i.m. bored: a legacy in 10 generations - gen 4 part 2

Post on 02-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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Lots and lots of birthdays. And Fantasy finally gets what's coming to her.


We’re back!

Babylon 5 is very happy with all of the love and support he’s getting. He really loves you all.

Last time Corbin died and people cried. Except for his wife.

The writing is going to be shoddy, but you already knew that.

So of course life moves on. The triplets had a birthday.

Rusty was up first.

Followed by Willow.

And finally Tamahome.

All three were quite happy that they had hands.

Since it made the playing of their favorite game possible…

No really. All three are obsessed with the game and they play it constantly.

Willow also rolls up the daily want to perform on the mic which is totally different from her namesake.

“I want your love and I want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance.” *

*Bad Romance by Lady Gaga

“Go away G-ma. You’re interrupting our red hands.”

“Yeah. Go away!”

“But I wanted to play with you.”



“I shall pass on all I know to you by melding my mind with you.”

“Daddy silly!”

“Oh well, it was worth a shot. I guess that means more studying for you later.”

Since Jason’s want panel was pretty much one solid want for this, we invited perverted headmaster over for a visit.

“Ahhh, I have fond memories of this house.”

“Yes, I’ve heard.”

“The bathroom is as wonderful as before.”

“Can you please leave.”

“Oh my. It seems as something has gotten bigger.”

“Well, I am please to see that your family is as wonderful as before. I look forward to seeing more of you.”

“And I look forward to taking a long hot shower after you’re gone.”

“See you soon!”

“Oh, I hope not!”

“I remember that guy. I wonder if I can scare him from here.”


“Ack! A ghost!”

“Are you okay, Jason?”

“I think so. My heart is racing.”

“I know just what that is like. I’ve seen Great-grandpa’s ghost before.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? That was totally awesome!”

“Papa’s lost his mind, hasn’t he! Totally lost it.”


“Not Daddy. Papa. Papa’s the one who likes being scared by Ghosts.”

Babylon 5 managed to finally max his gaming enthusiasm. Which is another sim down for the fearless handicap.

Just in time too. Because we have another birthday to celebrate.

Up first is Celes.

Followed by G’kar. Who aged up into appropriate pjs.

Corbin also chose this night to come out and haunt for the first time.

He managed to hit Nery while sculpting.

And poor Willow while showering.

To give her husband’s ghost another target, Fantasy retired from her job.

Which was just as well, since the family nanny decided to off herself. I had the gate locked, but that doesn’t stop NPCs.

I didn’t relish the thought of these little ones being taken by the social worker. Babylon 5 was actually at work for once. He had managed to pick up one our last career rewards in Law and had found a job in the final career of Architecture.

Babylon wasn’t the only one working, Michael was having trouble with his teen career. He was first demoted then fired. Luckily, he was plat so I could find him another job quickly.

“But I was going to tuck her in.”

“You snooze you lose.”

“I don’t sleep.”

“Then you really have no excuse.”

There, problem fixed. Michael is now happy and won’t throw a fit when giving the headmaster a tour.

The Baked Alaska was made by the plantsim and everyone had pottied earlier.

So the headmaster didn’t stick around long. He let Celes and G’kar in and skedaddled. Just how I like it.

“So I was thinking we should have the readers get to know us!”

“Good Idea, Willow.”

“Thanks, Tamahome. Too bad you aren’t up for heir.”

“Don’t want it anyway.”

“I’m not sure, I like it.”

“Why not, Celes?”

“Because, G’kar, one of us is going to get sterotyped as a brat, another as a doofus, and another as a shy one.”

“Well, I am definitely not the doofus.”

“No, you’re not, Willow. And you’re not the shy one either.”

“Are you calling me a brat?”

“No. But I’m not much of a fan of stereotypes.”

“Good. Because I would have had to throw this block at you if you’d called me a brat.”

“You totally should have done that, Celes. Will’s got terrible aim.”

“Stop helping, Tama!”

“Fine, I’m going to bed.”

I’d think of something witty here normally, but seriously the only thing my brain can come up with is just how much Babylon 5 typifies a Family sim and how much he outshines his grandmother in that respect.

“I thought you had 10 body.”

“<snort> I do. I also have boobs.”

“I’ve noticed.”

Ahh Babylon 5, you are one hot plantsim. Jason is a lucky man.

Michael, despite being a spare, isn’t forgotten. He is quite content getting skill point after skill point like a good little knowledge sim.

And Eva is still diligently working on getting me the capitalist master point. She’s got only two connections rewards and all of the money rewards and a few gold badges in robots and the hellacious one of cosmetology. After whoever is chosen for heir comes back from college, I will have her open another business to get the final perks.

“I’m getting cast as the shy one, aren’t I? It’s okay. I don’t mind. Better this than the brat.”

Tamahome is the clear doofus out of the kids. He’s a bit of a klutz and can be slow sometimes. I blame it on the one neat point that he has.

Appropriate that a plantsim work well with plants. Although I can’t decide if he should be offended by the flowers and pleased by them.

“Mom? Are you actually smustling with us?”

“What? Can’t a woman smustle with her daugther and great-grand kids.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my mother?”

“I’ve just come to the conclusion that I am not going to win. The creator obviously likes the choices you’ve made rather than mine and I have to accept that.”

“You’ve mellowed a lot in your old age.”

“No, I haven’t. But my father always told me to never fight a losing battle.”

“Good advice.”

“I should warn you, that if you screw up more I will rub your face in it.”

“I expect nothing less.”

“Shocked you, Daddy!”

“It’s always the quiet ones. Where did you find a rug to shock me with?”

“The entertainment star.”

“Good to know.”

“Oh how I love my husband.”

“I’m standing right here.”

“I wish I could kiss him.”

“Wish granted, pucker up.”

Since time is just flying by, it is soon time for another triple birthday.

Up first is Rusty.

Rusty rolled Romance/Family. Which kind of fits him.

Up next is Willow.

Who grew up into a horrible outfit. I don’t know about you, but yellow and red just don’t go with green skin and orange hair. She rolled Fortune/Popularity.

Finally we have Tamahome.

“Nice dress.”

“Shut it, Rusty.”

Yukata aside, Tamahome rolled Popularity/Pleasure.

He also rolled the potentially teen-fulfillable one of have 20 best friends.

Michael is just happy that he has someone to noogie. And this soon becomes his favorite pastime.

“My babies are getting so big so fast, Mom.”

“How do you think I feel? My grandbabies are teenagers.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy with my life the way it is. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Just like I thought she would, Fantasy rolled up the wants to fall in love, get a kiss, flirt, and go on a date. She also wants a grandchild and a relative to get married. So I had her wish for romance from the well and this random Uni Playable dropped from the well.

“No, Matthew! I shouldn’t kiss you I’m an honorable woman.”

“But… You wished for me.”

“It was a mistake.”

“No kidding. I just tried to kiss a granny.”

“Why are we drinking, Dad.”

“Because your grandmother has finally lost her mind.”

“And you’re upset by this? I thought you didn’t like Grandma.”

“I’m not upset. I’m toasting the occasion.”


“I’ve had bubbles! Lots of bubbles! And so I decided to sing! Because great-gramma’s meeting death this very evening!”

“Oh, so I am. Hello, Reaper. Nice of you to drop in. Now if you can please leave. I have work to do.”

“I cannot leave without your soul, Fantasy Bored.”

“Oh, that old thing, I sold it years ago for an ageless beauty. It was quite the bargain.”

“Still, I must collect what is left. Come with me, Fantasy.”

“Oh is that drink for me?”

“No. Your husband advised that it would make the journey easier on me if I had a few for the road.”


“No buts, just grab your bag and go on.”

“Sorry about your aspiration, kid. It had to be done.”

Seriously, Fantasy’s last act was to plunge poor Tamahome from platinum to very red.

Fantasy Bored. What can I say about you? You annoyed me from the moment you became a teenager and never stopped. You managed to give a bad name to family sims everywhere. You loved your husband, I will give you that. Fantasy left money to 33 people. Notibly absent from the list were her son-in-law and grandson-in-law.

“Zzzz… My life feels richer… zzz…”

“Wah! My mother died and I missed it. She was right, I’m a horrible daughter.”



“You’re not a horrible daughter. You were just tired.”

“That’s no excuse. I was her child. I should have been there.”

“If it makes you feel any better, most people missed the funeral. She wasn’t as well liked as she thought she was.”

“That doesn’t help.”

“Just don’t dwell on it. You’ll feel better once some time passes.”

“No, I won’t. Baw!”

“Sir, I would like to lodge a complaint about the noise level of your establishment. It is quite ear splitting.”

“Look, my wife’s just lost her mother. And this is the evil woman’s last revenge. I’m sure you understand.”

“Indeed I do. Carry on.”

“And find this place full of undesirables of the greatest order. They will let just anyone in.”

“Um. Excuse me?”

“Oh not you, sir.”


“I can’t believe that Lisa Ramirez got us a bad review.”

“Believe it, Jason. She’s loud and whiny and a cheapskate.”

I had Rusty wish for friends, since he wanted to meet someone new. And he got this girl. They went straight from hello to hello nurse!

You know, I actually find them kind of cute together.

And if he rolls the want for her in college, I may just send her along. She is technically from his first well-drop. Granted I didn’t wish for romance, but meh. Technicalities. And he’s a spare anyway.

“Ha! Got you!”

“Let me go, Uncle Mike! Let me go!”

“Do what she says, Michael.”

“Aww, Mom.”

“Do it.”

“Look you know I didn’t mean anything by it, right?”

“You think that half-assed apology is going to fly? Oh hell, no! I want groveling and I want it now.”

“You can’t always get what you want.”

“I know that. But a girl’s got to have standards.”

“So how did you get pregnant with me and G’kar?”

“Well, your Daddy has a special ability unable to be seen by the naked eye and he reached out with this ability and got me pregnant.”

“Is that why you got rid of the hammock out back?”

“That’s why we got rid of the hammock.”

“Why are you calling here every day, Mrs. Jacquet? We aren’t responsible for your son becoming evil and trying to posion you. Yes… I know he used to be a good boy. But we had nothing to do with his homicidal tendancies. Goodbye.”

For some reason, everynight at 7pm Denise Jacquet started calling the family. She’ll talk to anyone so it isn’t the date thing. And to be honest, I want it to stop. It also started right after Gilbert complained to Nery about Eva crying. So this is the best I can come up with.

“I’m an overachiever. I am awesome.”

“I’m so awesome that I will gain a metric butt-ton of aspiration for heartfarting a random townie.”

The aspiration gain is actually from making $75,000 simoleans, but we’ll let her think that.

“You like the townie so much, how about I introduce you to his crotch?”

“Not funny, Uncle Mike!”

“I feel violated.”

After the inappropriate noogie of doom, it was time for a double birthday.

“I love birthdays. I love crashing them.”

Oh, I.M. it is nice to see you.

G’kar grew up first and rolled Knowledge/Romance.

Celes was right after him and rolled Popularity/Romance.

“Somehow I think I am being upstaged during my own party.”

That is because I.M. likes to photobomb me.

“Why couldn’t you have scared Michael, great-great grandpa?”

“Yeah. Why couldn’t you have scared me? Why does Willow get all of the attention?”

“That’s a good question. Why does Willow get all of the attention?”

“I don’t know. Probably because I am older.”

“So are we going to do this, sisters?”


-------------So it’s heir poll time! I have three choices for you to choose from.

Willow Rosenburg BoredFortune/PopularityLTW: Icon (Top Show Business)Zodiac: AriesStats: 10/10/4/4/7Orientation: StraightPersonality: She is a bit of a princess and wants the best things in life. Which includes college.Pros: She's an aspiration I haven't had before so I will get a different platstone from her.Cons: Bratty.

Celes Chere BoredPopularity/RomanceLTW: Become The Law (Top Law)Zodiac: CancerStats: 8/4/10/7/6Orientation: StraightPersonality: She's fairy easy-going but she's not a pushover. She doesn't really care about college or getting married. Pros: She's also an aspiration I haven't had before in an heir. Cons: I've had blond heirs before.

G'kar BoredKnowledge/RomanceLTW: Visionary (Top Artist)Zodiac: VirgoStats: 8/3/7/3/6Orientation: StraightPersonality: Varies. Half of the time he is a doofus the other half he is whip smart.Pros: I haven't had black haired heir before (plantsims don't count)Cons: I've had 4 sims with his exact stats - two of them my heirs. I also will have knowledge sim platstones with him.

“I am not a brat.”

“I told you that we’d each get pigeon-holed. I’m the shy one…”

“I guess that makes me the doofus.”



So vote for your favorite and Happy simming!

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