrichment, centralization vs. decentralization, changes in the organization's reward structure, process consultation, executive development, action research, third party interventions, and more. CAREER DEVELOPMENT -- activities and processes for mutual career planning and management between employees and organizations. Changes in our organizations (including downsizing, restructuring, and outsourcing) are resulting in more

empowerment for employees. The responsibility for our own career development is downloaded to us. (Translation: career ladders are gone; career development is now the responsibility of the individual.)

ORGANIZATION RESEARCH & PROGRAM EVALUATION -- an exploration of methods to evaluate, justify, and improve on HRD offerings. HRD can give you the tools you need to manage and operate your organizations. Everything -- production, management, marketing, sales, research & development, you-name-it -- everything may be more productive IF your people are sufficiently motivated, trained, informed, managed, utilized and empowere

THE HRD HAS BEEN USED IN THIS ORGANIZATION IN MANY AREAS.The HRS is used to address the development of individuals and organizations. ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS -the first step. This sounds simple, but we are often in too much of a hurry. We implement a solution, sometimes the correct intervention but not always. But we plan, very carefully and cautiously, before making most other investments in process changes and in capital and operating expenditures. We need to do the same for HRD -- implement the appropriate planning. This needs assessment and planning will lead to several possible ways to improve performance. (Of course, one of these is to do nothing! -- we may decide to focus on other activities with greater impact and greater value.)

PROGRAM DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION. We need to consider the benefits of any HRD intervention before we just go and do it: What learning will be accomplished? What changes in behavior and performance are expected? Will we get them? And of prime importance -- what is the expected economic cost/benefit of any projected solutions?

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT-- acquiring knowledge, developing competencies and skills, and adopting behaviors that improve performance in current jobs, including: adult learning theory and applications, instructional systems design, train-the-trainer programs, and instructional strategies and methods.

ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT -- the diagnosis and design of systems to assist an organization with planning change. OD activities include: change management, team building, learning organizations, management development, quality of work life, management by objectives, strategic planning, participative management. organizational restructuring, job redesign, job enrichment, centralization vs. decentralization, changes in the organization's reward structure, process consultation, executive development, action research, third party interventions, and more.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT -- activities and processes for mutual career planning and management between employees and organizations. Changes in our organizations (including downsizing, restructuring, and outsourcing) are resulting in more empowerment for employees. The responsibility for our own career development is

downloaded to us. (Translation: career ladders are gone; career development is now the responsibility of the individual.)

ORGANIZATION RESEARCH & PROGRAM EVALUATION -- an exploration of methods to evaluate, justify, and improve on HRD offerings. HRD can give you the tools you need to manage and operate your organizations. Everything -- production, management, marketing, sales, research & development, you-name-it -- everything may be more productive IF your people are sufficiently motivated, trained, informed, managed, utilized and empowered.

The organization, I am familiar with is a -a large manufacturer/ marketer of safety products-the products are used as [personal protection safety] [ industrial safety]-the products are distributed through the distributors as well as sold directly-the products are sold to various industries like mining/fireservices/defence/as well as to various manufacturing companies.-the company employs about 235 people.-the company has the following functional departments*marketing*manufacturing*sales*finance/ administration*human resource*customer service*distribution*warehousing/ transportation*TQM


2. Discuss the concept and directives of caching and mentoring. Describe how coaching and mentoring are useful in employee development citing suitable examples from an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Solution: 2 Coming soon !


3. Define Organizational Development (OD). Describe the phases of organizational Development with reference to an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Solution:3 Organization Development (OD) is the systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels, such as group, inter-group, organization, etc., to bring about planned change. Its objectives is a higher quality of work-life, productivity, adaptability, and effectiveness. It accomplishes this by changing attitudes, behaviors, values, strategies, procedures, and structures so that the organization can adapt to competitive actions, technological advances, and the fast pace of change within the environment.Organization Development (OD) is the process of improving organizations. The process is carefully planned and implemented to benefit the organization, its employees and its stakeholders. The client organization may be an entire company, public agency, non-profit organization, volunteer group - or a smaller part of a larger organization. The change process supports improvement of the organization or group as a whole. The client and consultant work together to gather data, define issues and determine a suitable course of action. The organization is assessed to create an understanding of the current situation and to identify opportunities for change that will meet business objectives.OD differs from traditional consulting because client involvement is encouraged throughout the entire process. The ways in which people communicate and work together are addressed concurrently with technical or procedural issues that need resolution.

Organizational development (OD) is an application of behavioral science to organizational change. It encompasses a wide array of theories, processes, and activities, all of which are oriented toward the goal of improving individual organizations. Generally speaking, however, OD differs from traditional organizational change techniques in that it typically embraces a more holistic approach that is aimed at transforming thought and behavior throughout an entity. Definitions of OD abound, but they are all predicated on the notion of improving organizational performance through proactive activities and techniques. It is also worth noting that organizational development, though concerned with improving workforce performance, should not be mistaken for human resource development.

"Organization development is the planned process of developing an organization to be more effective in accomplishing its desired goals," "It is distinguished from human resource development in that HRD focuses on the personal growth of individuals within organizations, while OD focuses on developing the structures, systems, and processes within the organization to improve organizational effectiveness."

Organizational Development Phases: Although the field of OD is broad, it can be differentiated from other systems of organizational change by its emphasis on process rather than problems. Indeed, traditional group change systems have focused on

identifying problems in an organization and then trying to alter the behavior that creates the problem. OD initiatives focus on identifying the behavioral interactions and patterns that cause and sustain problems. Then, rather than simply changing isolated behaviors, OD efforts are aimed at creating a behaviorally healthy organization that will naturally anticipate and prevent (or quickly solve) problems.OD programs usually share several basic characteristics. For instance, they are considered long-term efforts of at least one to three years in most cases. In addition, OD stresses collaborative management, whereby managers and employees at different levels of the hierarchy cooperate to solve problems. OD also recognizes that every organization is unique and that the same solutions cannot necessarily be applied at different companies—this assumption is reflected in an OD focus on research and feedback. Another common trait of OD programs is an emphasis on the value of teamwork and small groups. In fact, most OD systems use small teams—or even individuals—as a vehicle to implement broad organizational changes.The catalyst—whether a group or individual—that facilitates the OD process is known as the "change agent." Change agents are often outside consultants with experience managing OD programs, although companies sometimes utilize inside managers. The advantage of bringing in outside OD consultants is that they often provide a different perspective and have a less biased view of the organization's problems and needs. The primary drawback associated with outside change agents is that they may lack an in-depth understanding of key issues particular to the company. In addition, outside change agents may have trouble securing the trust and cooperation of key players in the organization. For these reasons, some companies employ an external-internal team approach, which seeks to combine the advantages of internal and external change agents while minimizing the drawbacks associated with the two approaches. "Are change agents necessary for organizational development to take place?" "Once we recognize that organizational development involves substantial changes in how individuals think, believe, and act, we can appreciate the necessity of someone to play the role of change agent. But who should play the role? Existing managers? New managers? Or individuals hired specifically for that purpose? Depending upon the situation, any of these can be called upon to orchestrate the organizational development process. The point is that the role of the change agent is necessary for organizational development to occur."


5 Describe different steps involved in bringing change in the mindset in an organization you are familiar with. Briefly explain how resistance was managed. Describe the organization you are referring to.

Solution: 5 Often it is easier to carry out a job if there is a specific plan to follow. When major changes are to be installed, careful planning and preparation are necessary. Strengthening the forces promoting the change and weakening resistance to it are the main tasks.How people react to proposed changes is greatly influenced by the kind of climate for change that the manager/supervisor has created in the department. Supervisors and managers who have enthusiasm for progress and change build a healthy climate.

Creating the right climate is more than just passing on changes. It involves: Encouraging employees to seek ways of improving their jobs. Seeking suggestions and ideas from employees. This requires the manager/supervisor to listen and seriously consider suggestions. It is easy to see that there is a great deal of ego involvement in coming forth with an idea for improvement. Change can become an exciting and dynamic way of life. The manager/supervisor determines the climate in which they initiate change.

Change that upsets routines, requires new knowledge or skills, or inconveniences people are bound to meet with some objections or resistance. Looking at a change from the employees point of view will usually be enough to help determine what their objections are likely to be. Knowing the objections, we can, with a little creative thought, turn these objections into advantages. Showing the staff with reason or logic will not do the job. Managers/supervisors have to convince people that the change is really best for them and that will not happen until their objections are dealt with seriously. Everyone is concerned with, "What's in it for me?""Will the change mean more satisfying work. greater security. opportunity to show what I can do. more responsibility. more pay. less fatigue. less confusion. greater independence?" The benefits used to motivate people to co operate should be put on as personal a level as possible. It would be dishonest, however, not to recognise any disadvantages that a change may bring. These can usually be countered with long range benefits. One of the techniques that is helpful in identifying the characteristics and values of the proposed changed condition is a "Word Picture". The picture makes the new condition desirable in the minds of the staff..

=========================================================================================================================================================THE END============================

ould you please guide me with the answers to the following questions:

1.   Explain the concept of Human Resource Development (HRD). Describe the functions of HRD system and sub –systems.  Describe the role of HRD in an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are refereeing to. 

2.   Discuss the concept and directives of caching and mentoring. Describe how coaching and mentoring are useful in employee development citing suitable examples from an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to. 

3.   Define Organizational Development (OD). Describe the phases of organizational Development with reference to an organization you re familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to. 

4.   Make a comparison of HRD practices between voluntary organizations and an organization you are working in or familiar with. List out the differences and mention the reasons for it. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to. 

5.   Describe different steps involved in bringing change in the mindset in an organization you are

familiar with. Briefly explain how resistance was managed. Describe the organization you are referring to.     

2. discuss the concept and directives of caching and mentoring. describe how coaching and mentoring are useful in employee devlopment citing suitable examples from an organisation you are familiar with.describe the organisation you are referring to.


Mentoring is the process of using specially selected and trained individuals to provide guidance and advice which will help to develop the careers of the 'proteges' Allocated to them.

Mentoring is aimed at complementing learning on the job, which must always be the best way of acquiring the particular skills and knowledge the job holder needs. Mentoring also complements formal training by providing those who benefit from it with individual guidance from experienced managers who are 'wise in the ways of the organization'.

Mentors provide for the person or persons allocated to them :advice in drawing up self-development programs or learning contracts; general help with learning programs; guidance on how to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to do a new job; advice on dealing with any administrative, technical or people problems individuals meet.============================================================COACHING 

Coaching is a modern and rapidly growing method for helping others to improve, develop, learn new skills, find personal success, achieve aims and manage life change and personal challenges. Life coaching, or personal coaching - different terms are used - is effective for all situations, whether in personal life, career, sales or corporate and business life.  Coaching is different to training.- Coaching draws out rather than puts in. -It develops rather than imposes. -It reflects rather than directs. -Coaching is is reactive, flexible and enabling, not prescriptive or instructional. -Coaching is non-judgemental, not judgemental. -Coaching helps people to develop and grow in a variety of areas.-Coaching is about getting the very best out of someone and enabling them to make decisions that will improve their life. A COACH  JOB  IS  to work with clients to help them find the answers themselves. ===================================================qualities required for good coachinglistening In coaching, listening is more important than talking. By listening, people can be helped to overcome their fears, be offered complete objectivity and given undivided attention and unparalleled support. This leads to the intuitive questioning that allows the client to explore what is going on for themselves. communication skills Coaching is a two-way process. While listening is crucial, so is being able to interpret and reflect back, in ways that remove barriers, pre-conceptions, bias, and negativity. Communicating well enables trust and meaningful understanding on both sides.Coaches are able to communicate feeling and meaning, as well as content - there is a huge difference. Communicating with no personal agenda, and without judging or influencing, are essential aspects of the communicating process, especially when dealing with people's personal anxieties, hopes and dreams. Good coaching uses communication not to give the client the answers, but to help the clients find their answers for themselves.

rapport-buildingA coach's ability to build rapport with people is vital. Normally such an ability stems from a desire to help people, which all coaches tend to possess. Rapport-building is made far easier in coaching compared to other services because the coach's only focus is the client. When a coach supports a person in this way it quite naturally accelerates the rapport-building process.motivating and inspiring Coaches motivate and inspire people. This ability to do this lies within us all. It is borne of a desire to help and support. People who feel ready to help others are normally able to motivate and inspire. When someone receives attention and personal investment from a coach towards their well-being and development, such as happens in the coaching relationship, this is in itself very motivational and inspirational.curiosity, flexibility and courage Coaching patterns vary; people's needs are different, circumstances and timings are unpredictable, so coaching relationships do not follow a single set formula. Remembering that everyone is different and has different needs is an essential part of being a coach. Ultimately, everyone is human - so coaches take human emotions and feelings into account. And coaching is client-led - which means that these emotions have to be tapped into from the very beginning of the coaching process. So, having the flexibility to react to people's differences, along with the curiosity and interest to understand fundamental issues in people's lives, are also crucial in coaching. The coach's curiosity enables the client's journey to be full and far-reaching; both coach and client are often surprised at how expectations are exceeded, and how much people grow.All this does take some courage - coaches generally have a strong belief in themselves, a strong determination to do the best they can for their clients, and a belief, or faith that inherently people are capable of reaching goals themselves. coaching  principlesTypically good coaches will use and follow these principles:Listening is more important than talking What motivates people must be understood Everyone is capable of achieving more A person's past is no indication of their future People's beliefs about what is possible for themselves are their only limits A coach must always provide full support Coaches don't provide the answers Coaching does not include criticising people All coaching is completely confidential Some people's needs cannot be met by coaching , and coaches recognise clients with these needs ====================================================COACHING   PROCESS

1.Analyse and assess situation            v v v v v v 2.Plan solution     v v v v v v3.Implement  solutions    v v v v v v4.Evaluate  results

it is also possible to describe the process in performance terms. That is, specific outcomes that a coach would have to produce. Describing the process in this way obviously links in to the way that competent performance can be assessed and, eventually, qualifications gained. The competent Coach has to perform the following tasks:-----------------------------------------------------------------Analyse

-assess current standards of performance

-identify learning needs to meet performance goals and required standards----------------------------------------------------------------Plan

-   identify and organise suitable learning resource(s) and opportunities -   - agree learning plans, coaching role and assessment methods-provide opportunities for individuals and groups to manage their own learning------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Implement

-   explain, demonstrate and supervise practice of concepts and techniques

-   ensure opportunities for feedback and discussion

-   adjust coaching role and programme to suit learners' needs and progress

-   demonstrate awareness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evaluate

-   evaluate achievement of goals and standards

-   provide feedback, encouragement and support to individuals to apply learning

To be able to perform these tasks, the competent Coach will need the relevant knowledge and a set of skills. These can be classed as core skills which are also common to mentoring and assessing; 

-technique skills which relate to each learner being coached; -and personal skills which relate to the style and tone of the Coach's behaviour. 

These skills too can be described in performance terms and specific performance criteria can be established. However, these skills are more likely to be seen as underlying and underpinning skills rather than performance that will be formally assessed for a coaching qualification.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Core skills

- listen attentively- observe and recognise competent performance- demonstrate effective questioning technique- respond, summarise and clarify situations----------------------------------------------------------------------Technique skills

-   recognise different learning styles-   adapt to preferred learning styles-   adopt appropriate coaching roles-   gain acceptance and commitment to performance goals from  learner----------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal skills

-   display sensitivity to and empathy for learners' thoughts and ideas and need for appropriate feedback

- establish rapport and good communication channels with learner - encourage learner to take responsibility for own development

-   support and build confidence in learner=========================================================COACHING/ MENTORING  ARE PART  OF    THE  CAREER  PLANNINGPROCESS  OF   THE  EMPLOYEE  DEVELOPMENT   PROGRAM.


Career planning procedures are always based on what the organization needs. But they have to recognize that organizational needs will not be satisfied if individual needs are neglected. Career planning has to be concerned with the management of diversity.

Career plans must therefore recognize that:

*   members of the organization should receive recognition as individuals with unique needs, wants, and abilities;*   individuals are more motivated by an organization that responds to their aspirations and needs;*   individuals can grow, change and seek new directions if they are given the right opportunities, encouragement and guidance.

Career planning techniques

Career planning uses all the information generated by the succession plans, performance, and potential assessments and self-assessments to develop programs and procedures which are designed to implement career management policies, achieve succession planning objectives and generally improve motivation, commitment and performance. The procedures used are those concerned with:

0 personal development planning .0 training and management development.0 mentoring/  COACHING 0 career counseling 

In addition, career planning procedures may cater for the rising stars by 'fast tracking' them, that is, deliberately accelerating promotion and giving them opportunities to display and enlarge their talents. But these procedures should pay just as much, if not more, attention to those managers who are following the middle route of steady, albeit unspectacular, progression.

1. Career counseling

Performance management processes, should provide for counseling sessions between individuals and their managers. These sessions should give the former the opportunity to discuss their aspirations and the latter the chance to comment on them - helpfully - and, at a later stage, to put forward specificcareer development proposals to be fed into the overall career management programs.2.Personal development planning

Personal development planning is carried out by individuals with guidance, encouragement and help from their managers/HRM as required. A personal development plan sets out the actions people propose to take to learn and to develop themselves. They take responsibility for formulating and implementing the plan, but they receive support from the organization and their managers in doing so. The purpose is to provide  a 'self-organized learning framework'. Personal

development planning consists of the following stages:

1.   Analyse current situation and development needs. This can be done as part of a performance management process.

2.   Set goals. These could include improving performance in the current job, improving or acquiring skills, extending relevant knowledge, developing specified areas of competence, moving across or upwards in the organization, or preparing for changes in the current role.

3.   Prepare action plan. The action plan sets out what needs to be done and how it will be done under headings such as outcomes expected (learning objectives), the development activities, the responsibility for development (what individuals are expected to do and the support they will get from their manager, the HR department or other people), and timing. A variety of activities tuned to individual needs should be included in the plan, for example observing what others do, project work, planned use of e-learning programs and internal learning resource centres, working with a mentor, coaching by the line manager or team leader, experience in new tasks, guided reading, special assignments and action


Formal approaches to management development

The formal approaches to management development include:

*   development on the job through coaching, counseling, monitoring and feedback by managers on a continuous basis associated with the use of performance management processes to identify and satisfy development needs, and with mentoring;

* development through work experience, which includes job rotation, job enlargement, taking part in project teams or task groups, 'action learning', and secondment outside the organization;

*formal training by means of internal or external courses; 

*structured self-development by following self-managed learning programs agreed as a personal development plan or learning contract with the manager or a management development adviser - these may include guidance reading or the deliberate extension of knowledge or acquisition of new skills on the job.

The formal approaches to management development are based on the identification of development needs through performance management or a development centre. The approach may be structured around a list of generic or core competences which have been defined as being appropriate for managers in the organization.

Informal approaches to management development

Informal approaches to management development make use of the learning experiences that managers meet during the course of their everyday work. Managers are learning every time they are confronted with an unusual problem, an unfamiliar task or a move to a different job. They then have to evolve new ways of dealing with the situation. They will learn if they analyse what they did to determine how and why it  contributed  to  its  success or failure.

Competency-based management development

Competency-based management development uses competency frameworks  as a means of identifying and expressing development needs and pointing the way to self  managed learning programs or the provision of learning opportunities by the organization.

Competency-based management development may concentrate on a limited number of core or generic competences which the organization has decided will be an essential part of the equipment of their managers if they are going to take the organization forward in line with its strategic plans. For example:

•   strategic capability to understand the changing business environment, opportunities for product-market development, competitive challenges and the strengths and weaknesses of their own organization in order to identify optimum strategic responses;

•change management capability to identify change needs, plan change programs and persuade others to participate willingly in the implementation of change

•   team management capability to get diverse groups of people from different disciplines to work well together.

•   relationship management to network effectively with others to share information and pool resources to achieve common objectives;

•   international management to be capable of managing across international frontiers working well with people of other nationalities.


Coaching /  Mentoring

Mentoring is the process of using specially selected and trained individuals to provide guidance and advice which will help to develop the careers of the 'protogens' Allocated to them.

Mentoring is aimed at complementing learning on the job, which must always be the best way of acquiring the particular skills and knowledge the job holder needs. Mentoring also complements formal training by providing those who benefit from it with individual guidance from experienced managers who are 'wise in the ways of the organization'.

Mentors provide for the person or persons allocated to them :

advice in drawing up self-development programs or learning contracts; general help with learning programs; guidance on how to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to do a new job; advice on dealing with any administrative, technical or people problems individuals meet, especially in the early stages of their careers; information on 'the way things are done around here' - the corporate culture andits manifestations in the shape of core values and organizational behaviour ;

0   coaching in specific skills;

0   help in tackling projects - not by doing it for the trainees  but by pointing them in the right direction, that is - helping people to help themselves;

0   a parental figure with whom the trainee   can discuss their aspirations and concerns and who will lend a sympathetic ear to their problems.

##################################################################1. Explain the concept of human resource development describe the functions of hrd system and sub systems.describe the role of hrd in an organisation you are familiar with. briefly describe the organisation you are refereeing to.

HRD  is   described   as:

an omnivorous discipline, incorporating over the years almost any theory or practice that would serve the goal of learning in the context of work. Like an amoeba, it has ingested and taken nourishment from whatever it deemed expedient in the social and behavioural SCIENCES  , in learning theory and business.

Three assumptions on which it is based:

1.HRD is based on the research and theories drawn from the field of adult education and is different from the learning that occurs in children. Learning is based on creating the arrmpriate circumstances in which adults can learn and thereby change behaviour.

2.   HRD is concerned with improved performance within the work environment. It is not concerned with improving people's health or their personal relations with their family.

3.   HRD utilizes the theories of change and how these relate to the organization. Change affects individuals, groups and the organization and HRD is predominantly concerned with the change of individuals.

definition of HRD:

Human resource development is the study and practice of increasing the learning capacity of individuals, groups, collectives, and organisations through the development and application of learning-based interventions for the purpose of optimising human and organisational growth and effectiveness. 

HRD is the integrated use of training and development, career development, and organisation development to improve individual and organisational effectiveness. 

The  people placed the following subjects under the umbrella HRD : training and development, organizational development, human resource planning, and career planning.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  A number of strategic pressures have contributed to the increasing importance and Strategic role of HRD and these mducle:

*accelerated rate of change; * focus on quality;

*globalization of business;

*increased flexibility and responsiveness of organizations;

*increased pressure to demonstrate the contribution of human resources;

*new competitive structures;

*new   technology.-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yet, today's business environment requires that HRD not only supports the business strategies or organisations, but that it assumes a pivotal role in the shaping of business strategy. ... As a primary means of sustaining an organisation's competitive edge, HRD serves a strategic role by assuring the competence of employees to meet the organisation's present performance demands. Along with meeting present organisational needs, HRD also serves a vital role in shaping strategy and enabling organisations to take full advantage of emergent business strategies.

Strategic HRD can be viewed as a proactive, system-wide intervention, with it linked to strategic planning and cultural change. This contrasts with the traditional view of training and development as consisting of reactive, piecemeal interventions in response to specific problems. HRD can only be strategic if it is incorporated into the overall corporate business strategy. It is in this way that the HRD function attains the status it needs to survive and to have a long term impact on overall business performance and respond to significant competitive and technological pressures.

. Strategic HRD enables:

•   the organization to respond to challenges and opportunities through the identification and delivery of HRD interventions;

•   individuals, supervisors, line managers and top managers to be informed of their roles and

participate in HRD delivery;

•   management to have operational guidelines which explain the reasons for investment in HRD;

•   information to be disseminated which explains the training, education, development and learning opportunities available for employees;

•   a policy statement to explicitly describe the relationship between the objectives of the organization and the HRD function;•   a positive public relations awareness for new and potential employees to know that skills deficiencies will be provided for;

•   the continuous assessment of learning and development opportunities for its employees and thereby enabling them to advance their careers and support organizational growth;

•   clearly specified objectives and targets that enable the HRD function to be evaluated against strategic requirements;

•   policies which relate the HRD function to the other operating functions;

•   training, education, development and learning opportunities to have a coordinated role within a systematic process.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Technical Competencies

1. Adult Learning Understanding*2. Career Development Theories and Techniques Understanding3. Competency Identification Skill*4. Computer Competence5. Electronic Systems Skill6. Facilities Skill7. Objectives Preparation Skill*8. Performance Observation Skill9. Subject Matter Understanding10. Training and Development Theories and Techniques Understanding11. Research Skill

Business Competencies

12. Business Understanding*13. Cost-benefit Analysis Skill14. Delegation Skill15. Industry Understanding16. Organizational Behaviour Understanding*17. Organizational Development Theories and Techniques Understanding18. Organization Understanding19. Project Management Skill20. Records Management Skill

Interpersonal Competencies

21. Coaching Skill22. Feedback Skill*23. Group Process Skill24. Negotiation Skill25. Presentation Skill*26. Questioning Skill*27. Relationship Building Skill28. Writing Skill*

Intellectual Competencies

29. Data Reduction Skill30. Information Search Skill*

31. Intellectual Versatility* 32. Model Building Skill 33. Observing Skill* 34. Self-knowledge 35. Visioning Skill 

*core competency----------------------------------------------------------------------HRD   SYSTEMS/   SUBSYSTEMS   INCLUDE

-org. learning-training

-education-development-Training  evaluation-e learning-management  development-career planning-career development.-induction-orientation-performance management-personal development-KNOWLEDGE  MANAGEMENT-WORKLIFE  PROGRAMSetc etc==========================================THE HRD   HAS  BE  USED/ IS  USEFUL  IN  MANY  AREAS.

The broad scope of HRD, to introduce methods to address the development of individuals and organizations. ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS -the first step. This sounds simple, but we are often in too much of a hurry. We implement a solution, sometimes the correct intervention but not always. But we plan, very carefully and cautiously, before making most other investments in process changes and in capital and operating expenditures. We need to do the same for HRD -- implement the appropriate planning. This needs assessment and planning will lead to several possible ways to improve performance. (Of course, one of these is to do nothing! -- we may decide to focus on other activities with greater impact and greater value.) PROGRAM DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION. We need to consider the benefits of any HRD intervention before we just go and do it: What learning will be accomplished? What changes in behavior and performance are expected? Will we get them? And of prime importance -- what is the expected economic cost/benefit of any projected solutions? TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT-- acquiring knowledge, developing competencies and skills, and adopting behaviors that improve performance in current jobs, including: adult learning theory and applications, instructional systems design, train-the-trainer programs, and instructional strategies and methods. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT -- the diagnosis and design of systems to assist an organization with planning change. OD activities include: change management, team building, learning organizations, management development, quality of work life, management by objectives, strategic planning, participative management. organizational restructuring, job redesign, job enrichment, centralization vs. decentralization, changes in the organization's reward structure, process consultation, executive development, action research, third party interventions, and more. CAREER DEVELOPMENT  -- activities and processes for mutual career planning and management between employees and organizations. Changes in our organizations (including downsizing, restructuring, and outsourcing) are resulting in more empowerment for employees. The responsibility for our own career development is downloaded to us. (Translation: career ladders are gone; career development is now the responsibility of the individual.) ORGANIZATION RESEARCH & PROGRAM EVALUATION -- an exploration of methods to evaluate, justify, and improve on HRD offerings. HRD can give you the tools you need to manage and operate your organizations. Everything -- production, management, marketing, sales, research & development, you-name-it -- everything may be more productive IF your people are sufficiently motivated, trained, informed, managed, utilized and empowered. ===========================================================================THE HRD   HAS  BEEN   USED  IN   THIS   ORGANIZATION   IN  MANY  AREAS.

The HRS   is  used  to  address the development of individuals and organizations. ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS -the first step. This sounds simple, but we are often in too much of a hurry. We implement a solution, sometimes the correct intervention but not always. But we plan, very carefully and cautiously, before making most other investments in process changes and in capital and operating expenditures. We need to do the same for HRD -- implement the appropriate planning. This needs assessment and planning will lead to several possible ways to improve performance. (Of course, one of these is to do nothing! -- we may decide to focus on other activities with greater impact and greater value.) PROGRAM DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION. We need to consider the benefits of any HRD intervention before we just go and do it: What learning will be accomplished? What changes in behavior and performance are expected? Will we get them? And of prime importance -- what is the expected economic cost/benefit of any projected solutions? TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT-- acquiring knowledge, developing competencies and skills, and adopting behaviors that improve performance in current jobs, including: adult learning theory and applications, instructional systems design, train-the-trainer programs, and instructional strategies and methods. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT -- the diagnosis and design of systems to assist an organization with planning change. OD activities include: change management, team building, learning organizations, management development, quality of work life, management by objectives, strategic planning, participative management. organizational restructuring, job redesign, job enrichment, centralization vs. decentralization, changes in the organization's reward structure, process consultation, executive development, action research, third party interventions, and more. CAREER DEVELOPMENT  -- activities and processes for mutual career planning and management between employees and organizations. Changes in our organizations (including downsizing, restructuring, and outsourcing) are resulting in more empowerment for employees. The responsibility for our own career development is downloaded to us. (Translation: career ladders are gone; career development is now the responsibility of the individual.) ORGANIZATION RESEARCH & PROGRAM EVALUATION -- an exploration of methods to evaluate, justify, and improve on HRD offerings. HRD can give you the tools you need to manage and operate your organizations. Everything -- production, management, marketing, sales, research & development, you-name-it -- everything may be more productive IF your people are sufficiently motivated, trained, informed, managed, utilized and empowered. 

The  organization, I am  familiar  with  is  a -a  large  manufacturer/ marketer of  safety products-the products  are  used  as  [personal  protection safety] [ industrial  safety]-the products  are  distributed through  the distributors as well as  sold directly-the  products  are  sold  to various  industries like  mining/fireservices/defence/as  well  as  to  various  manufacturing  companies.-the  company employs  about  235  people.-the  company  has  the following  functional   departments*marketing*manufacturing*sales*finance/ administration*human resource*customer  service*distribution*warehousing/  transportation*TQM  ==============================================





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