impact of technology on telnet college campus lakeshia dowlen, christine guy, travis hill, and amit...

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Impact of Technology on Impact of Technology on Telnet College CampusTelnet College Campus

Lakeshia Dowlen, Christine Lakeshia Dowlen, Christine Guy, Travis Hill, and Amit Guy, Travis Hill, and Amit TanejaTaneja

(Bowling Green State (Bowling Green State University)University)


The Technology Committee at Telnet College will work toward creating a long term technology plan to ensure the technological competence of the College community. The committee has identified key issues and has proposed solutions to address these issues.

Key IssuesKey Issues

Impact of technology on the College community Web-based student services Online harassment and appropriate use of technology Digital divide within the College community Promoting academic achievement through technology

Key Issues Key Issues

Expectations of parents in regards to technological services for themselves and their student Expectations of employers regarding the technological competence of graduates Cost-effectiveness of current and proposed technological resources

Technology MissionTechnology Mission

Telnet College aspires to create a technologically competent educational and work environment. Through advances in the technological services of the College, graduates of Telnet College will demonstrate competitive computer and technology skills.

Proposed SolutionsProposed Solutions

Conducting research on how other educational institutions have incorporated technology in promoting their mission. Evaluating students’ needs, expectations and current usage of technology through surveys, focus groups, informal discussions and tracking. Designing and implementing a strong residence life programming model that encourages Resident Advisors to create opportunities for face-to-face interactions. This model should also incorporate ideas of how technology can be utilized to enhance a

sense of community.

Proposed Solutions Proposed Solutions

Reviewing past instances of online harassment and how the judicial policies addressed or failed to address these issues; Implementing ‘online harassment’ and ‘appropriate use of technology’ policies in consultation with College Counsel. Determining expectations of parents and employers regarding technology through market surveys. Integrating the use of technology within current classrooms Developing technology competency classes that aim at bridging the digital divide

Examine other institutionsExamine other institutions

Identify other institutions similar to Telnet College

Similarities including size, geographical location, institutional setting, student population, and overall institutional goals

Examine other institutionsExamine other institutions

Examine the mission statements and vision of institutions

Mission statement: “sets forth what they [institutions] do, how they go about it, for whom is it done, and in some cases, the larger social, ethical, and education world view that enlivens them” (Lyons, 1997, p. 138). Some college missions may be more focused than others depending on environmental press and social climate of that particular institution.

Examine other institutionsExamine other institutions

Highlight institutional missions and visions that include ideas regarding technology

Look at wording of mission statement to include technology Look at type of institution, some institutions may have more focused mission statements because of their main area of study (Lyons, 1997).

Examine other institutionsExamine other institutions

Research institutions to determine how programs and services are furthering their

technological goals Examine new initiatives (web based student services) Talk with Student Affairs professionals and technology personnel at institutions to find out more information (ask pointed questions) It is important that professionals understand the mission and how this mission may directly relate to technology or any other issue (Barr & Gloseth, 1997).

Examine needs of Examine needs of studentsstudents

Evaluating students’ needs will help establish goals that the institution needs to set for long term technology plans.

Examine needs of Examine needs of studentsstudents


Conduct focus groups to ask students about what and how do they use their computers on a day-to-day basis. Specifically look for usage information that supports the academic mission of the school. Conduct surveys of faculty regarding how they have incorporated technology in their curriculum and how students have responded to it.

Examine needs of Examine needs of studentsstudents

Recommendations (continued)

Engage the information and technology services department in collecting information about ethernet usage (what times are the computers used most often, how much traffic is the system supporting, how has this changed from the past couple of years, what conclusion can be made based on the trends observed in this tracking).

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Programming Model “Programming is one of the major vehicles available to you [Resident Advisors] to make the experience of living in a residence hall part of the educational experience of college” (Blimling & Miltenberger, 1990). SLI (1994) explains that research has illustrated that the academics of an institution are impacted by the happenings outside of the residence hall. In addition “learning and personal development occur through transactions between students and their environments broadly to include other people, physical spaces, and cultural milieus” (p. 37).

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Programming Model

Research of five universities indicated that all of them had programming requirements of some sort. Each university had a unique model, yet “intentional efforts were directed to providing programs at the floor level to build strong floor communities” (McCluskey-Titus,, 2002, p. 15). Researchers suggested that there should be a concentration on programming that attempts to promote developing strong and positive communities. (McCluskey-Titus, Oliver, Wilson, Hall, Cawthon, & Crandall, 2002).

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Programming Model

The programming model should include interaction with other members of the building/floor, educational material, opportunities for growth, and opportunities to share experiences.

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Face-to-face interactions Historically, programming has been done by Resident Advisors for their floors involving face-to-face interactions. This gives residents an opportunity to get to know others, find a sense of congruence, and often become more educationally aware. Many times we think of programming only as face-to-face interactions such as Mary Kay Parties, Movie Nights, and Pool tournaments. However, with the changes in today’s technology, and today’s college student population, it is important for student affairs professionals to utilize the most recent and most effective ways to get students to interact.

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Technology Ideas

It has been estimated that 40 percent of the current internet users are between the ages of 18-26 (Banning & Strange, 2001). This means that most of these users are in the typical college student age range, and therefore colleges and universities should be attempting to integrate technology as much as possible both in and out of the classroom settings.The primary function of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) is to bring people together (Banning & Strange, 2001).

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Ideas for bringing technology into community development

Encourage Resident Advisors to set up a listproc for their floor members, this will allow them to send out information to all of their residents at once Encourage Resident Advisors to provide educational programming including working with the following computer programs; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. The Office of Residence Life should set up computer chats with educational components including topics of diversity, money management, and life balance.

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Ideas for bringing technology into community development

Encourage Office of Residence Life to collaborate with Academic Affairs to set up Tutors Online Program for Students (TOPS). This program would allow students with questions to enter specific sites to talk with tutors, and even professors regarding their academic concerns. Resident Advisors should encourage residents to share their e-mail addresses and any type of instant message handle with floor mates so that they can communicate. This is particularly helpful during school breaks and summer vacation.

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Community Building

Banning and Strange (2001) identify the following characteristics of communities:Sense of belongingSecurityEngagement of participants

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Attributes of an Ideal Community

(Gardner, 1997) Wholeness incorporating diversity Shared culture (shared norms and values) Effective internal communication Caring, trust, and teamwork Group maintenance and government Participating and sharing of leadership responsibilities Development of young people Links with the outside world

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Community Building As long as the Office of Residence Life is striving to build communities, it is achieving part of its goals. Telnet College Residence Life may want to consider developing a Principle of Community similar to what some other institutions have.

For example, Bowling Green State University’s Principle of Community (2001) states: “The life and work of a Bowling Green State University student should always be based on responsibility, integrity, and consideration. In all activities and endeavors, each student is expected to be sensitive to and respectful of the rights and interests of the others, be personally honest, and never place another member of the Bowling Green State University community in jeopardy or at risk. She or he should be appreciative and supportive of the

diversity of the community as providing an opportunity for personal growth.” (p. 2).

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Community Building

Positive communities can be formed in many ways as long as they all exert a sense of belonging, security, and engagement. This engagement can include face-to-face interaction programming and utilizing today’s technology for programming. It is up to Telnet College to focus on both areas and develop the best plan possible to achieve the goals of the community.

Programming for studentsProgramming for students

Community Building

Telnet College’s Office of Residence Life needs to strive to build a successful community development plan including a sound programming model for Resident Advisors that utilizes the important concept of community as illustrated by Banning and Strange (2001). In addition, these programs should utilize personal interaction as well as current technology to encourage students to get involved, feel included, learn, develop, and grow.

Technology PoliciesTechnology Policies

Online Harassment

Review past occurrences of online harassment at Telnet College Research cases at other institutions of online harassment Work with the College Counsel to assess appropriate college policies that do not impede on First Amendment rights of campus constituent groups

Technology PoliciesTechnology Policies

Online Harassment Policy Adoption (Peterson, 1994)

Review current codes of conduct to ensure that computer misuse will result in disciplinary action. Do not adopt computer discipline codes like “hate speech” code, often they do not work and are unconstitutional. Develop a set of procedures for handling complaints of harassment. Educate the campus about these issues and procedures. Educate the community about responsible use of computers.

Technology PoliciesTechnology Policies

Appropriate Use of Technology

Define appropriate use of technology for the campus Inappropriate use of technology, possibly including, but not restricted to:

* Online harassment

* Academic dishonesty through plagiarism and improper citation of online sources

* Unlawfully duplicating copyrighted music, movies, etc.

Parent and employers Parent and employers expectationsexpectations

Parents’ Expectations

Assess what parents expect Telnet College to offer technologically What do parents expect to have available to them for gaining information about their student from home? What do parents expect to have offered to their student in terms of technology education, equipment, and support from the college?

Parent and employers Parent and employers expectationsexpectations

Parents’ Expectations

In the Student Personnel Point of View (1937) a goal stated for student affairs professionals is to ensure that both parents and students receive information about educational services and opportunities. A survey to assess parental expectations about services available to both parents and students in the area of technology would align Telnet College with one of the earliest

drafted documents for the student affairs profession.

Parent and employers Parent and employers expectationsexpectations

Perspective Employers Expectations

Telnet College should strive to provide opportunity for students to gain information about employers’ expectations, as well as the skills necessary to make our students

marketable. Expectations should be assessed by developing surveys for employers to find out what employers look for in employers and how employers feel that Telnet graduates are doing.

Integrating technology in Integrating technology in classroomsclassrooms

Using technology in the classroom will help students develop specific competencies that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives.

Integrating technology in Integrating technology in classroomsclassrooms


Equip classrooms with computer projectors, wireless networks, and video conferencing abilities. Hold web based tutorials where faculty members are online at a specified time during evening hours to informally ‘chat’ with students about the subject matter (this idea has been implemented at the University of British Columbia and has reported a large amount of success in student participation).

Integrating technology in Integrating technology in classroomsclassrooms


Use upcoming web-based technology, such as Web-CT to post class materials, discussions, resources, etc. to create a forum for students and faculty to share ideas and ask


Bridging the digital divideBridging the digital divide

Students come in to the school at varying levels of technological competence, and it is important for the school to meet the students where they are. The school should commit to standards of technological competence that it expects its graduates to have, and design classes and workshops to help students achieve these competencies.

Bridging the digital divideBridging the digital divide

Recommendations Conduct semi-formal assessment of all new students to establish their current technological competencies. Use this information to place students in technology classes that are offered at the beginners, intermediate and advanced level. Offer some academic credit for these classes. Offer extra classes that go beyond the minimum standards set for graduates to help students develop additional skills. Use information from the job market to determine

which forms of technological competencies are preferred by employers.


The recommendations presented here by the Technology Committee define the future directions for the technological competence of the College. The Committee recommends continuous monitoring of this plan and recognizes the need to balance goals with resources and cost effectiveness.


American Council on Education (1937). The student personal point of view. In E.J. Whitt (Ed.), College student affairs administration (pp. 17-24). Needham Heights, MA: Simon and Schuster.

American College Personnel Association (1994). The student learning imperative: Implications for student affairs. In E.J. Whitt (Ed.), College student affairs administration (pp. 36-40). Needham Heights, MA: Simon and Schuster.

Barr, M.J. & Gloseth, A.E. (1997). Managing change in a paradoxical environment. In E.J. Whitt (Ed.), College student affairs administration (pp. 341-348). Needham Heights, MA: Simon and Schuster.

Blimling, G.S. & Miltenberger, L.J. (1990). The Resident Assistant. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

References References

Bowling Green State University, Office of Residence Life (2001). Hall Director Manual. Bowling Green, OH: Author.

Gardner, J.W. (1997). Building community. In E.J. Whitt (Ed.), College student affairs administration (pp. 323-327). Needham Heights, MA: Simon and Schuster.

Kuh, G., Lyons, J., Miller, T., & Trow, J.A. (1995). Reasonable expectations: Renewing the educational compact between institutions and students. Washington, DC: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA).

Lyons, J.W. (1997). The importance of institutional mission. In E.J. Whitt (Ed.), College student affairs administration (pp. 136-144). Needham Heights, MA: Simon and Schuster.


McCluskey-Titus, P., Oliver, R.S., Wilson, M.E., Hall, L.M., Cawthon, T.W., & Crandall, P.D. (2002). The relationship between community and academic achievement in residence halls. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 30 (2), 11-16.

Peterson, R. (1994). Harassment by electronic mail. Synthesis, 5(4), 397-399, 412-413.

Strange, C.C. & Banning, J.H. (2001). Educating by design: Creating campus learning environments that work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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