impromptu networking - bcpsqc - quality forum 2014

Post on 13-Mar-2022






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Impromptu Networking

Power of loose connections can build relationships

Speed Networking

2 minute per person

Speak with 3 people

Ask 2 questions:

1. What motivates you to be in healthcare?

2. What is your greatest challenges being in healthcare?

Speed Network

What did you notice when you spoke to people??

What happened in that process?

Speed Networking – Why start this way? What did you notice?

•Encourages dialogue •Attracts deeper engagement around your questions •Invites stories to deepen as they are repeated •Gets you energized and engaged quickly •Allows everyone to participate despite learning styles

Speed Networking – keys to success

•Start with a brief introduction •Make questions simple and one that everyone can participate in •Space:

• Open • Movement across the room


• in pairs • Speak to new people (Encourages new connections)

• 3 rounds minimum •If you choose to share output in a group share back, do it carefully and preserve confidentiality

Why are we here??


• Experience and apply 5 aids to facilitate change in complex environments where behaviors are a challenge

• Understand some of the theory that support behavioral changes

Liberating Structures Liberating Structures Know the Rules, Before You Break the Rules

Minimum Structure or Control

More instant execution

Rapid innovation

Maximum Liberation/Freedom

Lipmanowicz, McCandless

Liberating Structures

• Experiential learning with minimal “telling” and maximal self-discovery •You can weave them into themselves and other improvement work that you are doing •Easily applied to your own complex challenge •They draw out and build on the direct experience of everyone in the room • Use minimum structure to liberate the maximum innovation. “Min Specs”

Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowitz/Plexus Institute 2004

Why on earth would any sensible healthcare leader,

And that means YOU! Be interested in

complexity science?

Strategic planning isn’t working like it should be – the future is unpredictable

and emerges from interrelationships

Traditional methods aren’t working anymore – top down nope!

Doing to the system breeds apathy over time.


Over- Control


Have you seen these behaviors?

Aggression, Forcing Buy-In

Secrecy and Invulnerability

Over-extension and Burn Out

NOT Taking Responsibility

Blame and Mistrust

Caution + Gaming the System

Adapted by Keith McCandless in part from Bob Anderson, “From Patriarchy to Partnership”

We can ask some seriously important questions of our system and explore!

• How does change happen? •What are the conditions for innovation? • How do creativity and potential get released? •How do they get trapped? •How can we change behavior?

With Complexity and LS

Letting Go


We get NEW Behaviors…

Asking Questions, Asking for Help, Listening

Relying On & Inviting “Local” Discovery

Removing Barriers To Innovation

Taking More Responsibility, Ownership

Seeking Expertise, Not Rank

Sharing Information Freely

Adapted by Keith McCandless in part from Bob Anderson, “From Patriarchy to Partnership”

Seeking Multiple Interpretations; Risking Multiple Actions

Working Interdependently with Shared Accountability

Power in Relationships

Not fixing parts

Not fixing system

Not fixing people

Performance naturally emerges out of the

relationships and interactions on the front line through the

art of the questions and guidance.


Unleashing is all about Engaging your PEOPLE


Lipmanowicz, McCandless 20

LS & Other Improvement Methods


• Leadership support is vital • Clear goal is required • Metrics and data necessary • Front-line engagement is

required • Multidisciplinary team

involvement is important • Teamwork, communication

are key elements • Small tests of change are



• Fits entangled & everyday problems with behavioural components

• Leaders must believe solutions already exist among those whose behaviours need to change

• Facilitators guide “unleashing” of tacit and latent solutions

• Extensive participation & measurement by front-line staff

• As solutions surface, efforts expand beyond initial expectations

• By invitation, not assignment • Many improvement discoveries are

acted on immediately because there is local-social proof they “work”

• First experience is enough to get you started •No mastery achieved!!! It is on-going!!! •LS are simple, powerful, and subtle •YOU will decide how to achieve results with your group •You can design a potpourri •Learn through practice while failing forward

Min Specs

Don’t attempt to define the outcome or behavior of the system in detail

Few rules


solutions Noticing and Using the Influence, Discretion and Power Individuals Have Right Now

What can YOU do right now to address your biggest professional challenge?


Keys to Success: 15%

• Include routinely in meeting designs •Use in-the-moment to respond to opportunities •Make sure question or purpose is clear

•Give yourself reflection time • Each 15% solution will add to your understanding of what is possible •Keep the spaces safe, share judiciously

From Keith McCandless – From Keith McCandless –

Wise Crowds

The Power of the Crowd

Taking time to listen • It is important to have at least 4 people at

each table as you want to have a challenge presenter/listener PLUS the wise crowd to do some creative problem solving for the presenter

• It is important that the presenter/listener put their back to the table and just take notes – you will have some astonishing revelations by just listening

• It is important to stick to the time allotted during the 8 minutes – it is really tempting to avoid those uncomfortable silences and idea pauses to conclude there is nothing more and to move on – PLEASE LISTEN TO THE TIME KEEPER and take advantage of the time that you have.

• 2 minutes to present your challenge and answer any questions from your crowd • 4minutes for your consult (in this time you will turn your chair around to face away from the crowd. You will just listen and take notes) • 2 minutes for debrief together to share what you heard and what insights you had. • 8 min per person x 3 at your table

What did you notice?

Appreciative Interviews Creating Momentum by Building On and Designing With “What Works Right Now”

•Find a person you do not know well. •Work in pairs.

•Tell a success story about working successfully on a complex challenge across

functions and disciplines. 1 minute •Interviewer asks the questions – 4 minutes

•Report back – 10 minutes

Give the story a name if you are inspired!

Tips on Appreciative Interviewing

•Sit face-to-face and knee-to-knee •Ask about the context: When, Where, Who, How •Do Not share your own experience •Collect details of the journey: status quo, barriers, action, surprises, reversals, discoveries •Find a moment that sums up the drama and the meaning •If inspired, offer your storyteller an engaging title for their story

AI Recording Format

• Story Details

– When…

– Where…

– Who…

– How…

• Single moment that sums up the meaning…

• Conditions and assets (all the things that make the positive stories possible like taking a risk, including more people, collaborating across boundaries, etc.

• Each person collects a story AND the conditions and assets that make the story possible

– …

– …

– …

– …

• A title idea

Purposes: Appreciative Interviews

•Build positive energy and momentum

•Solve problems by discovering what works

•Spark peer to peer learning

•Develop Min Specs for success

•Get to know each other through positive stories

•Create a new exciting narrative about your work together

•Discover collective power and adaptability

•Repeating interviews in rapid cycles may point to positively deviant local innovations

Keys to Success: Apprective Interviews •Flip the themes arising from “acute proliferative dysphoria” or malaise… when is it that we have succeeded, even in a modest way? •Start with paired interviews and build up to patterns •Make the stories and patterns visible to everyone



TRIZ - Purposes

• Make it possible to speak the unspeakable, expose the taboos, get skeletons out of the closet

• Make space for innovation or change

• Lay the ground for what needs to change

• Builds trust


TRIZ – Keys to success: • Enter into TRIZ with a spirit of SERIOUS


• Begin with a VERY unwanted result

• Include the people that will be involved in stopping the activities that come out

• Make real decisions about what will be stopped


TRIZ – First Step

• In your small group, compile a list of to-do's in answer to:

• How can we reliably create a very unwanted result 100% of the time????

• 5 minutes

• GO WILD!!!!!


TRIZ – Second Step

• In your group, go down your list and ask:

“Is there anything we are doing that resembles that in any shape or form. What is on our list?”

• Make a second list of those activities & talk about their impact

• Be unforgiving

• 5 minutes


TRIZ – Third Step

• In your group, compile the list of what needs to be stopped or changed

• Take one item at a time & ask:

“How am I and how are we going to stop it? What is your first move?

• Be as concrete as you can

• Identify who else is needed to stop the activity

• 5 minutes


When, where and how can you use TRIZ to STOP…..?




On index cards, each participant writes:

1)If you could make any change on the unit what would it be? BE realistic!!

2)What would be your first step!

No names

Write legibly

25/10 (Process)

• Moving around the room pass the cards between you

• 5 rounds

• Rate from 1 = ok to 5 = really cool!

• Put rating on the back of the card

• At no time should you have your own card

• After the last round add all the scores together - there should be 5 numbers. Total will be X out of 25


• Personal and organizational changes • You don’t need certification •Get started with a partner •Culture eats strategy for lunch – we must begin to change behaviors in innovative ways by tackling habits, values and beliefs

Thank you!!

Katie Procter

Melissa Crump

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