iii sem - week 1 - introduction

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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III Semestre

Introduction Grading

50% Exam (Written) 40% Participation 10% Uniform

Theory Class Wednesday

Topics Here is a list of the

following topics that we will cover during this semester

The Spine Week 2 The bones of the spine How the spine works The functions of the


Nervous System Week 3 What parts of the body

are in the nervous system How the nevous system

works The functions of the

nervous system

Effects of Exercise Week 4 What happens to the

body when we exercise How different types of

exercise have different effects

Physical Exercise Tests Week 6 Different types of

physical exercise tests What these different

tests measure

Energy Systems Week 7 Different energy systems

in the body When and why the body

uses them

Injuries and Injury Prevention Week 8 What types of injuries do

we get in sport How can we prevent

these injuries

Drugs in sport Week 10 Different types of drugs

in sport What the different types

of drugs do

Mentality Week 11 Different types of

mentalities required for sport

Methods of focus and concentration

Technology in Sport Week 12 Where and why

technology is used in sport

How techonology has affected sport

Professional and Amateur Sports Week 14 The difference between

professional and amateur sports

Media in Sport Week 15 How the media affects

sport Changes in the media

Money in Sport Week 16 How many has changed

sport What sports have been

affected the most by money

Sponsorship and scholarships

Presentations Presentations will be

added to:


top related