imperial valley and water use. natural environment before the hoover dam and the imperial dam,...

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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Imperial Valley

And water use

Natural Environment

Before the Hoover dam and the Imperial dam, imperial Valley would look more like these pictures.

average annual rainfall: 2.92 inches

Landscape today

Water from the Colorado River

Water comes from the river and get divided up and sold to other counties

The water received In Imperial has a high salt count which will kill crops if it reaches the roots.


A lot was used in Imperial until they were told they would be accountable for the fate of the Salton sea.

Salton Sea is where Imperial’s water run off goes.

Birds’ eye view of the Land use

Population of Calipatria

Population of Calipatria is 7,289

About 7.3 miles from the Salton sea

180 feet below sea level

Money Spent in Imperial (From The USDA rural Development)

Transportation infrastructure - $650,000 EC funds Utilities - $430,000 State - $650,000 EC funds Sewage systems - $250,000 State- $100,000 Local- $650,000 EC funds Industrial/commercial expansions for the new Port of

entry - $101,000 Local - $25,000 EC funds

Some crops grown in Imperial

Alpha Grass artichokes honeydews dry bulb onions sugar beets

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