ilmul al jafar

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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By Riaz Masud


Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Ilmul Al Jafar

If one is successful in doing such in the mentioned way, then, if he compiles his book of com-prehensive Jaffar, or the great Jaffar or Mass'haf-eQamari, or Loh-e-Mehfooz, or whatever you may call it, he will know all the chapters of wisdom and power. It will not only be of benefit to him, but through him, also to his close fellows and fellows of the city and all others, in money and achievement, and it will safeguard him and others from the evil of the devil and


Therefore ilm-ul-Jaffer is the only ilm that not only provides the information of past and future, but also is not a hindrance to prayers, because by ilm-ul-Jaffer itself is a prayer. This, unlike evil (black) magic, does not harm the performer. If one makes a mistake, the result will still be good, though of a lesser intensity. Done in any way, the outcome is beneficial. The effects of this ilm, whether performed correctly or wrongly, begin to show within four weeks, which is the time limit for the results for this ilm. If the Saturn square has more Fire Alphabets, then the results should be expected in the first week. If Air Alphabets are more in number, then in two weeks, Water in three and Earth in four weeks. The explanation of Haroof (alphabets) will follow in the next chapters.

The Alphabets of Ilm-ul-Jáffár

In this ilm, the most important thing is to understand the rules of Haroof-e-Basta (opened alphabets) and their use. There is no doubt that Ilm-ul- Jaffer is a Lunar book and has a complete relationship with affairs of the Moon. In the same way that the Moon has 28 stages that translate into 28 Alphabets. And in the same way that the orbit of the Moon is divided into 360 degrees, so the Qawaid-e-Basta Haroof (the rules of opened alphabets) are 360. That is why, when the Moon is conjunct the Sun or is in the sign of Scorpio or in any other way in fall or inimical, it is forbidden to write it. In ilm-ul-Jffer, the term “Qawaid-e-Basta and Haroof-e-Basta” means “to make an alphabet from another alphabet.” In all the books it has been agreed that there are only 360 Qawaid-e-Basta. But not one book has mentioned more than a few ordinary Qawaid. In reality, this ilm is an ocean, where every one has tried his best and written according to his findings. But they did a wise thing by taking it from hearts to books. I am also doing the same and will write down what ever I got from the ancestors, so that one can benefit from it. But one must look to the spirits of the purest Imams, so that he can enlighten his heart with the blessings of Allah. The first Abjad is Abjad-e-Jammal Kabbir, which has eight words. The first word Abjad consists of four letter. The second word is Hawwadh, which has three letter. Third is the three letter word Hutti. The fourth is the four letter Kaleman. Fifth is the four letter S’fas. Sixth is the four letter Qarashat. The seventh is the three letter Thakhkhaz and the eighth is the three letter Dazagh.

First Abjad - Abjad-e-Jammal Kabbir

English A (Aa) B (b) J ( jé) D

Arabic Alif Ba Ja Dal Abjad ا��� 4 Letter (Arabic)

Urdu Alif Bay Jeem Dal

English H (ha) W (wa) Z (zz)

Arabic Há Wa'ov Za Hawwaz (dh) ه�ز 3 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Hay Wao Zay

English H (ho) T I

Arabic Ha Tá Ya Hutti � 3 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Hay Tóy (To'aiy)


English K (kál) L (lay) M (ma) N

Arabic Ka (Kaf) Lam Meem Noon Kaleman �� آ4 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Kaf Lam Meem Noon

English S A (áen) F S

Arabic Saa (Sá)

Ain (áen) Fa Saad S'fas ���� 4 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Seen Ain (áen) Fay Saad

English Q (Qá) R (ra) S (sh) T (et)

Arabic Qaf Ra Sheen Ta Qar'shat ���� 4 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Qaf Ray Sheen Tay

English S (sa)(th)

kh kha áz

Arabic Sa kha Za S(th)akh'khaz ��� 3 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Say Khay Zay

English Zaz za gh

Arabic Zad za gha Zaz'Zagh (Dazakh)

��� 3 Letters (Arabic)

Urdu Zad zoy ghain

The Alphabets of Ilm-ul-Jáffár

First Abjad - Abjad-e-Jammal Kabbir

The letters of all eight words and their numerical values are as follows:

Alphabet Value Alphabet Value Alphabet Value Alphabet Value

1. Alif 8 1 ا. Ha ح

8 15. Seen س

60 22. Ta ت


2.Ba 9 2 ب. Ta ط

9 16. Ainع

70 23. Sa ث


3. Jeem ج

3 10.Ya ي

10 17. Fa ف

80 24. Kha خ


4. Dal 11 4 د.Kaf ك

20 18. Saad ص

90 25. Zal ذ


5. Ha � 5 12.Laam 19 30 ل. Qaf ق

100 26. Zad ض


6. Wao 13 6 و.Meem م

40 20. Ra ر

200 27. Za ظ


7. Za 14 7 ز.Noon ن

50 21. Sheen ش

300 28. Ghain غ


The ilm of numerology depends upon this Abjad, and because of this, all the present, past and future work Is done.

Second Abjad- Asbat - Haroof-e-Tahhaggi

The second Abjad is Asbat, which is known as Haroof-e-Tahhaggi, and is taught in the common rules of interpretation of Haroof.

Second Abjad - ASBAT

1. Alif

8. DaI 15.Zad 22. Kaf

2. Ba

9. Zal 16.Ta 23. Lean

3. Ta

10. Ra 17.Za 24. Meem

4. Se 11. Za 18.Am 25. Noon

5. Ja 12. Seen

19.Ghain 26. Wao

6. Ha 13. Sheen

20.Fa 27. Aa

7. Kha

14. Saad 21.Qaf 28. Ya

In Abjad-e-Jamal (Camel, big) Kabir (great) the top in sequence are those numbers which are known as numbers of status or honor or hidden numbers. In subordination to these are real numbers and are related to Jamal-e-Kabir numbers. Both are used in this Jim, and in certain circumstances the Honored numbers are taken from the second Abjad, namely Asbat. It will be stated later. These are said to be the oldest words, meaning that, these are found in the oldest sayings. With regard to pronunciation and the number of the Moon’s stages, these are twenty-eight in total. And the above-mentioned eight words are the names of Allah. And their pronunciation and the way of writing them is the oldest. First these were written in Suriani and then in Hebrew language, then in Arabic and Persian language.

The Methods of Working with Ilm-ul-Jáffár

Relationship to Haroof-e-Abjad

It is a must that the Aamil (the performer/doer)

of Jaffer and Takseer (The method of breaking the

alphabets and changing their values), before starting an Ammal (the doing of the work) or the

writing of a consent or a Taweez (writing the values in certain mathematical form to increase the power, such squares, rectangle etc.,

should pay the Zakaat, otherwise it will not work. Or in

Azeemat Khawani (reading/recitation of holy verses ) it may reverse the effects.

The easy way to pay Zakaat is as follows: The first thing is to follow the cleanliness conditions explained earlier. The second is to consider the dignity and the exaltation of the planet. It should in no way be inimical or in fall. So must the Aamil start the Ammal for the Zakaat in the moment of the dignity of the planet. The Aamil should read every day, four thousand, four hundred and forty four times [4,444] every alphabet for twenty-eight days continously.

The Aamil should wear non-alcoholic perfume (s) specifically related to the said Planet. If the alphabet is Fire, then he should burn the Baghure (a perfume seed which, when burned, gives out perfumed smoke) related to the Fire planet. and so on, respectively. It must remain so throughout the Ammal.

The meaning of the 8 names of Allah are: 1. Abjad He started 5. S’fas He learned

2. Hawwadh He met 6. Qarashat He sequenced

3. Hutti He came to know

7. Thakhkhaz He kept watch

4. Kaleman He talked 8. Dazagh He finished

Their letters are divided in the following way:

1. First seven are Fire

2. Second seven are Air

3. Third seven are Water

4. Fourth seven are Earth

For the Fire alphabet he should face East and keep the Baghure burner pot near him, with fire in it. If he writes the alphabets then he should burn them in a fire of berry tree wood (a special berry tree found in the Middle East and South Asia).

For the Air alphabet he should face West and sit at a higher elevation, where air can blow around him. If he writes the alphabet, then he should hang this writing on a tree.

For the Water alphabet he should sit near Water. If this is not possible then he should keep a pot of water near him and face North. He should put his writing in water, like a river, a pond or a well.

For Earth he should face South and sit on clean earth (soil). If he writes it, he should then bury it in the earth or soil. The same rules apply for the writing or reading of Azeemat and Taweez. Otherwise the whole Ammal will not bear fruit.

Elements Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Fire

Alif ا Ha � Ta ط Meem م Fa ف



Zal ذ

Air Ba ب Wao و Ya ي Noon ن Saad ص Ta ت



Water Jeem ج Za ز Kaf ك



Qaf ق Sa ث Za ظ

Earth Dal د Ha ح



Ain ع Ra ر Khay خ Ghain غ

(In Astrology the status of the Earth element is over the Water element. Whereas in ilm-ul-Jaffer it is the other way around.)

Planet Exaltation Fall Ruler ship


Sun 19° Aries 19° Libra Leo Aquarius

Moon 3° Taurus 3° Scorpio Cancer Capricorn

28° Capricorn 28° Cancer Aries Taurus Mars

Scorpio Libra

15° Virgo 15° Pisces Gemini Sagittarius Mercury

Virgo Pisces

15° Cancer 15° Capricorn Sagittarius Gemini Jupiter

Pisces Virgo

27° Pisces 27° Virgo Taurus Aries Venus

Libra Scorpio

21° Libra all of Sagittarius Capricorn Cancer Saturn

Aquarius Leo

Planet Day Benefit/Purpose Perfume Color

Saturn Saturday,1st /

3rd quarter of the day

For the construction of house,

buildings, hidden treasures, separation between enemies & their destruction, etc.

Loban Black

Sun Sunday For higher status & government matters, etc.

Cinnamon Yellow

Moon Monday Living, food and love

Camphor Green

Mars Tuesday For destruction and conquering of enemies,

war, battles, etc.

Uud Red

Mercury Wednesday To impeach, control enemy’s

tongue, speech

Red Sandalwood


Jupiter Thursday To receive education, progress & earn a living,


Musk, Sandalwood

Venus Friday For progress, achievement, earn a living, music, etc.

Sandalwood White

TAWEEZ MAKING The Taweez of the Nine box Square:

Since I mentioned Taweez, it seems reasonable that I, in this respect, write briefly on this too.

So let it be clear that

when one has to write a Taweez of Names of Allah or Azeemat (holy verses),

then he should take the numbers of it, according to Jamal Kabir,

and then subtract twelve out of it.

If the remainder is divisible by three,

then it will be correct to write a Taweez,

otherwise it will not work. What you get after the division by three is your starting number.

From there you increase respectively.

Example 1 -- For example, the word Hawwa (Eva) has three letters in it, and their power is as follows:

Example 2 -- Take another number as an example:

Ha = 8 Let’s say the number 36 = 36

Wao = 6

Alif = 1

Total = 15 Total = 36

Subtract 12 (as rule) -12 Subtract 12 (as a rule) -12

= 3 = 24

3 is divisible by 3 Divide by 3 (as rule)

so 3 ÷ 3 = 1 24 ÷ 3 = 8

Therefore our starting number = 1 So our starting number = 8

Since there are nine boxes in a square, we need nine numbers, which will be as follows:

In Example 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 and 9. In Example 2: 8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15, and 16

The method to place them in the square is as follows -

Whatever the Name of Allah or Azeemat you are writing, you must consider the predominant element of the letters. For example, if the name or Azeemat has mostly Fire letters, then you must write the first number in the middle box of the top line of the square. If it has mostly Air letters, then start with the middle box of the right line of the square. Earth will go to the bottom line and Water to the left of the square in the same way. The next number has to follow the sequence in following way.

And this is in the manner of chess play.

After the first number, move like a knight to two and a half boxes and the third will move like a

knight again.

Then fourth will move like a rook to the next box.

Then write the fifth with the move of bishop, and the sixth with the same move.

Again with the move of a rook write the seventh.

Again like a knight write eight.

Then again like a knight for the ninth.

Make sure that all the lines of the square, including the diagonals, add up to the number


Since there are nine boxes in a square, we need nine numbers, which will be as follows: In Example 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 and 9.

6 1 8 =15

7 5 3 =15

2 9 4 =15

=15 =15 =15 =15

In Example 2: 8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15, and 16

13 8 15 =36

14 12 10 =36

9 16 11 =36

=36 =36 =36 =36

Relationship to Haroof-e-Abjad The Taweez of a Sixteen box Square: The method for this is to take the total numbers of the Azeemat or name of Allah and add them up. Then subtract thirty out of it and divide the remainder by four. If the remainder is divisible by four then the obtained number is written in, according to element, in the particular box. Proceed as follows:

The second will move as knight to two and a half boxes. The third will go as bishop, fourth as knight, fifth as rook, sixth as knight, seventh as bishop, eighth as knight, ninth as

Example 1 -- Evenly divided number (no remainder) Total number of Haroof = 34 Subtracting 30 (as rule) -30 = 4 Divide by 4 (as rule) 4 / 4 = 1

Example 2 -- Remainder of 1 after subtraction and then division Total number = 35

Subtract 30 as a rule -30


Divide by 4 as a rule 4 / 4 =1

[Remainder] =1

Then do the same process as above but add One to the number in the thirteenth box.

Example 3 --- Remainder of 2

Total number is =36

Subtract 30 as a rule -30 =6

Divide by 4 as a rule 4 / 4 =1

[Remainder] = 2 If left with Two, then add One in

the ninth box.

In the first example where,

there is nothing left, the numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11,

12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.

8 11 14 1

13 2 7 12

3 16 9 6

10 5 4 15

Example 4 -- Remainder of 3 Total number is =37 Subtract 30 as a rule -30 =7 Divide by 4 as a rule 7 / 4 =1 [Remainder] =1 (and left =3) If left with three then add one to the Fifth box. For example, when writing in the thirteenth box add one to its value. Lets say this number was thirteen, so write fourteen in this box. The rest of the numbers will follow in the normal way.

In the first example where, there is nothing left, the numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.

8 11 14 1

13 2 7 12

3 16 9 6

10 5 4 15

8 12 15 1

14 2 7 13

3 17 10 6

Example 3. Where Two (2) is left after division, the numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Add One in the 9th box, so we get: 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

11 5 4 16

9 12 15 1

14 2 8 13

3 17 10 7

Example 4. In which three (3) is left after division, the

numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4,

Add One in the 5th box, so we get:

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

16, 17

11 6 4 16

Consideration of the strengths of the elements and the planets

Relationship of Elements to Each Other

One must take into consideration the Element factor in each case, especially for the one who wants to have Ammal done and the subject on whom the Ammal is being done. Keep in mind that if the Seeker has the Fire element in abundance in his name and the subject has the Air element in abundance, or the seeker has more Air and the subject has more Fire elements, then the Taweez will work very quickly and the impact will be deep. The same thing is true if the seeker has more Earth and the subject has more Water element letters in their names and vice versa. And if the seeker has more Fire and subject has more Water element letters, then the Taweez will never work. The same thing is true if the seeker has more Air and the subject has more Earth letters.

Friendship and Enmity of Planets

It is very important that one should keep in mind the friendship and the enmity of each planet in consideration. Always write a Taweez or read an Azeemat keeping these factors in consideration; also many other factors may make them their enemies or at fall or become dignified. A condition of a sextile (making 60 degree aspect) is half friendship. A Trine is a full friendship. A square is a half, whereas an opposition is a complete enmity.

Power and Weakness of Planets

Another important factor is the power and weakness of a planet, many times a malefic planet may become benefic. Therefore the impact of both the benefic and malefic planet will be great. See chapter 4 for the benefic and malefic positions of the planets. All the Planets are in detriment in the fifth house or sign from the sign of their ruler ship.

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Friends Jupiter Sun Moon Sun Sun Mercury Venus

Moon Mercury Sun Venus Moon Mercury

Mars Jupiter Mars Saturn Neutral Venus

Mars Venus Mars

Mercury Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Mars Jupiter

Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Enemies Venus Mercury Sun Sun

Saturn Mercury Moon Moon Mars

Venus Moon

How to find ascendant and position of Sun and Moon on a particular day

In Ilm-ul-Jaffer it is very important to find out the Ascendant (Taaleh / rising sign), and the positions of the Moon and the Sun.

Sign Days Sign Days

Capricorn 29 Cancer 31

Aquarius 30 Leo 31

Pisces 30 Virgo 31

Aries 31 Libra 30

Taurus 31 Scorpio 30

Gemini 32 Sagittarius 29

Position of Sun

Add all the days passed from 1st of January until the day of the question and add to it ten (10)as a rule. Then divide it by the sign and the amount of days allocated as follows: Example: On the 22nd of March someone wants to know the position of the Sun -- at what degree and in what sign is it? Add the days passed through the 22nd of March from the 1st of January.

January = 31 February = 28 March = 22

Total days = 81 Add 10 as a rule =10 91 -

89 = 2 Give the 2 to

Aries. The Sun is at two

(2) degrees of Aries.

Total = 91

Give 29 days to Capricorn = 29 30 days to Aquarius = 30 30 days to Pisces. = 30 Total = 89 days

Position of the Moon

Say someone asked about the position of the Moon. To find it, one must know the Moon month date. Let us say that the date today is 4th of Rabbih-ul-Awwal. Multiply the date by thirteen (13) and add to it twenty- six ( 26) as a rule. Then divide it equally among all signs giving 30 to each sign. Starting from the Sun’s sign at the time of birth of the Moon.

Example: Today’s date is the 4th of Rabbih-ul-Awwal 4x13 =52 Add 26 as a rule +26 Total = 78 Say the Sun was in Pisces at the time of birth of the Moon. So giving: 30 to Pisces = 30 + 30 to Aries = 30 Total = 60 so 78 - 60 =18 We are left with 18, which will go to Taurus. Therefore the Moon is at 18 degrees of Taurus.

Position of the Ascendant One should know how many Gharis have passed until the time of the question. There are sixty (60) Gharis from sunrise to sunrise. Count the Gharis at the time of question and multiply it by six (6) as a rule. Then add the degrees the Sun has moved in the present sign. Begin to give the days according to the table provided above, starting from the sign the Sun is in.

Example: On the 22nd of March 1877, a question was asked, then it was 6th of Rabbih-ul-Awwal 1194 Hijra. And the Sun was one (1) degree of Aries, and the time was 10 Gharis.

Number of Gharis = 10

Multiply by 6 as a rule x 6 = 60

Add 1 degree of Sun + I = 61

Give 30 to Aries,

30 to Taurus

and the remaining 1 to Gemini.

The Ascendant at that time was one (1) degree Gemini.

The other method to find the ascendant is to know how many degrees the Sun has traveled in the sign it is in.

Now the Sun always rises with the sign it is in.

This rising sign and the following signs rise for a particular time.

Start by dividing the total number of Gharis passed over from sunrise to sunrise (60 Gharis)

by the total of signs passed (12 signs) to see how many Gharis it will take for a sign to pass

(5 Gharis). If Sun was at 1 degree of Aries and time was 10 Gharis.


Number of Gharis passed = 10 60 ÷ 12 = 5 Gharis for a sign to pass 10 ÷ 5 = 2 signs passed

Thus from 1 degree Aries to 1 degree Taurus is one sign, and from 1 degree Taurus to 1 degree Gemini is the second sign. So at 10 Gharis, the Ascendant was one (1) degree of Gemini.

The method of making the complete book


The method for Jaffer-e-Jammiah is as such that a book of (28) twenty-eight lines is

created, in which every part has (28) twenty-eight pages,

and in every page there are (28) twenty-eight boxes,

and in every box (4) four letters are written.

The first letter is considered the box, the second letter taken as a line, the third is taken

as a page and the fourth as a part.

Therefore there will be four Alif in the first box. The meaning of this is that the first box is

the first line, and the first page and the first part.

In the second box will he one Bay and three Alif. And in the last box of the first line will be

one Ghain and three Alifs, to mean that the twenty-eighth ( 28th ) box will be the first line, and the first page and the first part. The last box of the last page of this book will

have four Ghain in it.


The second way is that the first letter is marked for part, the second marked for page, the

third marked for line and the last marked for the box. This is called Jaffer-e-Kabir. The

result for both is the same. Both have the same value, status, benefit and the rules of

extraction of results.

This book will have a total of 784 pages, 32952 lines and 922656 boxes. Therefore in this

world, every word a human being can possibly pronounce can be found in this book,

whether it is meaningful or not, and from any language.

If it is a four-letter word, then one can find it in one box. If it is more than four letters then

it can be found combining with the other boxes. For example, the Arabic word Khaliq

can be found in Jaffer-e-Jammiah’s box number twenty-four (24),on line one (1) of page

twelve (12) and part nineteen (19). The Persian word Aizd can he found in the Jaffer-e-

Jammiah’s box one (1), line ten (10), page seven (7) and part four (4). The Sanskrit

(Indian) word Eeshwar can be found in box one (1), line ten (10), page twenty (21?), and

part twenty (20).

This book is a complete book. If you want to find out any person’s name, the name of a

planet, the name of an angel, or of a Mowakal, and the name of any other thing or matter,

you can find it in the same manner in this book. If it is a four-letter word, then you will find

it in one box, and if more than four letters then take it from the next box and therefore the

line where the name is found in the box is the diary of that person or matter. The lines

before that box are the future of that person and the lines after are the past.

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